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[雪狗兄弟] [Snow Buddies]

[风呼啸声] [Air howling]
每只小狗都会有一天意识到 There comes a time in every pup's life when they realize there are forces
这个世界除了它们还有更伟大的力量在宇宙运行 greater than themselves at work in the universe
看不到也碰不到,但却能被感觉到的力量 Forces which can't be seen or touched, but only felt
即使这一生的结果不是你所期待的 And although life may lead you where you least expect
至少你要有相信,你命中会有安排 you can have faith that it's where you were meant to be
[抱怨声] [Whines]
少爷巴戈比,再不赶紧,你上学就要迟到了 Master Bartleby, we must hurry, sir,\Nor we'll be late for school
好的 OK
再见,巴特波\N是的 Bye, Budderball \NYes
哎-哎-哎 Uh-uh-uh
走吧,走吧 Yes, yes, come on
[犬叫声] [Barks]
谢了,巴特波 Thanks, Budderball
你会错过我们最喜欢的科目 He would have missed our favorite subject
午餐 lunch
[咕噜声,气喘吁吁声] [Grunting, panting]
噢,耶,卡哇棒嘎! Oh, yeah, cowabunga!
[犬叫声] [Barks]
哦, 曼巴,你这家伙,还给我 Whoa, Mudbud, dude, give it back!
[气喘吁吁声,犬叫声] [Panting,Barking]
逮到你了 Got you! Come on
别这样! 过来 No! Come here
哦 Whoa
待会儿见 See you later
再见,曼巴 Bye, Mudbud
小子终于开始学会放松 The dude's finally learning how to hang loose
噢,那太完美了 That's perfect
没有你我该怎么办,萝斯芭? What would I do without you, Rosebud?
[哀鸣]\N[笑声] [Whining]\N[Chuckling]
艾丽斯,过来这 Alice, over here
艾丽斯,你是我最喜欢的好朋友 Alice, you're my very best friend
噢 m Ohm
噢 m Ohm
[一起跟随] [all continue chanting]
上学时间到了,布达 Time for school, Buddha
我想他已经找到了他内心的平静 I think the boy has found his inner peace Namaste
上学前来个一对一吧,比多 A little one-on-one before school, B-Dawg?
[犬叫声] [Barks]
哟,百发百中! Yo, nothin' but net!
[咕噜声] [Grunts]
保证 Word!
我的传染性一定很高, 因为他好像被我的酷感染了 I must be contagious, 'cause he's catching cool like it was a cold
[咪咪叫] [Meowing]
追逐开始了 The
chase is on!
走咯,快点 OK, Noah, let's go Come on
走吧,亨利, 哦 Let's go Henry, whoa
嘿, 进来吧 Hey, come on in


好 Hey, how'd that math test go?\NUm It was good
摩利,你的伙伴们好吗?\N汪! Yeah? Molly, how are the Buddies?\N[Barks]
我知道 I know
嘿,诺亚,走吧,我们就要迟到了 Hey, Noah Come on, we're gonna be late
别担心,我们离第一个钟响还有七分钟 Don't worry We got seven minutes till first bell
朋友,我们的记录是八分半锺 Dude Our record is eight and a half
那快走吧,我们就要迟到了\N我知道,走吧 Come on, we'll be late \NI know, come one
走吧,伙伴 Come on, Buddy
快点\N[喘气声] Come on \N[Panting]
我是要载你们去的 I was going to drive you
[咪咪叫] [Meowing]
[喘气声]\N[嘶嘶声] [Gasps]\N[Hissing]
美登小姐 \N你不是在! Miss Mittens \NNo, you didn't!
追我的小猫吧? Chasing one of my little kittens
我 不是在追 I wasn't chasing
我 是在护送。对,是护送 I was escorting Yeah, escorting
我真想打你的头。 I have a good mind to swat you upside the head
你有问题吗? What's wrong with you?
我突然想起,我有个约会快迟到了。再见了 I just remembered I'm late for a date with my posse Uh, see you!
[嘶嘶声]\N[咪咪叫] [Hissing]\N[Meows]
如果你让我抓到,你就死定了 If I catch you, nine lives won't be enough
噢,耶。我是第一名 Oh, yeah! I was first Sisters rule and brothers drool
等等,我才是先到的\N我要求实时回放 No way, dudette I was here first \NI'm calling for an instant replay
喂 Psst
伙伴们,这里安全了吗? Yo, dawgs, is the coast clear?
比多,你现在又再躲避什么了? B-Dawg, what are you hiding from now?
谁,我吗?我没在躲 Who, me? I'm not hiding
我只是在想 玩躲迷藏 I was just thinking let's play some hide and seek
噢? Huh?
寻找真理是美好一天的开始。 Seeking truth is a great start to our day
噢 \N不管了,你就是鬼了 Ohm \NWhatever, you're "it "
别忘了要在十个噢之后开始找我们 Dude, don't forget to come find us after ten ohms
噢 m Ohm
噢 m \N冰淇淋 Ohm \NIce cream!
噢 m Ohm
噢 m Ohm
无论你好了没有,你的命运已定。我来了 Ready or not, your destiny awaits Here I come!
巴特波,我看到你了 Budderball, I see you!
巴特波!不要! Budderball, stop!
巴特波! Budderball!
去?奶油球,回来! Dude, where are you going?\NBudderball, come back here
小狗们,等等! Hold up, dawg
甜蜜的,妈妈 Oh, sweet mama!


口 That pup's got a one-track stomach
布达,曼巴,我们去抓巴特波 Buddha, Mudbud, we'll grab Budderball
比多,你负责把风 B-Dawg, you're on the lookout
如果送货员回来,吠两声警告我们,明白吗? If the delivery guy comes back, bark twice to warn us Got it?
如果送货员回来, If the delivery guy comes back,
我会送他一顿海扁 I'll deliver him the tail whooping of his life
噢哼哼 Mm-hmm
巴特波,你在哪里? Budderball, where are you?
[打嗝声] [Belching]
大伙们,进来看,免费的冰淇淋 Hey, guys, check it out Free ice cream!
我什么都不怕 I ain't scared of nothing
啊!美登小姐! Ah! Miss Mittens!
你在这里干嘛?你应该在把风的 What are you doing here? You're supposed to be on the lookout
我认为我在这里面可以更好的保护你 I thought I could protect you better from in here
现在我们该怎么办,怕猫的先生 Uh Now what are we going to do, Mr Fraidy Cat?
放松点,萝斯芭,也许没你想象的糟 Chill, Rosebud This might not be so bad after all
我的意思是,他们有堆积如山的冰淇淋 I mean, they've got mud pie ice cream
我选择人少的石子路 I choose the rocky road less traveled
也许我就吃一丁点的草莓冰淇淋 Maybe I'll have a teensy weensy little bit of strawberry
伙伴们! Buddies!
我们一定是刚错过它们了\N也许只是它们平时的淘气 Must have just missed them \NProbably up to their usual mischief
我们到处找找吧 Let's look around town for them
朋友,这里有个要运到法兰蹄亚塔的货 Hey, fellas Got a shipment for Ferntiuktuk
我们准备好出发,就差这些冰淇淋了 Just waiting on the ice cream, and then we're ready to fly
[大声打哈欠声] [Yawning loudly]
好饱,好困 So full I can barely stay awake
走 Go
噢 Ow
[打呼噜声] [All snoring]
大小刚好 Perfect fit
把它推进去 Get it in there
[继续打呼噜] [All continue snoring]
获准起飞。目标北方白色大地 That's a clear take-off, Control We're on our way to the Great White North
法兰蹄亚塔,阿拉斯加, 以最快的速度控制着最小的动作 Adam Bilson's sled is moving faster than ever before
这可能是全阿拉斯加最棒的雪撬人 He might be the greatest musher in all of Alaska
他最好的朋友彻斯特是最不可思议的雪撬前狗 His best friend, Shasta, is the most
amazing lead dog ever
他们俩的搭配是最强的 Together they cannot be stopped!
他们就快到达终点了 Here they come towards the finish line


