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Unit One Interests and Hobbies

III. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Collocation

1) facilitate improvement 2) gather information 3)allocate money 4) learn from 5) bring about

2. Word Formation — Compound (复合词)

1)outlook 2)lookout 3)layout 4)outlines 5) outbursts 6)outgrows 7) outlet 8) outcome 9) outfit 10) outbreak 3. Banked Cloze

1) endurance 2) accessories 3) intensity 4) invested 5) subsequently 6) displayed 7)allocating 8) inclination 9) involved 10) attain

3. Multiple Choice

1) D 2) A 3) A 4) C 5) A 6) B

Ⅳ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1) Along with new inventions of modern civilization, it also will bring about information about the outer world.

2) If one party is going to carry out reform, the opinions of any potential problems from other parties should be taken into account. 3) By chance, he come up with the answer to that problem.

4) In terms of the time wasted, cheap entertainment is rather expensive. 5) They are willing to engage in campaigns on popular science, especially on knowledge about environmental protection and food safety.

II. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Banked Cloze

1) B 2) A 3) C 4) D 5) C 6) A 7) D 8) B 9) C 10) A

11) B 12) B 13) A 14) C 15) C 16) B 17) B 18) A 19) C 20) D 2. Error correction

1)possibly- possible 2) and- but 3) that-where 4) his - their 5) is- are

6) CORRECT 7) CORRECT 8) prevent-preventing 9) emphasize- emphasis 10) or -and

Unit Two Life and Fashion

III. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Collocation

1) confidences 2) awareness 3) anxiety 4) pressure 5) efficiency 2. Word Formation

1) greenhouse 2) microwave 3) mainland 4) highway

5) blackboard 6) Mid-autumn 2. Banked Cloze

1) substantial 2) executive 3) undisputed 4) recall 5) transit

6) innovate 7) endorse 8) prominence 9) renowned 10) entrepreneur 3. Multiple Choices

1) A 2) B 3) B 4) B 5) B

Ⅳ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1. Good models emphasize the outstanding features of the structures and relationships they represent and de-emphasize the less significant details.

2. We may take into consideration accepting

government-to-government or non-government loans only if the conditions permit.

3. We cannot get help from instinct or intuition but have to rely on experience.

4. I wonder how many celebrities actually use the products they endorse. 5. A good book can serve as a guide in your life. Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Cloze

1) B 2) D 3) A 4)A 5) B 6) A 7) C 8) C 9) A 10) B

11) D 12) B 13) C 14) A 15) D 16) D 17) B 18) A 19) A 20) C

2. Error Correction

1). Around后面加上the 2) environmental改为environmentally

3) things改为thing 4) 删去many

5) recycling改为recycled 6) drive后面加上to

7) live改为life 8) fact后面的are改为is

9) 第一个much改为less 10) live改为living

Unit Three Language and Culture

III. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Collocation

Now match a word from column A with a word from column B to make common collocations. Then use these combinations to complete the sentences below. 1) give …thought 2) tolerate… excuse 3) receive…check

4) realize…limitations 5) convincing voice 2. Word Formation — Compound Words (复合词)

1) 三条腿的 2) 冷漠的 3) 睡眼惺忪的 4) 广口的

5) 黑皮肤的 6) 声音洪亮的 7) 有远见的 8) 尖刻的

3.Select words from what are given and fill in the blanks with their proper forms.

(1) perceptions (2) bothered (3) hurt (4) concept (5) hurt (6) fiction (7) excited (8) neither (9) internal (10) wholeness

4 Study the following models, and complete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English.

1) as if she were his mother 2) as if he were a grown up

3)as if it is raining 4)as if he is drunk

5)as if you didn’t care 6) as if he knew

where she was

IV. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1. That old film evoked memories of my childhood.

2. He has never been concerned about what other people think of him. 3. A message that cannot be seen or heard is, by definition, not effective.

