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随着各种新的网络技术的不断应用和迅速发展, 计算机网络的用范围变得越来越广泛, 所起的作用越来越重要, 计算机网络与人类的生活更加密不可分, 社会对其的依赖程度也会随之不断增长。而随着计算机技术的不断发展, 病毒也变得越来越复杂和高级, 新一代的计算机病毒充分利用某些常用操作系统与应用软件的低防护性的弱点不断肆虐, 最近几年随着因特网在全球的普及, 将含病毒文件附加在邮件中的情况不断增多, 通过网络传播病毒, 使得病毒的扩散速度也急骤提高, 受感染的范围越来越广。因此, 计算机网络的安全保护将会变得越来越重要。
计算机病毒的定义计算机病毒(Computer Virus)在《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》中被明确定义, 病毒“指编制或者在计算机程序中插入的破坏计算机功能或者破坏数据, 影响计算机使用并且能够自我复制的一组计算机指令或者程序代码”。
随着网络和Internet 的发展,一个传播范围更广,危害更大的新型病毒应运而生.这就是网络病毒。网络病毒是一个新兴的概念, 在传统的病毒分类里没有网络病毒这个概念, 由于网络的发展, 传统的病毒也就具有了一些网络的特性。如今的网络病毒是一个广义的概念, 一 般只要是利用网络来进行传播、破坏的都可以被称为网络病毒, 如“:爱情后门”、“熊猫烧香”等。
原先常见的计算机病毒的破坏性无非就是格式化硬盘, 删除系统与用户文件、破坏数据库等等。而传播途径也无非是通过遭病毒感染的软件的互相拷贝, 携带病毒的盗版光盘的使用等, 如感染磁盘系统区的引导型病毒和感染可执行文件的文件型病毒, 而网络病毒除了具 有普通病毒的这些特性外, 还具有远端窃取用户数据、远端控制对方计算机等破坏特性, 比如特洛伊木马病毒和消耗网络计算机的运行资源, 拖垮网络服务器的蠕虫病毒。
网络上病毒破坏性大, 将直接影响网络的工作, 轻则降低速度, 影响工作效率, 重则使网络崩溃, 破坏服务器信息, 使多年工作毁于一旦。每年由于病毒等网络欺诈行为导致的经济损失高达160 亿多元,而且这个数字逐年还在不断地攀升。未来几年, 安防市场规模将达到600 亿元。一位杀毒软件专家指出: “网络病毒更甚于禽流感”。如: “熊猫烧香”除了通过网站带毒感染用户之外, 此病毒还会通过QQ 最新漏洞传播自身, 通过网络文件共享、默认共享、系统弱口令、U 盘及窗体顶端窗体底端移动硬盘等多种途径传播。而局域网中只要有一台机器感染, 就可以瞬间传遍整个网络, 甚至在极短时间之内就可以感染几千台计算机, 严重时可以导致网络瘫痪。中毒症状表现为电脑中所有可执行的.exe 文件都变成了一种怪异的图案, 该图案显示为“熊猫烧香”, 继而系统蓝屏、频繁重启、硬盘数据被破坏等, 严重的整个公司局域网内所有电脑会全部中毒。“熊猫烧香”仅半个多月, 变种数已高达50 多个, 并且其感染用户的数量不断扩大。使得感染“熊猫烧香”病毒的个人用户已经高达几百万, 企业用户感染数更是成倍上升。网络上的计算机越多, 网络病毒造成的危害越大。
1.感染速度快: 在单机环境下, 病毒只能通过软盘从一台计算机带到另一台, 而在网络中则可以通过网络通讯机制迅速扩散。根据测定, 针对一台典型的PC 网络在正常使用情况, 只要有一台工作站有病毒, 就可在几十分钟内将网上的数百台计算机全部感染。
2.扩散面广: 由于病毒在网络中扩散非常快, 扩散范围很大, 不但能迅速传染局域网内所有计算机, 还能通过远程工作站将病毒在一瞬间传播到千里之外。
3.传播的形式复杂多样: 计算机病毒在网络上一般是通过“工作站服务器工作站”的途径进行传播的, 但传播的形式复杂多样。
4.难于彻底清除: 单机上的计算机病毒有时可通过删除带毒文件或低级格式化硬盘等措施将病毒彻底清除, 而网络中只要有一台工作站未能消毒干净就可使整个网络重新被病毒感染, 甚至刚刚完成清除工作的一台工作站就有可能被网上另一台带毒工作站所感染。因此, 仅对工作站进行病毒杀除, 并不能解决病毒对网络的危害。
由于网络越来越发达, 网络病毒的种类也越来越多, 大体归纳为以下几类:
它的传染机理是利用网络进行复制和传播, 传染途径是通过网络和电子邮件,前缀是Worm。比如近年危害很大的“尼姆达”病毒就是蠕虫病毒的一种。这一病毒利用了微软视
窗操作系统的漏洞, 计算机感染这一病毒后, 会不断自动拨号上网, 并利用文件中的地址信息或者网络共享进行传播, 最终破坏用户的大部分重要数据。
宏病毒是一种寄存在文档或模板的宏中的计算机病毒。前缀是Macro, 一旦打开这样的文档, 其中的宏就会被执行, 于是宏病毒就会被激活, 转移到计算机上, 并驻留在Normal 模板上。从此以后, 所有自动保存的文档都会“感染”上这种宏病毒, 而且如果其他用户打开了感染病毒的文档, 宏病毒又会转移到他的计算机上。
