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Buil ding i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities--i n the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all members a nd alter nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A, and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d thi s year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople, to science develo pment view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding t o "a city four modernizati ons three more" of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political, and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of constructi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people mind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blish the "scratch proje ct is economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of 29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billion yua n, annua l pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble res ults. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opme nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstration are a, and furt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zone Jing Dia n recy cle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular

economy and rapi d economic deve lopme nt. Focus m ore on the dialecti cal relationship betwee n devel opme nt and environmental protecti on, energy savi ng and emissi on re duction projects play an im portant r ole. V igorously developing agri cultur e, ecologi cal agriculture, agriculture, modern agri cultural cleari ng along the River Pr omenade begi ns to take sha pe. Key t ourism proje cts is g oing well, WA Pala ce area wa s named "top ten most influe ntial c ultural reli cs i n Hebei provi nce landsca pe". Devel op new service s, and servi ces wit h ne w devel opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration pr oce ss. Promoting "three-year difference" campaig n, battle of two large dem olition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, ex ceede d the a nnual T sk 7 months i n adva nce. General big buil ding jia ngjun roa d, bri dge and hig hway bri dges, the green heart of the city and other urba n constructi on proje ct s, and focus on buildi ng ne w countrysi de a nd new housing model village s, ur ban a nd r ural areas impr ove. Hig hway

ope ned to traffic, Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speed x-County se ction com pleted by t he end of Aug ust. Urban a nd rural



浙江省教师招聘考试是为全省教育行政部门招聘教师而进行的选拔性考试, 其目的是为教育行政部门录用教师提供智育方面的参考。各地根据考生的考试成绩,结合面试情况,按已确定的招聘计划,从教师应有的素质、文化水平、教育技能等方面进行全面考核,择优录取。因此,全省教师招聘考试应当具有较高的信度、效度、区分度和适当的难度。






















evelopment work steadily i n the pilot counties, to bui ld pe ace neighbor hood office s approved, "cha nge", urba n and rural comm unities (Center), immigrant communities, pil ot projects such as i ntegrated management of urba n and rural sa nitation in or der. (D) maintain social harmony and stabil ity. In the case of tight financi al situati on, continue to increase t he input of people, ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntral heating a nd upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi on of sha bby housing ten major pr oject s bei ng delivere d, ha s bee n overfulfille d ahead. Stre ngtheni ng of social programs, college entra nce examinati on to re cor d heig hts; new rural i nsura nce coverage rate of the city's first, launched i n new r ural cooperative medical clini c co-ordinati on; ... Perfect Park cateri ng, a ccommodation, educati on, re creation and ot her tertiary industries supporting, impr oving social ization servi ce level, for industries, busi nesse s and create a good environment for devel opme nt. 3, flexibl e investment, e nhance

the industr y. Constr ucti on of i ndustrial park s, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects i nto the distri ct, to form agglomeration adva ntages. A i nnovation proje ct. To be pur poseful, targeted i nvestment, wi ll have a basis of the County's industri al pa ckaged bundles, ov erall publicity a nd promotion. Initiative goi ng, pl ease come i n and carry out all-round, m ulti-lev el and wide-range of investment a ctivities. T he ow nshi p industrial projects, in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items. Full account of extend the industry chai n and the i ntegration of factors of pr oducti on, not only efforts to intr oduce a num ber of scientific a nd te chnol ogical content and hig h added val ue, growth a nd strong drivi ng force of large proje cts a nd large e nterpri ses, but also on domestic-funded enterpri ses a nd i n accor dance with t he dir ection of industrial devel opme nt of small

and medi um projects, proje ct man, small project over whelmi ng. Meet the area of the County's new industrial proje cts a nd city back i nto rural e nterprises, in principl e, all stationed i n industrial parks. M eanw hile, stri ct control of excess capa city and high e nergy consumpti on, high emission enterpri ses to ente r. Thir dly, increased i ncentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Tow nshi p and County units g o out a nd draft proje ct. To establi sh inve stment incentives for successful introduction of signifi cant pr oject give s awards t o unit s and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the proje ct, to intr oduce organizati on int o rewards. 4, preferenti al pol icies, and se curity industrie s. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with t he deve lopme nt, pla nni ng, la nd, i ndustry and commerce, quality control a nd ot her de partments, "one-stop rece ption, one-stop service", the simplifie d procedures, t he time limit originall y.

