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2015-2016学年 高一第二学期期中复习卷1 (语法和词汇)

I. 动名词&动词不定式专项

1. I remember _______ that you were ill, but I forgot who. A. to be told B. telling C. being told D. having told 2. The athletes are busy _______ the coming national games. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepare for D. preparing for 3. What can we do _______ this epidemic ________? A. to keep, spreading B. to prevent, spreading C. to stop, being spread D. to prevent, spreaded

4. The child used to write with a ball-pen, and now he is _____ with a writing brush. A. try writing B. to try to write C. trying writing D. trying to write 5. Can I use your dictionary for a while? I have ______ mine. A. forgotten taking B. forgotten to take C. forgotten to bring D. forgotten bringing *6. I can hardly imagine the village _______ freedom from poverty so soon. A. get B. getting C. to get D. to have got *7. Are you worried about _______ alone at home? A. Peggy’s leaving B. Peggy having left C. Peggy to be left D. Peggy’s being left *8. I’m afraid your suggestion can’t help ______ the service of their garage. A. improving B. improve C. in improving D. for improving 9. If I can stop them ______ there, I’ll do it. A. go B. to go C. gone D. going 10. There used ______ a post office at the corner of the street. A. to be B. to being C. to have D. to having 11. The beggar came in without ______. A. asking B. being asked C. having asked D. asked 12. How I regret _____ such an inferior recorder. I feel like _____ it into the dustbin.

A. to have bought, to throw B. having bought, throwing C. to buy, to throw D. buying, having thrown 13. Lack of transport means ________ to walk over the mountain. A. to have B. having C. to be unable D. being forbidden 14. ---I usually to there by train.

---Why not _____ by boat for a change? A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going 15. They insist on state help _______ the farmers. A. should give B. should be giving C. giving to D. being given to *16. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help ______ into buying something they don’t really need. A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded 17. It was impossible to avoid ______ by the repairs. A. to be affected B. affecting C. being much affected D. to affect


18. The receptionist was willing to do anything except ______ me her name. A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. told 19. They have difficulty ________ English because English is hard ______. A. to study, to learn B. studying, learning C. studying, to learn D. to study, learning *20. She apologized for _____ to come. A. her not be able B. her being not able C. not being able D. that she’s not able to

*21. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ______ from you sometime. A. to have heard B. to hear C. for hearing D. hearing 22. Your shirt needs ________. You’d better have it done today. A. iron B. to iron C. ironing D. being ironed 23. The suspect at last admitted ______ stolen goods but denied ______ them. A. receiving…selling B. to receive…to sell C. to receiving…to selling D. to have received…to have sold

24. A group of boys were playing marbles. A man passed by and stopped ____ them________. A. watching, playing B. to watch, playing C. to watch, to play D. watching, play

25. ______ music is always the most favourite pastime of many people all over the world. A. To listen B. Listening to C. Listen to D. Listening *26. ___________ independently means ________ on yourself to work out problems. A. Thinking/ depending C. To think/ depending

C. To think/ to depending D. That thinking/ to depend *27. The angry tourists insisted ____________ more than they had been asked to.

A. to not pay B. not to pay C. on not to pay D. on not paying 28. Could you excuse ____________ before the meeting is over?

A. I left B. my leaving C. I leaving D. me left *29. ---What made him so excited?

--- __________ the college entrance examination.

A. Because of passing B. Because he had passed C. Having passed D. Having been passed

30. The visiting professor preferred __________ his students rather than _________ a speech at the meeting.

A. to teach/ give B. teaching/ giving C. teach/ to give D. to teach/ to give

II. 定语从句专项

*1. What would you do with those _________ come without ___________________ ?

A. who/ inviting B. who/ being invited C. that/ to invite D. that/ to be invited 2. The wrong you've done him is terrible, for ______ you should make an apology to him, I


A. this B. which C. what D. that 3. The teacher wanted to teach us ________ he knew at this last lesson..

A. all which B. all what C. all D. everything which 4. You've made the same mistake you made last time.


A. as B. like C. which D. that *5. He is the only one of the three got the new idea.

A. who have B. whom have C. who has D. whose had *6. You are supposed to change the way ________ you do the experiment.

A. which B. / C. what D. about *7. _________ is mentioned above, there are always two sides to a thing.

A. It B. What C. As D. Which 8.Is this the reason _____ at the meeting for his being absent? A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained

*9. The bus, was already full, was surrounded by an angry crowd.

