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四级练习(九)考试时间: 90 分钟 满分: 分

Part 1 Skimming and Scanning (Multiple Choice + Blank Filling) Directions:Read the following passage and then answer the questions. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Questions 1 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

News and Entertainment Media

Americans spend about five hours each day on leisure activities. Those who live in or near large cities spend some of this time at theaters, opera houses, night clubs, zoos, and museums.

Americans who live in rural areas do not usually have such places to visit, but like city residents, they can enjoy the most popular sources of information and entertainment as well: radio, television, movies, books, magazines, and newspapers.


Almost every American family owns at least one radio, and many have three or four. Years ago, families gathered around one big living room radio. Today, people take small, lightweight radios with them into the bedroom (clock radios), on the street (transistor radios [半导体收音机], on the road (car radios), and into the fields (radios built into tractors). Radios have even been built into hair dryers and sunglasses.

With the development of television, radio is no longer the major source of home entertainment; but Americans still turn to radio when they want the latest news quickly. Many stations broadcast up-to-the-minute news every half hour. Americans tend to listen to radios for short periods. In an effort to hold audiences, many radio stations appeal to special interests. Some offer only music or only news; others broadcast professional sports events. In large cities, some stations attract immigrants by presenting foreign-language programs. One New York City station broadcasts in thirteen languages!

There are two types of radio broadcasting-AM and FM. FM can produce a wider range of sounds and can also broadcast in stereophonic (立体声的) sound. In recent years, FM has become increasingly popular. Many radios are equipped to receive both AM and FM.


Television was new in 1946, but by the 1950s it was a firmly established industry. Today, there are about 99 million TV sets in the United States; 99 percent of American households have at least one set, and 54 percent have two or more. Color TV is in 60 percent of American homes. The average American between his second and sixty-fifth birthday spends 3,000 entire days (almost nine years of his entire life) watching TV!

In the United States, there is no government-owned television network. Commercial television attempts to please a vast audience of all age groups and educational levels by presenting entertainment that can be understood by all. Many adults are annoyed by the simplicity and dullness of most TV shows; they call the TV set the "idiot (傻瓜) box". A typical day's TV listing includes cartoons and other children's shows, family situation comedies, news and weather, mysteries, interview shows, sports, movies, and musical reviews.

Public" television stations offer a wide variety of high-quality entertainment and information without the annoying commercials. Funds to operate public TV come from money given by individuals and industries and, to a small degree, from the government. Public television has been highly praised for imaginative, appealing shows which help children learn basic reading concepts, valuable psychological insights, and languages like English and Spanish. Fine dramatic and musical


presentations, award-winning movies, and intelligent discussions of national problems often take up the evening hours on public TV. For those who seek self-improvement with the help of TV, there are "how-to" shows (daytime and evening) which teach cooking, skiing, sewing,

instrument-playing, and dozens of other skills. Also offered are college courses which give academic credit to enrolled listeners.


Most American movies are produced in Hollywood, California. Hollywood, which is actually not a separate city but a part of Los Angeles, is an ideal spot for the movie industry. The sun shines most of the time, and the climate is mild. Almost every kind of natural scenery is within a few hour's drive.

Hollywood becomes the center of national attention on one evening each year-Academy Award night. At the Academy Award presentations held each spring, awards called Oscars are given to film industry winners in dozens of categories, including best actor, best actress, and best picture. The winners are chosen by members of the industry before the ceremony, but their names are kept secret until the presentation night, when they are announced in a long program broadcast on television.

Motion pictures were extremely popular in the United States until after World War II, when

television captured much of the movie audience. Geared to the masses, Hollywood movies offered much the same type of entertainment as television does. With free entertainment in their homes, many Americans simply stopped going to movies. Between 1946 and 1956, movie attendance was cut in half. At the same time, production costs increased. The movie industry was in trouble. The industry adjusted itself in a number of ways. Movie companies rented sound stages to TV companies and sold old movies to TV. To cut costs, Hollywood produced fewer movies and filmed many of them overseas. To attract audiences, the industry started using wider screens. Studios also began producing kinds of entertainment that could not be offered by TV-films with

controversial or shocking themes, films with huge casts and expensive settings. As a result of these changes, today the American motion picture industry is prosperous.

