第二单元作业设计 - 图文

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Unit 2 Things in the kitchen

Words and expressions 单词与词组 A. 1. messy 乱七八糟的 5. fridge电冰箱 9. healthy健康的 13. everything每件事 17. recipe食谱 21. sugar糖 25.. heat把??加热

2. cupboard 碗柜 6. full 满的

10. unhealthy不健康的 14. western西方的 18. slice 薄片 22. syrup糖浆f 26. mixture混合物

3. tidy整洁的 7. empty空的 11. yesterday昨天 15. French法国的 19. teaspoon茶匙 23. mix混合 27. both两

4. dirty脏的 8. sink洗涤槽 12. mess 凌乱 16. toast烤面包 20.salt 盐 24. pan平底锅 28. side面

B. 1. a messy cupboard 杂乱的碗橱 3. a full sink 满满的水槽 5. clean up 清扫干净 7. dirty and messy 脏而乱 9. a teaspoon of salt 一茶匙盐

sentence patterns 句型

1. Everything was clean this morning. 2. What a mess! 3. There was an accident in the kitchen.


1. Everything was clean this morning. 2. There was an accident in the living room 4. What’s happened?

2. clean walls 干净的墙壁 4. be healthy 健壮的 6. clean and tidy 干净又整洁 8. four slices of bread 四片面包 10. turn—over 将---翻过来

早上每样东西都很干净 . 客厅里发生了意外事故. 发生什么事了?

3. Later the kitchen was dirty and messy. 后来/随后厨房里又脏,又乱 5. Let’s clean up. 我们来打扫干净吧. 6. Put a slice of bread in the egg mixture 把一片面包放在鸡蛋混合物里.

第一课时:Part A & F1

一. Write words.(根据汉语写出单词.) (1)一个零乱的橱柜 (3)脏的墙 (5)一个旧的冰箱(7)一个满的水池 (9)厨房里的物品

(2)一个整洁的橱柜 (4)干净的墙 (6)一个新的冰箱 (8)一个空的垃圾桶


2. Read, and write. (读一读,写出反义词) (1) I am sad now. But yesterday I was . (2) Her schoolbag is full. My school bag is. (3) The blue coat is dirty. The yellow one is . (4) Tim's fridge is new. Tom's bridge is. (5) My mother's room is tidy. My room is



1. There is an old fridge in the kitchen. Mum will buy a ________ one. 2. The bin is __________. Let’s empty it. 3. The sink is __________. Please clean it.

4. I don’t like the __________ kitchen. I like the tidy one. 5. I don’t like fishing. It’s not fun. It’s ___________.

6. There ________ a full bin yesterday. But there is an empty one now. 7. A: Where ________ you just now? B: I was in the kitchen.

8. Today is Sunday. Yesterday was _____________ .

第二课时: Part B1& F2& F3&G 拓展练习:

一.Write the correct forms of \用be动词的适当形式填空) (1) I

good at English and I like it very much.

(2) My brother only two years old. (3) The bin full yesterday. (4) The walls clean today. (5) The fridge clean now.

(6) The sinks

empty last night, but now they



Read and rewrite. (读一读,改一改)(将now改为yesterday) 1. The cupboard is messy now. 2. The kitchen is dirty now. 3. The sink is full now.


4. The fridge isn’t empty now. 5. The walls aren’t clean now. 三.Choose and write.(选一选,填一填)

was were is are

1. Today the kitchen tidy and the walls clean. 2. Yesterday the bin full and the walls dirty. 3. There a football match in our school yesterday. 4. There twenty boy students in our class.

5. Where you yesterday afternoon? I at home. 6. The sink full and the bins not empty. 7. They unhappy yesterday. 8. I happy this morning.

9. The students in the music room. 10. My parents at the bank.

第三课时: Part B2&B3

一.Read and write.(读一读,写一写)

1. His brother usually (have) breakfast at seven.

2. There (be) a birthday patty party my flat yesterday. 3. You should (be) in the kitchen and clean it. 4. Look, the cat (catch) the small mouse. 5. I am good at (sing).


