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授课题目 授课时间 Unit1 Going back to school 第六周-7周 授课形式 授课学时 阅读指导法 4 1. 知识目标:读懂课文,掌握文章大意,对读前、读后的问题能够正确作答。 教学目的 与 要 求 2. 能力目标:练习 “根据上下文猜生词”的方法和 “以句子为单位” 的阅读方法,进一步提高理解能力和阅读速度。 3. 情感目标:通过本文学习,体会重回学校的快乐心情。 Text I Gong back to school 基本内容 Text II The first seven days of college(part 1) Text III Classroom rules 重 点 难 点 Text I Gong back to school To find out the main idea of the text. 主要教学 媒 体 Computer, videos, Multi-medium, PPT, objects and pictures 主要参考资料或相关网站 Baidu 文库 课后分析 1. 学生基本掌握了本课基本词汇的用法,以及初步了解了阅读的一些简单技巧。 本文内容正和学生实际生活切合,利用此契机进行收心教育。



教 学 内 容 时间分配和 媒体选择 5’ 5’ 20’ 20’ Unit 1 Text I Gong back to school Leading in 新学期开始了,大家又回到了学校,让我们一起开始新的学期吧! New words: Stuff--多用于口语,可以指任何交谈双方都明确的事物。 Restroom—toilet 厕所。 Outfit—装束。 Remindwe—用于提醒的事物。 Locker combination—寄存密码箱。 Pre-reading questions. 1. After a long summer vocation, most students are eager to go back to school. Do you have the same feeling? If you do , what do you expect for the coming new school ? 2. As you’re looking forward to the new semester, Is it possible for you to feel uneasy about the uncertain new environment , such as new teacher, new courses, etc.? what do you think can be done to adapt yourself to the new environment? Ask students to read the whole text through.



教 学 内 容 Explain the text . Language points: Make the first move 走出第一步,主动 what if 即使??又怎么样 Sort out 整理、挑出 stick around 逗留 kick off 开始 Get adjusted to 适应 Comprehension I. Reading comprehension questions. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions or statements to the information you get from TEXT I. II. Cracking vocabulary. 1. There are incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 2. Study the words of physical movement in the following bank. Choose ONE from the bank to complete each of the following sentences, making changes, if necessary, to the verb. 3. Study the idioms about numbers in the following form. Choose ONE from the idioms to complete each of the following sentences, making changes, if necessary. III. Contextual clues. Fill in each black with a word beginning with the letter printed below. 时间分配和 媒体选择 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’ Homework after class: 1. Read Text II the first seven days of college (part I) and Supplementary Readings. 2. Finish the following exercises.


授课题目 授课时间 Unit 2 It’s all clear now 第8周 授课形式 授课学时 阅读指导法 3 1. 知识目标:读懂课文,掌握文章大意,对读前、读后的问题能够正确作答。 教学目的 与 要 求 2. 能力目标:练习 “根据上下文猜生词”的方法和 “以句子为单位” 的阅读方法,进一步提高理解能力和阅读速度。 3. 情感目标:通过本文故事,明白近视眼应该戴眼镜,这不是什么尴尬的事情。 TextI it’s all clear now 基本内容 Text II The first seven days of college(patr 2) Text III New student orientation 1 Text I it’s all clear now. 2. The first seven days of college(patr 2) 重 点 难 点 3. New student orientation 主要教学 媒 体 有关本内容 的新进展 Computer, videos, Multi-medium, PPT, objects and pictures 主要参考资料或相关网站 百度文库 可可英语网 英语教学网 课后分析 本文生动、风趣,意味盎然,学生阅读兴趣浓厚, 效果良好。



教 学 内 容 时间分配和 媒体选择 Unit 2 Text I it’s all clear now Leading in 如果你眼睛不好,怎么样才能看得更清楚呢?戴眼镜!(If you have a bad eyesight, how could you see clearly? The answer is to wear glasses! ) 5’ 5’ 20’ 20’ New words: 1. catch one's eye 引起某人的注意 2. do without 没有?..也行 ;缺乏 3. miserable a. 悲惨的,痛苦的;狼狈的 4. squint v. 眯眼看;斜视 5. suspicious a. 可疑的;多疑的 6. stand alone 单独地;独立地 7. catch one's breath 屏息;喘息 7. protest v. 抗议;反对 8. firmly adv. 坚决地,坚定地 9. frown v. 皱眉,不同意 10. nerd n. 呆子,讨厌的人 11. avoid v. 逃避,避开 12. silver n. 银,银器;a. 银的,含银的 13.upset a. 不开心的 14.grassy a. 长满草的;草绿色的 15.focus n; v 焦点,聚焦 15.glimmer ['gl?m?] n. 微光;闪光; vi. 闪烁;发微光 5