Since industries prefer to advertise where they will reach the largest number of potential

customers, the mass media do everything they can to hold the largest audience possible. On commercial TV, this goal leads to a great deal of sports and generally inadequate analyses of the national and international situations. It also means very little opera, classical music, or

Shakespearean drama, and a great deal of unsophisticated comedy. Generally, the mass

communications media try to please the public by reinforcing popular and traditional ideas rather than helping the public to understand (or at least, accept) new ideas.

It would be foolish to think that news in the United States is always "the whole truth and nothing but the truth." However, the concerned citizen who exposes himself to a wide variety of publications and broadcasting stations can obtain a reasonably accurate picture of what's

happening in the world. The United States government cannot control the news and entertainment media except to protect the public. It can prohibit misleading advertising and ban the sale of unhealthy materials, but it cannot examine and thus delete the news or ban its release. Public officials sometimes keep back information concerning governmental activities from the news media. Attempts to do this, however, are often exposed by persistent reporters.

The guarantee of freedom of expression allows writers, news reporters, and public figures to state their opinions openly, without fear of governmental evaluation. No official power controls what is said to the public. No particular point of view is forced upon the news media. No American needs be ignorant about public affairs in this nation where freedom of speech makes a wide range of


events and ideas available to the public.


B. visit zoos and museums

C. dance at clubs

D. read books and magazines


B. Look for a foreign-language program.

C. Watch TV.

D. Turn on the radio.


B. 54

C. 60

D. 65


B. Because TV always provide cartoons and other children's shows.

C. Because the TV programs are for the public.

D. Because there are too many commercials.

5. If one wants to improve himself, it would be better for him to watch ________________. Why do the Americans call TV the "idiot box"? ________________ A. Because they are not pleased with the simple TV programs. According to the passage, ________________% of American families own a color TV. A. 99 What do Americans do when they want the latest news quickly? ________________ A. Carry radios into the street. American Rural and city people are the same in that they can ________________. A. go to theaters and opera houses


A. fine dramatic presentations

B. "how-to" shows

C. family situation comedies

D. intelligent discussions


B. Because of the national attention.

C. Because of the Oscars.

D. Because of the mild weather.


B. Sound stages.

C. Advertising.

D. Commercials.


9. The best way for the mass media to attract and please the audience is to put more _______________________________ideas on shows. In the US, information about governmental activities is sometimes held back


10. People may feel free to say their opinions in public because the US

guarantees________________________________. What can only be offered by movies but not TV? ________________ A. Controversial or shocking themes. Why is Hollywood an ideal spot for movie making? ________________ A. Because of the actors and actress.

Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations

Directions:In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.


A. The woman's son is much too young.

B. The woman's son is going to get married.


C. The speakers think the son should marry.

D. The speakers think the son should fix what's wrong.


A. The 24th.

B. The 25th.

C. The 26th.

D. The 27th.


A. The man finding a job.

B. The man working out.

C. Jobs on 3rd Street.

D. Male nannies.


A. The speakers have a child who is sick.

B. The speakers spoke to someone about childcare.

C. The speakers don't want to raise children.

D. The speakers don't know about raising children.


A. 25 pounds.

B. 50 pounds.

C. 30 pounds.

D. 20 pounds.



A. He is going to the city.

B. He is getting a farm job.

C. He is getting a job off the farm.

D. He is going to school.


A. Her parents paid for her.

B. She had a scholarship and she had a job.

C. She had a scholarship.

D. Her sister paid for her.


A. Husband and wife.

B. Mother and son.

C. Father and daughter.

D. Employee and employer.

Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations

Directions:In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 19 to 23 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. Their souls.

