8A Unit 5 知识点

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8A Unit5重要知识点

Comic strip:

1. Would you like to live in the wild, Eddie?你想生活在野外吗,艾迪? want to do sth.= would like to do sth. wild此处是不可数名词,自然环境,野生状态。in the wild在野外,在自然环境下。 Can the baby pandas live in the wild on their own? 熊猫宝宝能够独立在野外生存吗? 此外,wild还可以作形容词,野生的。 I like wild animals. 我喜欢野生动物。 Wildly副词,意为“失控地,激烈地”

Do you know why the man is running wildly on the street? 你知道那个人为什么在街上狂奔吗?

2. why not do sth?=why don’t you do sth? Why don’t you go swimming?

3.Wild animals are free and happy. 野生动物既自由又快乐。

free 形容词,意为“自由的,不受束缚的”,比较级是freer,最高级是freest You are free to go anywhere you wish. 你愿意去哪里就去哪里。 拓展:

free 免费的

There is no free lunch in this world. free 空闲的,反义词是busy,忙碌的 I’m free today. Let’s go to the cinema. Freely副词,自由地,不受限制地

After class, the students are talking with each other freely.

4. I think so/I don’t think so

I think….否定形式I don’t think… I don’t think he is right. 我认为他不对。

5. maybe 副词放句子开头 May I ……..? 表示请求

may be doing sth 也许正在做某事 may(也许) +be/动词原形 can’t….不可能

must 一定、肯定(区分三个单词)

6. become dishes any time dish 可数名词,意为“一道菜,盘,碟”,其复数是dishes Help yourselves to the dishes. 请随便吃菜。

any time 随时,任何时候,He help people in need any time. any 任何的,可修饰单数名词。 You can read any book on the shelf. The Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China.

7.----Could/ Would/could you please do/not do sth? 请你??好吗?

----No way! 常用在口语中,表示不同意或拒绝,不行!不可能!没门! No way还可以表示惊讶或怀疑,意为“不可能,不是吧!” He is already forty? No way!

8. have/take pity on sb 同情某人

Pity这里是不可数名词,同情,怜悯,常用短语是have/ take pity on sb./ sth.同情,怜悯某人或某物

He has pity on the old woman in trouble.

9. I may die without them. 没有它们我可能会死。 die用作不及物动词,死,现在分词是dying 其名词是death,形容词是dead

The old man has been dead for two weeks. 那位老人已经去世两周了。

His mother’s death made him very sad. 他母亲的去世让他很悲伤。

Welcome to the unit:

1. What’s your favourite wild animal? =What wild animal do you like best? 2. look+形容词,look+副词+at sb look angry, look angrily at sb


1. call sb sth(宾补) 称呼某人为…

2. mean-meaning-neaningful/meaningless It/This means……..

What’s the meaning of……..?

It’s meaningful/meaningless to do sth 3. at four months old =when sb was four months old 4.be like=look like

What is it like?/what does it look like? 5. weigh-weight, high-height词性变化 What’s the weight of…..? How much does it weigh? weigh(weighed)+数字 6. mouse-mice 注意单复数

7. start/begin to go outside for the first time. 8. not any more=no more不再做某事 I don’t play football any more =I no more play football.

辨析:not…any more与not…any longer Not…any more 相当于no more,主要用来表示数量和程度上的“不再”。一般用于修饰非延续性动词指某个动作不再重复发生。 Not…any longer 相当于no longer,主要用来表示时间或距离上的“不再”。着重表示对现在的情况与过去情况的对比,表示某个工作或状态不再持续。 You can’t drink any more.= You can drink no more. I can’t wait any longer.= I can wait no longer.

拓展:not…any more, not…any longer中的not必须与橘子中的情态动词,be动词或其他助动词一起构成句子的否定;而no more, no longer则不用。

9. over=more than 超过

10. in the beginning 这里的beginning是名词,起初,一开始,相当于at first.与later意思相对 该词组对应的词组是in the end 最后,终于

He didn’t like English in the beginning. 他一开始不喜欢英语。 拓展: At the beginning/end of.在…开始、结束 She will leave at the beginning of this month.

That’s an interesting story at the beginning of every unit.

11. When she was 20 years old, she learnt to look after herself look after/take care of oneself 照顾自己

learn to do sth.学习,学会做某事,其过去时和分词是learnt或learned 拓展:

Learn from sb. 向某人学习 Learn of/ about 得知,悉知

I learn about the news yesterday. 我昨天得知了这个消息。

12. Sadly, giant pandas face serious problems in the wild. sad-sadly-sadness-sadder 词性变化

Sadly, there are fewer and fewer living areas for wild animals now. 令人遗憾的是,现在野生动物生存的区域越来越少。 face 此处是及物动词,“面对,面临”。 You’d better face your problems.

拓展:face 可做名词,脸,复数形式是faces。Face to face面对面 The girl has a round face with two big eyes. Let’s talk about it face to face.

