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Chapter 12 Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value

1) Which of the following is NOT a typical supply chain member? A) resellers B) customers C) intermediaries

D) government agencies E) raw materials supplier Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 337 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-1

2) ________ the manufacturer or service provider is the set of firms that supply the raw materials, components, parts, information, finances, and expertise needed to create a product or service. A) Downstream from B) Upstream from C) Separated from D) Congruous to E) Parallel with Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 337 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-1

3) Another term for the supply chain that suggests a sense and respond view of the market is ________.

A) supply and demand chain B) demand chain

C) channel of distribution D) distribution channel E) physical distribution Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 338 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-1

4) A company's channel decisions directly affect every ________. A) channel member B) marketing decision C) customer's choices

D) employee in the channel E) competitor's actions Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 339 Skill: Concept


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Objective: 12-1

5) Distribution channel decisions often involve ________ with other firms, particularly those that involve contracts or relationships with channel partners. A) short-term commitments B) long-term commitments C) major problems D) financial losses E) disagreements Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 339 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-1

6) Joe Blanco, like other producers, has discovered that his intermediaries usually offer his firm more than it can achieve on its own. Which of the following is most likely an advantage that Joe creates by working with intermediaries? A) financial support B) fast service

C) scale of operation

D) working relationships with foreign distributors E) promotional assistance Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 339 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-1

7) Intermediaries play an important role in matching ________. A) dealer with customer B) supply and demand C) product to region

D) manufacturer to product E) information and promotion Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 340 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-1

8) A distribution channel is more than a collection of firms connected by various flows; it is a(n) ________ in which people and companies interact to accomplish individual, company, and channel goals.

A) added value chain

B) complex behavioral system C) corporate marketing system D) vertical marketing system E) multichannel system


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Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 342 AACSB: Communication Skill: Concept Objective: 12-2

9) An advantage of a channel of distribution over selling direct to consumers is that each channel member plays a ________ in the channel. A) time-saving part B) specialized role C) decisional role D) informational role E) disciplinary role Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 342 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-2

10) A channel consisting of one or more independent producers, wholesalers, or retailers that seek to maximize their own profitseven at the expense of profits for the channel as a wholeis a(n) ________.

A) vertical marketing system

B) conventional distribution channel C) independent channel allocation D) corporate VMS

E) administered vertical marketing system Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 344 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-2

11) A distinguishing feature of a contractual VMS is that coordination and conflict management among the independent members of the channel are attained through ________. A) agents and brokers B) working partnerships

C) limited liability incorporation D) contractual agreements E) natural competitive forces Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 345 AACSB: Communication Skill: Concept Objective: 12-2


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12) The most common type of contractual agreement in business is the ________. A) franchise organization B) vertical marketing system

C) conventional marketing channel D) corporate VMS E) administered VMS Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 345 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-2

13) Leadership in which type of marketing system is assumed not through common ownership or contractual ties but through the size and power of one or a few dominant channel members? A) horizontal marketing system B) administered VMS C) corporate VMS

D) multichannel distribution system E) conventional marketing channel Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 345 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-2

14) As marketing manager for Globe Imports and Exports, you want to start reaping the benefits of a multichannel distribution system. You will likely enjoy all of the following EXCEPT which one? A) expanded sales

B) expanded market coverage C) selling at a higher gross margin

D) opportunities to tailor products and services to the needs of diverse segments E) A and C Answer: C Diff: 3 Page Ref: 346 Skill: Concept

15) Sometimes a producer chooses only a few dealers in a territory to distribute its products or services. Generally these dealers are given a right to ________ distribution. A) exclusive B) selective C) intensive D) administered E) corporate Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 351 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-3


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16) Channel members should be evaluated using all of the following criteria EXCEPT which one? A) economic factors B) control

C) adaptive criteria D) channel leadership E) none of the above Answer: D Diff: 3 Page Ref: 351 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-3

17) Marketing channel management calls for selecting, managing, ________, and evaluating channel members over time. A) reducing conflict B) reducing waste C) motivating D) pruning

E) all of the above Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 352 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-4

18) A company should think of its intermediaries as both its ________ and ________. A) competitors; partners B) customers; partners C) competitors; marketers D) customers; employees E) competitors; customers Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 353 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-4

19) Exclusive dealing is legal as long as it does not ________ or tend to create a monopoly and as long as both parties enter into the agreement ________. A) substantially lessen competition; coercively B) restrict trade; for a cause

C) substantially lessen competition; voluntarily D) interfere with competitors; forcefully E) create a smaller market; permanently Answer: C Diff: 3 Page Ref: 356 AACSB: Ethical Reasoning Skill: Concept


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Objective: 12-4

20) Marketing logistics involves getting the right product to the right customer in the right place at the right time. Which one of the following is NOT included in this process? A) planning the physical flow of goods and services

B) implementing the plan for the flow of goods and services

C) controlling the physical flow of goods, services, and information D) gathering customer's ideas for new products E) A and C Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 356 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-5

21) The goal of marketing logistics should be to provide a ________ level of customer service at the least cost. A) maximum B) targeted C) moderate D) minimum E) competitive Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 357 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-5

22) To reduce inventory management costs, many companies use a system called ________, which involves carrying only small inventories of parts or merchandise, often only enough for a few days of operation.