In the manag ement of EIA in a ccorda nce w ith the

Buil ding i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities--i n the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all members a nd alter nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A, and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d thi s year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople, to science development view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding t o "a city four modernizati ons three more"of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political, and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of con structi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people m ind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blish the "scratch proje ct is economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of 29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billion yua n, annua l pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble results. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opme nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstration are a, and furt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zone Jing Dia n recy cle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular

economy and rapi d economic deve lopme nt. Focus m ore on the dialecti cal relationship betwee n devel opme nt and environmental protecti on, energy savi ng and emissi on re duction projects play an im portant r ole. V igorously developing agri cultur e, ecologi cal agriculture, agriculture, modern agr cultural cleari ng along the River Pr omenade begi ns to take sha pe. Key t ourism proje cts is g oing well, WA Pala ce area wa s named "to p ten most influe ntial cultural reli cs i n Hebei provi nce landsca pe". Devel op new service s, and servi ces wit h ne w devel opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration pr oce ss. Promoting "three-year difference" campaig n, battle of two large dem olition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, ex ceede d the a nnual T sk 7 months i n adva nce. General big buil ding jia ngjun roa d, bri dge and hig hway bri dges, the green heart of the city and other urba n constructi on proje ct s, and focus on buildi ng ne w countrysi de a nd new housing model village s, ur ban a nd r ural areas impr ove. Hig hway

ope ned to traffic, Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speed x-County se ction com pleted by t he end of Aug ust. Urban a nd rural
































evelopment work steadily i n the pilot counties, to bui ld pe ace neighbor hood office s approved, "cha nge", urba n an d rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pil ot projects such as i ntegrated management of urba n and rural sa nitation in or der. (D) maintain social harmony and stabil ity. In the case of tight financi al situati on, continue to increase t he in put of people, ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntral heating a nd upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi on of sha bby housing ten major pr oject s bei ng delivere d, ha s bee n overfulfille d ahead. Stre ngtheni ng of social programs, college entra nce examinati on to re cor d heig hts; new rural i nsura nce coverage rate of the city's first, launched i n new r ural cooperative medical clini c co-ordinati on; ... Perfect Park cateri ng, a ccommodation, educati on, re creation and ot her tertiary industries supporting, impr oving social ization servi ce level, for industries, busi nesse s and create a good environment for devel opme nt. 3, flexibl e investment, e nhance

the industr y. Constr ucti on of i ndustrial park s, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects i nto the distri ct, to form agglomeration adva ntages. A i nnovation proje ct. To be pur poseful, targeted i nvestment, wi ll have a basis of the County's industri al pa ckaged bundles, ov erall publicity a nd promotion. Initiative goi ng, pl ease come i n and carry out all-round, m ulti-lev el and wide-range of investment a ctivities. T he ow nshi p industrial projects, in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items. Full account of extend the industry chai n and the i ntegration of factors of pr oducti on, not only efforts to intr oduce a num ber of scientific a nd te chnol ogical content and hig h added val ue, growth a nd strong drivi ng force of large proje cts a nd large e nterpri ses, but also on domestic-funded enterpri ses a nd i n accor dance with t he dir ection of industrial devel opme nt of small

and medi um projects, proje ct man, small project over whelmi ng. Meet the area of the County's new industrial proje cts a nd city back i nto rural e nterprises, in principl e, all stationed i n industrial parks. M eanw hile, stri ct control of excess capa city and high e nergy consumpti on, high emission enterpri ses to ente r. Thir dly, increased i ncentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Tow nshi p and County units g o out a nd draft proje ct. To establi sh inve stment incentives for successful introduction of signifi cant pr oject give s awards t o unit s and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the proje ct, to intr oduce organizati on int o rewards. 4, preferenti al pol icies, and se curity industrie s. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with t he deve lopme nt, pla nni ng, la nd, i ndustry and commerce, quality control a nd ot her de partments, "one-stop rece ption, one-stop service", the simplifie d procedures, t he time limit originall y.

