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2014年英语高考新题型样题及练习题 ( 2013-11-22 8:32 )


Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


As Christopher Walsh saved his brother and then his sister from the water of a river, his mother shouted to him: “I’m proud of you.”

Christopher was in the car with his parents, sister Rosie, and brother Mac, (25)__________ his father drove into a metal barrier. The family’s car fell down a hill (26)__________ the river, and landed with its wheels up.

Christopher, then 12, swam through a broken window and got out into the fresh air. But (27)__________ (see) the rest of his family were still in the car—in the water, he took a big breath and swam back to save first Mac, and then Rosie. Christopher said: “I was frightened, but it was all happening so fast and I really had no time (28)__________ (think) about the danger.”

Christopher freed Mac and then swam back to get Rosie, (29)__________ was under the cold, cloudy water, in the car.

Christopher had to feel for her seatbelt because he could not see anything. He took the seatbelt off her, and then went up for air. Finally he went back to pull her out of (30)__________ car. Beryl, the mother, said: “When I got to the side and looked back, I thought Christopher and Rosie had gone. I thought (31)__________ were dead. Then I saw him come up out of the water like a dolphin, and I could see he had Rosie. I shouted across the canal, ‘I’m so proud of you.’”


I’m reading this brilliant book, (32)__________ (call) The Great Kapok Tree. It’s by Lynne Cherry. My parents gave it to me as my birthday present and I just (33)__________ hardly put it down.

The story (34)__________ (set) in the tropical Amazon rainforest. The author visited the rainforest (35)__________

__________ she could find out about what was happening for herself. As I’m sure you know, man is cutting down so many of the forests and trees there. A lot of animals and plants are in danger (36)__________ __________ this.

So, here’s what happens in the story. The main character is the woodcutter. He comes into the wood with an axe in his hand. All the animals are chatting happily in the forest. As soon as

they see the man, they stop (37)__________ (talk) and become quiet. They know what the woodcutter’s job is—to cut down the great kapok (木棉) tree. But it’s the (38)__________ (large) tree in the forest and the rainforest is very hot. The woodcutter soon gets tired and falls asleep under the tree. As he sleeps, all the animals come up to him and whisper in his ear. One of them says to the woodcutter, “What happens tomorrow depends on what you do today. If you destroy our home, we (39)__________ (have) nowhere to live. Please think twice.”

The woodcutter wakes up but I’m not going to tell you what happens in the end. You’ll have to read the book to see (40)__________ he cuts the great kapok tree down or not.

25. ____________________ 26. ____________________ 27. ____________________

28. ____________________ 29. ____________________ 30. ____________________

31. ____________________ 32. ____________________ 33. ____________________

34. ____________________ 35. ____________________ 36. ____________________

37. ____________________ 38. ____________________ 39. ____________________ 40. ____________________



The United States has suffered its government shutdown from the beginning of this October, forcing millions of federal government workers into unpaid leave. From October 1, the U.S. government closed many nonessential operations (1) __________ Congress failed to agree a new budget (预算).

The shutdown (2) __________ (cause) far-reaching effects

throughout the United States. Under the shutdown, national parks, monuments and museums were closed, (3) __________ (include) the famous Grand Canyon and (4) __________ Statue of Liberty. Pension (养老金) and veterans’ (退伍军人) benefit cheques were delayed, and visa and passport applications went unprocessed.

About 800,000 federal employees (5) __________ (force) to stay at home without being paid. Although Obama signed legislation (法律) ensuring that military workers would be paid and the

Department of Defense advised uniformed members of the military (6) __________ (continue) on normal duty, large numbers of civilian workers (文职雇员) were told to stay at home. Obama even cancelled a scheduled trip (7) __________ Asia for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit (APEC峰会) because of the shutdown.

Now, the U.S. government shutdown has entered into the third week. The House of Representatives insisted on (8) __________ (delay) Obama’s healthcare reform, called Obamacare, as a

condition for passing a bill to reopen the government. (9)

__________, Obama refused to negotiate with Republicans (共和党人). What’s more, the U.S. government is now facing a debt ceiling crisis, (10) __________ means if the two parties fail (11)

__________ (reach) an agreement before the October 17 deadline, the U.S. government will not be able to borrow any (12) __________ money to pay its bills.