B. Their marriage.

C. Their children.


D. Their careers.


A. To appreciate your spouse.

B. To throw a dinner party.

C. To get caught up in your career.

D. To satisfy your soul.


A. She wears good colors.

B. She is very envious.

C. She likes to criticize.

D. She has the qualities of an artist.


A. To have an unfortunate marriage.

B. To be envious of other people.

C. To praise a spouse unexpectedly.

D. To say something negative about a spouse.


A. A method for raising children.

B. A method for having a happy marriage.

C. A method for being artistic.

D. A method for improving one's soul.

Questions 24 to 28 are based on the same passage or dialog.



A. College studies.

B. Farm work.

C. Study problems.

D. College graduation.


A. He had to go to school.

B. He had to stay a farmer.

C. They were very proud.

D. They were working on the farm.


A. Three.

B. Four.

C. None.

D. More than four.


A. He has no real problems.

B. He knows better.

C. His dreams are small.

D. His studies will be paid for.


A. Mother and son.

B. Father and daughter.


C. Sister and brother.

D. Teacher and student.

Part 4 Understanding Passages

Directions:In this section you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 29 to 33 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. Same-sex marriage in South Africa.

B. Support for gay marriage.

C. South African courts.

D. Same-sex marriage around the world.


A. Same-sex marriages were unconstitutional.

B. Same-sex couples must get married.

C. Same-sex marriage must be allowed by law.

D. Same-sex couples could be get married.


A. They generally support change.

B. They are all very accepting.

C. They have mixed feelings.

D. They favor the ideas of the past.


A. In 2002.


C. In 2004.

D. In 2005.


A. To be against same-sex marriage.

B. To appeal the rulings of other courts.

C. To conduct same-sex marriages.

D. To allow same-sex marriage.

Questions 34 to 38 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. Family and marriage laws in different countries.

B. Prenuptial agreements around the world.

C. Laws concerning prenups in the United States.

D. The battle against prenuptial agreements.


A. They are not valid in the District of Columbia.

B. They are guaranteed by the Family Law Act.

C. They are accepted throughout the country.

D. They are frowned upon by judges.


A. In England and Wales.

B. In Canada.


D. In the US.


A. Division of property.

B. Payments to a spouse.

C. Support of children.

D. Ones involving death.


A. In 1990.

B. In 2007.

C. In 2006.

D. In 1995.

Questions 39 to 43 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. Discovering bad habits.

B. People not being alone.

C. Couples parting.

D. Finding Mr. Right.


A. Exactly 38 percent of people.

B. Exactly 35 percent of people.

C. Exactly 29 percent of people.


D. Exactly 28 percent of people.


A. People under 35 years old.

B. People between 35 and 54.

C. People over 55 years old.

D. Women of all ages.


A. They found their Mr. Right.

B. They suffered a broken heart.

C. They left their partner.

D. They agreed upon the breakup.


A. They decided on the breakup.

B. They had a broken heart.

C. They were left by a partner.

D. They agreed upon a mutual breakup.

Part 5 Compound Dictation

Directions:In this section you will hear a passage or passages three times. When the

passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the

information you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Questions 44 to 53 are based on the same passage or dialog.

If you are a young college student, most of your concerns about your health and happiness in

life are probably 44. ______________on the present. Basically, you want to feel good

physically, mentally, and 45. ______________now. You probably don't spend much time


worrying about the 46. ______________future. Whether will you develop heart disease, or

47.______________? Or how will you take care of yourself in your 48.

______________years? Or even how long are you going to live? Such thoughts may have

49. ______________your mind once in a while. However, if you are in your thirties, forties, fifties, or older, such health-related thoughts are likely to become 50. ___________important to you.

51. _____________________________________________________________________in your current lifestyle that will help you feel better physically and mentally. Recently

researchers have found that, even in late adulthood, exercise, strength training with weights, and better food can help elderly individuals significantly improve their health and add

happiness to their life.

52.______________________________________________________________________, giving us the opportunity to avoid some of the health problems that have troubled them.

53. ___________________________________________________________________than our generation.

Part 6 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze)

Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.