破坏性程序病毒的前缀是: Harm。这类病毒的特性是本身具有好看的图标来诱惑用户点击, 当用户点击病毒时, 病毒便会直接对用户计算机产生破坏。如格式化C 盘(Harm.formatC.f) 、杀手命令(mand.Killer) 等。
系统病毒的前缀为:Win32、PE、Win95、W32、W95 等。这些病毒的一般公有的特性是可以感染windows 操作系统的*.exe 和*.dll 文件,并通过这些文件进行传播。如CIH 病毒。
后门病毒的前缀是Backdoor。该类病毒的共有特性是通过网络传播, 给系统开后门, 给用户带来安全隐患。
捆绑机病毒的前缀是: Binder。这类病毒的特性是病毒作者会使用特定的捆绑程序将病毒与一些应用程序如QQ、IE 捆绑起来, 表面上看是正常文件, 当用户运行这些捆绑病毒时, 会表面上运行这些应用程序, 然后隐藏运行捆绑在一起的病毒, 从而给用户造成危害。如: 捆绑QQ(Binder.QQPass.QQBin) 、系统杀手(Binder.killsys) 等。
脚本病毒通常是JavaScript 代码编写的恶意代码, 前缀是通常为Spript, 一般带有广告性质, 会修改您的IE 首页、修改注册表等信息,造成用户使用计算机不方便。
这类病毒的公有特性是运行时会从体内释放出一个或几个新的病毒到系统目录下, 由释放出来的新病毒产生破坏。如冰河播种者(Dropper.BingHe2.2C) 、MSN 射手(Dropper.Worm.Smibag)等。
玩笑病毒的前缀是: Joke。也称恶作剧病毒。这类病毒的特性是本身具有好看的图标来诱惑用户点击,当用户点击这类病毒时, 病毒会做出各种破坏操作来吓唬用户, 其实 病毒并没有对用户电脑进行任何破坏。如: 女鬼( Joke.Girlghost) 病毒。
木马病毒其前缀是: Trojan, 黑客病毒前缀名一般为Hack。公有特性是通过网络或者系统漏洞进入用户的系统并隐藏, 然后向外界泄露用户信息, 黑客病毒则有一个可视的界面, 能对用户的电脑进行远程控制。木马、黑客病毒往往是成对出现的, 木马病毒负责侵入用户的电脑, 而黑客病毒则会通过该木马病毒来进行控制。。一般的木马如QQ消息尾巴木马Trojan.QQ3344, 还有大Trojan.LMir.PSW.60。病毒名中有PSW或者什么PWD 之类的一般表示这个病毒有盗取密码的功能,一些黑客程序如网络枭雄her.Client 等。
Computer virus and Prevention
With the continuous application of new network technology and the rapid development of computer network, the use of becoming increasingly widespread, the role played by the increasingly important, computer network and human life is inseparable from, the society will keep growing's reliance on them. But with the development of computer technology, the virus has become more and more complex and advanced, a new generation of computer virus and make full use of some commonly used operating system and application software of the low protective weakness raging, in recent years with the rise of the Internet in the global popularization, containing the virus file attached to the email in increasing, through the network to spread the virus, the speed of the spread of the virus is rapidly increasing, more and more wide range of infected. Therefore, to protect the security of computer networks will become more and more important.