In the manag ement of EIA in a ccorda nce w ith the

Buil ding i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities--i n the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all members a nd alt er nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A, and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d thi s year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople, to science development view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding t o "a city four modernizati ons three more" of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political, and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of constructi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people mind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blis h the "scratch proje ct is economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of 29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billion yua n, annua l pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble results. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opme nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstration are a, and furt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zone Jing Dia n recy cle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular

economy and rapi d economic deve lopme nt. Focus m ore on the dialecti cal relationship betwee n devel opme nt and environmental protecti on, energy savi ng and emissi on re duction projects play an im portant r ole. V igorously developing agri cultur e, ecologi cal agr iculture, agriculture, modern agri cultural cleari ng along the River Pr omenade begi ns to take sha pe. Key t ourism proje cts is g oing well, WA Pala ce area wa s named "top ten most influe ntial cultural reli cs i n Hebei provi nce landsca pe". Devel op new service s, and servi ces wit h ne w devel opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration pr oce ss. Promoting "three-year difference" campaig n, battle of two large dem olition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, ex ceede d the a nnual T sk 7 months i n adva nce. General big buil ding jia ngjun roa d, bri dge and hig hway bri dges, the green heart of the city and other urba n constructi on proje ct s, and focus on buildi ng ne w countrysi de a nd new housing model village s, ur ban a nd r ural areas impr ove. Hig hway

ope ned to traffic, Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speed x-County se ction com pleted by t he end of Aug ust. Urban a nd rural























evelopment work steadily i n the pilot counties, to bui ld pe ace neighbor hood office s approved, "cha nge", urba n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pil ot projects such as i ntegrated management of urba n and rural sa nitation in or der. (D) maintain social harmony and stabil ity. In the case of tight financi al situati on, continue to increase t he input of people, ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntral heating a nd upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi on of sha bby housing ten major pr oject s bei ng delivere d, ha s bee n overfulfille d ahead. Stre ngtheni ng of social programs, college entra nce examinati on to re cor d heig hts; new rural i nsura nce coverage rate of the city's first, launched i n new r ural cooperative medical clini c co-ordinati on; ... Perfect Park cateri ng, a ccommodation, educati on, re creation and ot her tertiary industries supporting, impr oving social ization servi ce level, for industries, busi nesse s and create a good environment for devel opme nt. 3, flexibl e investment, e nhance

the industr y. Constr ucti on of i ndustrial park s, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects i nto the distri ct, to form agglomeration adva ntages. A i nnovation proje ct. To be pur poseful, targeted i nvestment, wi ll have a basis of the County's industri al pa ckaged bundles, ov erall publicity a nd promotion. Initiative goi ng, pl ease come i n and carry out all-round, m ulti-lev el and wide-range of investment a ctivities. T he ow nshi p industrial projects, in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items. Full account of extend the industry chai n and the i ntegration of factors of pr oducti on, not only efforts to intr oduce a num ber of scientific a nd te chnol ogical content and hig h added val ue, growth a nd strong drivi ng force of large proje cts a nd large e nterpri ses, but also on domestic-funded enterpri ses a nd i n accor dance with t he dir ection of industrial devel opme nt of small

and medi um projects, proje ct man, small project over whelmi ng. Meet the area of the County's new industrial proje cts a nd city back i nto rural e nterprises, in principl e, all stationed i n industrial parks. M eanw hile, stri ct control of excess capa city and high e nergy consumpti on, high emission enterpri ses to ente r. Thir dly, increased i ncentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Tow nshi p and County units g o out a nd draft proje ct. To establi sh inve stment incentives for successful introduction of signifi cant pr oject give s awards t o unit s and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the proje ct, to intr oduce organizati on int o rewards. 4, preferenti al pol icies, and se curity industrie s. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with t he deve lopme nt, pla nni ng, la nd, i ndustry and commerce, quality control a nd ot her de partments, "one-stop rece ption, one-stop service", the simplifie d procedures, t he time limit originall y.

In the manag ement of EIA in a ccorda nce w ith the

Buil ding i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities--i n the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all members a nd alter nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A, and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d thi s year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople, to science development view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding t o "a city four modernizati ons three more"of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political, and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of con structi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people m ind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blish the "scratch proje ct is economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of 29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billion yua n, annua l pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble results. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opme nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstration are a, and furt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zone Jing Dia n recy cle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular economy and rapi d economic deve lopme nt. Focus m ore on the dialecti cal relationship betwee n devel opme nt and environmental protecti on, energy savi ng and emissi on re duction projects play an im portant r ole. V igorously developing agri cultur e, ecologi cal agriculture, agriculture, modern agr cultural cleari ng along the River Pr omenade begi ns to take sha pe. Key t ourism proje cts is g oing well, WA Pala ce area wa s named "to p ten most influe ntial cultural reli cs i n Hebei provi nce landsca pe". Devel op new service s, and servi ces wit h ne w devel opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration pr oce ss. Promoting "three-year difference" campaig n, battle of two large dem olition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, ex ceede d the a nnual T sk 7 months i n adva nce. General big buil ding jia ngjun roa d, bri dge and hig hway bri dges, the green heart of the city and other urba n constructi on proje ct s, and focus on buildi ng ne w countrysi de a nd new housing model village s, ur ban a nd r ural areas impr ove. Hig hway ope ned to traffic, Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speed x-County se ction com pleted by t he end of Aug ust. Urban a nd rural
