Old empty clean unhappy tidy 1, Your kitchen is messy, my kitchen is _______.

2, Tom’s cupboard is new. Mark’s cupboard is __________. 3, The white shirt is dirty, The green one is _________. 4, My school bag is full. Her school bag is ________. 5, I am happy now. But yesterday I was ____________. 三.Read and choose. (读一读,选同义句) (1) -Thank you. -That's OK.

A. You are right. B. Never mind. C. That's all right. (2) My parents aren't at home.

A. My father isn't at home. B. My mother isn't at home.

C. My father and mother aren't at home. (3) It's eight o'clock a.m.

A. It's eight o'clock in the morning. B. It's eight o'clock in the afternoon.


C. It's eight o'clock in the evening. (4) It is time for school. A. It is time to school.

B. It is time to go to school. C. It is time to go school.

(5) Lily and Lina are in the same class. A. Lily and Lina are friends. B. Lily and Lina are sisters. C. Lily and Lina are classmates.

四. Choose and write.(选一选,填空) was, were, is, am, are (1) I

happy today, but I

unhappy yesterday.

(2) Today the kitchen tidy and the walls


(3) There a soccer game in our school yesterday. (4) There

24 girls in our class last year.

第四课时:Part C&D 拓展练习:


二.Read, tick or cross.(读一读,打√×)

One morning, Jack’s mother cleaned up the flat the kitchen was clean and tidy. The table wasn’t messy. The sink and bin were empty. The floor was clean. The cupboard the walls weren’t dirty. The fridge was full. Everything was clean. When his mother came back from work in the afternoon, she was going to cook the dinner. “What happened?” she said to herself. That’s a surprise. Everything was messy. Jack’s mother was very unhappy. That’s Jack, he wanted to learn to cook.

( ) 1. One afternoon Jack’s mother cleaned up the flat. ( ) 2. The floor wasn’t clean. ( ) 3. The fridge was full.

( ) 4. jack’s friend, Mike wanted to learn to cook. ( ) 5. His mother was very happy.


三.Read and choose.(读一读,选一选)

( ) 1. Were you at home yesterday? . A. Yes, I were. B. No, I weren’t C. No, I wasn’t D. Yes, I am ( ) 2. there a dirty cupboard in the kitchen yesterday? Yes, there was. A. Were B. Are C. Was D. Is ( ) 3. Does your sister like playing chess? . A. Yes, she does B. No, she do C. Yes, my sister does D. No, my sister doesn’t

( ) 4. I like apples. A. very B. very much C. really D. true ( ) 5. Everything clean this morning. A. be B. was C. is D. were ( ) 6. There an empty bin and a full cupboard in the kitchen yesterday. A. is B. are C. were D. was ( ) 7. To wants , bus he isn’t good at it. A. cook B. cooking C. to cook D. cooked ( ) 8. Saturday is the , but he isn’t good at it. A. first B. second C. sixth D. seventh ( ) 9. What’s wrong the kitchen, Mike? A. to B. on C. with D. for ( )10. Was Pat in the kitchen this morning? . A. Yes, Pat was B. No, Pat wasn’t C. Yes, she is D. No, she wasn’t ( ) 11. What are you going to do? I’m going to __________.

A. fishes B. fish C. fishing D. fished ( ) 12. I like ________.

A. play piano B. play the piano C. playing the piano D. playing piano ( ) 13. I don’t like ______________.

A. draw and paint B. draw or paint

C. drawing or painting D drawing and painting. ( ) 14. Do you like to ___________?

A. play badminton B. playing the badminton C. playing badminton D. play the badminton ( ) 15. I don’t like shopping _______ my mother________.

A. and, do B. and, does C. but ,does D. but, do

第五课时:Part E& F4 &H & J



Last weekend, we went out to ____________(play). Candy saw many big eggs in a nest. She _______________(want) to have a look. A big bird ______________(jump) on her and she was very










_______________(water) on him and he was all wet. We ____________(have) lunch at the beach and ________________(not take) the rubbish away.

