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高二上学期冲刺期末 综合试题二


21. _______ himself of the addiction to the online games, the boy has difficulty catching up with his classmates. A. Having not rid C. Not having rid ----- I ______. But my car ______.

A. would; was fixed B. would have; was fixed C. would have; was being fixed D. did; was being fixed

23. ______ at the photos, illustrations, title and headings and you can guess what the reading is about.

A. To look

B. Looking

C. Having looked

D. Look

24. ----I‘ve never seen Fred so happy.

----Don‘t you know he‘s passed the exam? He‘s been ______ ever since. A. hot under the collar C. flying off the handle

B. down in the dumps D. on cloud nine

B. Having not been rid D. Not having been rid

22. ----- I saw your uncle take a taxi to the airport. Why didn‘t you drive him there?

25. On her next birthday, Ann married for twenty years. A.is B.has been C.will be D.will have been

26. My brother and some of his classmates ______ as volunteers to help the elderly in the old-age home during the winter holiday to come. A. worked

B. are working

C. will be working

D. have been working

27. The true traveler sets out to make an independent, unhurried journey to the unknown, travelling ______ few people have set foot. A. in which A. which

B. what C. when B. who

C. what

D. that

D. where

28. It‘s not only how much we eat but also how we prepare them decides the vitamins entering our body. 29. Japanese people may bow and even give out their business cards to greet others, but they dislike ______ when you just put the cards in your pocket without looking . A. this

B. you B. what; that

C. it

D. that

30. As is known to all, Yang Liwei has become a space hero is we have expected.

A. that; which

C. what; which C. in favor of

D. that; what D. in place of

D. take after

31. The newly married couple decided to give up their honeymoon trip _______ a sound economic base. A. for fear of B. for lack of

32. We would not ______ such hard work. It‘s impossible for us to complete in such a short time. A. take in B. take off moment. A. empty

B. vacant

C. permanent D. adequate

34. Medical doctors sometimes can make mistakes ______ will cost ______ A. that; patients their lives B. what; patients their lives C. which; patients for their lives D. that; patients with their lives

35. ________ you make a mistake, you should not be embarrassed. After all, we are human beings. A. Should


C. take on

33. Many people have applied for a job with our company, but we only have one or two ______ positions at the

B. Would C. Had D. Were

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


For whatever reason, discipline has gone from the original meaning ―to teach‖ to ―to punish‖! However, I think parents should teach and 36 children to set the behavior right 37 punish them. As for me, I may use single word reminders or questions or state facts, instead of 38 or demanding compliance (服从).

I was 39 the first time I noticed how well this works. As usual, my daughter walked out of the bathroom with the lights still on. Normally I would bark ―Switch off the light‖. She would sometimes follow the 40 , and sometimes she would 41 with ―You switch off the lights‖ or an aggressive ―No!‖ or 42 , just plainly ignore me. Anyway, that day I just said ―lights‖ in a normal and 43 tone. Surprisingly, she went back to the bathroom and 44 the lights. I have 45 this with all my heart now – anytime I remember, I just use a single word said in the tone of a friendly 46 , and most of the times, it works. For example, ―Car‖ gets her to 47 hanging about and walk towards the car.

I have also used the question technique, which has 48 pretty well so far. Instead of shouting ―Go, put your shoes back on the shoe shelf‖, a simple question like ―Hey, where do we put our shoes?‖ gets the job done with less 49 . 50 , stating facts helps too. When washing hands, if she is fooling around, I just 51 ―Water is wasting‖ and she is likely to wash her hands faster than 52 like ―you are wasting water‖.

I advise parents to pick up one new 53 discipline technique to 54 or one old habit to let go of, and 55 that for the rest of the week. It may work for you, it may not. But unless you try, you will never know! So, take action to find a way to get back on the positive path!

36. A. permit B. forbid C. advise D. guide 37. A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. or rather 38. A. announcing B. ordering C. declaring D. claiming 39. A. shocked B. disappointed C. puzzled D. amazed 40. A. description B. assumption C. instruction D. introduction 41. A. answer B. counter C. agree D. threaten 42. A. badly B. well C. better D. worse 43. A. sweet B. casual C. strict D. formal 44. A. cut off B. broke off C. turned off D. put off 45. A. adapted B. adopted C. adjusted D. abandoned 46. A. reminder B. persuasion C. reference D. command 47. A. appreciate B. continue C. postpone D. stop 48. A. mattered B. worked C. served D. operated 49. A. hesitation B. determination C. assistance D. resistance 50. A. Similarly B. Obviously C. Naturally D. Eventually 51. A. shout B. whisper C. state D. scold 52. A. criticism B. indication C. encouragement D. demand 53. A. valuable B. positive C. vital D. useful 54. A. experiment B. apply C. try D. examine 55. A. rely on B. focus on C. decide on D. take on 第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