A) reduction-inventory management B) just-in-time logistics

C) limited inventory logistics D) supply chain management E) economic order quantity Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 359 AACSB: Use of IT Skill: Concept Objective: 12-5

23) Through the use of ________, or \where a product is within the supply chain. A) RFID B) PRM C) VMS


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D) IT E) 3PL Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 359 AACSB: Use of IT Skill: Concept Objective: 12-5

24) Which of the following transportation modes is used for digital products? A) trucks B) rail

C) the Internet D) air E) ship Answer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: 359 AACSB: Use of IT Skill: Concept Objective: 12-5

25) Joanie Calvert is experiencing a disagreement with intermediaries in the channel over who should do what and for what rewards. Joanie is experiencing ________. A) channel delusion B) channel conflict

C) channel disintermediation D) channel mismanagement E) channel intermediation Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 342 AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skill: Application Objective: 12-2

26) Which of the following is an example of horizontal channel conflict?

A) managers of two separate Holiday Inns disagreeing over what constitutes poor service B) United Airlines competing with Northwest Airlines for customers C) disgruntled factory workers complaining about a small pay raise

D) the BMW dealership in Fort Wayne complaining that the BMW dealership in Indianapolis is situated too close E) A and D Answer: E Diff: 3 Page Ref: 342 AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skill: Application Objective: 12-2


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27) Which of the following is an example of a multichannel distribution system? A) Wal-Mart locating to several countries B) J. C. Penney's catalog and retail store sales C) Avon's door-to-door distribution

D) Starbuck's location inside of book stores

E) a hotel providing guest privileges at a health spa across the street Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 346 AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skill: Application Objective: 12-2

28) Chewing gum is stocked in many outlets in the same market or community; in fact, it is placed in as many outlets as possible. This is an example of ________ distribution. A) exclusive B) selective C) multichannel D) intensive

E) disintermediated Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 351 AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skill: Application Objective: 12-3

29) Which product(s) will most likely be intensively distributed? A) Olympus digital cameras B) BMW cars

C) Guess blue jeans D) Coca Cola

E) Nike running shoes Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 351 AACSB: Analytic Skills Skill: Application Objective: 12-3

30) Caterpillar, the famous heavy equipment manufacturer, has a reputation for working in

harmony with its worldwide distribution network of independent dealers. Caterpillar has shared its successes with its dealers and protected its dealers during difficult economic times. This is an example of ________. A) intensive distribution

B) integrated logistics management C) disintermediation D) third-party logistics

E) partner relationship management


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Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 353 AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skill: Application Objective: 12-4

31) The term supply chain may be too limited because it takes a make-and-sell view of the business.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 338 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-1

32) Disintermediation as a trend is on the rise in U.S. business. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 347 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-3

33) Generally speaking, a company's marketing channel objectives are influenced by the level of customer service sought, the nature of the company, its products, its marketing intermediaries, its competitors, and the environment. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 350 Skill: Concept Objective: 12-3

34) Distribution systems are relatively consistent from county to country, making it easy for international marketers to design channels. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 352

AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Skill: Concept Objective: 12-3

35) Distinguish between the three distribution strategies.

Answer: Producers of convenience products and common raw materials typically seek intensive distribution as a strategy to stock their products in as many outlets as possible. The goods are available where and when consumers want them, such as chewing gum. Selective distribution is used when selling to more than one but fewer than all of the intermediaries who are willing to carry a company's products in a given market. Examples are name-brand blue jeans and computers. Exclusive distribution is used when the producer wants to stock its products with only one or a few dealers in an area. Examples are expensive cars and prestige clothing. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 351 AACSB: Analytic Skills Skill: Application Objective: 12-3


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36) What is the role of marketing intermediaries?

Answer: The role of marketing intermediaries is to transform the assortments of products made by producers into the assortments wanted by consumers. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 340 AACSB: Analytic Skills Skill: Application Objective: 12-1

37) Give an example of horizontal conflict.

Answer: This type of conflict occurs among firms at the same level of the channel; an example would be two Chevrolet dealers in the St. Louis area that complain that each is being undercut by the other. Diff: 1 Page Ref: 342 AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skill: Application Objective: 12-2

38) How can a firm benefit from participating in a horizontal marketing system?

Answer: Two or more companies at one level join together to follow a new marketing opportunity; by working together, companies can combine their financial, production, or marketing resources to accomplish more than any one company could alone. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 345 AACSB: Analytic Skills Skill: Application Objective: 12-2

39) Give two examples of multichannel distribution systems.

Answer: Students' answers will vary. Examples will include J. C. Penney's catalog distribution option and the retail store locations as well as Avon's door-to-door distribution and over-the-counter distribution options. Diff: 2 Page Ref: 346 AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skill: Application Objective: 12-2

40) Explain why a firm's suppliers tap into the firm's inventory levels with a vendor-managed inventory system (VMI).

Answer: Some suppliers might actually be asked to generate orders and arrange deliveries for their customers, based on the customers' inventory levels; in these cases, the suppliers must know their


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customers' inventory levels. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 361 AACSB: Analytic Skills Skill: Application Objective: 12-5


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customers' inventory levels. Diff: 3 Page Ref: 361 AACSB: Analytic Skills Skill: Application Objective: 12-5


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