英语写作 - lesson 4-paragraph writing

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Lesson 4 段落写作

Paragraph Writing

Questions to consider:

? What is a paragraph?

? What is the structure of a typical English paragraph? ? What

kind of paragraphs are strong / good



a group of sentences that deal with the same subject or topic

several related sentences that support one main idea, which is limited to and focused in one sentence.


(paragraph structure)

? 主题句(topic sentence) TS

(+重述(restating) R)

? +发展句(Supporting/developing sentences) D ? +结论句(concluding sentence) C ? 基本结构:TS-(R)-D1-D2-D3-(C)

? 主题句:段首(普遍),提出主题

? 重述句:放在主题句后面,使它更具体,明确。 ? 展开句:段中,论证,阐明,支持主题

? 结论句:段尾,对段落的中心思想进行重述,总结或


? Einstein was a purely and exclusively a theorist. He didn’t

have the slightest interest in the practical application of his ideas and the theories. His E=mc2 is probably the most famous equation in history—yet Einstein wouldn’t walk down the street to see a reactor create atomic energy. He won the Nobel Prize for his Photoelectric Theory, a series of equations that he considered relatively minor in importance he didn’t have any curiosity in observing how his theory made TV possible.

? Friends are very important to us. They share our joys

and sorrows, and make our life meaningful. A life without friends is not worth living. Friendship is like sunlight to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. So we should make as many friends as possible.

? 发展句不能简单的重复主题句的思想

Topic sentence

? What is a topic sentence?

? What are the functions of the topic sentence? ? What are the two parts of a topic sentence? ? What

kind of topic sentences are “good” topic


? Where can one usually find the topic sentences?

Topic sentence (governor)

? a

statement that declares the main idea of a paragraph,

? and limits the topic to some specific points, controls the development of the following sentences.


? 主题topic +主导思想controlling idea:

中心事件,问题,解决的任务,论点-- subject

? Controlling idea: 作者的看法,观点,对主题的具体限定-- attitude towards the subject

? Topic:


? 1) 段落主题句只能有一个主题。

? 2) 段落主题句必须具备一个主导思想,即段落主题


? 3) 段落主题句必须具有一定的限定性。其限定内容有助于段落的铺开和抒发,避免段落在展开过程中偏离主题方向。

Controlling idea

? The voters supported the candidate.

? The voters passively supported the candidate. ? The voters found several reasons for supporting the


? A dictionary is useful tool for a college student. ? Poor handwriting can often get you into trouble. ? Taking a young child to lunch requires patience. ? Enrolling in college can be very surprising.

? Electricity is an essential part of our modern life. ? What + how /what specific

? Doing housework is very boring.

? My trip to the botanical garden taught me a lot.

? 主题句直接点明某事物的作用,优点或看法。

Topic: Solar Energy

? Solar energy can contribute to our future energy supply.

? 主题句指出人们对某主题的论述要点。 Topic: Solar Energy

? Solar energy is getting popular for several reasons.

A good topic sentence

? Grammatically correct

? ---limited to or focused on one specific main idea

A good topic sentence is usually one with a well-defined controlling idea that can be reasonably developed within a paragraph.

? General topic: television

? Limited topic: television commercials ? Topic

sentence: Too many television commercials

can be a disaster.

? General topic: television

? Limited topic: effects on people

? Topic sentence: Television has more positive effects than negative effects.

For a university student in China, living on the campus is beneficial to his study.

? Winter is the most boring season of the year. ? Buying insurance is a good way of investment.

It must take the form of a complete sentence 一定要注意,主题句不能使用短语代替。

? 1)

? 2) 主题句不能太笼统:Marriage is different. ? Topic sentence: I love our school campus.

这个主题句没有限制一个合适的范围,包括的内容面太宽,不好下笔,因此可改为: I love our school campus for several reasons.

? Marriage is different from that of my grandmother’s time.

? 3) 主题句涉及的面也不能太窄,否则就没有展开讨论


Topic sentence: I go to college to make friends.

? 此类涉及面太窄的主题句就不好进一步发挥,这一主题句可改为: I go to college for several reasons.

? topic sentence

≠ simple fact