Described by The Washington Post as ―one of the seven wonders of the artistic universe‖ and by The New York Times as ―one of the great companies of the world,‖ the Martha Graham Dance Company returns on their 90th Anniversary Tour. A pioneer of modern dance, Martha Graham revolutionized dance with her unconventional movement language and socially charged exploration of spiritual and emotional themes. The company continues to foster Graham‘s spirit, inspiring new generations of choreographers (编舞者) and dance lovers. The dance will be performed in Meany Studio Theatre from May 18 to May 22, 2016. The multi-award winning Heath Quartet is a young UK-based quartet with a strong international presence. Their playing is thrilling. The Heath Quartet are active cooperators with some of the world‘s most important new music composers and will perform a program that includes a work by the British composer Michael Tippet. This performance will be given at 7:30 on 27th October in Meany Theatre. And it is currently only available as part of a Meany Center subscription package. Subscribe today to guarantee your seat. The Henry presents an exhibition of black walnut sculptures by American artist Paul McCarthy. Ranging in height from four to fourteen feet, the works that occupy the museum‘s lower level gallery are the product of the artist‘s interest in the nineteenth-century German folktale Schneewittchen (Snow White) and Walt Disney‘s beloved 1937 animated classic film. The exhibition will be on Sat, March 5 (All day) to Sun, September 11 (All day) in Henry Art Gallery. It is free for Henry members, students and children. $10 General Admission; $6 Seniors (62+). Buy now. 56. We can learn from the passage that _______. A. the Dance company has performed 90 times in Meany Theatre B. the young Heath Quartet enjoys a good reputation worldwide C. Paul McCarthy got inspiration only from folktales in Germany D. the audience can buy tickets to enjoy these art events now 57. The passage is intended to _______. A. present information of art events B. persuade people to buy tickets C. advertise for promising artists D. call on the public to appreciate art


The latest Disney movie, ―Zootopia‖, broke records. The movie had the largest opening weekend for a Disney animated film. People across the United States bought more than $75 million worth of tickets. The box office totals pushed the popular movie, ―Frozen‖, to second place in opening weekend success. Experts say ―Zootopia‖ is expected to stay strong this

weekend. They predict it will make as much as $50 million more. Already, the movie‘s worldwide box office total is more than $230 million.

―Zootopia‖ is a city of animals. The movie stars a bunny rabbit police officer and a fox criminal who team up to find a missing otter. He is among several animals that have suddenly disappeared from the city.


Critics have strongly praised ―Zootopia‖ for its sharp humor and strong message. The film explores racism and other intolerance in its portrayal(描绘) of relations between two kinds of animals in the city. Jared Bush and Phil Johnston wrote ―Zootopia‖. They told reporters that it started out as a spy movie set in several different animal worlds. But they found the mammal world especially interesting. So they changed the story. Bush and Johnston said building the imaginary world took a lot of research. They both spoke about it to the website Inside the Magic. Bush said they asked themselves, ―What‘s this world like? What‘s the history of this world?‖ And then, he said, they went to the experts. The writers spoke with people who study culture and group behavior, as well as those who study the psychology of individuals. And they talked with animal experts like zookeepers. They learned that the natural world is made up of 90 percent prey animals and 10 percent predator animals. ―Zootopia‖ director Byron Howard says that discovery helped build the film‘s themes prejudice and inclusion in a diverse world. The creators have noted that diversity was not easy to produce in drawings. There are 64 species represented in the movie. There are multiple neighborhoods that represent the different environments of animal habitats.

Disney says ―Zootopia‖ is its most complex animation yet. The extra effort is certainly paying off at the box office.

58. What does the film focus on?

A. Effective ways to protect prey animals. B. Prejudice and inclusion in a diverse world. C. Differences between prey and predator animals. D. The love of peace among different animals.

59. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. ―Zootopia‖ made 50 million dollars the first weekend. B. A fox is among several animals disappearing from the city.

C. The creators asked experts for help to build the imaginary world. D. ―Zootopia‖ is a spy movie set in different animal worlds. 60. Where can you probably find the passage? A. In a film textbook. B. In a tourist brochure. C. In a research paper. D. In a news report.


Working through a self-help program online can prevent or delay major depression disorder in people who are vulnerable, a study finds. Similar programs have been used to treat depression, but this may be the first one tested to prevent it, the researchers say.

