
更新时间:2024-06-01 05:47:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What will Mrs. Williams do later? A. Give Mr. Anderson a call. B. Attend a basketball match. C. Pass on a message.

2. Where are the speakers probably? A. In a restaurant. B. At home. C. In a hotel.

3. How much more will the woman have to pay? A. 3 pounds. B. 5 pounds. C. 8 pounds.

4. Why did the man apologize?

A. He incorrectly guessed the baby’s age. B. He mistook the woman’s boy for a girl. C. He made a comment about the baby’s hair. 5. What is the conversation mainly about? A. The woman’s phone. B. The woman’s favorite music. C. The woman’s new sound system.

第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)



听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. What problem does the man have? A. There is not enough room. B. He can’t find Mr. Harper.

C. He can’t decide which product to display. 7. What solution is suggested? A. Finding a larger space. B. Showing fewer items. C. Choosing bright colors.


8. How does the woman comment on Facebook? A. People in the world are more closely connected. B. Many people are unwilling to share their lives. C. Scientists don’t understand social connections. 9. How does the man feel about Facebook? A. He likes to share his life with everyone. B. He uses it to communicate with Mends. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. When is the story of Heidi set? A. In the late 1800s. B. In the early 1900s. C. In the 1950s.

11. How many versions of the movie are mentioned in the conversation? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

12. Why does the woman think the actress of the latest version talented? A. She is just like Shirley Temple.

B. She was chosen from many girls. C. She read the original book.


13. How did August Getty feel at New York Fashion Week? A. Very nervous. B. A little strange. C. Really happy.

14. What did August Getty do as a child? A. He wore his parents’ clothes. B. He made clothes for spoons and forks. C. He sewed clothes for his sister.

15. What did August Getty’s family think about his interest in fashion? A. They encouraged him. B. They thought he was different. C. They didn’t like his style at first.

16. What did August Getty think of his own design? A. Different and classic. B. Strange and fashionable. C. Stylish and common.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Where did Nancy’s cancer begin? A. In her heart. B. In her brain. C. On her skin.

18. According to the man, why was Nancy able to get better? A. Because of the pills she was taking. B. Because of her positive attitude. C. Because of the food she was eating. 19. What will the new foundation focus on? A. Helping families deal with cancer.

B. Giving money for cancer research. C. Helping individuals with their medical bills.

20. How can people get more information about the foundation now? A. By going online.

B. By emailing Dale and Nancy anytime. C. By calling the speaker and his wife. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Make Your Own Leaf Collection Record

It's fun to collect things. Some kids collect coins, shells, or stamps. One thing that is easy and free to collect is leaves. Leaves come in many shapes and colors. Every type of tree has its own special leaf. Willows have narrow leaves with edges like little saws(锯齿). Maple leaves have many sharp points, and oak leaves have many rounded tips.

Now you can use your drawing or word processing program to start a Leaf Collection Record Book.

1. Open a new file in your word processing program.

2. Type \of the page. Make it bold(黑体) and underline it.

3. Type \will put the names of the trees you collect leaves from here. 4. Now type \This is where you will describe the tree that had the leaf. Be sure to leave plenty of room.

5. Click the square tool. Make a box for your leaf. This is where you will show the leaves you collect. 6. Print enough pages to begin your book.

7. Save the file with a name such as Leaf Record. You may need to print more pages later! 8. Punch holes in the left side of the pages, and put them in a three-ring binder (活页封面), or tie them together with string.

9. There are two ways to put leaves in the box: ·Draw a picture of the leaf.

·Paste (粘贴) a real leaf in the center of the box. Happy collecting!

21. A leaf might be from an oak tree if it______________. A. is narrow B. has edges like saws C. has rounded tips

D. has many sharp points

22. In order to fill out a leaf record one must know________________. A. who planted the tree B. where the tree was planted C. when the leaf fell off the tree D. what kind of tree the leaf came from 23. How is this text organized? A. By comparison. B. From causes to effects.

C. In the order of making. D. From results to reasons.


Since I was first in China in 2012, my life, and China itself, have developed and changed a lot. My first China interaction was in 2012, when I came here with a friend. We traveled from Beijing to Hong Kong, all in 5 weeks. We had a fantastic time meeting local people, exploring beautiful places and eating delicious food. After this experience traveling across China and eating local food, I really wondered “How did I live without eating dumplings and eggplant on a weekly basis?” Well, I guess I did, somehow, for 22 years!

As my Chinese improved during my studies I became more independent and more aware of

the possibilities of Waimai, or food home delivery. I suddenly noticed the thousands of Waimai drivers zooming across the roads on their motorcycles. On deep, dark Beijing winter days and rainy days, Waimai is like the holy grail and as I enjoyed my take-away dumplings I would think and laugh to myself, “How did I live before without being able to get Waimai?” Well, I guess I did, somehow, for 23 years!

In mid-2015, I was back in China again for my master's degree. That's when I came across my first Mobike: “Oh, that’s a unique bike and surely it will get stolen soon”, I thought as I passed on my own black bike. But one week passed and I saw it still there. Then the one Mobike sighting turned into two and three, and soon thousands and then seemingly overnight the streets of Beijing were flooded with orange and yellow wheels. Again, I pondered on how I ever lived without my shared bike account. Well, I guess I did, somehow, for 25 years!

China today is a country still steeped in ancient knowledge and custom, yet one that is also bursting with new ideas and changes. Although some things will always stay the same, something else is constantly changing at a pace beyond comprehension. I’m sure as I continue my life here in Beijing I will be swept up in the next new convenience of life that China’s rapid and innovative development is bringing out.

24. According to the first paragraph, what impressed the author most might be . A. Chinese culture B. Chinese food C. Chinese people D. Chinese history

25. The underlined words holy grail in Paragraph 2 probably means . A. something precious B. something delicious C. something expensive D. something unavailable

26. What might be the author’s attitude towards Mobike after it boomed? A. Doubtful. B. Curious. C. Shocked.

the possibilities of Waimai, or food home delivery. I suddenly noticed the thousands of Waimai drivers zooming across the roads on their motorcycles. On deep, dark Beijing winter days and rainy days, Waimai is like the holy grail and as I enjoyed my take-away dumplings I would think and laugh to myself, “How did I live before without being able to get Waimai?” Well, I guess I did, somehow, for 23 years!

In mid-2015, I was back in China again for my master's degree. That's when I came across my first Mobike: “Oh, that’s a unique bike and surely it will get stolen soon”, I thought as I passed on my own black bike. But one week passed and I saw it still there. Then the one Mobike sighting turned into two and three, and soon thousands and then seemingly overnight the streets of Beijing were flooded with orange and yellow wheels. Again, I pondered on how I ever lived without my shared bike account. Well, I guess I did, somehow, for 25 years!

China today is a country still steeped in ancient knowledge and custom, yet one that is also bursting with new ideas and changes. Although some things will always stay the same, something else is constantly changing at a pace beyond comprehension. I’m sure as I continue my life here in Beijing I will be swept up in the next new convenience of life that China’s rapid and innovative development is bringing out.

24. According to the first paragraph, what impressed the author most might be . A. Chinese culture B. Chinese food C. Chinese people D. Chinese history

25. The underlined words holy grail in Paragraph 2 probably means . A. something precious B. something delicious C. something expensive D. something unavailable

26. What might be the author’s attitude towards Mobike after it boomed? A. Doubtful. B. Curious. C. Shocked.