16.pause v. 停顿, 暂停 17.compliment n..称赞;问候;致意;道贺 vt. 恭维;称赞 Street signs—路牌 shows—电视节目 Schoolyard—校园(通常指中小学) California—加利福尼亚州(位于美国西部) Pre-reading questions. 1.When you see the title, you may wonder what is clear. Actually , this text is talking about seeing clearly. What do you think can help a person see more clearly? 2. Nowadays more and more people, especially young people, would avoid wearing glasses. Why do people dislike glasses? If you can’t see clearly, would you prefer to wear glasses? Why or why not? Ask students to read the whole text through. Explain the text. Language points: 1. catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意 2. do without 摒弃, 没有?..也行 3. stand alone 孤立 4. catch one's breath 屏息;喘息 5. at the beginning of 6. It was not long before?.“不久,就??” 7. e.g It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.不久他就意识到他处境的危险。 8. find oneself doing 发现某人正在做某事 9. have a problem/ trouble doing 做。。。有问题、困难 10. notice sb doing 注意到某人做某事


11. set up an appointment 预约 12. compliment on sth 赞赏。。。 13. avoid doing 逃避做某事 教 学 内 容 Comprehension I. Reading comprehension questions. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions or statements to the information you get from TEXT I. II. Cracking vocabulary. 1. There are incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 2. Study the words of physical movement in the following bank. Choose ONE from the bank to complete each of the following sentences, making changes, if necessary, to the verb. 3. Study the idioms about numbers in the following form. Choose ONE from the idioms to complete each of the following sentences, making changes, if necessary. III. Contextual clues. Fill in each black with a word beginning with the letter printed below. Homework after class: 1. Read Text II The first seven days of college(patr 2)and Supplementary Readings. 2 Finish the following exercises. 时间分配和 媒体选择 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 7

授课题目 授课时间 UNIT 3 When tests makes you nervous 第 周 授课形式 授课学时 阅读指导法 4 1. 知识目标:读懂课文,掌握文章大意,对读前、读后的问题能够正确作答。 教学目的 与 要 求 2. 能力目标:练习 “根据上下文猜生词”的方法和 “以句子为单位” 的阅读方法,进一步提高理解能力和阅读速度。 3. 情感目标:通过本文,正确认识考试时的“焦虑、紧张”。 Text I When tests makes you nervous 基本内容 Text II Is college really hard? Text III Court schedule 重 点 难 点 Text I When tests makes you nervous 主要教学 媒 体 有关本内容 的新进展 主要参考资料或相关网站 教研室 审查意见 课后分析 本文教给学生正确的学习和应对考试的方法,生词较多,需详解。



教 学 内 容 Text I When tests makes you nervou 时间分配和 媒体选择 5’ 5’ 20’ 20’ Leading in 考试会紧张吗?让这篇课文告诉你该怎么办! New words: Pass out 昏倒,失去知觉 throw up 呕吐 Driving test 驾驶考试 Pre-reading questions. 1. In todays competitive society, tests have become commomplace. Almost every has the experienceof taking tests of one form or another. What tests have you personally taken? 2. It is likely that when taking a test, people will become nervous. Have you explored the reason why people get nervous in a test? What would you do if you want to conquer the nervousness? Ask students to read the whole text through. Explain the text sentence by sentence. Language points: 1. a small dose 小剂量 2. take stepson 采取措施 3. believe it or not 信不信由你



教 学 内 容 4. get a handle on 控制、驾驭 5. symptom 症状 Comprehension I. Reading comprehension questions. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions or statements to the information you get from TEXT I. II. Cracking vocabulary. 1. There are incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 2.Study the words of physical movement in the following bank. Choose ONE from the bank to complete each of the following sentences, making changes, if necessary, to the verb. 3.Study the idioms about numbers in the following form. Choose ONE from the idioms to complete each of the following sentences, making changes, if necessary. III. Contextual clues. Fill in each black with a word beginning with the letter printed below. Homework after class: 1.Read Text II Is college really hard? and Supplementary Readings. 2.Finish the following exercises. 时间分配和 媒体选择 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’