Questions 54 to 63 are based on the following passage.

There is a legal agreement for just about everything these days. It may sound a bit

conservative, but I think it would be nice if we could keep some of that law out of marriage. Nowadays, people getting married are 54. ______by everything from how many times they take out the garbage each week to a schedule for who cooks. There just seems to be a gross

55. ______in the perspectives of young people getting married. Before a couple even gets married, they are talking about the division of 56. ______in case of a divorce. It almost 57. ______that a couple will separate by making it apparent that the idea of divorce is feasible for both parties. And, it creates excellent 58. ______for unhappy marriages. You can't write down in a 59. ______agreement what your daily schedule is going to be for the rest of your life. What a horror to wake up every morning to an agreement that states that you will always have to remain the same as when you first married. Such a 60. ______would go against everything that makes us individuals. A person's expectations need to be 61. ______so that the person can live and grow. Laws 62. ______by outsiders cannot govern a happy marriage. It must be 63. ______through years of commitment to understanding one another. It must involve strong communication throughout the marriage.

A. manufactured B. flexible C. forged D. moveable E. enforced

F. premarital G. appointed H. defect I. bound J. barrier

K. guarantees L. clause M. assets N. candidates O. resources

Part 7 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

Directions:Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.


Questions 64 to 68 are based on the same passage or dialog.

Sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive amount of anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or

psychological, and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout (筋疲力尽). Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.

The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback (反馈) to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents' and coaches' criticisms to heart and find a flaw (缺陷) in themselves.

Coaches and parents should also be cautious that youth sport participation does not become work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In today's youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game, many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find fault with youngster's performances. Positive reinforcement should be provided regardless of the outcome. Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.


An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is _____________.

A. to make sports less competitive

B. to make sports more challenging

C. to reduce their mental stress

D. to increase their sense of success


According to the passage sport is positive for young people in that ___________.

A. it can help them learn more about society

B. it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves

C. it enables them to find flaws in themselves

D. it can provide them with valuable experiences

66. Many coaches and parents are in the habit of criticizing young athletes _________.


A. without realizing criticism may destroy their self-confidence

B. in order to make them remember life's lessons

C. believing that criticism is beneficial for their early development

D. so as to put more pressure on them


According to the passage parents and coaches should ___________.

A. help children to win every game

B. pay more attention to letting children enjoy sports

C. enable children to understand the positive aspect of sports

D. train children to cope with stress


The author's purpose in writing the passage is ___________.

A. to persuade young children not to worry about criticism

B. to stress the importance of positive reinforcement to children

C. to discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragement

D. to teach young athletes how to avoid burnout

Questions 69 to 73 are based on the same passage or dialog.

If it was once the case that there were no second acts in American lives, there are now not only second acts but third, fourth, and fifth ones. This is not entirely unhealthy: The belief that one shouldn't be judged by one's worst mistakes revives (恢复) careers that might otherwise have

ended. Thus, Sergio Zyman rebounded from the failure of New Coke to lead the company to great success and landed on the cover of Fortune in a story headlined, "So You Fail. Now Bounce Back!" That story put a new spin on screwing up: "If you haven't failed yet, you probably will. And for the benefit of your career, you probably should."

Sometime in the 1990s, though, the notion of failure as the necessary preface to success reached its falling phase. In this, Hollywood led the way. When the movie Showgirls was not successful in theaters, its distributor, MGM, decided to actively sell it as a bad movie, arranging midnight shows stocked with drag queens (男扮女装的男同性恋者) shouting the film's lines back at the screen. The notion of shame in failure came to be seen as old-fashioned, and the "redemption" (补救) phase of a comeback grew shorter and shorter until it disappeared entirely. As Hugh Grant taught us, no matter how bad one's misconduct, one can earn forgiveness through a modest chat on a


national talk show. Similarly, Bob Dole didn't enter a Nixonian retreat after his political defeat-he soon entered his new role as a salesman, poking (戳,捅) gentle fun at his own inability to win. The 1990s cultivation of an appreciation for failure was ideally timed since the 2000s have made failure epidemic. Failure is not merely more common than success these days, it's also more interesting.