4. The students were fascinated by his ideas.

5. Can you make (any) sense of what the writer is saying?

1) B 2) A 3) A 4) D 5) C 6) D 7) B 8) A 9) A 10) B

11)A 12)C 13) D 14) B 15)C 16) A 17) D 18) D 19) A 20) C

2. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the mistaken one and correct it.

1) A →were eager (eager 前加were,因此处缺谓语动词 ) 2) A →Winning its war (分词作状语,主要看是主动还是被动,美

国赢得应该是主动,所以A错,改won为winning )

3) B→ did not (此句是虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反,故条件从句


4) B →to have finished (pretend应接不定式的完成式to have

finished,而不接动名词的完成式having finished )

5) B →is it true (事实上决不是所有的英国人都精通自

己的语言。 由于by no means引导倒装句,所以it is应为is it )

6) A →in which (从句主谓结构搭配为:progress has been rapid in, 这里的


“在某方面”,相当于rapid progress has been made in the science of medicine. )

Unit 4 Love and Marriage

III Vocabulary and Structure.

1. Collocation

1) let go 2) wedding anniversary 3) awaiting response 4) longs for

5) non-profit organization

2. Word Formation — Compound (复合词)

1) badly-wounded 受伤严重的2) newly-arrived新到的3)

strongly-motivated 学习动力强的4) widely-known 知名度高的5) simply-furnished 陈设简单的6) smartly-dressed穿着漂亮的 3. Banked Cloze

(1) passions (2) charming (3) rent (4) comments (5) e-mailing (6) dating

(7) amazing (8) cyber (9) anniversary (10) engaged 4. Multiple Choice

1) A 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) C Ⅳ. Translation:

1.Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English. (1) walked out of the terminal

(2) a fervent surfer of both waves and the internet; surfing waves and the internet

(3) don’t tan easily (4) It is apparent

(5) the incredible story (6) situated in a valley (7) have officially announced their engagement

2. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1) I heard them telling their story of loving at first sight. 2) Hobbies are supposed to be relaxing.

3) The ferry sails back and forth between the two ports.

4) I knew that our cyber love wouldn’t result in a good end, so I let it go.

5) Her jaw dropped open when I told her Jean had left her husband. 6) His wish is to meet his favorite pop star face to face.

II. Test Zone

1. Banked cloze



1. A。第一句话首先说明“像伦敦这样的许多大城市礼貌实际上已经消失”,之后说“为了抢最后的一个座位把上年纪的老太太挤到一边也不足为奇”,所以认为“nothing”比较恰当。

2. B。既然不讲礼貌,所以主动站起来并给老人让座的少得多了。

3. C。who say that, since women have claimed equality, they no longer should be treated whit courtesy…是“年轻人所争论的”,这是他们认为不给他人让座的原因。

