2019高考英语一轮 选修七 Unit 1复习题及答案解析

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Unit 1 Living well


Eric:When I was in kindergarten, my teacher told us that we could become anything when we got older.新 课 标

Jo:My teacher said that, too, and we believed we __1__ become whatever we wanted to be. Eric:You know I __2__(real)wanted to become a fish, as fish were so beautiful and so free in the water.

Jo:Ha! Ha! That's funny. When I was about five years old, I __3__(think)I could hatch an egg since I kept it warm, and I __4__(sleep)with some eggs in my bed, and guess what? Eric:You broke the __5__?

Jo:Yes, all of them. I felt as though I __6__(kill)my little chickens and I cried. Angry as my mother was, she didn't scold me __7__, she explained how a hen hatched eggs and asked me not to do that again.

Eric:Did you do whatever your mother told you?

Jo:Yes, I always listened to her, __8__ she said. She used to be my hero. Eric:My mother used to tell me that if I ever swallowed __9__ seed, a plant would grow inside me, so I never ate watermelons __10__ they were seedless. 答案 1.could 2.really 3.thought 4.slept 5.eggs 6.had killed 7.Instead 8.no matter what/whatever 9.a

10.unless Ⅱ.完形填空

体裁: 话题:新*课* 夹叙夹议 标*第*一*网 文化习俗 词数:280 难度: ★★ 建议用时: 15分钟 In China,a general belief is that “things become easier when men and women pair up”.However,when women and women__1__ up at workplace,things became terrible.

I feel extremely__2__ when women act rudely,and use curse words and unclean languages.Over thirty years ago,when I was a young__3__ at a factory,I found some women workers liked speaking__4__to each other at the__5__ and they frequently uttered those dirty words__6__by guys only,while they were angry __7__ just happy.It is not all their fault,__8__they had less__9__during the period of the Cultural Revolution.

__10__that I am an office worker,I rarely see the female colleagues around me__11__rudely and severely to each other.They __12__each other politely,at__13__in my eye. Certainly some Chinese women __14__their workmates of the same sex.They in__15__like to compete—whose ring is more expensive,whose house bigger,whose husband__16__,and so on,especially those__17__ didn't get a higher education would care more about money.For the office ladies,supervisors and subordinates,or at the same rank,they may fight for the opportunity to__18__.They are competitors,but they try not to use unbearable languages!

Sometimes,you hate women talking,__19__if they were quarreling.In fact,it's nothing to do with the competition,but more with the tones of the language and the pitch or timbre(音质)of women's voice.

However,you still __20__those women who talk rudely,on the streets or in some markets,as I prove.Definitely,this is by no means part of Chinese culture,which sponsors harmony and compromise.

【解题导语】 本文叙述了作者在车间的所见所闻,旨在说明导致国人说话、做事行为不端的原因主要是受教育少,而对于“男女搭配干活不累”这一说法似乎在女性间显得非同一般。

1.A.paired B.turned C.cheered D.showed

答案 A [考查动词短语辨析。根据上文出现的“男女搭配干活不累”可以推断,这里指女人们在一起结对搭配的时候。pair up“成对”;turn up“出现”;cheer up“欢呼”;show up“露面”。故选A。]

2.Afortable B.worried

C.uncomfortable D.unworried

答案 C [考查形容词辨析。这里是说作者看到女人们行为粗鲁、说粗话以及难听的话时,感觉非常不舒服。comfortable“舒服的”;worried“焦虑的”;uncomfortable“不舒服的”;unworried“不担心的”。故选C。] 3.A.child B.man w w w . C.worker D.colleague

答案 C [考查名词辨析。句意:30多年前,当我在一家工厂还是名年轻工人时,我就发现一些女工喜欢在车间讲一些苛刻的话……。]

4.A.kindly B.frankly C.honestly D.severely

答案 D [考查副词辨析。这里根据上题解析可知答案。kindly“友好地”;frankly“坦白地”;honestly“诚实地”;severely“苛刻地”。故选D。] 5.A.factory B.workplace