Online programs for mental health problems can be as effective as face-to-face treatment and offer some advantages: Low cost and available at any time. But they‘re not panaceas. The study, which was conducted by researchers from Germany, involved 406 people with subthreshold depression, which is defined as having some symptoms of depression but not enough to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder.

In this experiment, half of the participants were asked to do six half-hour-long exercises that were based on cognitive behavioral therapy (认知行为疗法) and problem-solving therapy, which are techniques commonly used for in-person therapy. In the cognitive behavioral therapy, participants were asked to identify positive activities they used to engage in and then were asked to actively plan those activities again. At the next session, participants reflected on their experiences. For the problem-solving therapy, people were asked to create a list of the things that matter most to them in their lives and brainstorm on how to incorporate those things into daily life. They next were asked to categorize problems and worries into ―manageable‖ and ―unmanageable‖; the main focus in problem-solving therapy is to tackle those problems that are considered manageable.

Both therapies are intended to change negative thinking in order to change mood and behavior. After completing each exercise, participants in the intervention (干预) group received written individualized feedback


from an online trainer. The trainers did not offer any therapeutic advice, only motivation and encouragement to continue the exercises. Participants also could repeat the online sessions as often as they liked. The control group received information about depression but didn‘t have to read it.

Of the 406 participants that began the study, 335 completed the telephone follow-up at the end of 12 months. Twenty-seven percent in the intervention group experienced depression compared with 41 percent in the control group.

It is unclear if the people who went on to develop major depressive disorder had experienced it before. Lead author Claudia Buntrock says that because the study only tracked participants‘ mental health over the course of 12 months, the long-term effectiveness of the intervention is unknown. ―It‘s also not clear if this kind of program could be used widely. It took the trainers about 30 minutes to provide feedback for each session, and they also stayed in touch with participants via instant messaging.‖ he adds. 61. According to the experiment, the participants _______.

A. are treated in the same way by the trainers B. access the online programme just for once C. show severe symptoms of depression D. are divided into two different groups 62. The underlined word ―panaceas‖ in paragraph 2 probably refers to something that can ___. A. solve all the problems B. produce harmful effects C. appeal to every patient D. distribute powerful results 63. The author develops Paragraph 4 mainly by _______. A. making comparisons B. describing a process C. providing examples D. offering an explanation 64. From what Claudia Buntrock said, we can infer_______.

A. people suffering from depression have experienced it before B. on-line programmes have long-term effects on depression C. trainers have spent a lot of time and energy on the experiment D. twelve months is long enough to carry out the experiment


I wanted to stop at a sporting goods store ―Going Out of Business‖ sale we passed in the mall. ―There‘s nothing we need‖, my husband‘s usual ill-tempered male comment. ―It‘s all overpriced junk. If they had anything good they wouldn‘t be going out of business.‖

―But, it‘s sporting goods. Could be some good deals for the grandkids. And, you like boats and fishing stuff. I‘ve put up with that photo of your ?dream-canoe‘ stuck on the bathroom mirror for years now. Maybe you‘d enjoy just looking around?‖

―Are you crazy?‖ His eyes got funny and he said something like. ―This loser store wouldn‘t carry something like that. And I‘m sure not going near those sucker crowds.‖

I squared my chin and marched into the crowded store. Aisles and aisles of sporting equipment, boy toys were strung with huge blaring signs. CLOSING OUT SALE─Up to 80% OFF. NO REFUNDS.

Up and down the aisles I walked and explored, humming to myself and enjoying the excitement of a sale. All of a sudden, there, at the back of the store, in gleaming silver, full of lifejackets, paddles and fishing stuff, sat the exact canoe of my husband‘s picture. I gasped and blinked three times. Yup. It was still there. The Supremo Numero-Uno blah, blah. My heart beat wildly. I made my way through the crowds, scrambled over junk in the aisles and nearly fell into the canoe looking for the price tag. There it was─a little tattered (破旧的), with the manufacturer‘s suggested retail price at $6,750 plus tax crossed out and a handwritten TO CLEAR $750 AS IS. NO RETURNS. Must be a mistake. $6000 off? Salesman. I had to talk to a salesman. I spotted a young fellow with a ―Hi. I‘m Mathew‖ tag trying to hide out from bargain hunters. I grasped his sleeve. ―Mathew. Tell me about this El Supremo canoe. What‘s wrong with it? Why is it only $750?‖

―Oh. There‘s nothing wrong with it. It‘s brand new. We‘re closing the store is all. It‘s on clearance like


