
更新时间:2023-10-23 01:44:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


1.与朋友一起学习work / study with friends

2.制作单词卡片 make word cards 3.阅读课文 read tne textbook

5.听磁带 listen to tapes

6.向老师寻求帮助 ask the teacher for help 7.看英语影碟 watch English videos

8.与朋友练习对话practice conversation with friends

9.大声读read aloud

10.练习发音practice pronunciation

11.学了很多learn a lot

12.说的技巧speaking skills

13.在上次英语测试中on the last English test

14.做…最好的方法the best way to do

15.难以理解too hard to understand

17.在字典中查单词 look up the word in a dictionary 用英语写日记 keep a diary in English

4、小组学习work with a group

5、完成读课本finish reading the textbook

10、大声朗读去练习发音read aloud to practice pronunciation 16、做报告 give a report 17、首先at first

18、获取大意get the main idea

19、不要逐字逐句读Don’t read word by word

20、用组群读read word groups

22、读句子的前后内容read the sentence before and after it

23、懂得比你想的多know more than you think

24、花费时间(慢慢来)it takes time

25、读得越多,速度越快the more you read, the faster you’ll be 躲在我的书本后面 hide behind my textbook 身体语言body language

面部表情(在某人脸上的表情) the expression on one`s face 也 as well 。。。的秘密the secret to 一部叫。。。的电影 a movie called/named 我发现。。。I discover that 关键词 key words

小菜一碟 It`s a piece of cake 。。。活该 serve sb right 对。。。有一个更好的理解 have a better understanding of

1、改善我的发音improve my pronunciation

2、练习听力/说practice listening/speaking

3、做语法练习do grammar exercises

4、看英文节目watch English programs

5、大声重复repeat out loud

6、写电子邮件给笔友write e-mails to one’s pen pal

7、记忆句型memorize sentence patterns

8、阅读英文杂志read English magazines 记笔记 take notes

9、英语口语spoken English

11、加快阅读速度increase reading speed

12、在语法上犯错误make mistakes in grammar

13、正确发音get the pronunciation right

14、获得很多的书写练习get much writing practice

15、做某事有困难have trouble doing sth 加入英语俱乐部 join an English club 发现做。。。很困难 find it difficult to

1、好的学习习惯good learning habits

2、天生具有be born with

学习的能力 the ability to learn

3、是否whether or not

4、取决于depend on

5、共同的in common

研究表明 research/study shows

6、注意pay attention to

7、把…和…相联系connect …with

11、感到无聊get bored

12、不用就作废use it or lose it

13、即使even if/though

14、熟能生巧practice makes perfect

15、害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth/ be afraid to do sth 从\\向。。。学习 learn from… 1、发现find out

2、画思维导图draw mind maps

3、从错误中学习learn from mistakes

4、不停的努力try many times

5、复习所学内容Review what they have learned

6、向…解释explain …to

7、知识来源于质疑knowledge comes from questioning

8、彼此互相each other

9、一个终身之旅a lifelong journey

11、灵活学习learn wisely

12、训练大脑train the brain

13、用不同的方式想同一件事think about the same thing in different ways 1. How do you study for tests ? 你是怎样准备考试的? Well , I study by working with my classmates. 哦,我和同学们一起学习。

2. Have you ever studied with a group ? 你曾经参加过学习小组吗?

Yes , I have . I’ve learned a lot that way . 是的,参加过。通过这种方式我学了许多。

3. I don’t have a partner to practice English with . 我没有同伴可以练习英语。

Maybe you should join an English club. 或许,你应该参加一个英语俱乐部。

4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 大声朗读来练习发音怎么样?

Why don’t you join an English language club ? 你为什么不参加一个英语俱乐部呢?