A computer virus,
Definition of computer virus computer virus (Computer Virus) in the "people's Republic of computer information system security protection regulations" are clearly defined, the virus "refers to the preparation or computer program inserted in the damage or destruction of computer data functions, influence computer use self-replication and can a group of computer instructions or code".
Two, network virus
With the development of network and Internet, a wider spread, the greater New harm the virus emerge as the times require. This is the network virus. The virus is an emerging concept, not the concept of network virus in viral classification in traditional, due to the development of network, the traditional virus also has the characteristics of some network. Now the network virus is a broad concept, a Like as long as it is can be carried out using the Internet to spread, damage called network virus, such as: "love the back door", "panda burn joss sticks" etc..
The difference between three, network virus and computer virus
Destructive computer virus originally common is to format the hard disk, delete the system and user files, database system and so on. The transmission but is through by virus software copying each other, carry the virus and the use of pirated CDs, such as infection disk system area boot virus and infection can file type virus file, and network virus except with
The general characteristics of the virus, also has a distal to steal user data, remote control the other computer failure characteristics, operation resources such as Troy trojan virus and consumption of network computer, bringing down the network server of the worm.
Harm four, network virus
The network virus damage, will directly affect the work of the network, reduce the speed of light, affects the working efficiency, while in the network collapse, destruction of server information to be destroyed on one day, years of work. Every year due to viruses and other network fraud economic losses of up to 16000000000 yuan, and the number is constantly rising year by year. The next few years, the security market scale will reach 60000000000 yuan. An antivirus software experts pointed out: "the network more than avian influenza virus". Such as:
"panda burn joss sticks" in addition to virus infection through the web site users, the latest virus also through QQ vulnerabilities to spread itself, through the network file sharing, default share, weak password systems, U disk and form forms bottom of the top mobile hard disk and other means of communication. While LAN as long as there is a machine infection, it can spread through the entire network instant, or even within a very short period of time can be infected thousands of computers, can lead to serious networks. Poisoning symptoms are all executable.Exe files in the computer into a strange pattern, the pattern shown as "panda burn joss sticks", then the system blue screen, restart, frequent hard disk data destruction, entire firm LAN serious all computer will all poisoning. "Panda" only half a month, the number of varieties has reached more than 50, and the number of the infected people continue to expand. The infection "panda burning incense" virus has reached millions of individual users, enterprise users the number of infections is rising exponentially. More on the computer network, network virus caused greater harm. Five, network virus propagation characteristics
1 fast infection: in the single machine environment, the virus can only through the floppy disk from one computer to another, and in the network can be adopted by the rapid spread of network communication mechanism. According to the determination, against a typical PC network in normal use, as long as there is a workstation virus, hundreds of computers in a few minutes will be online all infection.
2 wide spread: due to the spread of the virus very quickly in the network, the proliferation of big, not only the rapid transmission of all the computer LAN, but also through remote workstations virus in an instant spread thousands of miles away.
