牛津英语上海版四年级下册M2U3 备课教案

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2016-03-19 4BM2U3

Module2 My favourite things

U3 Home life

I. 词汇

1. 核心词汇/词组 bedroom living room homework model plane 2. 其他 bedtime chat cook noise shell storybook 3.

bathroom wash Earth Hour tell




fairy tale holiday usually voice



1)表示放假名称的词很多是复合词,由表示房间用途的单词和room组成 例:bedroom=bed+room living room=living+room bathroom=bath+room shower room 2) 复合词 storybook homework bedtime fairy tale(童话) 【仙女】【传说】 3) Earth Hour 【an】

地球一小时,通常为March 的最后一个Saturday。今年是8:30pm~9:30pm,19th,Mar. 4) cook 做饭,厨师 cooker 炉子,炊具 Her father is a cook. Mum is cooking dinner for us.

5) chat 聊天 → talk说话 tell 告诉,讲述 例:chat room talk with tell sb. 6) dinner是一天中主要的正餐,通常指晚餐。但星期天和节日的午餐也可称为dinner,在这种情况下晚餐用supper。 7) lot 很多,许多,大量;很,非常,通常用法:a lot, a lot of, lots of。 II. 语法

1. 现在进行时 am/is/are+doing 1) Be动词的变化形式与句子主语和时态有关,be动词后接动词的现在分词即doing,构成进行时态。表示现在正在进行中的动作。如: I’m doing my homework. You’re making a model plane. She’s washing her hair. They’re not playing basketball. 2)现在进行时的疑问形式 一般疑问:将be动词置于句首; 特殊疑问:特殊疑问词后面接现在进行时的一般疑问结构。 Are you washing the dishes in the kitchen? What are you doing in the kitchen? 3)有些情感类的单词,如:like,love,want,need等,以及一些瞬间动词,如join,不用在进行时态中,因此没有现在分词;有些瞬间动词,如,come,go,leave等,形式上是进行时的结构,但实际表达的意思却是将来是的意义。如:I’m coming. She is leaving. 4)动词come,go与其他动词连用,若用and来连接,则表示两个动词相继发生或承接。 如:go and play football, come and help me

2. 词义比较 1)interesting 有趣的,有意思的;funny滑稽可笑的 2)beautiful 漂亮的,美丽的,表示非常漂亮,接近完美 pretty,漂亮的,可爱点,表示可爱,通常指女性或小孩 good-looking 好看的,指容貌美 handsome 漂亮的,英俊的,形容男性是指容貌端正英俊,形容女性时表示健美 3)loud侧重声音的响亮;noise侧重声音的嘈杂,吵闹

3. now 现在, 多用于一般现在进行时,或一般现在时的句子中; usually 平常,通常,多用于一般现在时的句子中。

如:I usually watch TV with my parents at night, but now we’re looking at the stars. My brother Ben and I usually read storybooks before bedtime, but now Grandma is telling us a fairy tale. I usually do my homework at night, but now we’re chatting with our parents. 4.

by 在…旁边,是无意识的,比near(近的,接近)的距离要远

Judith is sitting in a chair by the window. Max stood by the bar. Don't come near me at 在…旁边,靠近,是有意识的 At his side is a pretty woman.

beside 在…旁边,表示并排。

Beside an empty plate was a lot of books

