九年级暑假英语语法专项练习第二章 名词

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第二章 名词


1. If you ever want to visit Disney for three days, you can save ____money by buying a

multiple-day ticket.

A. much B.many C. a few D. a little 2. The students donated over two _______ books at our school charity sale last Friday.

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of 3. You can contact your agent to get _______ information.

A.further B. farther C. furthest D. farthest 4. The boss asked the manager how many _______ he would need to finish the project.

A. people B. time C. money D. food 5. My grandfather makes a living by raising ________ to produce wool.

A. sheep B. sheeps C. many sheeps D. much sheep 6. Susan spends ________ money on fashion clothes every month.

A. many B. a large number of C. quite a few D. huge amounts of

7. Some students were too busy preparing for their tests to get enough ________.

A. sleep B. friend C. hobby D. activity 8. The Changjiang River is one of _______ in the world.

A. the longest river B. the longer river C. the longest rivers D. the longer rivers 9. The man over there is ______.

A. John and Mary father B. John’s and Mary’s father C. John’s and Mary father D. John and Mary’s father 10. Every Sunday, he went to his ________.

A. uncle B. aunt C. uncle’s D. uncle’s family 11. You’ll have to borrow ________. I’m using mine.

A. somebody else’s car B. someone else car C. anybody elses cars D. everybody else’s car 12. —Have you seen _______ workers pass by?

—Yes, I have seen _______ them.

A. women, hundreds of B. woman, hundreds of C. woman, two hundreds of D. women, two hundred of 13. We need some more _______. Can you go and get some, please?

A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. photos 14. Brian is so kind that he often gives me a _______ when I’m in trouble.

A. reply B. seat C. hand D. reason 15. Lao She is the _______ of Tea house.

A. doctor B. actor C. scientist D. writer 16. I want to go to different places, but I don’t know the _______.

A. price B. way C. time D. ticket 17. —How is Joy’s skirt?

—Her skirt is more beautiful than _________.

A. her sister’s and Kate B. her sister and Kate C. her sister and Kate’s D. her sister’s and Kate’s 18. It’s so crowded here. Let’s make some ______ for the baby.

A. house B. room C. seats D. chairs 19. —I don’t know how to use this machine. —It doesn’t matter. Here is the ________.

A. instruction B. direction C. information D. advertisement

20. —How much does it cost to build the school library? —Four _______ Yuan.

A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of

21. I’m going on holiday on the 12th. I have to be back at work on the 26th, so I’ve go two

_______holiday. A. weeks B. week’s C. weeks’ D. week 22. They got much _______ on the Internet.

A. photo B. ideas C. message D. information 23. In autumn ________ turn yellow.

A. leaves B. leafs C. leaf D. leafes 24. Linda, I’ve bought several _______. Now let’s make the birthday cake.

A. fresh eggs B. chocolate milk C. frozen food D. flour 25. They are _________.

A. Kate and Mary mother B. Kate and Mary’s mothers C. Kate and Mary’s mother D. Kate’s and Mary’s mothers 26. The teacher from America gave us ________ on how to learn English well.

A. an advice B. some advices C. some advice D. a piece of advices 27. —Would you like some ________?

—Yes, please. I’m a little thirsty. A. bread B. meat C. beef D. orange


1. Don’t be afraid of making __________. They help you learn. (mistake)

2. I am not satisfied with the service here. I want to speak to the ________. (manage) 3. The soldier saved the boy from the flood with a piece of _________. (wooden) 4. I’m thankful to the teacher for her ______ on my interview. (suggest)

5. Tony’s father and uncle are both ______. They help keep the city safe. (policeman) 6. We all know that Detective Ken is good at dealing with such _______. (case) 7. Looking at your phone in the darkness will do _______ to your eyes. (harmful) 8. I got interested in _______ because of a movie about science. (physical)

9. The bicycle-sharing system may help reduce air _______ in big cities. (pollute) 10. Peter took many wonderful ______ during his trip to Shenzhen last month. (photo) 11. Nowadays air______ is very serious in big cities. (pollute)