A. which of most B. most of which C. which of the most D. most of that 10. Have you seen a book _____________ cover is a beautiful painting of roses? A. which B. of which C. on its D. whose

11. We must think seriously about _______ to do in such a situation ______ many politicians are involved. A. how; when B. what; when C. how; where D. what; where 12.It is the factory _______ produces all kinds of TV sets.

A .in which B. which C. what D. where

13. Can you still remember those days ___________ we lived in the country?

A. that B. when C. on which D. which

III. Unit 1-4 综合训练

1. ___________ out what they want from us, I will write them a letter.

A. To find B. Finding C. Having found D. Found

2. When they got back, they found their house ____________ down by some strangers. A. pulling B. was pulled C. was being pulled D. was been pulled 3. _________ you do is more important than __________ you say.

A. what/ what B. that/ that C. what/ that D. that/ what 4. By the end of this year, they ___________ at least eight English novels.

A. will be reading B. will have read C. had read D. have read 5. They must ____________ through a lot of difficulties when they were about my age. A. going B. have gone C. had gone D. be going 6. Every one of them ___________ the challenge, which is incredible to their parents. A. dare take B. dares take C. dare to take D. dares to take *7. He is said ____________ to the remote mountainous area many times already.

A. to have been B. having been C. to have gone D. having gone 8. I had meant to ___________ you last week, but I was too busy.

A. call for B. call off C. call on D. call in *9. According to the law, parents are ___________ to send their children to school.

A. appreciated B. occupied C. obliged D. attempted 10. The occasion ______ a cool head. A. calls for B. calls off C. calls up D. calls on


11. He was ______ to join the army during the Second World War. A. considered B. obliged C. occupied D. implied

12. The gardeners look after the plants carefully. They _____ soil and water the plants regularly. A. fill B. change C. expose D. cultivate 13. No one knows when the earth came into _____. A. effect B. use C. being D. sight

III. Translation

1. 恰当地使用英语能使我们避免冒犯他人。(avoid)

2. 我想要指出的是我们应该保护好自然环境。(point out)

*3. 一般说来,良好的学习习惯会对学习效率产生很大的影响。(effect)

*4. 在我看来,让孩子在小时侯多接触好书是很重要的。(expose)

5. 目光交流是一种无声的信号,能向我们的听众传递大量重要的信息。(communicate)

6. 如果你要进一步了解我们产品,请与我们公司在上海的代表处联系。(contact)

**7. 她放弃了这次机会因为缺少足够的资金和家人的支持。(1ack)

*8. 每一位驾驶员开车时都必须牢记任何的疏忽都可能造成事故,甚至死亡。(cause)

9. 出于对那位总统的敬意,我们将在新建的饭店里设宴。(in honor of)

10. 政府因为那位教授对这座城市的发展所做出的贡献而给予他荣誉。(honor…for…)

11. 你可以到航空售票处买到机票。( available )

12. 她一走进来,就情不自禁笑了出来。( The instant)


2015-2016学年 高一第二学期期中复习卷2 (语法和词汇)

I. Multiple Choice:

*1. The 40-storey Sydney Harbour Bridge, ______ the magnificent Sydney Opera House, towers over Australia’s largest city.

A. which located near B. which is located near C. which near D. which locating near 2. The old gentleman has relied on his daughter ______ house in the past five years. A. keeping B. kept C. to keep D. being kept 3. The young man devoted all he could ______ the homeless child. A. to help B. helping C. having helped D. to helping

4. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good _________. A. to be breathed B. to breathe C. breathing D. being breathed 5. The front door is shut. Why not ______ at the back door to get in?

A. to try to knock B. try knocking C. to try knocking D. try to knock 6. Since the ground is covered with thick snow, it ______ heavily last night. A. must have snowed B. had snowed C. may not have snowed D. can have snowed *7. ______ our advice made us disappointed. A. She not following B. Her not following C. Not her following D. Not she following 8. The film is not worth ______ a second time. A. to be seen B. seeing C. to see D. being seen *9. The article assigned by the professor ______ by the end of this month. A. will be finished B. have been finished C. will have been finished D. will finish

*10. ______ the work ahead of schedule made the boss very happy and he decided to give them a bonus (奖金).

A. The workers’ having done B. The workers did C. The workers’ to do D. The workers doing 11. Do you remember _____ to Mr. Green during your last visit? A. to be introduced B. being introduced. C. to introduce D. having introduced

12. She can’t help _____ the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned 13. Every minute must be made full use ______ English.