evelopment work steadily i n the pilot counties, to bui ld pe ace neighbor hood office s approved, "cha nge", urba n an d rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pil ot projects such as i ntegrated management of urba n and rural sa nitation in or der. (D) maintain social harmony and stabil ity. In the case of tight financi al situati on, continue to increase t he in put of people, ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntral heating a nd upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi on of sha bby housing ten major pr oject s bei ng delivere d, ha s bee n overfulfille d ahead. Stre ngtheni ng of social programs, college entra nce examinati on to re cor d heig hts; new rural i nsura nce coverage rate of the city's first, launched i n new r ural cooperative medical clini c co-ordinati on; ... Perfect Park cateri ng, a ccommodation, educati on, re creation and ot her tertiary industries supporting, impr oving social ization servi ce level, for industries, busi nesse s and create a good environment for devel opme nt. 3, flexibl e investment, e nhance the industr y. Constr ucti on of i ndustrial park s, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects i nto the distri ct, to form agglomeration adva ntages. A i nnovation proje ct. To be pur poseful, targeted i nvestment, wi ll have a basis of the County's industri al pa ckaged bundles, ov erall publicity a nd promotion. Initiative goi ng, pl ease come i n and carry out all-round, m ulti-lev el and wide-range of investment a ctivities. T he ow nshi p industrial projects, in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items. Full account of extend the industry chai n and the i ntegration of factors of pr oducti on, not only efforts to intr oduce a num ber of scientific a nd te chnol ogical content and hig h added val ue, growth a nd strong drivi ng force of large proje cts a nd large e nterpri ses, but also on domestic-funded enterpri ses a nd i n accor dance with t he dir ection of industrial devel opme nt of small and medi um projects, proje ct man, small project over whelmi ng. Meet the area of the County's new industrial proje cts a nd city back i nto rural e nterprises, in principl e, all stationed i n industrial parks. M eanw hile, stri ct control of excess capa city and high e nergy consumpti on, high emission enterpri ses to ente r. Thir dly, increased i ncentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Tow nshi p and County units g o out a nd draft proje ct. To establi sh inve stment incentives for successful introduction of signifi cant pr oject give s awards t o unit s and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the proje ct, to intr oduce organizati on int o rewards. 4, preferenti al pol icies, and se curity industrie s. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with t he deve lopme nt, pla nni ng, la nd, i ndustry and commerce, quality control a nd ot her de partments, "one-stop rece ption, one-stop service", the simplifie d procedures, t he time limit originall y. In the manag ement of EIA in a ccorda nce w ith the

Buil ding i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities--i n the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all members a nd alt er nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A, and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d thi s year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople, to science development view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding t o "a city four modernizati ons three more" of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political, and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of constructi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people mind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blis h the "scratch proje ct is economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of 29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billion yua n, annua l pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble results. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opme nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstration are a, and furt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zone Jing Dia n recy cle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular economy and rapi d economic deve lopme nt. Focus m ore on the dialecti cal relationship betwee n devel opme nt and environmental protecti on, energy savi ng and emissi on re duction projects play an im portant r ole. V igorously developing agri cultur e, ecologi cal agr iculture, agriculture, modern agri cultural cleari ng along the River Pr omenade begi ns to take sha pe. Key t ourism proje cts is g oing well, WA Pala ce area wa s named "top ten most influe ntial cultural reli cs i n Hebei provi nce landsca pe". Devel op new service s, and servi ces wit h ne w devel opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration pr oce ss. Promoting "three-year difference" campaig n, battle of two large dem olition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, ex ceede d the a nnual T sk 7 months i n adva nce. General big buil ding jia ngjun roa d, bri dge and hig hway bri dges, the green heart of the city and other urba n constructi on proje ct s, and focus on buildi ng ne w countrysi de a nd new housing model village s, ur ban a nd r ural areas impr ove. Hig hway ope ned to traffic, Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speed x-County se ction com pleted by t he end of Aug ust. Urban a nd rural
