(13) __________ Republicans and Democrats said they didn’t want the shutdown, (14) __________ no formal talks have been

scheduled, and the two sides remain (15) __________ deeply mired (陷入困境) in their respective differences that no way forward or even a hint of progress is evident.


November 11, the weird holiday known as “Singles Day (光棍节),”has grown into

China’s, and possibly the world’s, busiest online shopping day. Singles Day (1) ___________ (create) by Chinese college students in the 1990s as a version of Valentine’s Day (情人节) for people without romantic partners. The timing was based on the date: November 11, or “11.11,” (2) __________ represents four singles. Unattached (单身的) young people would treat each other (3) __________ dinner or give gifts to chase that special someone and end their single status.

That gift-giving helped to turn it into a major shopping event as sellers of everything from jewelry to cars saw a marketing opportunity and launched Singles Day sales. It is China’s

response to Cyber Monday in (4) __________ United States, the day after Thanksgiving weekend, (5) __________ online shopping for Christmas begins and merchants have their busiest sales day. Last year, over 50,000 merchants on Alibaba’s consumer-oriented Taobao and Tmall.com platforms (6) __________ (take) in a total of 19.1 billion yuan (about $3 billion) on Singles Day. This figure exceeded the total of $1.25 billion that U.S. online

retailers (零售商) took on Cyber Monday and (7) __________ (make) Singles Day the biggest e-commerce sales day on record.

China has the biggest population of Internet users in the world, (8) __________ 538 million people online. Its population of online shoppers also is the (9) __________ (big) at 193 million, versus 170 million for the United States. Now, it follows the U.S. and Japan in online spending and is forecasted to rise to first place as early (10) __________ 2015.

The reason (11) __________ Singles Day has risen as

China’s online shopping day is a matter of debate. Some cite

demographics (人口统计数据) and timing: University graduates (12) __________ adopted the holiday earn more and shop online. Singles Day comes as people receive monthly paychecks and need (13)

__________ (buy) winter clothes. (14) __________ other events such as the Lunar New Year, China’s biggest family holiday, it

involves few other expenses such as travel or banquets (宴请), (15) __________ (leave) more money for gifts.


If modern technology means we can be connected anywhere,

then how do we switch off? Digital detox (戒瘾的) holidays are the latest trend for holidaymakers (1) __________ need to reduce their technology dependency.

A recent survey (2) __________ (find) that 83 percent of holidaymakers expect to stay digitally connected during their break, and 64 percent of those expect to check their work email daily while on leave. (3) __________ so many of us allowing our working lives to disturb our leisure time then opportunities to truly relax are (4) __________ (severe) reduced.

Recognizing that some consumers want to cut off their constant dependency on technology, a number of companies are now offering experiences (5) __________ allow us the opportunity to switch off temporarily. Selfridges* opened a Silence Room, (6) __________ shoe-free, phone-free shoppers can retreat (躲避) from the noise of busy Oxford Street. And “No Wi-Fi” benches which block Wi-Fi signals (7) __________ (build) in central Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹). And away from busy shopping streets, other travel and leisure companies are persuading customers into switching off too. In Los Angeles, Eva Restaurant is offering diners a 5 percent discount (8) __________ they leave their phones with the

receptionist (接待员). More demanding is the “digital detox” holiday offered on St. Vincent and the Grenadines (圣文森特和格林纳丁斯). Guests booking “de-tech” packages (9) __________ (ask) to hand over their electronic devices at check-in and can ask the

services of a life coach if they need guidance on how (10) __________ (use) their free time productively.

Often thought of as an obstacle, isolation is now a selling point for stressed-out travellers. And (11) __________ benefits of a digital detox are numerous and significant. Constantly skipping from one application to another is associated (12) __________ shallower (肤浅的) thinking, weakened (13) __________

(concentrate), reduced creativity, and heightened stress. Limiting the digital attack we’re (14) __________ (accustom) to will reduce the physical and emotional stress we’re constantly exposing (15) __________ (we) to.