A. of studying B. to study C. of being studied D. of to study 14. To our great sorrow, the terrorist attack in India led to ______.

A. hundreds of people having killed B. hundreds of people being killed C. kill hundreds of people D. hundreds of people to be killed

**15. No one can imagine the trouble the rescue workers had ______ for survivors after the earthquake in Sichuan Province. A. search B. to search C. searching D. searched **16. ______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed


17. Many students have to stay up late because of the ______ competition. A. fierce B. historic C. similar D. instant

18. We often read in novels how a seemingly ______ person or family has some terrible secret. A. respective B. respectable C. respectful D. respect 19. We can often tell the meaning of a word from its ______. A. pronunciation B. intonation C. communication D. context

20. Everyone must ______good habits. Which of the following is WRONG? A. train B. cultivate C. develop D. form

21. Nobody knows what is wrong with the machine, so we must send for an engineer to ______ the problem. A. deal to B. handle with C. carry out D. work out *22. As I ______ the house, I noticed a light upstairs. A. near B. entered into C. approached D. approached to

23. Men must wear a jacket and tie. ______, women must wear a skirt or dress, not trousers, if they are invited to a ball. A. Rightly B. Familiarly C. Similarly D. Beside

24. When he applied for a ______ in the office of local newspaper, he was told to see the manager. A. position B. profession C. career D. location

25. You’d better install the air-conditioning according to the manufacturer’s ______. A. collections B. campaigns C. destinations D. instructions

II. Choose the proper words or phrases to fill in the blanks entertain complain about imply be replaced by occupy make attempts put emphasis on offend

1. In communication, we are supposed to understand what is ______ in other people’s words. 2. It is pointless to ______ negotiating(谈判)with them, because they never change their


3. You know your colleagues so well that you can help them out without ______ their pride. 4. The writer ______ a unique place in English literature three decades ago.

5. In the near future many workers who work on assembly(装配)lines ______ labor-saving

machines and robots.

6. We ______ the inefficiency of the washing facilities, but it was ignored by the management. 7. They have ______ to climb the mountain several times, but all failed. 8. Last night, he ______ us for hours with his stories and jokes.

III. Translation

1. *如果你能给我指出作文中的错误,我会很感激的。(appreciate)

2. *教育者应当记住学生需要受到文化、艺术和音乐的熏陶。(bear, expose)


3. 他一被大学录取就下定决心要不辜负父母的期望。(admit, determine, instant)

4. 驾驶员必须遵守交通法规,因为驾驶时再小心也不为过。(oblige, never…too)

IV. Grammar & Vocabulary

*21. Do you still remember _______________ the aquarium when you were five years old?

A. visiting B. being visited C. visit D. to visit 22. She decided to devote herself ______the problem of old age.

A. to study B. studying C. to studying D. study 23. He couldn’t stand _________ to attend the important party. A. not being invited B. not invited C. not inviting D. being not invited *24. That’s one of those questions that really don’t need __________.

A. answer B. to answer C. being answered D. answering 25. With the help of the map, tourists have no difficulty _________ around the city.

A. traveling B. travel C. to travel D. having traveled 26. He had meant _________ you, but he was too busy then.

A. having visited B. to have visited C. visiting D. to visit

*27. The day may not come _______ all the people in the world will enjoy freedom and live in peace.

A. when B. that C. as D. until

28. _______ is mentioned in the text, plane tickets are more expensive than those for trains. A. What B. That C. As D. It *29. The reason _______ he was late was _________ he didn’t catch the first bus. A. why, because B. that, that C. that, why D. why, that 30. This is the very man _______ spoke at the meeting this morning.

A. who B. whom C. which D. that 31. The test is for students _________ native language is not English.

A. that B. whose C. of whom D. which 32. You see the lightning _______ it happens, but you hear the thunder later. A. the instant B. for an instant C. in an instant D. on the instant 33. It is obvious that _______ you do the exercises, _______they will do you. A. the better … the more good B. the more … the better C. the better … the better D. the more … the more good

34. _______ much preparation had been done for the Olympic Games, something unexpected happened at the opening ceremony when it was time to light the Olympic flames. A. After B. Although C. As D. If 35. Every possible use has been__________ his spare time. A. made for B. made of C. done for D. done of

36. This new copy machine is more _________ than the old one, which improves the ______ of work.

A. effective, efficiency B. effective, effect C. efficient, efficiency D. efficient, effect


37. It took us a whole day to reach our _________, for we went the wrong way. A. determination B. destination C. expectation D. imagination

38. If the interview is _________ for 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, Jack will not attend it because of an important exam.