人兴奋 The crowd's never been so excited
如此不可思议,如此 It's super amazing It's
亚当!是时候上学了 Adam! Time for school!
[啜泣声] [Whimpering]
快点, 彻斯特 Come on, Shasta
[风声] [Wind howling]
[啜泣声] [Whimpers]
祝你有个美好的一天 You have a good day
今天会有货进来 There's a new shipment in today
所以你放学后可以到到店里来帮忙吗? Can you help me out a bit at the store after school?
过后我们就直接去你的比赛 Then we'll go straight to your game
待会儿见\N再见,亲爱的 See you later \NBye, honey
你现在就直接到学校去 You go straight to school now
再见 Bye
直接,但加个小绕道 Straight, with one small detour
来吧,彻斯特 Come on, Shasta
[鼾声] [Snoring]
大伙,醒醒\N噢? Guys, wake up \NHmm?
我们睡着了\N哈? We fell asleep!\NHuh?
我们在哪,狗狗们? Where are we at, dawg?
我看见光了\N哈? I see the light \NHuh?
布达,你要去哪? Buddha, where are you going?
我想我看到了白色毛绒绒的东西在漂浮着 I think I see white fluffy things floating by
就好像我们在云里飞行 Kind of like we're flying through clouds
布达,为什么你总是说话流畅 Buddha, why are you always gotta be trippin'?
噢 让我看看 Oh Let me see
停手,你在推挤 Stop your pushing
帮个忙拉我一下 Give a fella a paw up
别拉它的爪 Don't pull his paw!
恶心 Disgusting!
噢, 糟了 Aw, shucks
噢,老兄,是你放的屁吗? Oh! Oh, man, did you cut the cheese?
嘿,闻到的人才是放那屁的人,老兄 Hey! Whoever smelt it dealt it, buddy
[喘气声] [Panting]
来,彻斯特 Come on, Shasta
我们到达法兰蹄亚塔的上空了 We are over the Ferntiuktuk drop site
投掷! Bombs away!
[狗狗尖叫声] [Dogs scream]
伙计们, 抓紧! Dudes, hang on!
哦! Whoa!
我这么聪明,好看端庄, 我不想这么早就死! I'm too young to die, talented, and good-looking and modest!
[叫喊声]\N[喘气声] [All yelling]\N[Panting]
你们这群蚤包,快点! Oh, you fleabags, hike, hike!
彻斯特,他们来了 Shasta, here they come
哦 总有一天,彻斯特,那将是我们 Wow One day, Shasta, that'll be us
你说得对,我们会更好 You're right We'll be nicer
走吧,我们就快迟到了 Come on I'll be late for school
[咕噜声] [Grunts]
哦! Whoa!

找到了吗,茉莉?\N没有,哪里都没有他们的踪影 Any luck, Molly?\NNo No sign of them anywhere
哦 \N噢, 伙伴,它们会上哪去了呢? Hmm \NOh, Buddy, where could they be


真不敢相信我们还活着 Gosh, golly I can't believe we're alive
那可真刺激! That was hot, dawg
地上怎么了?很冷 What's wrong with the ground? It's cold
这是美梦成真 It's a dream come true
我们的四周都是香草冰淇淋 We're surrounded by vanilla ice cream
泥土在哪? Where's the dirt?
这冰淇淋没滋味。 This ice cream has no flavor
这不是美梦,这是个恶梦! This isn't a dream, it's my worst nightmare!
我们必须回到芬费 We have to get back to Fernfield
闻起来都一样,我们要如何回去 It all sniffs the same How are we going to find our way home?
我猜家在这个方向,伙计们 I think home is this way, guys
加油,亚当! Come on, Adam!
噢, 不! Oh, no!
怎么了? What's the matter?
进错网了,亲爱的 It's the wrong net, hon
亚当,你在做什么? Adam, what are you doing?
干得好 Nice one
怎么会发生这样的事呢? How did this happen?
就是你的肚子引起的,朋友 Your stomach is how it happened, dude!
这样是无法回到家的 Pointing paws isn't going to get us home
有时候最伟大的旅程是无意中开始的 Sometimes the greatest journeys start accidentally,
它的目标有着更崇高的意义 and end with a higher purpose
比多!布达!萝斯芭! B-Dawg! Buddha! Rosebud!
巴特波!曼巴 Budderball! Mudbud!
伙伴们!\N嘿,大伙们,现在已经很晚了, Buddies!\NHey, you guys, it's dark now
今天就到此为止吧 You should call it a night
其它人有任何消息吗? Did any of the others\Ncall with any news?
我相信它们不会有事的,孩子\N我们早上会找到它们的 I'm sure they'll be OK Kids\NWe'll find them in the morning
好了,大家下车 OK, everybody out
我很为你感到骄傲 你已经尽了力 Well, I for one, am very proud of you You did your very best
妈,我会没事的 Mom, I scored on my own net
嘿,亚当,别在意 Hey, Adam, don't worry about it
这种事都有可能会发生在任何人身上的 It could happen to anybody
[叹气声] [Sighs]
再不找个温暖的地方,我们就会冻死的 If we don't find a warm place soon, we're all gonna turn into puppysicles
大伙,进来这儿 Guys, in here
噢 这里面有点暗 Uh It looks pretty dark in there
再仔细想想,还是挺安逸的 On second thought, it looks kind of cozy
[敲门声] [Knock on door]
那么 想到要什么圣诞礼物了吗? So
put any more thought into your Christmas list?
两个星期后就是圣诞节了 It's only two weeks away
一支雪撬队 A dogsled team