Beavers (水獭) are not going to save the world, but they are

doing their bit for carbon capture and storage. The dams they build, and the wetlands produced (1) __________ a result, lock away a surprising amount of carbon.

“Beavers offer a mechanism of carbon storage,” says Ellen Wohl of Colorado State University. Beaver dams cause water (2) __________ (overflow) from riverbanks, creating areas of wetland (3) __________ (know) as beaver meadows (水草地), which contain large amounts of sediment (沉积物) and organic material. (4) __________ the dam breaks, the meadows dry out, exposing the material to the air and releasing some of the carbon stored (5) __________ them.

Using (6) __________ (previous) published carbon- content (碳含量) values, Wohl estimated the total organic content from dried-up beaver meadows in 27 basins (盆地) in Rocky Mountain National Park (洛基山国家公园), and found it accounted (7) __________ 8 percent of the carbon in the landscape. She estimated that (8) __________ the meadows were flooded they (9) __________ have reduced as much as 23 percent of the carbon.

Beaver numbers have been declining in the park (10)

__________ the 1940s. Wohl says there were once between 60 and 400 million beavers in North America, a number (11) __________ would have had a significant effect on the ecosystem. There are now thought to be only 6 to 12 million.

“Beavers can transform systems extremely (12) __________ (quick) and the large amount of feedbacks and impacts of their

ecosystem engineering (13) __________ (be) extensive,”said Joseph Wheaton of the department of watershed (流域) sciences at Utah State University.

“With some subtle (微小的) and cheap shifts in (14)

__________ we manage landscapes and rivers, allowing beavers to do a lot of the work for us can have profound impacts,” he said. (15) __________, ecologists will have to manage people’s expectations about just how much beavers can do.


Some personal characteristics play an important role in the

development of one’s intelligence. But people fail (1) __________ (realize) the importance of training these factors in young people. The so-called ‘non-intelligence factors’ include one’s

feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits. After a 30-year study, American psychologists found out that the main cause of differences in intelligence (2) __________ (be) not intelligence itself , but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will power and self-confidence.

Though people all know that one should have definite objectives, a strong will and good learning habits, quite a number of teachers and parents don’t pay much attention to (3) ___________ (cultivate) these factors .

Some parents are greatly worried (4) __________ their children fail to do well (5) __________ their studies. They blame either genetic factors, (6) __________ laziness, but they never take into consideration these non-intelligence factors. At the same time, some teachers don’t inquire into reasons (7) ___________ students do poorly. They simply give them more courses and exercises, or even criticize or laugh at them. After all, these students lose self-confidence. Some of them just feel defeated and give

themselves up as hopeless. Others may go astray(堕落)because they are sick of learning. (8) ___________ investigation of more than 1,000 middle school students in Shanghai (9) ___________

(show) that 46.5 per cent of them were afraid of learning, because

of examinations, 36.4 per cent lacked persistence, initiative and consciousness and 10.3 per cent were sick of learning .

It is clear (10) ____________ the lack of cultivation of non-intelligence factors (11) ____________(be) a main obstacle (12) _____________ intelligence development in teenagers. It even causes an imbalance (13) _____________ physiological and psychological development among a few students .

If we don’t start now to strengthen the cultivation of non-intelligence factors , it will not only affect the development of the intelligence of teenagers, but also affect the quality of a whole generation. Some experts (14) ___________ (put) forward suggestions about how to cultivate students’ non-intelligence factors. Parents and teachers should fully understand teenage psychology. On this basis, they can help them to pursue the objectives of learning, exciting their interests and toughening (15) _____________ willpower.


We always need a way to socialize with each other. For older generations, it may have been going to the parties or (1) __________ each other’s houses. However, young adults today cannot be bothered with all that travelling.

The (2) __________ (easy) way for kids to socialize and easiest make friends is to use social networking services online. Many Internet websites (3) __________ (include) myspace.com and facebook.com have come out suddenly in the last few years.