A. mentioned B. managed C. scheduled D. operated

39. Our class teacher told us that May 4th Movement, which happened in 1919, was a _______ event.

A. history B. historic C. historical D. historian

40. While he had a(n) _________ knowledge of geography, he failed to answer the question where the source of the Yangtze River is. A. unique B. limited C. permanent D. wide

**V. Fill in the blank with the expressions given. be based on point out depend on complain about call for approach instead of bump into 81. I ________ an old college friend on tour in Sydney last week. 82. Correct judgment _____________ one’s powers of observation.

83. Because of high blood pressure, Lao Li has to lie in bed ________ working.

84. People with a disability _________ mainly ______ their own efforts in the competitions of the Special Olympic Games.

85. Some teenagers often ____________ the school rule that they are asked to wear school uniforms every day.

86. It hasn’t rained for months in most of the south-western provinces in China, which ________ the immediate action of the government.

87. In the forest, a hungry tiger _______________ the deer whose leg was badly injured.

88. Many experts _____________ that lack of physical exercise will be harmful to our younger generation.

VI. Translation

*89. 能在该俱乐部工作我感到十分荣幸。(honour)

90. 父母们应重视培养孩子的交流能力。(emphasis)

*91. 演讲者必须意识到与观众们眼神交流的重要性。(aware)

**92 由于经常接触化学物质,这位受人尊敬的教授死于癌症。(expose)


卷1答案: I.动名词



1-10 ACABB DACCA 11-13 BDC III. Translation

1. 恰当地使用英语能使我们避免冒犯他人。(avoid)

Using English properly enables use to avoid offending others.

2. 我想要指出的是我们应该保护好自然环境。(point out)

I’d like to point out that we should protect the natural environment.

3. 一般说来,良好的学习习惯会对学习效率产生很大的影响。(effect)

Generally speaking, good learning habits will have a great effect on learning efficiency.

4. 在我看来,让孩子在小时侯多接触好书是很重要的。(expose)

In my opinion, it is important to expose children to good books when they are young/in their


5. 目光交流是一种无声的信号,能向我们的听众传递大量重要的信息。(communicate)

Eye contact is a silent signal which can communicate a lot of important information to our audience/listeners.

6. 如果你要进一步了解我们产品,请与我们公司在上海的代表处联系。(contact)

If you want to learn more about our products, please make contact with the agency of our company in Shanghai.

7. 她放弃了这次机会因为缺少足够的资金和家人的支持。(1ack)

She gave up this chance/opportunity for lack of enough money and family’s support.

8. 每一位驾驶员开车时都必须牢记任何的疏忽都可能造成事故,甚至死亡。(cause)

While driving every driver must keep in mind that any carelessness will cause an accident and even death.

9. 出于对那位总统的敬意,我们将在新建的饭店里设宴。(in honor of)

We will give a dinner party in this newly-built restaurant in honor of the president.

10. 政府因为那位教授对这座城市的发展所做出的贡献而给予他荣誉。(honor…for…) The government honored that professor for his services to the development of the city.

11. 你可以到航空售票处买到机票。( available ) Air tickets are available to you at the air ticket office..


12. 她一走进来,就情不自禁笑了出来。( The instant) The instant she came in, she couldn’t help laughing.


1 – 5 B C D B B 6 – 10 A B B C A 11—15 B A D B C 16—20 C A B D A 21—25 D C C A D

implied, put emphasis on, offending, occupied, will be replaced by, complained about, made attempts, entertained

I would appreciate it if you could point out the mistakes in my composition.

Educators should bear in mind that students must be exposed to culture, art and music

The instant he was admitted to the university, he was determined to live up to his parents’ expectations.

The drivers are obliged to obey the traffic rules, because they can never be too careful when driving.


81. bumped into 82. is based on 83. instead of 84. depend …on 85. complain about 86. calls for

87. was approaching 88. point out

V. Translation

1. I feel it a great honour to work in the club. I feel greatly honoured to work in the club.

2. Parents should put/lay/place emphasis on cultivating children’s communication skills/abilities.

3. Speakers/lecturers must be aware of the importance of making eye contact with audience.

4. Because he was often exposed to/often exposed himself to chemicals, the respectable professor died of cancer.