么想的 Adam, you know how your Dad feels
太危险了,特别是发生过那件事 It's too dangerous after what happened
雪撬意外\N我知道,宝贝 I want to mush \NI know, sweetheart
今晚好好睡吧, 好么? Try to have a good night's sleep, OK?
我爱你 I love you
求求您,为了圣诞节 Please, for Christmas
如果有可能,请给我个惊喜吧,请您给我一支雪撬队 if there's any way you could surprise me with a dogsled team
我发誓我一定能够进入比赛, 我会很感激的 so I can enter the race, I'd really appreciate it
就只要多五只狗 Just five more dogs
我知道我生日许的是同个愿望 I know it's the same thing I wished for at my birthday
而我也知道是个过份的请求,可是 and it's a lot to ask, but
他们听不到我们的嗥叫一定是太远了 They must be too far to hear our howls
[风声] [Wind howling]
噢,大伙,我真希望能有我的泥床 Aw, dudes, I wish I had my dirt bed
我们明天再为你想个办法吧 We'll figure it out tomorrow
晚安,大家都做个美梦吧 Good night Sweet dreams, everybody
噢 m Ohm
噢 m Ohm
噢 m Ohm
嘿, 兄弟们,噢! 救命啊! 噢! Hey, guys Ah! Help! Ah!
救命啊! 我的舌头卡住了 Help! My tongue is stuck
巴特波,你在干嘛? Budderball, what're you doing?
我只是想尝一尝 I thought it would taste like a Popsicle
噢 m Ohm
噢 m Ohm
我想我失去我的味觉了 I think I've lost my taste buds
走吧,大伙\N噢 m? Come on, dudes \NHmm?
我今天必须早点到铺子,吃完我就送你上学 Going to have to be at the store early Finish up I'll give you a ride
亚当,把这些剩余的装饰品顺道拿到屋外的小棚, 好吗,宝贝? Take the extra decorations out to the shed on your way, will you, sweetie?
再见\N再见 Bye \NBye
走吧 Come on
[咕噜声] [Grunting]
雪撬日记 "Sledding journal "
[咳嗽声] [Coughing]
哦 Wow
走吧,车要开了! Come on, Adam Train's leaving!
来了! Coming
待会儿见 See you later, boy
别游荡得太远 Don't wander too far from home
我很确定我们在兜圈子 I'm pretty sure we're walking in circles
这一切都是假的,我们必须找到真正的泥土 This is bogus I've got to get me some dirt, and stat
嘿, 大伙,曼巴到哪去了?\N泥土在哪儿? Hey, guys Where
did Mudbud go?\NWhere's the dirt?
噢,在哪儿? Oh, come on
哟,如果你继续挖的话,你会挖到中国的 Yo, if you keep digging you're gonna end up in China


中国有泥土吗?如果有的话,我会继续挖 Is there dirt in China? 'Cause if there is, I'm gonna keep digging
[呻吟声] [Groans]
你看上去有点不一样了,狗狗 You look strangely uh different, dawg
哈? Huh?
[喘气声] [Gasps]
大伙,我感应到了他人的存在 Guys, I'm sensing someone's presence
啊?什么? Huh? What?
你在说些什么?我啥都没看到 What are you talking about? I don't see anything
在那棵树下,我看到了些东西 Over there By that tree I saw something
哦, 我很确定的说 Uh, I was sure
就是它!是只巨狼 There he is It's a huge wolf!
跑! Run!
嘿,大家,等等,我不是有意吓你们的 Hey, guys Hey, stop I didn't mean to scare you
快点,狗狗们! Hurry up, dawgs!
它快追上我了 He's gaining on me
嘿,等等!停下! Hey, wait up Stop
别挡着我,曼巴,借过! Out of my way, Mudbud Coming through
喔!\N喔! Whoa!\NWhoa!
喔!\N喔! Whoa!\NWhoa!
喔! Whoa!
我停不了了 喔! I can't Whoa!
[笑声] [Laughing]
你为什么要笑我们? Why you laughing at my homedawgs?
我们刚看到了一群巨狼 We just saw a pack of huge wolves!
只要你认为我是一群巨狼的话,哈哈 Well, if you consider little old me a pack of huge wolves!
我叫彻斯特,是只阿拉斯加爱斯基摩犬 Name's Shasta and I'm an Alaskan Husky
我是萝斯芭,很高兴见到你 I'm Rosebud Lovely to meet you
这是巴特波,布达,比多和曼巴 This is Budderball, Buddha, B-Dawg and Mudbud
为什么他们要叫你曼巴? Why do they call you Mudbud?
噢,不!我真干净! Oh, no! I'm so clean!
毫无污点!快想个肮脏的地方,想个肮脏的地方! I'm spotless! Think of a dirty place Think of a dirty place
你们是哪儿来的? Where are you guys from?
芬费,华盛顿。我们从天上掉下来 Fernfield, Washington We got dropped here from the sky
又迷了路。我们现在到底在哪里? We're really, really lost Well, where exactly are we, anyways?
法兰蹄亚塔,阿拉斯加\N阿拉斯加? Ferntiuktuk, Alaska \NAlaska?
等一等,你们有五只,而且你们还是从天而降? Wait There's five of you, and you just dropped from the sky?
唔 Hmm
那么, 你们有试过雪撬比赛吗? So, you guys ever dogsled race?
现在,我们只想着回家 Right now we just want to get home
上忙 Well, Let's go see Saint Bernie He should be able to help
哇 我们从没见过圣人 Wow We've never met a Saint before


定得弄一个修指甲器 When I get home, I'm definitely going to need a pawdicure
[犬叫声] [All barking]
[喘气声] [Panting]
谢谢,祝你一天愉快 Thank you Have a good day
哈喽,约翰 乔治 \N哈喽,比尔森 Hello, Jean George \NHello, Joseph
我在想我的挽具是否已经送到了, 哈? I was wondering if my harnesses have arrived yet, huh?
啊 不,没有, Um No Nope
昨天有一批货送到,可是没在里面 A shipment dropped yesterday, but they weren't in it
那我只好继续等了,哈? 没得选择 I guess I will have to wait, huh? No choice
你知道,礼貌上我会问你是否会参加今年的雪撬比赛 You know, I'd be polite and ask if you are going to enter the dogsled race,
可是我想整个阿拉斯加都知道答案 but I think all of Alaska knows the answer to that question
你那唯一的一次和约翰 乔治比赛,你输了, 哈? The one time you race with Jean George you lose, huh?
若不是那场意外,你是不会赢的 If it hadn't been for the accident, no way you would've won
也许你应该为自己找多一支雪撬队再尝试一次,哈 Maybe you should find yourself another dogsled team and try again
嘿 Hey
那些狗不只是我队里的一份子, 它们是一家人 those dogs weren't just part of my team They were family
哦,我好像听到了小提琴,你有听到吗? Oh, I think I hear the violins playing Do you hear them, huh?
我可能需要手帕,因为我就要哭了,哈 I think I need a handkerchief because I'm going to cry
它们是一家人 "They were part of my family "
[铃铛叮当声] [Bell tinkles]
欢迎来到法兰蹄亚塔 Welcome to Ferntiuktuk
不妙 Uh-oh
看, 看, 看 Well, well, well
真是些人见人爱的吱吱小狗们 If it isn't everybody's favorite pupsqueak
哈喽,法兰史瓦,哈喽,腓力 Uh Hello, Francois Hello, Phillipe
今天过得还好吧?\N等等,伯尼 Having a nice day today?\NWait up, Bernie
今天不错,直到我们看到了你 不是吗,法兰史瓦 It was nice until we saw you Right, Francois?
别欺负比你们弱小的! Why don't you pick on someone your own size
看看这是谁?小黄狗? Who do we have here, blondie?
你在叫谁小黄狗?\N我们是金黄色 黄金猎犬 Who are you calling blondie?\NWe're golden Golden Retrievers
你应该感激我们没把你叫成我们的午餐 Just be happy we're not calling you our lunch
大家好 Ho
wdy, folks
你们这两只老爱斯基摩犬 Now you two big ol' Huskies
没给小狗们制造麻烦吧? aren't causin' any trouble for these youngin's, are ya?