12. The lawyer’s dealt with many ______of stealing children from their parents.(case) 13. The engineer said that the main ______ of the project was the high cost. (advantage) 14. He travels around the world and makes ______for university students. (speak)

15. The____________ were surprised at the amazing night views of the Bund. (German) 16. This bar of chocolate looks really big and it is 50 centimeters in ____________.(long)

17. In order to improve my English skills, I bought some ________ of USA Today from a

street-corner machine. (copy)

18. Taking care of the planet is everyone’s ________. Let’s do our best to make our planet a better

place to live.(responsible)

19. We won against our ________ because we are stronger and better than them. (enemy) 20. That Chinese student’s ________ made a strong impression on the audience. (speak)

21. Many students in Canada learn _________as a second language because it is widely


22. After ten days in the cage the bird finally got the _________ and flew back to the blue sky.(free) 23. A CD-ROM of a computer can hold lots of _______, photos and videos. (article)

24. The driver’s _______ in the accident warns us to obey the traffic rules at any time. (die)

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

Our teacher asked if we knew the exact _______ of the OTV tower. (high) The children shouted with _______ when they won the prize. (exciteD. Barack Obarna has made many ________ in different universities.(speech)

The health project teaches children how to brush their properly. (tooth) The famous ar1ist wi11 give several __________ on art during the art festival. (speech) Jenny complained to the ________ about the poor service in the shop.(manage) We can also get huge amounts of ______ through practice. (know)

Alice is guiding some tourist from____ around Shanghai Tower. (German)

The popular cafeteria(自助餐) offers its customers a wide_____ of delicious foods and drinks. (various)

Taking up different hobbies will help add _________ to your life.(various)

In each child wears a uniform to school – everybody is dressed in the same way. (British)

All of the ________ received a warm welcome at the party. (guest)

The elevator is out of ________ right now, so we have to walk upstairs. (serve) The government is taking steps to reduce air ________ in big cities. (pollute)

The two boys became British ____________ and they gained the right to vote(选举).(city) That army officer is brave enough to fight against those _______. (enemy)

Shanghai Disneyland is an _______ park which is popular among visitors. (amusing)

第二章 名词


1. If you ever want to visit Disney for three days, you can save day ticket. A. much

money by buying a multiple-

B.many C. a few D. a little

2. The students donated over two A. thousand

books at our school charity sale last Friday.

C. thousands of information.

C. furthest

D. farthest D. thousand of

B. thousands

3. You can contact your agent to get A.further

B. farther

4. The boss asked the manager how many A. people

he would need to finish the project. C. money to produce wool. C. many sheeps

D. much sheep D. food

B. time

5. My grandfather makes a living by raising A. sheep

B. sheeps

6. Susan spends

money on fashion clothes every month.

B. a large number of D. huge amounts of

. D. activity

A. many

C. quite a few


Some students were too busy preparing for their tests to get enough A. sleep

B. friend

C. hobby

in the world.

B. the longer river

D. the longer rivers


B. John’s and Mary’s father D. John and Mary’s father

. C. uncle’s

. I’m using mine.

B. someone else car D. everybody else’s car

workers pass by? them.

B. woman, hundreds of D. women, two hundred of

. Can you go and get some, please? B. potatos B. seat of Tea house. B. actor

C. scientist C. potatoes when I’m in trouble. C. hand

8. The Changjiang River is one of A. the longest river

C. the longest rivers

9. The man over there is A. John and Mary father

C. John’s and Mary father

10. Every Sunday, he went to his

A. uncle

A. somebody else’s car C. anybody elses cars

B. aunt D. uncle’s family

11. You’ll have to borrow

12. —Have you seen

—Yes, I have seen A. women, hundreds of C. woman, two hundreds of

13. We need some more A. potato

D. photos D. reason D. writer

14. Brian is so kind that he often gives me a

A. reply 15. Lao She is the A. doctor