Myspace and Facebook work in some ways that are (4) __________. A user can agree to an agreement and build a profile (档案) (5)

___________ free. Then they find friends already using the service. If they decide to, they can add them to their friends list.

Kids can usually have hundreds of friends. (6) __________, they (7) __________ not know all of these “friends” well. On Myspace, people often add friends just in order to have more people on the list; a person seems (8) __________(cool) with 600 friends rather than just 35.

Often, people keep relationships going with friends by writing words (9) __________ each other online. Sometimes, “friends” can also go on (10) __________ months without writing to each other. Is this what we call friendship in the 21st century?

Of course, many (11)__________ (find) long-lost classmates, friends and family through these websites. Having a profile online is not just for saying “Hi, what’s up?” Friends can arrange a time to go to (12) __________ movie, look at new photos, and listen to their friends’ favourite music.

Whether good (13) ___________ bad, it looks like these social networking services (14) ___________ (be) here for a while, until a new Internet interest (15) ___________ (come).


The common Chinese greeting of “Ni chi le ma?” may soon (1) ___________ (replace) by a new greeting: “Have you cleaned your plate?” Over the Spring Festival holiday there was a big effort (2) ___________ (get) people to change their habit of (3)

___________ (order) too much food in restaurants because a lot of that food ended up being wasted. Holiday eaters were encouraged to “clean their plates” and (4) ___________ (ask) to take leftover food home in “doggy bags (打包袋).”

It is reported (5) __________ over 200 billion yuan is spent every year on food that ends up in the garbage bin. And in the midst of all this waste, statistics show that 128 million people are living (6) __________ the poverty line and going hungry. The “clean your plate” campaign is part of a worldwide effort to stop precious food (7) ___________ being wasted. The United

Nations estimates that $1 trillion (yes, that’s a very big number) worth of food is wasted each year. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) (8) __________ (launch) a campaign called “Think. Eat. Save.” to make people aware of the problem.

Chinese actress Fan Bingbing is an ambassador for UNEP and she encouraged people to upload pictures of their “clean plates” (9) ____________ (show) their support for the program. Thousands of people responded and demonstrated that they had (10) ___________ clear conscience to go along with their full stomachs. ***, the

newly (11) ___________ (select) Chinese president, is also

encouraging people to be less wasteful and he told Party members to cut back on extravagant (铺张的)holiday banquets and to be (12) ____________ (careful) when spending the people’s money.

Yuan Long-ping, an agricultural scientist, (13) ___________ (cause) a(n) stir by saying that wasting food should be treated as a crime. If not a crime, wasting food is certainly a sin and it goes against (14) ___________ *** calls, “the Chinese tradition of being diligent and thrifty.” Having a “clean plate” is just a traditional and responsible thing (15) _____________ (do). Have you cleaned your plate?


Good nutrition and a balanced diet will help your child grow up healthy. Whether your kid is a toddler (学步的孩子) (1)

___________ a teen, you (2) ___________ take steps to improve nutrition and (3) ___________ (encourage) smart eating habits. There are several ways, one of which is to have regular family meals. Family meals are a comforting occasion (4) ___________ both parents and kids. Kids (5) __________ take part in regular family meals are also more likely (6)__________ (eat) fruits, vegetables and grains, and less likely to snack on unhealthy foods, smoke or drink alcohol. In addition, family meals offer the chance to introduce your child to new foods and find out which foods your child likes and which (7) __________ he or she doesn’t.

Teens may turn up their noses at family meals — not surprising because they (8) ____________ (try) to become

independent. Yet studies find (9) ___________ teens still want their parents’ advice, (10) ____________ use the mealtime as a chance to reconnect. Also, consider trying these ways:

● Allow your teen (11) ___________ (invite) a friend to dinner. ● Involve your teen in meal planning and preparation.

● Keep your mealtime calm and pleasant—no lectures or arguing. What’s important (12)___________ a family meal? Any time your family eat together—whether it’s takeout food or a home-cooked meal. Try to strive for nutritious food and a time when everyone

can be there. This may mean (13)___________ (eat) dinner a little (14) ___________ (late) to wait for a child who’s at sports practice. It can also mean setting aside time on the weekends, such as Sunday brunch (早午餐), when it may be (15)_____________ (convenient) to gather as a group.