No, sir
只是在跟小狗们打哈哈 Just, how do you say, shooting the breeze with these adorable little puppies
走吧,你们这些杂种\N快动! Come on, you mongrels \NAu revoir
走,你们这些畜生! Move it, you beasts!
你们这群小狗不是来自本地的吧? You pups ain't from around these parts, are you?
伯尼副警长,它们是伙伴,而且需要你的帮助 Deputy Bernie, these are the Buddies, and they need your help
神圣的圣伯尼,我们迷路了, Saint Bernie, your holiness, we're lost
你知道怎么回芬费,华盛顿吗? Do you know the way back to Fernfield, Washington?
华盛顿! 喔, 你确实离家很远 Washington! Whoa! You are far from home!
你得搭飞机才回得到,而最近的机场在蹄亚塔 That's a plane ride away The nearest airport is Inntiuktuk
那也是今年雪撬比赛的终点 That's where the finish line is for the annual dogsled race
走吧,伯尼,浪费时间是无法除暴安良的 Come on, Bernie Can't fight crime wasting time!
你们若不介意,我还有事要办 Now, if you pups will excuse me, I got to T-C-B
我会想办法把你们送回去的 I'll put my thinker on about getting you all home
别担心,我想我们知道怎么做了 Don't worry I think we've got it covered
哈? Huh?
[喘气声,犬叫声] [Panting, barking]
[喘气声,犬叫声] [Panting, barking]
哈! 哈! Ha! Ha!
噢! 噢!\N它们来了 On by! On by!\NHere they come!
我们在埋伏什么人吗? Are we ambushing someone?
哦! 这就是我想说的! Whoo! That's what I'm talking about
棒极了! Gnarly, dude
那就是雪撬比赛,对狗而言最伟大的运动 That's sled racing, the greatest sport known to dog
你们回家就靠它了 How we're gonna get you guys home
哈 有人会用到我们吗? Uh Is anyone else confused?
最后一遍,北美洲,南美洲, So one last time North America, South America,
南极洲,澳洲,亚洲,非洲 Antarctica, Australia, Asia, Africa
谁能告诉我第七洲?亚当? Who can name the seventh? Adam?
是?\N第七洲? Yes?\NThe seventh continent?
这就是我的家,你们可以住在小棚里 This is the house where I live You guys can stay in the shed
我希望有客房服务 I hope there's room service
嘿,伙伴们,看看这个 Hey, Buddies, check this out
哦,哦,哦,这真是第一流! Whoa, whoa, whoa This is super fly, yo!
你有自己的雪撬? You've got one of your own rides?
亚当爸爸的雪撬,可是他不再用它了 It's Adam's dad's dogsled, but he doesn't use it anymore
[引擎关闭声] [Engine turning off]
快!躲起来! Quick, hide!


让我把器具收好 Just going to put my gear away
他就是亚当,我的小主人 That's Adam, my boy
他最想要的是驾雪撬了 He wants to mush more than anything
亚当!吃晚餐了! Adam! Dinner!
[叹息声] [Sighing]
彻斯特,你在哪里?\N他叫我了。 Shasta, where are you?\NDuty calls
我们明天早上见,到时再谈 I'll see you guys in the morning We'll talk then
彻斯特,找到你了 Shasta? There you are, boy
快点 走吧, 彻斯特 Come on Come on, Shasta
彻斯特和他的主人有共同的梦想真好 It's pretty sweet how Shasta and his human have the same dream
他们需要一支队伍,或许我们能帮得上忙 Dudes just need a team Maybe we can help
啊, 大伙,我们必须赶在圣诞晚餐前回家 Uh, guys, we have to get home for Christmas dinner
我们没有时间组织一支新的队伍 We don't have time to start a team
你知道,有时帮助他人就是在帮助自己 You know, sometimes helping others is the surest way to help yourself
对极了! The Zen dude is correctamondo
如圣伯尼所说,比赛终点基本上就在机场 Like Saint Bernie said, the finish line is practically at the airport
赞成组织雪撬队的说赞成 All in favor of starting a dogsled team say "I "
赞成 \N赞成 I \NI
赞成!\N赞成! I!\N I!
赞成 \N好,就这么决定了 I \NOK, it's decided
我们早上就告诉彻斯特 We'll tell Shasta in the morning
副警长\N哦! Deputy \NOw!
[犬叫声] [Barking]
我们哪儿都找不到小狗们\N它们可能出事了。 We can't find the Buddies anywhere \NWe think they're in big trouble
我们不知道该怎么办\N你来对地方了,先生 Don't know what else to do \NYou've come to the right place, Mr
是时候大展法律的身手了 It's time to bring in the long arm of the law
我将会发出A P B I'm gonna send out an A P B
也就是执法界所谓的小狗公告 That's "All pups bulletin" in law enforcement lingo
让我所有的警察朋友 Asking all my police officer friends
注意这五只金黄色的小狗 to be on the lookout for five golden puppies
若有什么消息就会通知我 If they have any information to contact yours truly
好了 All right
发送到全国各地的执法部门了 Sent that to every law enforcement agency from Timbuktu to Kalamazoo
看看这些东西(老人计算机) Well, look at this stuff
新邮件 \N哦 Incoming mail \NWhoop
别告诉我,除非你愿意给我看 Don'
t tell me unless you're willing to show me
计算机应该简化生活 Supposed to make life simpler
还有什么比拆开一封信还简单的,对吗? What could be simpler th


an opening an envelope, right?
爸爸把一切关于雪撬的资料都放在这里面了 全部! Dad's got everything there is to know about sledding in here Everything
[翻页的沙沙声] [Pages rustling]
看看这! Look at this
"在阿拉斯加有个传说, 关于一只最伟大的雪撬狗, "In Alaska, there is a legend of the greatest of all sled dogs,
塔伦, 它住在埃玛洛山顶的洞穴中 Talon the Great, who lives in a cave on the top of Mount Amarok
传闻当它经过时, It is said that when he passes,
它伟大的力量能使北极光 his power is so great that the northern lights
照得比平时还亮 " will shine brighter than ever before "
亚当,熄灯了\N灯已经熄了 Adam, lights out \NLights are out
包括手电筒 Flashlights, too
晚安 Nighty-night
亚当,你又忘了关棚子的灯了 Adam, you left light on in the shed again
[叹息声] [Sighs]
噢?\N狗狗们,注意了 Huh?\NDawgs, psst
有危险接近中 We have a B&E in progress!
他向这里走过来了 Dudes, he's heading our way
噢 Huh
怎么 What the
极端的情况需要极端的方法 Desperate times call for desperate measures
是时候引导你内在的臭鼬鼠了 Time to channel your inner skunk
噢! 噢! 噢! Oh! Oh! Oh!
好恶心! That's nasty!
伙伴们,早安! Good morning, Buddies
彻斯特, 我们投了票决定帮你组织一支雪撬队 Shasta, we took a vote and decided to help you start a dogsled team
真的吗?\N啊-哈 Seriously?\NUh-huh
真的吗?\N啊-哈! Seriously?\NUh-huh!
真的吗?\N朋友,她说"啊-哈 " Seriously?\NDude, she said "Uh-huh "
谢谢!谢谢!大伙,这真是太棒了! Thank you, thank you guys so much This is awesome Yeah!
只有一件事 Just one thing
如果要有一支雪撬队, 我们需要有人教我们 If we're going to be a dogsled team, we will need someone to teach us how
朋友,你父母如何?它们可以教我们吗? Dude What about your mom and dad? Can they teach us?
我父母? My parents?
它们已经不在了。现在它们在那上面了 They're gone They're up there now
哦 对不起,彻斯特 Whoa Sorry, Shasta
可我想应该还有个人可以 But there might be someone, actually
来吧,伙伴们 Come on, Buddies!
走吧,大伙 Let's go, dudes
[风声] [Wind howling]
那个地方有多远呢?\N我不清楚 How far is this place anyway?\NI'm not sure
我只知道它住在埃玛洛山顶的洞穴中 Al
l I know is that he lives in a cave at the top of Mount Amarok
加油,伙伴们!我们就快到了 Come on, Buddies We're almost there
啊 你