3 forms of communication: the complexity and diversity of computer virus is spread through "way station server workstation" on the network, but the form of complex and diverse communication.
4 it is difficult to completely remove: standalone computer virus carriers sometimes can be deleted files or low-level formatting hard drive and other measures to eliminate the virus completely, and the network as long as there is a workstation is not cleaned can render the entire network to be infected with the virus, or even just completed removal the work of a workstation is likely to be infected online another virus workstation. Therefore,
Only workstations in addition to killing viruses, and can not solve the virus harm to the network.
Type six, network virus
As the Internet becomes more and more developed, the types of network virus is also more and more, generally summed up as the following categories:
1 worms
Its transmission is copied and transmitted by network, route of infection is through the Internet and e-mail, the prefix is Worm. For example, in recent years the great harm "Nimuda" worm virus is a kind of. The virus used Microsoft Windows operating system vulnerabilities, computer is infected with this virus, will continue to automatically dial-up Internet access, and use the information in the document or the address sharing network spreads, ultimately undermine the most important user data.
2 macro virus
Macro virus is a registered in the document or template macro virus. The prefix is Macro, once open the document, the macro will be executed, Yu Shihong virus will be activated, transferred to
the computer, and resides in the Normal template. Since then, all automatically save documents are "infected" on the macro virus, and if other users have opened the virus-infected file, the virus will transfer to his computer.
3 destructive procedures virus
Prefix destructive procedures virus is: Harm. Characteristics of this kind of virus is itself a good icon to entice users to click on, when the user clicks on the virus, the virus will directly cause damage to the computer user. If the disk C (Harm.formatC.f), (mand.Killer), killer command.
4 virus
Prefix system virus: Win32, PE, Win95, W32, W95 etc.. These viruses in general public properties can be infected with Windows operating system *.exe and *.dll files, and spread through these files. Such as CIH virus.
5 backdoor
Prefix backdoor virus is Backdoor. The common characteristic of this kind of virus is spread through the network, to open the back door, bring hidden trouble to the user.
6 binding machine virus
Prefix binding machine virus is: Binder. Characteristics of this kind of virus is the virus writers use bundled applications specific virus and some applications such as QQ, IE tied up, on the surface is a normal file, when the user runs the binding of virus, will run these applications on the surface, and then hide the operation binding together of the virus, so as to cause harm to the user. Such as: QQ (Binder.QQPass.QQBin), system (Binder.killsys), killer.
The 7 script virus
Script virus usually malicious code written in JavaScript code, prefix is usually Spript, with the general nature of advertising, will modify your IE home, modify the registry information, computer user inconvenience caused.
8 virus planting program virus
The public characteristics of this kind of virus is the runtime will release one or several new virus to the system directory from the body, caused by the release of a new virus damage. Such as ice seeder (Dropper.BingHe2.2C), MSN (Dropper.Worm.Smibag) etc..
9 joke virus
Prefix joke virus is: Joke. Also known as the practical joke virus. Characteristics of this kind of virus is itself a good icon to entice users to click on, when the user clicks of this virus, the virus will be made to disrupt the operation to scare users, in fact
The virus and no damage to the user computer. Such as: the ghost (Joke.Girlghost) virus. 10 trojan virus hackers
The prefix is: Trojan trojan virus, hacker and virus prefix general for Hack. Public property system through network or system leaks into the users and hide, and then reveal the user information to the outside world, hackers virus there is a visual interface to user, the computer remote control. Trojan virus, hackers tend to come in pairs, trojan virus is responsible for the user's computer intrusion, and hackers, virus will be passed to the Trojan horse virus control.. General Trojan such as QQ message tail Trojan Trojan.QQ3344, and Trojan.LMir.PSW.60. Virus in general said the virus had stolen password function PSW or something like PWD, some hacker program such as network -- her.Client.
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