Teachers have many gifts (1)__________they generously give their students every day. Students receive the gifts of the teachers’ knowledge, the teachers’ understanding and the teachers’ caring. And once a year, (2)__________ Teachers’ Day, students have a chance (3)__________ (give) something to their teachers.

It should be a happy day, but in recent years it (4)__________ (come) to make teachers, students and especially parents, a little nervous. Some parents give expensive gifts to their child’s teacher in the hope of (5)__________(get) special consideration for their child. Gift cards and vouchers (券) for shopping, luxury handbags, cash and even tickets for foreign travel are sometimes included with the traditional Teachers’ Day card.

Teachers (6)__________receive these expensive gifts are faced with a dilemma (窘境). Do they accept these not so subtle “bribes” and risk (7)__________(lose) some of their integrity, or do they refuse the gifts and risk embarrassing the parents and the child?

In other countries, such as Canada and the United States, they do not have Teachers’ Day, (8)__________students usually show their appreciation by giving a card or some small gifts at Christmas. An expensive gift would not be accepted and in some cases it would be illegal for a teacher to accept such a gift. The school administration would force the teacher(9)__________ (return) it.

I always believe that the simplest gifts are the ones (10)__________have the most meaning and are the ones that are

cherished by teachers. A small bouquet of flowers, a box of candy or, even (11)__________, a card (12)__________(sign) by all the students in the class lifts a teacher’s heart more than anything.

In any case, gifts should not exceed 50 or 100 yuan and, if your parents want to give more, you should tell them, “Mom, Dad, I love my teacher. She’s fair and kind; please don’t put her (13)__________the spot.”

(14)__________the end, the greatest gift you can give your teacher is your own hard work and cooperation. Your performance and your good grades show that he (15)__________she has done a good job and that is all the reward a teacher really wants.


The G20 summit this year was greatly dominated by the tensions over military action in Syria. World leaders gathered in St. Petersburg, Russia and conducted several informal discussions about Syria, although the summit officially

focused(1)__________global economic issues and job creation. Obviously, (2)__________crisis in Syria has recently become the (3)__________humanitarian (人道主义的) challenge in the whole world. The U.S. President Barack Obama warned (4)__________the credibility (可靠性) of the international community was

(5)__________risk and said he could not be silent in the face of the Syria crisis. Obama has nearly won domestic approval

(6)__________U.S. military involvement in Syria after a key Senate (参议院) committee voted to support a draft resolution (决议草案). However, Russia President Putin believes that a U.S.

military strike against Syria (7)__________the UN approval would violate international law and should (8)__________(consider) as an act of aggression. Putin said he would only support action (9)__________very strong evidence could show that the Syrian regime (政权) was behind the chemical attacks.

A meeting ahead of the G20 between Obama and Putin

(10)__________(cancel) when it became clear (11)__________they would not find common ground over the chemical attacks. Actually, the U.S. and Russia already had a very bad relationship over the issue of Edward Snowden (斯诺登,美国“棱镜门”事件泄密者) before the summit, (12)__________Russia’s continued support of the Syrian regime only worsened matters.

The U.S. claimed more than 1,400 people died in the chemical attacks on the suburbs of Damascus (大马士革),

(13)__________other countries such as France said the number was lower.

France also debated whether (14)__________ (support) any U.S. strikes. French President Hollande has the power to order short military action without parliamentary (议会的) approval. He was in favor of action but said he would not make a decision (15)__________the U.S. Senate voted.


Different cultures have their own body language and

(1)__________same body language has various meanings in different cultures. (2)__________, it is very important to learn and understand the difference in body language between cultures. Kissing

Kissing (3)__________(commonly use) as greeting in the western world. And kissing between the opposite sexes is widespread both privately (4)__________publicly. Nevertheless, in some more conservative cultures, kissing a member the opposite sex

(5)__________public is deeply inappropriate. In China and Japan, kissing is not usual as a greeting. Handshake

In the western world, handshakes (6)__________men and women are the most widespread form of greeting. (7)__________in Muslim culture, a man would only shake hands with a woman if she offered him her hand first. There is also more emphasis placed

(8)__________using the correct hand in Muslim and Hindu society. The left hand (9)__________(consider) unclean, so practices such as handshaking and eating are only performed (10)__________the right hand. Bowing

The historic act of bowing is still very much in practice in places(11)__________Japan, China and Korea. These countries are steeped (渗透,充满) in a culture of respect (12)__________elders. However, in Muslim culture, bowing is only appropriate in worship.