办得到的,巴特波 Hu You can do it, Butterball
应该就是这里了 This must be it
你们准备好了吗? You guys ready?
哈喽,里面有人吗? Hello? Anyone in there?
谁在那里? Who's there?
我们在找塔伦。伟大的塔伦 We're looking for Talon, Talon the Great
你是谁?\N我是彻斯特,纳呢之子 Who are you?\NI'm Shasta, son of Nanook
纳呢!它是最棒的学生 Nanook? He was my greatest student
你教过我爸爸?\N你为什么而来? You taught my father?\NWhy are you here?
我要成为最棒的雪撬领头狗,像我爸爸 I want to be a great lead dog like my dad
让他骄傲 To make him proud
可你还是只小狗,长大后再回来吧 But you're just a pup Come back when you become a dog
我爸说过, My dad always said,
"比赛中, 最重要的不是大小, "It's not the size of the dog in the race,
而是团队的心 " but the heart of the team that counts "
这是很多年前我教过你爸爸的其中一课 That was one of the many lessons I taught your father years ago
我很怀念他, 像你一样 I miss him very much, as you must
把阿拉斯加伟大的雪撬领头狗延续下去是我的责任 It's my duty to pass on the tradition of the great Alaskan lead dogs
你是说你肯帮我们?\N这将会是我的荣幸 You mean you'll help us?\NIt will be my honor
小狗们,要做的事有很多 Pups, we have much work to do
要学会的有很多 There is much to learn
听你前爪的声音 Listen to the paws in front of you
动作要一致 Find your cadence together
哦 Whoa
当你听到一爪一声时,你就完全同步了 When you hear one paw at a time, you'll be synchronized
要相信你的领头狗 Trust your lead dog
它来领路,跟着它走! And he takes the lead Look at him go!
向右转, 向右转! Gee, gee!
最大最壮的狗会在后面靠着雪撬 Biggest and strongest dogs go next to the sled, in the back
那就是巴特波和曼巴 That's Budderball and Mudbud
你说最大只是什么意思?\N朋友,放松点 What exactly do you mean by biggest?\NDude, chillax
最快的会在中间\N那就是比多和布达 The fastest will go in the middle \NThat's B-Dawg and Buddha
你说对了! You got that right, S
我确是最英俊,最快和最勇敢的 I am the handsomest and the fastest and the bravest
萝斯芭将会和我在前面导航 Rosebud will be the navigator up front with me
因为女孩子不怕问路 'Cause girls aren't afraid to ask for di
要记住,要一条心互相配合 And remember, be as one dog, in harmony
加油,伙伴们,你们办得到的 Come on, Buddies, you can do it
我们就快到了 \N


我落后太多了 噢! We're almost there \NI'm way behind Oh!
哦, 我失败了 啊! Whoa, I'm falling Ah!
[犬叫声] [All barking]
我失败了 I'm falling
哦! 啊哈! Whoa! Ah!
好晕 So dizzy
那就是了 That's it
前进! 前进 Hike! Hike!
噢!你们这群蚤包, 前进,前进 Oh, you fleabags, hike, hike
注意 Watch out
老天,我饿死了! Oh, man, I'm starving
哈? Huh?
哈 Huh
太好吃了! This is so good
明天就是圣诞节了 It's Christmas tomorrow,
我只想再一次请求给我一支雪撬队 and I just wanted to ask one more time for a dogsled team
我会很感激的。 I would really appreciate it
就多五只狗。 求求您,阿门 Just five more dogs Please? Amen
[打鼾声] [Snoring]
嗒-嗒-嗒-嗒!\N最后一个礼物 Da-da-da-da!\NAnd your last present
这是最新型的,我自己也买了一双 They're the newest ones out there I got myself a pair too
这样我们就可以一起练习了 I thought, maybe, we could practice together
谢谢 Thank you
我帮你系上鞋带 I'll help you lace them up
圣诞快乐,大家 Merry Christmas, guys
希望我们的小主人都好 I sure hope our kids are OK
我们很快就能回家了 我希望 We'll be home soon I hope
我不想玩,彻斯特 I don't want to play, Shasta
嘿! Hey!
你怎么了?伙计? What is it, boy?
你知道爸爸不会让我们玩雪撬的 You know Dad won't let us sled
再说我们连支队伍都没有 Besides, we don't even have a team
[犬叫声] [Barks]
哦 Whoa
布达?禅师? Buddha As in the Zen master?
萝斯芭 Rosebud
巴特波,哇,你真是个大家伙 Budderball Wow, you're a big fella
不错的B项链,指的是型派吗? Nice bling, "B," as in "Dawg?"
哦 曼巴, Um Mudbud
为什么给你取这个名字呢? Wonder why they call you that?
我的愿望 My wish
我对这个研究了很久,我们需要些装备 I've been studying for this \NWe'll need some equipment
我们做得到的! We can do this!
过来!嘿 Come here! Hey
这太大了 It's way too big
完美 Perfect
很好 All right
完美 Perfect
前进!前进! And hike! Hike!
哈,开始上路了,伙计们,加油。 Yeah, way to go, guys Come on
干得好,萝斯芭。很不错,曼巴 Good job, Rosebud Nice, Mudbud