The best title that fits this passage is ________________.

A. How to turn failure into success

B. Failure is the new success

C. Failure should be avoided

D. Don't be afraid of failure


What does "put a new spin on screwing up" in Para. 1 probably mean?

A. To get the car moving.

B. To tighten the parts of the car.

C. To turn failure into success.

D. To speed up the process of success.


"In this, Hollywood led the way?" (Para. 3) Here, "this" refers to ___________.

A. how to make first-class movies

B. failure is no longer necessary to success

C. how to resell the unsuccessful movies

D. failure is actually a necessary part of success


What did Hugh Grant and Bob Dole tell us about failure?

A. One shouldn't be ashamed of one's failure.

B. One should feel ashamed of one's failure.

C. The notion of shame in failure is up-to-date.


D. Failure is an embarrassing thing.


According to the author, failure _____________.

A. was predominant in 1990s

B. can also be fun

C. is less common than success

D. spread to the internet

Part 8 Cloze (with four choices provided)

Directions:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices given for each blank.

Questions 74 to 93 are based on the following passage.

My divorce was disastrous. We had a prenuptial 74.____. We did this because he had been married before and wanted to reduce his 75. ____to future problems. He had 76. ____a fortune from his father. Still, he had 77. ____considerable wealth. I 78. ____there was a sword hanging over my head with a prenuptial agreement. However, I didn't really know 79. ____he was trying to protect. That is, I didn't have any idea what he was trying to 80. ____himself from.

It was very 81. ____when he asked me. But I had already sent out the 82. ____for our wedding. So I decided to give my 83. ____and go ahead with the marriage. I suppose that I liked being a(n)

84. ____bride too much. Upon reflection, it was a poor 85. ____for marriage.

After the divorce, my child from my 86. ____marriage and I had nothing. Our 87. ____couldn't have been any worse. I had not been working, 88. ____he told me not to. The house was his before we were married, so my son and I had to 89.____. 90. ____was a broken chest of drawers and some clothing. My lawyer is encouraging me to 91. ____the prenuptial agreement. He says that I have a 92. ____because my husband never let me work. And also there was a lot of 93. ____when I signed. Still, I just want a little help until I can find a job and get back on my feet financially.

74. A. agreement B. assignment C. commitment D. establishment

75. A. venture B. pressure C. exposure D. torture

76. A. inherited B. succeeded C. verified D. assumed

77. A. manipulated B. circulated C. calculated D. accumulated

78. A. account B. evaluate C. endure D. figure

79. A. when B. how C. what D. why

80. A. yield B. shield C. weld D. mold

81. A. frustrated B. infertile C. awkward D. disastrous

82. A. interpretations B. documents C. expectations D. invitations

83. A. signature B. mark C. sanction D. permission

84. A. prospective B. intended C. candidate D. anticipated

85. A. application B. indication C. justification D. qualification


86. A. before B. preceding C. previous D. above

87. A. assistances B. torlerances C. circumstances D. endurances

88. A. and yet B. therefore C. even though D. because

89. A. move down B. move out C. break out D. make out

90. A. That I was left with B. All I was left with

C. Which I was left with D. And I was left with

91. A. conflict B. contest C. object D. battle

92. A. clause B. refusal C. dispute D. difference

93. A. commission B. concession C. mission D. confusion Part 9 Translation from Chinese into English

Directions:Translate the following Chinese into English, using the expressions (or following the instructions) given in the brackets.

94. 学校给那些在参与学校活动时受伤的学生提供事故保险。

95. 2005年,就在他提升为总经理前,他在法国出差时遇见了他的准新娘。

96. 无论在任何情况下他都不会放弃创办自己公司的目标。

97. 这次事故后,我再也不会在公路上那样快地开车了。

98. 再婚之前,退休的人可能坚持要有婚前合同,以确保财产能传到儿孙手中。