Eye Contact

In the western world, direct eye contact (13)__________(see) as a sign of strength and interest. But in many Asian countries it is considered as rude. In Japan, eye contact is generally not direct and (14)__________in conversation, a person will tend to look towards the collar area instead. Other Body Languages

There are also many other body languages (15)__________you need to be careful about when traveling abroad. For example, biting your thumb in Italy is considered rude. And sitting with the soles(脚底) of your feet on show in the Middle East would be seen as highly disrespectful. Likewise, making the “OK” sign with the index finger and thumb in Brazil would be seen as highly offensive.


Body language forms an important part of any sport. Your body language tells your teammates, coach, fans and spectators how you feel about the game and how it is being played (1)__________your facial expressions, gestures, eye movements, breathing patterns and posture.

(2)__________sports, positive body language enhances a player’s morale (精神面貌), (3)__________negative body language gives signals to the opponent and makes the player more vulnerable to attack and eventually destruction.

Positive body language (4)__________(convey) to the mind that the player is growing in confidence. It is essential in sports because it holds a team together and promotes effective communication. It can solidify (团结) a team and help

(5)__________(build) respect. Positive body language, such as a high-five (举手击掌) (6)__________a pat on the back, can build cooperation and improve performance.

We have often seen Bolt* showing off a relaxed and calm self before a race and even (7)__________(joining) in the crowd with his amusing performance. Or consider Isinbayeva* contemplating (凝视) with her pole (8)__________hand and

concentrating on the bar with piercing eyes before (9)__________(jump) joyfully to another world record.

Nevertheless, negative body language (10)__________show that you are not a team player or that you have lost confidence and respect for your fellow teammates, (11)__________might lead your fans and audience (12)__________(believe) you are a poor sportsman. Gestures or facial expressions that convey anger can cause you to appear as if you had no self-control. Poor posture might tell others that you lack confidence. Failure to make eye contact can cause you to look disrespectful.

Kvitova*, (13)__________was the top seed (头号种子) at the 2013 Katowice Open*, looked depressed and even close to breaking down in the match, giving her opponent a basketful of chances to attack. Like Kvitova, Zvonareva* lost complete control of her senses and covered herself up in a towel at the 2009 US Open and finally wasted six chances to win the match.

A player’s body language can be effective in

(14)__________(bring) about the turning point in any match and perhaps that’s (15)__________makes good players great and great players legends.


The idea of (1)__________(read) online has taken on a whole new meaning as a lending library has opened on Line 2 of Shanghai’s metro. This “underground” library allows subway riders (2)__________(choose) a book at one station and leave it at

(3)__________ station (4)__________ they’ve finished reading it. And the service is free!

The library is a cooperative effort between Aizhi

bookstores (爱知书店), Hujiang.com (沪江网), an online education company, and Metro Line 2. The idea is to encourage more people to read books and to make (5)__________(good) use of their time while they ride back and forth (6)__________ work. So far,

it(7)__________(be) a great success with most people returning the books and also leaving a one yuan donation (8)__________ is used for charity.

Shanghai’s underground library is an example of “guerilla libraries” (流动图书馆) which have been springing up all over the world. (9)__________ a traditional library, a guerilla library is usually set up by individuals who want to connect people of

similar interests within a community. It (10)__________ be a few shelves of books set up on the corner in a neighborhood, or just a book left in a coffee shop with instructions inside to pass the book along after it’s read.

According to the guerilla library movement, e-books have taken the passion out of reading. They say people are losing out on the emotion that comes with (11)__________(hold) a real book in their hands and also the satisfaction that comes with sharing a book with another person.