evelopment work steadily i n the pilot counties, to bui ld pe ace neighbor hood office s approved, "cha nge", urba n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pil ot projects such as i ntegrated management of urba n and rural sa nitation in or der. (D) maintain social harmony and stabil ity. In the case of tight financi al situati on, continue to increase t he input of people, ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntral heating a nd upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi on of sha bby housing ten major pr oject s bei ng delivere d, ha s bee n overfulfille d ahead. Stre ngtheni ng of social programs, college entra nce examinati on to re cor d heig hts; new rural i nsura nce coverage rate of the city's first, launched i n new r ural cooperative medical clini c co-ordinati on; ... Perfect Park cateri ng, a ccommodation, educati on, re creation and ot her tertiary industries supporting, impr oving social ization servi ce level, for industries, busi nesse s and create a good environment for devel opme nt. 3, flexibl e investment, e nhance the industr y. Constr ucti on of i ndustrial park s, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects i nto the distri ct, to form agglomeration adva ntages. A i nnovation proje ct. To be pur poseful, targeted i nvestment, wi ll have a basis of the County's industri al pa ckaged bundles, ov erall publicity a nd promotion. Initiative goi ng, pl ease come i n and carry out all-round, m ulti-lev el and wide-range of investment a ctivities. T he ow nshi p industrial projects, in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items. Full account of extend the industry chai n and the i ntegration of factors of pr oducti on, not only efforts to intr oduce a num ber of scientific a nd te chnol ogical content and hig h added val ue, growth a nd strong drivi ng force of large proje cts a nd large e nterpri ses, but also on domestic-funded enterpri ses a nd i n accor dance with t he dir ection of industrial devel opme nt of small and medi um projects, proje ct man, small project over whelmi ng. Meet the area of the County's new industrial proje cts a nd city back i nto rural e nterprises, in principl e, all stationed i n industrial parks. M eanw hile, stri ct control of excess capa city and high e nergy consumpti on, high emission enterpri ses to ente r. Thir dly, increased i ncentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Tow nshi p and County units g o out a nd draft proje ct. To establi sh inve stment incentives for successful introduction of signifi cant pr oject give s awards t o unit s and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the proje ct, to intr oduce organizati on int o rewards. 4, preferenti al pol icies, and se curity industrie s. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with t he deve lopme nt, pla nni ng, la nd, i ndustry and commerce, quality control a nd ot her de partments, "one-stop rece ption, one-stop service", the simplifie d procedures, t he time limit originall y. In the manag ement of EIA in a ccorda nce w ith the

Buil ding i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities --i n the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all members a nd alter nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A , and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d thi s year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople , to science development view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding t o "a city four modernizati ons three more"of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political , and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of con structi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people m ind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blish the "scratch proje ct is

economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of 29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billion yua n, annua l pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble results. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opme nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstration are a, and furt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zone Jing Dia n recy cle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular

economy and rapi d economic deve lopme nt. Focus m ore on the dialecti cal relationship betwee n devel opme nt and environmental protecti on, energy savi ng and emissi on re duction projects play an im portant r ole. V igorously developing agri cultur e, ecologi cal agriculture, agriculture, modern agr cultural cleari ng along the River Pr omenade begi ns to take sha pe. Key t ourism proje cts is g oing well , WA Pala ce area wa s named "to p ten most influe ntial cultural reli cs i n Hebei provi nce landsca pe". Devel op new service s, and servi ces wit h ne w devel opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration pr oce ss. Promoting "three -year difference" campaig n, battle of two large dem olition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, ex ceede d the a nnual T sk 7 months i n adva nce. General big buil ding jia ngjun roa d, bri dge and hig hway bri dges, the green heart of the city and other urba n constructi on proje ct s, and focus on buildi ng ne w countrysi de a nd new housing model village s, ur ban a nd r ural areas impr ove. Hig hway

ope ned to traffic, Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speed x-County se ction com pleted by t he end of Aug ust. Urban a nd rural