Serious形容词,严重的。比较级是more serious,最高级是most serious. --What’s wrong with you? --Nothing serious.

The man is seriously ill. We must send him to hospital at once.

13. For example, it is very difficult for pandas to have babies. for example+句子

such as sth/doing sth(单词或词组) because+句子

because of sth/doing sth (单词或词组)

It is+形容词 for sb to do sth做某事对于某人/ 某物来说??

It这里是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to do,因此也可以改变成动词不定式放在句首的形式。To do sth. is +adj. +for sb./ sth. find/think it to do sth make it +形容词 for sb to do sth 这两个句型中,it作形式宾语,后面的动词不定式作真正的宾语。

14. die-death-dead

Sb is dead/sb’s death/the death of sb 15. live mainly on sth 主要以…为食 Tigers live on meat. 老虎以食肉为生。 拓展: live作不及物动词时,基本用法有 表示“继续生存,活下去”。

We can’t live without air. 没有空气我们不能生存。

表示“居住”,常与介词in构成固定短语,意为“居住在??” I live in the middle of the city. 我住在市中心。

短语中的mainly是副词,“主要地,大部分”,突出在一系列事物中的相对重要性。 We had a talk mainly about the new story.

People in North China live mainly on wheat. 中国华北地区的人们以吃小麦为主。

16. As a result, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. as a result 结果

As a result, he became more popular.

句子中的动词不定式to live和to eat是动词不定式作定语,修饰前面的名词。动词不定式也可以修饰不定代词,并放于所修饰的词之后,作后置定语。 I have a lot of homework to do tonight.

Please give me something to eat. 请给我些吃的东西。 I have no paper to write on.

He is very lonely every day because he has no close friends to talk with.

17. Giant pandas are now in danger. 大熊猫现在处境危险。 danger/dangerous be in danger

animals in danger 处于危险中的动物 dangerous animals out of danger 脱离危险。

18. take action to do sth采取行动做某事 You must take action to improve your English. Right away 立刻,马上 相当于 at once或right now Let’s solve this problem right away. He put down the telephone and ran out of the room right away.

19. If we do nothing, soon there may be none left!


这是一个主从复合句,其中if we do nothing是if 引导的条件状语从句。但是要注意,在含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,如果主句用一般将来时,从句则要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。

If you get up late, you may miss the early bus.

None代词,意为“没有一个(人或物)”,常指三个或三个以上的人或物中一个也没有,也可以用于指物品一点儿也没有。None可以用来回答how many或how much引导的特殊疑问句,也可以用来回答含有any的一般疑问句。

There are four boys in the room, but I know none.

--How much money do you have? – None. 一分也没有。 -- Is there any milk in the bottle? –None. 一点儿也没有。

拓展:none常与of搭配使用,即构成none of…,作主语时既可以是复数概念,也可以是单数概念。

None of us like the book. 我们中没有一个人喜欢这本书。 None of the money belongs to me. 这些钱都不属于我。


Is there any water left in the bottle?

My father likes reading books written by Lu Xun. 我爸爸喜欢看鲁迅写的书。 none 前面要有具体名词 nothing 没有具体名词


1. The horse is standing with its eyes closed. 那匹马闭着眼睛站着。 Closed形容词,“关闭的”。其反义词是open“开着的”。

It is windy today. You should keep the windows closed. 今天有风,你应当把窗户关上。 拓展:close作动词,过去式是closed。其反义词是open“开,打开” Close the door, please. 请关上门。

该句子中的短语with its eye closed 在句中作伴随状语。 My father likes sleeping with the windows open.

2. Do you know anything special about wild animals? 你知道关于野生动物的一些特别的事情吗?

Anything special“特别的,特殊的事情”,其中anything是复合不定代词,形容词修饰复合不定代词时要放在复合不定代词后面,作后置定语。 There is nothing new in today’s newspaper. I have something interesting to tell you.

3. agree/begin/choose/decide/fail/forget/ remember/hope/learn /plan/prepare/try/ can’t wait to do sth 背句型

stop doing sth/to do sth 区分这些句型

4. with the help of…….在…的帮助下 with the help of sb.= with one’s help

I passed the exam with the help of Mr. Wang. = With Mr. Wang’s help, I passed the exam.

