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高二英语M8 U3 Reading 教案

Visiting the masters

【学习目标】Teaching Objectives:

To help the students learn some masters’ life stories and their famous paintings.

To help the students to learn how to read a life story.

To improve students’ ability to cooperate with others.

To a rouse students’ interest in art.


Language points.


1. 发现辨别语言点、探索分析语言点、训练巩固语言点和创造运用语言点

2. 课前预习P34-35 Reading课文,找出课文中长句和重要的短语、句式。

3. 阅读课文,在理解课文的基础上,解决课文中的语言点,并通过适当的练习加以巩固。








Procedures: (与课件同步)

Step 1: Lead-in

1. According to the title of the unit “The world of colors and light”, tell the students: Art is much less important than life, but what a poor life without it! (Robert Motherwell, American painter) 艺术远没有生活重要,但是没有艺术, 生活是多么乏味呀!

2. There are different styles of art.

Show some pictures to introduce Welcome to the unit

Step 2: Fast reading

Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the following questions.

1. Which countries has Li Ming visited on his trip?

2. How many did they spend in Paris?

3. Where are they going next?

Step 3: Their travelling route

Step 4. Reading strategy

Step 5. Detailed reading and retelling

1. Paragraph 2

2. Paragraph 3-4

3. Paragraph 5-6

4. Paragraph 7-9

5. Paragraph 10

第 1 页共 3 页

高二英语M8 U3 Reading 教案

Step 6. Conclusion about the masters (C2 at P.36)

Step 7. Task-based reading

Step 8. Detailed reading (C1 at P.36)

Step 9. Group work:

1. If I were a painter, I would like to pain t…

2. Use your own words to introduce each artist mentioned in the passage to other group members.

3. Suppose you have a chance to interview one of the artists, who would you prefer to interview and what questions would you prepare?

Step 10: Discussion:

What have you learned from Van Gogh’s experiences?

Step 11. Homework.

第 2 页共 3 页

高二英语M8 U3 Reading 教案

第 3 页 共 3 页 参考答案:



1. around at the moment

2. makes fun of/haven ’t been around

3. (In order to) To earn money for my education (schooling)

4. earns his living by teaching

5. B

6. talented

7. was amazed at/by

8. D

9. representative of that company 10. represent 11. representative of 12. is difficult to calculate 13. is calculated to 14. ranged over various 15. B 16. float(ed)…down 17. float up 18. C

19. wept over

20. has devoted … benefiting

21. was devoted to

22. to improving

23. agree on the distribution of

24. among / to

25. distributed …to / among

26. C


28. the date of negotiation

29. to negotiate

30. has no appetite for

31. has /lost her appetite

32. quitted

33. abandoned

34. deserted

35. abandon

36. start from scratch



拼写:1.abstract 2. scratch 3. distributed 4. abandoned 5. adores 6. amazing 7. have been negotiating 8. to float 9. calculated 10. distributed.

短语:1. range from …to 2. have an appetite for 3. a piece of art 4. distribute …to ..

5. with the assistance of

6. figure out

7. on the way

8. devote one ’s life to

9. still life 10. start from scratch 11. be amazed to do 12. calculate on sb. doing sth. 13. float about 14. negotiate with 15. abandon hope of doing sth,


1. talented

2. birthplace

3. photographer

4. historic

5. Italian

6. architect

7. discoveries

8. astronomy

9. thunderstorm 10. abstract


1. Achievements

2. where he was born

3. cubism

4. Leonardo da Vinci

5. astronomy

6. France

7. lotus flowers

8. Van Gogh Museum

9. nature 10. still lifes