冲啊,比多。\N加油,巴特波,前进!前进! Yo, B-Dawg, over here \NCome on, Budderball, hike! Hike!
你们能行! You can do it!
漂亮!加油,大家加油! Awesome! Come


on, guys, hike!
哦! Whoo!
加油,伙计们 Come on, guys
等等!停下! Whoa! Wait, stop!
你想要那个吗,小姑娘? You want that, girl?
来吧 Come on
[铃声] [Bell tinkling]
比多,这是给你的 B-Dawg, this one's for you
噢,我要玩真的了 Oh, I ain't playin', y'all It's on!
前进! Hike!
前进! 前进! Hike! Hike!
我们来试试爸爸的雪撬, 伙计们 Now we can try out dad's sled, guys
加油,大伙们, 前进! 前进! Come on, guys, hike! Hike!
这个雪撬太重了 This sled's too heavy
这个雪撬是爸爸原本打算做的,彻斯特 This is the sled Dad was going to build, Shasta
谢谢 Thank you
太完美了 Perfect
谢谢,比多 Thank you, B-Dawg
谢谢,巴特波 Thank you, Budderball
谢谢,彻斯特 Thank you, Shasta
好乖,小狗们 Looking good, pups
我们明天就试试看 We'll try it tomorrow
好的,大家努力尝试!冲啊! All right, guys, let's try it out
加油,前进!前进!哦! Come on, hike! Hike! Whoo!
哈哈! Yeah!
哦,哈! Whoo-hoo, yeah!
前进!前进! Hike! Hike!
六只小狗已经成为一体了。 And six puppies become one
我该做的也快做完了 My work here is almost done
加油!哦! Come on! Whoo!
前进!前进! Hike! Hike!
老兄,你有看到那个吗? Incroyable Did you just see that?
没有,我在忙着看一支小狗雪撬队 No, no I was busy watching a puppy sled team
你个笨蛋, 我指的就是那个。 You imbecile, that is what I'm speaking of
它们的速度还蛮快的 They were actually moving pretty fast
哦-呵!哈!就这样! Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Yes!
加油,前进!前进! Come on, hike! Hike!
爸爸 Dad
如果突然出现五只黄金猎犬, What if these five Golden Retriever pups just appeared,
而我们准备组织一支雪撬队? and we were going to start a dogsled team?
我知道你想说些什么,而答案是不行 I know where this is heading, and the answer is no
亚当,我不要你有任何的期望。 Adam, I don't want you to get your hopes up
可是我 \N不行就是不行, 知道吗? But I \NNo ifs, ands or buts about it, OK?
不准你组织一支雪撬队 You're not putting together a dogsled team
这不公平,发生意外的又不是我 It's not fair It wasn't me that had the accident
亚当 别这样,亲爱的 Adam Come on, honey
空出现 Besides, five pups certainly aren't going to appear out of nowhere
走吧,彻斯特 Come on, Shasta
[关门声] [Door closes]


那些小麻烦"沟通沟通"了 I think it's time I give those little troublemakers a pup talk
嗨,亚当。我能帮你什么忙吗? Hi there, Adam What can I do you for?
啊, 我是来报名参加比赛的 Uh, I'm here to sign up for the race
你老爸要重出江湖? Your old man's coming out of retirement?
我的天,这真是最好的消息。\N不,我,啊 By gosh, that is just the best news \NNo, I, um
这没问题,全包在我身上 You can consider him signed up I mean done and done
不,这是给 No, it's for
这将会是法兰蹄亚塔有史以来最精彩比赛! This is shaping up to be the best race Ferntiuktuk has ever seen
这不是给 \N谢谢你,亚当。 It's not for \NThank you, Adam
这才有意思\N啊 Now we're cooking \NUm
你好,我可爱的朋友们 Bonjour, my petit friends
你想要怎么样? What do you want?
你们跟黄雪一样漂亮,不是吗? Aren't you as beautiful as the yellow snow?
我只是来祝你们比赛好运 I just came over to wish you luck in the race
真的吗?\N噢,是的 You did?\NOh, yes
特别是当彻斯特的父母发生了可怕的意外后你们还敢参加比赛 You are brave to want to race after the horrible thing that happened to Shasta's parents
可怕? Horrible?
它们在比赛途中渡过结冻的湖面时 They were crossing the frozen lake on the home stretch of the race
冰面破了,而彻斯特的父母牺牲了 The ice broke, and Shasta's parents perished
那个家庭是受诅咒的!\N诅咒? The whole family is cursed \NCursed?
你吓不了我们的\N是的 当然不 You don't scare us \NYeah, right Of course not
无论如何,再见 哈哈! Anyways, bon chance Ha!
那真是可怕。 That's scary
要是同样的事发生在我们身上,该怎么办? What if something like that happens to us?
可怕?哼, 比多就喜欢危险 Scary? Pshaw, B-Dawg is all about the danger
别说了,他们来了 Shh, here they come
看来 我们加入比赛了 Well, we're all signed up, more or less
走吧 Come on
[犬叫声] [Both barking]
[犬叫声] [Both barking]
有看到他们的踪影吗?\N没有 Any sign of them?\NNo
噢,伙伴,我们该怎么办?我们到处都找过了 Oh, Buddy, what are we gonna do? We've looked everywhere
哈喽,美登小姐 \N你好吗? Hello, Miss Mittens \NHow are you today?
我找你找了好几天了 I've been looking f
or you for days
你最好管教一下比多 You better teach B-Dawg to behave
你的小狗又在追我的小猫了 Your pup was chasing my kitten again


到它是什么时候? When did you last see him?
没多久以前,冲进冰淇淋货车 Not too long ago, breaking into the icecream truck
我看准那只小狗会被关起来,你记住我的话 That little pup, he's gonna end up in a dog pound, mark my words
看 Look
巴特波! Budderball!
[犬叫声] [Both barking]
小狗足迹,它们来过这里 Puppy prints They've been in here
糟了 Uh-oh!
[犬叫声] [Barking]
伙伴们,醒醒。塔伦在呼唤我们 Buddies, wake up Talon is calling us
哈 ? Huh ?
我今晚把你们叫来是为了教你们最后一课 I called on you tonight because there is one last thing I need to teach you pups
抬头看看 Look up
哇,伙伴们, 那是什么? Whoa! Dude, what is it?
那就是北极光 That is Aurora Borealis The northern lights
是你们祖先的灵魂 They're the spirit of all your ancestors
包括你父母,彻斯特 Including your parents, Shasta
小狗们,现在我必须说再见了 Now, pups, I must say goodbye
可是明天就比赛了 But the race is tomorrow
我已经把全部都教会你们了 I've taught you all you need to know
可是我还没有带领过雪撬队 But I've never led a race before
彻斯特,你已经完全具备成为最伟大的阿拉斯加雪撬领头狗了 Shasta, you are ready to take your place in your long lineage of great Alaskan lead dogs
可是这么一来,我们就成一个人了 But we'll be all alone
是啊,贤明的狗,巴特波说得对 Yeah, wise dawg, Budderball's got a point
要我们如何安心呢? How do you know we'll be cool?
每当你觉得疑惑的时候, When you feel doubt,
这些光会提醒你们,你们不是孤独的 these lights will remind you that you're never really alone
你要如何确定呢?\N有些时候,你必须要有信心 How can you know for sure?\NSometimes you just have to have faith
再见了。\N我们会想念你的。 Goodbye \NWe'll sure miss you
保重。\N我们最尊敬的人。 Hang loose, sir \NMaximum respect
一路平安,师傅。 Namaste, Zen sled master
谢谢你,塔伦。我们永远都不会忘记你的 Thank you, Talon We will never forget you
[叹息声] [Groans]
彻斯特? Shasta?
哇 Whoa
当它经过时,北极光照得比平时还亮 "When he passes, the northern lights will shine brighter than ever before "
[犬叫声] [Barks]
塔伦 Talon
萝斯芭,你醒着吗? Rosebud? You awake?

