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First Great Western provides a convenient and accurate ticket selling service. We start a legal contract with us when you purchase a ticket and travel with us; these are available at our staffed stations or from our Customer Services Teams. Tickets for traveling on our services can be purchased by a variety of methods whose details are given below.

You can buy a full range of tickets from First Great Western ticket offices. When buying a ticket we promise to give you detailed information and to sell you the most appropriate ticket for your journey.

Ticket selling(出售) machines, most of which accept both cash and credit cards, will be available at many First Great Western stations offering a wide range of tickets for services travelling from that station.

Tickets for travel on First Great Western services or elsewhere on the National Rail network may be purchased in advance online at www.firstgreatwewstern,co.uk. Tickets purchased online can be posted to you, or collected at many stations through ticket selling machines.

When journeys start at stations where there is no ticketing facility available, it is your responsibility to pay your fare to the on-board staff who are able to issue the normal range of tickets.

If you are travelling in a group of 10 or more people you should contact our group booking service on 08457 000 125. Not only will our staff be able to direct you to trains with sufficient seats, you may enjoy a discount on your ticket.

21. The information provided in the passage is for people who travel by_______. A) plane B) train C) ship D) bus

22. When you buy a ticket, the agent promises to give you fair information on tickets to help you ________.

A) get the most appropriate ticket

B) purchase a ticket in advance online C) pay the right fair to the on-board staff

D) collect the ticket from the ticket selling machine

23. How can you get your ticket if you have booked it online? _________. A) From the booking office in a railway station. B) By visiting the website of First Great Western. C) From a ticket agent. D) By mail delivery.

24. When can you buy a ticket direct from the on-board staff? _________. A) When you start from a station with no ticketing service. B) When the tickets are all sold out in the booking office. C) When you travel in a group of ten or more people. D) When you travel on a train with sufficient seats.

25. What is the advantage for passengers who travel in a group of ten or more? _____. A) They may buy the tickets direct from the on-board staff. B) They will not pay for booking service.

C) They may get a discount. D) They can pay in cash.

These days more and more people are working in joint ventures or doing business with foreign companies. It’s not just language that can be a problem. Cultural issues can also cause a breakdown in communication. Here are some simple tips to help you improve your cross-cultural communication skills:


1. Slow Down

Even when there is a common language, slow down, speak clearly and ensure your pronunciation is understandable.

2. Separate Questions

Try not to ask double questions such as, ―Do you want to go on or shall we stop here?‖ Let your listener answer one question at a time. 3. Avoid Negative Questions

Many cross-cultural communication misunderstandings have been caused by the use of negative questions and answers. For example, the response to ―Are you not coming?‖ may be ―yes‖, meaning ―No, I am not coming.‖ 4. Write it down

If you are unsure whether something has been understood, write it down and check. 5. Be Supportive

Giving encouragement to those who do not really speak your language gives them confidence, support and a trust in you. 6. Be Aware

Cross-cultural communication is dealing with people from other cultures in a way that should reduce misunderstandings and increase your potential to create strong cross-cultural relationships. The above tips should be seen as a starting point to greater cross-cultural awareness. 26. The tips suggested in the passage are mainly about how to______. A) avoid asking double questions B) create cross-cultural relationships

C) understand cross-cultural communication D) improve cross-cultural communication skills

27. In cross-cultural communication people are advised to speak clearly and_______. A) loudly B) quietly C) slowly D) quickly 28. Negative questions should be avoided because_________. A) they may cause misunderstandings in communication B) one question should have one answer at one time C) there are no such questions in some cultures D) they are difficult to answer in some cultures

29. What are you advised to do if you are not sure whether you correctly understand something?


A) Write down what you have heard and check B) Encourage the listener to remind you.

C) Ask a double question to confirm. D) Repeat what you have said.

30. According to the last paragraph, what is essential for cross-cultural communication? ________. A) Being aware of your own potential.

B) Trying to reduce cultural misunderstandings.

C) Dreaming with more people from other countries.

D) Establishing a good relationship with people from other cultures.

When choosing a bank, it’s all too easy to be attracted to the bank’s beautiful promises. But what lies behind these promises is more important. The most reliable banks are always those with the most solid character, and in this you’ll find Standard Chartered (渣打银行) to be the best choice for your


international banking needs.

Our special skill and knowledge is reflected in the fact that we have been established for more than 130 years, with a proven record that assures your interests will be well-protected.

You’ll find that Standard Chartered offers a big variety of highly personal services. We have experienced bank officers, to help you grow and vary your investments.

Within our network, we offer you a choice of popular destinations, such as Hong Kong, India, London, Singapore, and a number of other locations- whichever suit your needs. You can deal directly with the country where you wish to have an account. Or you can contact your local branch for assistance. Either way, you are assured of absolute confidentiality(隐秘).

Contact any of the Personal Banking International Centers listed below. We’ll send you a brochure that describes our products, services and key destinations in more detail.

At Standard Chartered Personal Banking International, we think our solid, reliable personality is the key to helping you protect, vary and grow your wealth.