The beach _______________(become) very dirty. After that, the weather was bad. It _______________(rain) heavily. We _____________(run) as fast as we could, but we still got wet. What a day!

二.Read and judge(读一读,判断.对的打√,错的打×)

The Smith family is at home. Mrs Smith is in the kitchen. She is cooking. Mr. Smith is sitting in a chair and reading the newspaper. Peter and his friend John are cleaning the bicycle. Lily and her friend Sue are in Lily's bedroom. They are listening CDs. (1) Mrs Smith is in the toilet.( )

(2) Mr Smith is talking to his wife. ( ) (3) Peter and John are brothers. ( )

(4) Peter and John are cleaning the bicycle. ( ) (5) Lily and Sue are in Sue's bedroom. ( ) (6) Lily and Sue are playing the piano( )


Cities Around the World

Sydney is in Australia.You can see the Sydney Opera House there. You can go inside it and see a show.It is near the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge。You can walk over the top of the bridge.

Hong Kong is also a city near a harbour In Hong Kong you can see the Bank of


China building。It is 359 metres high.It has beautiful lights at Christmas and Chinese New Year.

New York is in the US.You can see the Statue of Liberty in the harbour. The statue was a present from the people of France.It welcomes people to America.You can go inside the statue and climb up.

London is in the UK.It is a very old city.You can see Tower Bridge and the Tower of London there.Long ago,it was a prison.You can also see Big Ben.It is a famous clock tower.It has a big bell inside.

( )1. Sydney is in Australia.

( )2. You can walk over the to of the Sydney Opera House. ( )3. Hong Kong is also a city near the US.

( )4. The Bank of China building in Hong Kong is 369 metres high. ( )5.The Statue of Liberty was a present from the people of Australia. ( )6. The Big Ben has a big bell inside/

第六课时:Part I 拓展练习:

一.Translation.(汉译英) 1. 今天早上一切都还是好的.

clean this morning. 2. 昨天晚上谁在厨房里的?

Who in the yesterday evening? 3. 在西方国家人们有时吃面包当早餐.

In western countries people eating bread breakfast.


4. 后来碗橱变得又脏又乱.

Later the cupboard was and . 5. 我想要买台新冰箱,旧的太旧了.

I want to buy a new , the old is too old. 6.一个空碗柜 7.发生什么事啦? 8.多么零乱啊! 9.一个星期天的早上 10.一台旧冰箱 二.完型填空。

My name is Alice. I’m 12 years old. My birthday is 1 December 10. I have a little sister. 2 name is Helen. She is very young. She’s only 3 years old.

I have a lot of hobbies. I like fishing and 3 . I don’t like watching TV but my little sister does. I usually fish at the weekend. But last weekend I didn’t. My parents 4 at home. They visited my grandma and grandpa. So I stayed at home and looked after my little sister. I played games with her. I was tired but happy.

( )1. A. in B. at C. on ( )2. A. She B. His C. Her ( )3. A. playing chess B. playing the chess C. play chess ( )4. A. aren’t B. wasn’t C. weren’t


We all know that John likes fishing. John’s cousin Henry likes fishing too. He fishes in the river near his house. On Saturday afternoon, he goes down to the river with a little chair and some sandwiches, and fishes until it is quite dark. There are always a few other people there. They love fishing too, and they all sit there quietly for hours. Sometimes they catch some fish, and sometimes they do not. Once Henry caught a big fish. He was very happy. All the other fishermen left their places and came to see his fish. One of them had a camera, so he took a photograph of Henry and his big fish. He still has the photograph on the wall of his room. ( )1. . They always catch some fish

( )2. John goes fishing on Saturday afternoon.

( )3. Once John caught a big fish and he took a photograph with it. ( )4. John likes fishing but Henry doesn’t. ( )5. A few other people go fishing there, too.