4. D。不必很有礼貌地对待妇女,其原因是他们宣称平等。since“既然”。 5. B。在上班的高峰,妇女应该象其他人一样,轮到谁是谁。take one’s turn“该谁做”、“轮到谁做”。

6. C。妇女从身体上来说,不能与男人相提并论。

7. A。根据意思“即使不同意这种观点,也应该站起来给年轻妇女让座。” 8. D。本文主要探讨的是礼貌问题,所以推测“还是应该对老人、病人及残疾人讲点儿礼貌”。

9. A。本句话意思是“我们确实能够把无私置之度外,安静地坐在那里,心里想着谁占到的就是谁的吗?”be lost to sth. “将某事置之度外”、“不再受某事物的 影响”,为固定短语。

10. B。与上句话形成鲜明的对比。while“然而”。

11. C。上了一天班,且年纪大了,所以会“感到疲惫的”,鉴于这种情况,他们也不会顾及自己多么高尚,也开始抢座。

12. D。由于老人也开始抢座,所以引发了一些争论。 (from

13. B。为了自己抢到一个座位,就拉别人或推别人,这是不可取的,所以认为“人们不可能赞成这种做法”。

14. C。人们愿意在城市生活,因为生活惬意,所以猜测“如果依然是令人惬意的地方,就应该改善交通设施。”

15. A。文章主要说的是在公共交通上人们的一些不礼貌的做法,所以认为“应该改善交通设施。”

16. D。改善交通设施是一个方法,另外就是人与人之间还应该保持礼貌。 17. A。为抢座的种种做法都是不礼貌的,因此认为“好像人们很累,也顾不到礼貌了。”

18. B。“售货员不必劳神去为他人服务,出租车司机们彼此嚷嚷”都是不礼貌行为,所以他们是并列关系,因此“help”比较恰当。

19. C。售票员是为乘客服务的,所以认为“乘客还没有来得及上车或下车,售票员就开始摇铃。”

20. D。本句话意思“看来年轻人和身体强壮的人该尽他们的一份力量来阻止这种恶化了”。

it is up to sb. to do sth. “由某人决定做某事”。 2. Error Correction 1. (instead) on --- of 2. like --- as 3. has --- have 4. the --- / 5. it --- them

6. leads --- causes 7. down --- up

8. Nevertheless --- Therefore 9. works --- work/job/jobs 10. international --- national

Unit 5 Myths And Legends

III. Vocabulary and Structure

1. 1) prisoner 2) trigger 3) bomb 4) details 5) record

2. 1) spaceship宇宙飞船 2) bookworm书呆子 3) girlfriend女朋友

4) motherland祖国 5) headfirst头朝下 6) milkman送奶人 7) halfway中途

3. 1)distress 2) demands 3) determined 4) dressed 5) comforted 6) princess 7) dragon 8) afraid 9) unable 10) strength 4. 1) he had made the same mistake 2) I have been treated like that

3) lives a mysterious man in his fifties 4) stands a magnificent palace 5) came the president 6) flew the bird

IV. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1. My younger sister likes reading novels, detective stories in particular. 2. Who has come up with such a clever idea? 3. He is a child who is curious about everything. 4. I don’t think your explanation makes sense at all. 5. Nothing but competition can make him full of energy.

6. She opened the cage and let out the bird. II. Test Zone

1. 1) A 2) C 3) B 4) A 5) D 6) A 7) B 8) D 9) B 10) D 11) B 12) A 13) B 14) A 15) B 16) D 17) A 18) A 19) A 20) C 2. 1) A 改成Compared 2) D改成that

3) C改成from/than 4) C改成that 5) B改成surprise 6) C改成who

Unit Six History and Culture

III. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Collocation

Choose the correct word to complete each of the following sentences with its proper form. 1.

profound 2.deep 3. passing 4.passed 5. passion 6.love 7.sprawled 8.spread

2. Word Formation — Compound (复合词)

Exercises: Fill in the blanks with the proper compound words and give their meanings.

1) Man-made人(类)制造的 2) custom-built定制的 3) typewritten打印的 4) Hand-made手工制

的 5) state-owned 国有的 6) heart-broken伤心的

7) ice-covered 冰雪覆盖的 8) Computer-based计算机辅助的

3. Select words from what are given and fill in the blanks with their proper forms.

(1) impact (2)confronted (3) atomic (4)recalled (5)first hand (6)survived(7)vividly (8)bloody (9)that (10)grim

4. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

1. any difficluties can be overcome 2.was very much shocked/startled 3.was exhausted

4. reassured; emerging from ourside 5. motioned for me to follow her 6. get out of here as soon as possible

Ⅳ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1. From time to time, I looked out of the widow from my notebook. 2. The new system will be confronted with great difficulties at the start. 3.What she said made a great contrast with what she did. 4.I could remember vividly what she has done to me.

5. He was too trusting—or, to put it another way, he had no head for business. 6. You will know the real feeling only when you experience it in person. II. Test Zone

1. There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

1.B 2. C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.C

Ⅲ. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the mistaken one and correct it.

1. A 改为 what 2. A 改为 that 3.C 改为 whose 4. A 改为however hard 5.B改为so serious a 6. D改为 would