是的\N你会害怕吗? Yeah \NAre you afraid?
是的 Yeah
我知道这话令人难以置信,可我也很害怕 I know it's hard to believe, but I am too


承认这一点 I know, B-Dawg It's OK to admit it
其实这更代表了你的勇敢 It actually means you're brave
萝斯芭,你不会告诉任何人吧,会吗? Rosebud, you're not gonna tell anyone, are you?
我不会说出去的 Your secret's safe with me
即使我们感到害怕,我们也必须去比赛。为了彻斯特 Even though we're scared, we're going to have to race For Shasta
萝斯芭。什么事? Rosebud?\NYeah?
谢谢 Thanks
安静 Shh
欢迎来到法兰蹄亚塔每年一度的雪撬比赛 Welcome to the Ferntiuktuk Annual Dog Sled Race,
从起跑线为您现场直播 coming to you live from the starting line
噢,看,这里有去年的冠军,约翰 乔治 Oh, and look, there is last year's champ, Jean George
噗!垃圾! Boo! You stink!
看来有一个人缺席了,法兰蹄亚塔的乔 比尔森 It appears we have one no-show, Ferntiuktuk's own Joe Bilson
等等,我说得太早了 看起来好像是 Wait, I spoke too soon It looks like
小狗? puppies?
哈哈 我真是不敢相信 Ha I cannot believe it
你爸爸派一个小孩去完成大人的工作?难以置信(法语)! Your father sent a little boy to do a man's job? Incroyable!
你们这些小东西来这儿做什么? What are you puny runts doing here?
我们是来干掉一些尾巴的,特别是你的 We're here to kick some tail Yours in particular
你们能获胜的机会, You have just about as much a chance of winning the race,
就和彻斯特的父母一样 as Shasta's parents do
不准你提起我父母 You don't talk about my parents
孩子,当初你报比尔森的名时, Son, when you asked me to enter a Bilson in the race,
我不知道你指的是自己 I didn't know you were talking about you
你当时没问我,警长。而且我填的是我的命字 You didn't ask me, sheriff, and I wrote my name in the application
啊,真的是你的名字 Well, I'll be a moose's nephew \NSo you did
再说我也付了报名费\N是的,是的,你确实付了 And I paid the entry fee \NYeah, yeah, you did
警长,我们办得到的 Sheriff, we can do this
你确定你明白自己在做什么吗,孩子? You sure you know what you're getting into, son?
这是个非常险峻的比赛 This here is a treacherous race
是的,长官,我们都准备好了 Yes, sir We're prepared, sir
我不知道 I don't know
规矩没提到说小孩和小狗不能比赛, 所以 There's nothing in the rules that
says a boy and his pups can't race, so
小孩获准参加比赛 The boy is in!
听好,小狗们。要安全第一 Good luck, pups! Remember to be safe


,同志\N谢谢 Good luck, comrade!\NThanks!
离约翰 乔治远一点 \N噢 Stay clear of Jean George \NOh
为了赢,他会不择手段的。\N谢谢 He'll do anything to win \NThank you
你会步你爸爸的后尘,尝到我的厉害 Like your father before you, you will eat my powder
各位选手 Mushers
准备 take your mark
开始!\N冲啊! Mush!\NHike!
[欢呼声] [All cheering]
为了塔伦\N塔伦! For Talon!\NTalon!
冲啊! Hike!
比赛就此展开! And they're off
冲啊! Hike!
糟了 Oh, no
啊!伙伴们!\N撑着点!茉莉! Uh-oh Oh, Buddy!\NHang on, Molly!
在选手们通过树林的当儿 As the racers broach the forest,
去年的冠军,约翰 乔治领先了 last years champ, Jean George, is in the lead,
而小亚当则在最后面尾随着 and little Adam Bilson trails the pack
[犬叫声] [All barking]
噢 Oh
[咕噜声]\N[尖叫声] [Grunts]\N[Screams]
再见了! Sayonara!
继续!\N继续!继续! On by!\NOn by! On by!
滑!继续滑!\N继续! Mush! On by!\NOn by!
听着,我会在总部观察比赛 Listen, I'm gonna keep an eye on the race from home base,
你最好现在出发吧。 but you best be getting out on the trail
我们在终点见。 I'll see you at the finish line
你有看到五只金黄色的小狗吗? 它们长得像我们,只是比较小 Have you seen five golen puppies around? They look just like us, only little
你是指小狗们?我确实有 You mean the Buddies? You bet I seen 'em!
我怎么也不敢相信我会见到小狗参加法兰蹄亚塔雪撬比赛 I never thought I'd see puppies in the Ferntiuktuk Annual Dog Sled Race
法兰蹄什么塔? Fernti what tuk?
那是全阿拉斯加最危险的比赛 It's the most treacherous race in all of Alaska
拥有最险峻的赛地道域 It's some of the meanest terrain on dog's white Earth
你可以带我们去找它们吗?它们都还小 Can you take us to them, they're our pups
我是救援狗,正要上路。 I'm the rescue dog I was just about to head out on the trail
你们跟着我吧 Follow me
冲啊!冲啊! Hike! Hike!
继续!滑! On by! Mush!
继续!喔!前进! On by! Ow! Hike!
冲啊! Hike!
哇! Whoa!
哟,我还以为你会去赛场给亚当打气 Joe, thought you'd be at the race to see Adam off
镇上半数的人都去了\N不,我已经不再 Half the town's down there \NNo, it's not my thing
你说什么? Wh
at did you say?
刚刚看到彻斯特带领的小狗拉着雪撬 Those golden pups led by Shasta pulling the sled,
这一目足以让我这个冰冷如石的人感到温馨 that's enough to warm the hea


rt of this stone-cold enforcer
亚当有试着告诉我他找到了些黄金小狗, 总共有几只? Adam tried telling me he found some golden pups How many were there?
五只\N加上彻斯特就是六只。一支雪撬队! Five \NAnd Shasta makes six A team
[引擎发动声] [Engine turning]
[犬叫声] [All barking]
冲啊! Hike!
冲啊!右转! 右转! 右转! Hike! Gee! Gee! Gee!
你们做得很好,伙计们 You're doing great, guys
加油,冲啊!冲啊! 你们行的! Come on, hike! Hike! You can do it
Dialogue Marked=, , 我们现在看到的是去年的冠军,约翰 乔治 Oh, and here comes last year's champ, Jean George
Dialogue Marked=, , 噢,现在看到的是冰岛队的艾娃 葛琳娜 Oh, and here comes Elva Gruener, leading the Icelandic team
Dialogue Marked=, , 她安全抵达中途站 She made it safely to the mid-way checkpoint,
Dialogue Marked=, , 可还是没有亚当 比尔森的踪影 but no sign yet of Adam Bilson
Dialogue Marked=, , 他必须在十分钟内抵达 He's only got ten minutes to make it to the checkpoint
Dialogue Marked=, , 否则他将会被淘汰。 or he will be disqualified
Dialogue Marked=, , 可是随着气温下降和夜色低垂, And with the temperature plunging amidst the imposing darkness of night,
Dialogue Marked=, , 一切都对小亚当不利 the odds certainly are against young Adam
Dialogue Marked=, , 嘿,我听说他已经快到中途站了, I Heard he's almost at the midway checkpoint
Dialogue Marked=, , 赶紧吧。 Hurry
Dialogue Marked=, , 好了,大家,已经准备好了,吃吧 OK, guys, here you go I've got some dinner for you Eat up
Dialogue Marked=, , 明天还有漫长的比赛呢, 是的 Long race tomorrow, yeah
Dialogue Marked=, , 好的 Good
Dialogue Marked=, , 吃吧, 明天你们又是状小狗了 Eat up, Strong doggies tomorrow
Dialogue Marked=, , 好孩子,好孩子 Good boys, good boys
Dialogue Marked=, , 各位先生和女士,在只剩下四十五秒时, Ladies and gentlemen, with the clock down to a mere seconds,
Dialogue Marked=, , 亚当和他那不可思议的神奇小狗们成功了 Adam Bilson and his team of amazing, incredible pups have made it
Dialogue Marked=, , 他们毫发无伤且勇敢地抵达了中途站! to the mid-way checkpoint, unscathed and on a mission!
Dialogue Marked=, , 曼巴,巴特波 Mudbud Budderball
Dialogue Marked=, , 谢天谢
地中场时间到,我饿死了 Thank goodness it's halftime, I'm starving
Dialogue Marked=, , 这是第七轮了。是时候平衡我的气了 It's the seventh inning stretch