In general, people don’t read many books these days. Last year, people in China between the ages of 18 and 70 read

(12)__________(few) than five books. Most people use the excuse that they’re just too busy or that reading is a boring activity. Well, some books may be boring, but reading certainly isn’t. It’s educational, entertaining and (13)__________ wonderful way to spend a few idle minutes or hours.

The Metro Line 2 library will soon expand to Lines 3 and 4, but why wait? You (14)__________ start your own guerilla library by passing along a good book that you’ve read.

(15)__________(give) it to a friend, leave it in a café, or leave it in the subway! After all, riders like to be readers, too.


A Happy Person, a Successful Person

A successful person (1)__________(think) by many to be a person that makes a large amount of money and lives in a very nice house in a wealthy neighborhood. (2)__________what is not

mentioned often enough when it comes to success is happiness. If you are able to be happy most of the time, then you are already successful.

More does not necessarily mean that it will be better for a person. But that is how people in many nations are raised to think. (3)__________ are taught from a young age that they (4)__________

have (5)__________ their friends or neighbors have. And it is what that makes these people bitter and unhappy. (6)__________(have) great wealth is a good thing but that is only a small part of what success is. If the other parts of your life are struggling (艰难的), all the money in the world (7)__________(not make) you happy and successful.

People in (8)__________ United States earn high salaries, but they are not happy because the long-hour work puts lots of stress (9)__________ them and they even have to sit in traffic one hour each way (10)__________(get) to and back home from work. However, Mexicans are much happier (11)__________ they are not as rich as Americans. They know how to live life at a slower pace and they take the time (12)__________(notice) and appreciate

(13)__________ is around them. They also place great importance on family values and make the most of what they have.

Money may not necessarily mean that you are successful or happy. Remember that it is happiness that brings you true success because a happier person will automatically attract more good things to him or her. A happy person is a person (14)__________ generally has a great attitude towards life and he or she always tries to be grateful and optimistic no matter what life throws at him or her. Happiness is the (15)__________(great) success.


Chinese swimmer Sun Yang won three gold medals altogether and (1)__________(award) the best male swimmer during the 2013 FINA World Championships (世界游泳锦标赛) held in Barcelona, Spain, after (2)__________(complete) a sweep of the freestyle (自由泳) distance events with victories in the 400, 800 and 1,500 meters. However, (3)__________ was not easy for Sun Yang to take these remarkable titles (4)__________ he did not have a major competitor in Barcelona, because he was deeply bothered by the

negative reports of him and was under great pressure (5)__________ he competed in the Barcelona Championships.

Sun Yang (6)__________(make) historical breakthroughs at the 2012 London Olympic Games, (7)__________ established him as one of China’s (8)__________(outstanding) sportsmen after Yao

Ming and Liu Xiang. Nevertheless, his fame also brought him much criticism and bad influence. After the Olympics, Sun Yang was publicly criticized by his coach Zhu Zhigen for not training

enough and (9)__________(perform) too many commercial activities. He was also attacked by the public for focusing too much on his romantic relationship. Due to the conflict during training, Sun Yang even split with his coach for a period of time. At that time, many people began to question his future prospects (前途) (10)__________ an athlete.

Fortunately, (11)__________ talented swimmer saved himself from criticism and rebuilt his heroic image by achieving three gold medals in Barcelona, which also made him the first Chinese swimmer (12)__________(name) as the best male swimmer. Unlike the bad boy who was at odds with media and

(13)__________ coach, Sun Yang appeared to be more mature in Barcelona. “I met the biggest difficulty (14)__________ my life in the past half year. I was not training well in the last two months. (15)__________ I wanted to do my best in the competition and not let down those who supported me,” he said with tears. Sun Yang’s successful performance signaled a restart for the young star after the year full of difficulties.


Sliding across a rope, her face tight with concentration, (1)__________ young woman looks as if she is on a rigorous bootcamp (新兵训练营). However, in fact, she is a tourist in

Nabari (日本三重县名张市), the birthplace of Japan’s ninja (忍者), where visitors can pay for the pleasure of (2)__________(train) like ninjas in old days.

