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程丹 王丽娜


李雷和韩梅梅诞生始末 上世纪90年代人教版英语教材的中方主编刘道义,是李雷和韩 梅梅的创造者。 那是在1988年,刘道义50岁,在人教社英语编辑室担任主任和 英国朗文公司合作出版,首次吸取了国际上流行的交际教学思想, 因此诞生了诸多和“80,90后”一起成长的人物角色。设计人物的时 候,编辑组对角色名字和性格进行了充分考虑,他们挑了一些好念 好听的,让国外作者选。每个人物都有特点,要让读者一眼就能看 出是谁。韩梅梅是一个大眼睛,梳齐耳学生头,穿及膝连衣裙,扣 子一直扣到领口最后一颗的乖乖女生。李雷则是个小平头,圆圆的 脑袋,爱穿浅色T恤的优秀男孩 1990年,经过近两年的编写,这套发行10余年、影响了至少2 亿中学生的英语教材这套材在全国15个省份推行,影响了整整一代 人。 现如今这套教材有了续集,李雷和韩梅梅和当年陪伴他们的 八零九零后一样开始工作,结婚,养育孩子。


Do you remember these textbooks?

People born between 1980 and 1990all learn these textbooks ,which published by People’s Education Press(人民教育出版社 ) between 1990 and 2004. Someone estimated that hundreds of millions of middle school students used the textbook over a ten-year period 。

They tought us how to reply “How are you?” —it’s always, always, the classical phrase “Fine, thank you. And you?” we loved it, for they make you seem smart to native English speakers, we hated it, because the answer to the reply may be long and confusing…because we wouldn’t know what to do and how to say next…

Who Are They?

Miss Gao

Han Meimei Li Lei Lin Tao I’m Polly!

Lucy and Lily

The story about Li Lei and Han Meimei LiLei and Han MeiMei were the two main characters in the textbooks. Their story are very popular online, some person wrote articles about speculations on their love affairs (triangle(三角恋)) with Englishman Jim Green and an annotated cast of characters. 《 Li Lei,Han Meimei,和Jim Green缠绵悱 恻的爱情故事》 《Li Lei 和 Jim Green 谁是第一主角?》 《李雷都这么牛,韩梅梅却不喜欢他》

In 2009, another English textbook was published by People's Education Press, which also talked something about Li Lei and Han Meimei, but it makes 80’s felt lovelorn. Because Li Lei and Han Meimei didn’t get married, Han Meimei married a businessman Han Gang and raised two children Keke and Xixi.



you !