Time to balance my chi
Dialogue Marked=, , 噢 m Ohm
Dialogue Marked=, , 不,不,这不可能 [Speaks French]
Dialogue Marked=, , 太好了,没人受伤\N哈 Good, no one's limping \NHuh
Dialogue Marked=, , 你让我骄傲 You're making me proud
Dialogue Marked=, , 好的,开始了,伙计们 Well, here we go, folks
Dialogue Marked=, , 第三十届年度雪撬比赛, 第二天开始了 Day two of the Ferntiuktuk Annual Dog Sled Race
Dialogue Marked=, , 我们剩余的三位选手将继续他们精彩的赛程 Our three remaining teams are set to resume
Dialogue Marked=, , 这将会是一场令人兴奋的比赛 It should be an exciting race to the finish
Dialogue Marked=, , 冲啊! Hike!
Dialogue Marked=, , 继续! On by!
Dialogue Marked=, , 那是什么?暴风雪? What's that? Snow squalls?
Dialogue Marked=, , 很严重?为什么你不早点告诉我? Whiteout conditions? Why didn't you tell me before?
Dialogue Marked=, , 不,我没办法取消比赛。他们已经在外面了 No, I can't cancel the race They're already out there
Dialogue Marked=, , 啊, 你真是个晕头 Aw, you're some kind of dizzy
Dialogue Marked=, , 没关系,我会亲自去查看 Never mind, never mind I'll check it myself
Dialogue Marked=, , 噢,兄弟! Oh, brother
Dialogue Marked=, , 噢, 我在上网了 Oh, me on the Internet
Dialogue Marked=, , 伯尼看到了也不会相信的 Bernie wouldn't believe his eyes
Dialogue Marked=, , 这是什么?五只失踪的小狗! What's this? Five missing puppies?!
Dialogue Marked=, , 噢, 我的天啊! Oh, my gosh!
Dialogue Marked=, , 好吧, 我这就打过去 All right, here we go
Dialogue Marked=, , 芬费,丹副警长 Fernfield, Deputy Dan
Dialogue Marked=, , 是的,丹副警长。我是法兰蹄亚塔警署的里安警长 Yeah, Deputy Dan, it's Sheriff Ryan here in Ferntiuktuk Sheriff's Department
Dialogue Marked=, , 听着,我们这里有五只符合你形容的小狗 Listen, I've got five puppies that match your description
Dialogue Marked=, , 哇,这真是好消息,警长! Wow, that is great news, sheriff!
Dialogue Marked=, , 我等不及告诉那些小孩,他们一定会很高兴的 I can't wait to tell the kids! They'll be very excited!
Dialogue Marked=, , [喘气声] [Panting]
Dialogue Marked=, , 快点,你们这些懒杂种 Come on, you lazy
Dialogue Marked=, , 快跑!啊-哈! Move it! A-ha!
Dialogue Marked=, , [犬叫声] [Barking]
Dialogue Marked=, ,


[呻吟声] [Groaning]
Dialogue Marked=, , 这些云看起来不妙,彻斯特 I don't like the look of those clouds, Shasta
Dialogue Marked=, , 嘿! 孩子! Hey, kids!
Dialogue Marked=, , 孩子们!哈哈 Kids! Haha
Dialogue Marked=, , 孩子们! Kids!
Dialogue Marked=, , 孩子们!孩子们!嘿! Kids! Kids! Hey!
Dialogue Marked=, , 嘿! Hey!
Dialogue Marked=, , 嘿 我们找到 我们找到小狗啦! Hey! We found We found the pups!
Dialogue Marked=, , 耶!太棒了! Yeah! Awesome!
Dialogue Marked=, , 有人愿意帮我下来吗? Could someone help me down?
Dialogue Marked=, , 继续 前进 On by Hike
Dialogue Marked=, , 前进 Hike
Dialogue Marked=, , 约翰 乔治 Jean George
Dialogue Marked=, , 嗨,警长,很高兴见到你 Hey, sheriff Are we glad to see you!
Dialogue Marked=, , 里安警长,在此为你服务 Sheriff Ryan at your service
Dialogue Marked=, , 噢, 孩子, 看来你最好塔我的车了 Oh, boy, looks like you better catch a ride with me
Dialogue Marked=, , 好的,走吧。\N耶,来吧 Let's go!\NYeah, come on
Dialogue Marked=, , 继续!前进!前进! On by! Hike! Hike!
Dialogue Marked=, , 闪边点,约翰 乔治 Move it, Jean George
Dialogue Marked=, , 糟了! Oh, no!
Dialogue Marked=, , 右转! Gee!
Dialogue Marked=, , 虽然有好几位选手从中途站出发 Although several racers left the mid-way checkpoint,
Dialogue Marked=, , 现在却有三队在行动中失踪 there are still three teams missing in action
Dialogue Marked=, , 继续! Haw!
Dialogue Marked=, , [风声] [Wind howling]
Dialogue Marked=, , 那些小狗在这暴风雪中是挨不了一晚的 Those puppies won't survive one night in that storm
Dialogue Marked=, , 喔,喔,喔 Whoa, whoa, whoa
Dialogue Marked=, , 是个可怕的雪怪! It's the abominable snow dude
Dialogue Marked=, , 没事的。跟着他 It's all right Follow him
Dialogue Marked=, , 救命 救命! Help Help!
Dialogue Marked=, , 我在这边 I'm over here
Dialogue Marked=, , 卑鄙的约翰 乔治破坏了我的雪撬 That scoundrel Jean George sabotaged my sled
Dialogue Marked=, , 我从没见过这么恶劣的天气 I have never seen such dastardly weather conditions
Dialogue Marked=, , 我只能很遗憾的说,伙计们, I'm sorry to s
ay it, folks,
Dialogue Marked=, , 我无法追踪选手们了 but it makes it impossible to track the competitors
Dialogue Marked=, , 我