Scurrying (疾走) over walls, throwing deadly spiked darts (带刺的飞镖), (3)__________ walking across water in special ninja shoes were all important skills used by ninjas. Now,Such skills (4)__________(teach) to enthusiastic visitors as Nabari and its neighbouring town, Iga (伊贺市), (5)__________(use) their ninja heritage to attract tourism and boost (促进)the local economy. Iga and Nabari are known as the home of ninja (6)__________ the first ever ninjas were trained in the area in the early 15th

century. The mountainous nature of the region may have helped boost the secretive image of ninjas, most of (7)__________

belonged to (8)__________ the Iga or the Koga (甲贺) clan (派). The men (9)__________ Iga were particularly famous for their fearlessness and deadly skills.

Ninjas were (10)__________(well known) in Japan in the 15th century. Nevertheless, six centuries later, the ninjas’ skills are being used (11)__________(boost) the area’s flagging (萎缩的) economy. Visitors to Nabari (12)__________ buy a ninja training tour, which will teach (13)__________ how to climb a 20 feet wall, throw shuriken darts (忍者镖) and cross rivers using ropes. Tourists who manage to get through the course

(14)__________ injury can receive graduation certificates, while others can visit Iga, an hour down the road, and watch a ninja (15)__________(display) after their exhausting insight into the lives of traditional ninjas.


By her own definition(定义), 19-year-old Hou Yifan is an average student. She is a sophomore(大学二年级学生)at Peking University, (1) __________ of China’s top colleges, and says she constantly falls behind on her work.

But she has a better excuse than most: Ms. Hou is one of the (2) __________ (great) chess prodigies (神童) in history. She has been ranked among the top 10 women in the world (3)__________ she was 12 and became a grandmaster(特级大师), the game’s top title, when she was 14 years old—the 15th (4)__________ (young) on record.

One day last month, while most of her fellow students were in class, Ms. Hou was routing (使溃败) Anna Ushenina of Ukraine in the last game of their Women’s World Chess Championship match in Taizhou (泰州), Jiangsu province. She won the match to recapture the crown, which she lost last year to Ms. Ushenina, (5)__________ is nine years Ms. Hou’s senior. Ms. Hou first won the crown in

2010 when she was 16, making her the youngest player, man or woman, (6)__________ (win) a world title. She successfully defended the title in 2011.

Born in Xinghua (兴化), China, Ms. Hou (7)__________ (discover) the game when she was three and her father took her to a store where she saw a glass chess set in a window and began staring (8)__________ it. Her father bought a set, and she soon began beating him, so he found her a chess tutor. By 2003, at age nine, she was a member of the Chinese national team.

(9)__________ (describe) herself as a full-time student, Ms. Hou said she did not receive any “special privileges(特权)” that allowed her (10)__________ (avoid) fulfilling her course requirements. She also has to be in class most of the time, although she (11)__________ (allow) to leave for tournaments. Her travel schedule is making her studies difficult, (12)__________ she said she took her books with her.

Since Ms. Hou is well-known in China, some of the other students were “a bit surprised” when she enrolled last year at the university, she said, adding that her fellow students had got used to (13)__________ (have) her there. Asked (14)__________ she was in the university at all, she said, “I am really trying (15)__________ (learn) something” other than chess.


In September 1991, two German mountaineers (1) __________

(climb) in the Italian Alps(阿尔卑斯山) when they saw something (2) __________ (lie) in the ice. They were surprised when they realized that it was the body of a man. The two Germans guessed that the man had been (3) __________ mountaineer. Many climbers (4) __________ (kill) in the Alps over the past 200 years, and sometimes their dead bodies were found (5) _________ a long time.

When the two men got back to the (6) __________ (near) town, they reported (7) __________ they had seen and the body was recovered. When doctors examined it to try to identify the man, they discovered something surprising. The man was not a modern mountaineer, but a Bronze Age(青铜器时代) traveler (8) __________ lived more than 5,000 years before. He had died high up in the mount ains and the freezing

temperatures and thick ice kept his body perfect for thousands of years.