拓展:英语中,“在??下”有不同的表达方式: in the sun 在阳光下 under the tree 在树下

under the umbrella 在伞下

with one’s support 在某人支持下

5. lost. lost=missing 失踪的

get lost 相当于be lost/ lose one’s way迷路

Mrs. Wang got lost/ lost her way in the big city. 王夫人在那座大城市里迷了路。 get可以作连系动词,后面常跟过去分词,此时的get相当于be get dressed 穿衣服 get married 结婚 get broken 弄坏

6. save food储存食物


The Smiths are saving money for a new house. 史密斯一家正在攒钱买新房。 Please save water whenever. 请无论什么时候都要节约用水。

拓展:save还有“挽救,拯救”的意思,常构成短语save one’s life,挽救某人的生命

7…but sometimes they forget where to find the food. 但是有时它们会忘记到哪里去找这些食物。 Where to find the food 为疑问词+动词不定式结构,在句中可做主语,宾语或表语等。 When to leave is still a question. 我什么时候离开仍然是一个问题。 (作主语) I don’t know how to use it. 我不知道怎么使用它。 (作宾语) The problem is who to help her. 问题是谁去帮助她。 (作表语)


Can you tell me how to get there? (简单句)

--Can you tell me how I can get there?(主从复合句)你能告诉我怎样到那儿吗?

Integrated skills:

1.…but only for a short while…但是只坚持一会儿 While此处用作名词,“一会儿,一段时间”

I like to have a rest for a while after lunch. 我喜欢午饭后休息一会儿。 拓展:由while构词的短语

For a while 一会儿 after a while 过了一会儿 in a short while 很快,不久以后

2. qualities 特性

qualities是可数名词quality的复数形式,意为“特性” Do you know the qualities of tigers? 你知道老虎的特性吗? 拓展:quality还有“质量,品质”的意思 Much of the land was of poor quality. 很多土地质量都很差。

3. hunter可数名词,“猎人”hunt+er是动词+er的构词法,类似的还有teacher, worker, cleaner, writer


也有加or,如doctor, actor, inventor

4. catch的用法:文中用作及物动词,捉住,捕获。其第三人称单数形式为catches,过去时为caught.


Don’t catch wild animals, please. 请不要捕捉野生动物。 拓展:catch 动词,还可意为“接住”。 Can you catch the ball? 你能接住那个球吗? catch常构成短语catch up with sb. 赶上某人 catch a cold 感冒 catch fire 着火

5. People kill wolves because they think wolves are dangerous to humans.人们杀死狼是因为他们认为狼对人类有危险。

be dangerous to sb. 对某人又危险 I think dogs are dangerous to children.

Human可数名词,意为“人”,复数形式是humans Animals are friends of humans. 动物是人类的朋友。

6. I’m sorry to hear that. 此处常用于当听到某人遇到不幸的事情时,为了表示感到遗憾或难过而说的一句话。拓展:当听到某人遇到开心的事情时,可以说 I’m happy to hear that. Sorry遗憾的,难过的

I’m sorry. I can’t agree with you.很遗憾,我不能同意你的看法。

7. They sell the animals’ fur, bones or other parts of the body. 他们卖动物的毛皮,骨头或者它们身体其他部分。

sell用作及物动词,意为“卖,出售”,其过去式是sold,反义词是buy 拓展:

sell sth. to sb. 把某物卖给某人

buy sth. for sb. 给某人卖某物

8. What a shame! 多遗憾啊!

相当于“What a pity!”,都可以表示遗憾或惋惜之意。句中shame作名词,“遗憾之事” It is shame to do sth. 做某事是可惜的。

He felt a deep sense of shame. 他深深地感到羞愧。 It’s shame to do that. 那样做真是可惜。

Study skills:

1. 辨析because of与because because 连词 后面接表示原因的一个完整的句子 because of 介词短语 后面接名词、代词、或动词的ing形式 He is late for school because of the bad weather. He is lae for school because the weather is bad. 他因为恶劣的天气而上学迟到了。

2. accept及物动词,因为“接受,收受”,反义词是refuse receive也是接受但是是被动的接收,而accept是主动接受。 receive a letter from sb. accept one’s gift.

receive invitations 接受邀请



1. A report on bears 一篇关于熊的报告

report此处用作可数名词,“报道,报告”,常构成短语make a report作报告 a report on 一篇关于??的报告

Mr. Green will make a report on English for us. 拓展:reporter可数名词,“记者,通讯员” John wants to be a reporter. 想成为一名记者。 on 介词,在此意为“关于”,相当于about

This is a book on history. 这是一本关于历史的书。

2. Good at climbing and swimming 擅长攀爬和游泳

be good at擅长,其中at是介词,其后跟动名词,名词或代词, be good at= do well in

3. move around slowly in the daytime.白天在四周慢慢地活动。 move可用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词,“活动,移动,搬迁”,其现在分词为moving Can you move the box to the next room? 你能把这个箱子移到隔壁房间吗? slowly缓慢地,比较级是more slowly,最高级是 most slowly In the daytime在白天,daytime是不可数名词,白天

You can move everywhere in the daytime. 在白天,你可以到处活动。

4. Sleep through the winter冬眠


The cold weather continued through the spring. 寒冷的天气持续了整个春天。 拓展:through介词,“通过,穿过”,指从内部穿过 She walked through the door. 她从门口进来了。

The cat is so big that it can’t walk through the hole. 那只猫太大了,以至于不能从那个洞里通过。