31. The first sentence of the passage actually means that, when choosing a bank, people tend to ______. A) be attracted to its choices of services B) rely too much on their banking needs C) believe its beautiful promises D) accept whatever it offers

32. Standard Chartered is considered the most reliable bank for _____. A) its solid character B) its beautiful promises C) its international banking services D) its special skill and knowledge

33. What does ―a proven record (Line 2, Para.2)‖ most probably refers to? ________. A) A satisfactory record of banking services B) A well-organized accounting system C) A list of skillful investment experts D) A series of profitable interest rates

34. Standard Chartered Promises its customers _________. A) to enjoy high interest rates B) to open an account wherever they like C) to keep their personal information as confidential D) to contact the Personal Banking International Centers for them

35. The Personal Banking International Centers will send out a brochure which gives the details of _______.

A) the history of the bank B) the banking services offered C) the proven record of the bank D) the information of the local branches

Most Hong Kong students aged 12 to 25 spend less than an hour a week studying online. However, it is claimed that e-learning (网上学习) may not be as popular among teenagers as commonly supposed.

It a survey by the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association, 55% of 785 young people in Hong Kong said they did not like e-learning.

―E-learning is not a very good system because it is so troublesome (麻烦的), ‖ said Patrick, 17-year-old, recalling how his online homework disappeared because of a technical problem.


Patrick also said some classmates give their account numbers and passwords (密码) to others so they could help them finish their online homework.

Self-discipline (自律) is also necessary. In the survey, 34.3% of the teenagers said lack of self-discipline made it difficult for them to learn more from the Internet.

But the teenagers also discovered some advantages in e-learning.

About 41 percent of the teenagers said they work together with other Internet users in order to discuss their problems

Registered social worker Yuen Hin-sing said the effectiveness of e-learning is still not yet well supported by research data.

He called for more resources to study the effectiveness of online learning.(199) 36. According to the passage, more than half of the teenagers in the survey _____. A) get used to e-learning online. B) do not like e-learning online. C) find e-learning online easy to handle. D) help each other finish their online homework.

37. Because of a technical trouble, Patrick once had his online homework _______. A) completed B) undone C) copied D) lost

38. Some teenagers give their account numbers and passwords to their classmates to ask them to _______. A) help finish homework. B) solve technical problems. C) spend more time learning online. D) find more learning resources online.

39. One advantage of e-learning found by the teenagers is that they can _______. A) build up their self-discipline. B) find the latest learning resources. C) make friends with similar interests more easily. D) discuss their problems with other Internet users.

40. According to Yuen Hin-sing, the effectiveness of e-learning ________. A) has been ignored by some researchers. B) has not yet been accepted by social workers. C) is still not yet well supported by research results. D) will be widely welcomed by most students and teachers.

The best time to buy is often during a ―sale‖, when a store 81 prices on certain items. Sales are 82 on television, radio, and in newspapers, or the store itself may have 83 showing which items are ―on sale‖. Just because an item is ―on sale‖, 84 _, it does not 85 that it is indeed a good 86 . Another store may have the same item at a 87 price, or the sale item may be of poor 88 . Comparing prices and quality at 89 stores is a good way to find the 90 value. Household and food items can 91 be found on sale. In many 92 , however, coupons(优惠券) 93 the best savings for these items. Coupons are small pieces of paper on advertisements that can be 94 in newspapers, in the mail, in magazines, and even at food stores. If you have coupons for items you’re 95 , you can 96 them to the store before 97 for your purchase. The amount 98 on the coupon is then taken 99 form the purchase price of that item. When using coupons, make sure the coupon is for the 100 item you are purchasing, and that the coupon has not expired(过期). 81. A) sets B) keeps C) lowers D) raises


82. A) increased B) expected C) organized D) advertised 83. A) signs B) problems C) time D) interest 84. A) thus B) however C) consequently D) therefore 85. A) order B) report C) mean D) request 86. A) place B) time C) way D) value 87. A) cheaper B) fixed C) higher D) retail 88. A) appearance B) service C) quality D) performance 89. A) chain B) local C) international D) several 90. A) best B) total C) different D) equal 91. A) never B) seldom C) also D) either 92. A) occasions B) moments C) conditions D) cases 93. A) take B) put C) provide D) make 94. A) found B) bought C) promoted D) asked 95. A) producing B) selling C) developing D) purchasing 96. A) present B) return C) put D) add 97. A) asking B) paying C) leaving D) applying 98. A) reduced B) increased C) listed D) expressed 99. A) away B) in C) up D) over 100. A) various B) major C) small D) exact 2008

Passage 1

Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.

During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you're \when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. For some people the peak comes during the forenoon (午前). For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues (独白)as: \explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family

quarreling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.

You can't change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe you're sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway. Counteract (阻碍) your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This won't change your cycle, but you'll get up steam and work better at your low point.

Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a leisurely yawn (呵欠) and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration (专注) for your sharper hours. 1. If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably ______. A. he is a lazy person

B. he refuses to follow his own energy cycle C. he is not sure when his energy is low D. he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening

2. Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage? A. Unawareness of energy cycles.