evelopment work steadily i n the pilot counties, to bui ld pe ace neighbor hood office s approved, "cha nge", urba n an d rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pil ot projects such as i ntegrated management of urba n and rural sa nitation in or der. (D) maintain social harmony and stabil ity. In the case of tight financi al situati on, continue to increase t he in put of people, ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntral heating a nd upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi on of sha bby housing ten major pr oject s bei ng delivere d, ha s bee n overfulfille d ahead. Stre ngtheni ng of social programs, college entra nce examinati on to re cor d heig hts; new rural i nsura nce coverage rate of the city's first, launched i n new r ural cooperative medical clini c co-ordinati on; ... Perfect Park cateri ng, a ccommodation, educati on, re creation and ot her tertiary industries supporting, impr oving social ization servi ce level, for industries, busi nesse s and create a good environment for devel opme nt. 3, flexibl e investment, e nhance

the industr y. Constr ucti on of i ndustrial park s, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects i nto the distri ct, to form agglomeration adva ntages. A i nnovation proje ct. To be pur poseful, targeted i nvestment, wi ll have a basis of the County's industri al pa ckaged bundles, ov erall publicity a nd promotion. Initiative goi ng, pl ease come i n and carry out all -round, m ulti-lev el and wide-range of investment a ctivities. T he ow nshi p industrial projects, in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items. Full account of extend the industry chai n and the i ntegration of factors of pr oducti on, not only efforts to intr oduce a num ber of scientific a nd te chnol ogical content and hig h added val ue, growth a nd strong drivi ng force of large proje cts a nd large e nterpri ses, but also on domestic-funded enterpri ses a nd i n accor dance with t he dir ection of industrial devel opme nt of small

and medi um projects, proje ct man, small project over whelmi ng. Meet the area of the County's new industrial proje cts a nd city back i nto rural e nterprises, in principl e, all stationed i n industrial parks. M eanw hile, stri ct control of excess capa city and high e nergy consumpti on, high emission enterpri ses to ente r. Thir dly, increased i ncentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Tow nshi p and County units g o out a nd draft proje ct. To establi sh inve stment incentives for successful introduction of signifi cant pr oject give s awards t o unit s and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the proje ct, to intr oduce organizati on int o rewards. 4, preferenti al pol icies, and se curity industrie s. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with t he deve lopme nt, pla nni ng, la nd, i ndustry and commerce, quality control a nd ot her de partments, "one -stop rece ption, one-stop service", the simplifie d procedures, t he time limit originall y.

In the manag ement of EIA in a ccorda nce w ith the 点;论述题要求能写出论点,并进行适当的阐释;案例分析题能根据所提供的案例结合相关





考试时间 150 分钟 出卷时间 2009 年 2 月 2 日


一、 单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个最恰当答案。每小题1



( ) A .1小时 B .1小时半 C .2小时 D .2小时半

2.幼儿园的环境应( )

A .儿童化

B .现代化

C .高档化

D .小学化

3、 托幼机构的基本活动形式是( )

A .上课

B .日常生活

C .娱乐

D .游戏

4、成熟主义理论的代表人物是( )

A .皮亚杰

B .艾里克森

C .格塞尔

D .华生

5、 被称为“幼儿园之父”的是( )

A .夸美纽斯

B .卢梭

C .福禄贝尔

D .蒙台梭利

6、 创办南京鼓楼幼稚园的是( )

A .陈鹤琴

B .陶行知

C .张雪门

D .蔡元培

7、托幼机构是以班级为集体教养幼儿的场所,因此具有( )

A .专业性

B .群体性

C .计划性

D .社会性

8、 提出“最近发展区”理论的是( )

A .皮亚杰

B .维果斯基

C .杜威

D .福禄贝尔

9、 1903年,我国出现了第一所官办的幼儿社会教育机构( )

A .河北幼稚园

B .河南幼稚园

C .湖北幼稚园

D .湖南幼稚园

Buil ding i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities--i n the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all members a nd alt er nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A, and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d thi s year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople, to science development view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding t o "a city four modernizati ons three more" of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political, and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of constructi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people mind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blis h the "scratch proje ct is economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of 29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billion yua n, annua l pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble results. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opme nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstration are a, and furt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zone Jing Dia n recy cle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular economy and rapi d economic deve lopme nt. Focus m ore on the dialecti cal relationship betwee n devel opme nt and environmental protecti on, energy savi ng and emissi on re duction projects play an im portant r ole. V igorously developing agri cultur e, ecologi cal agr iculture, agriculture, modern agri cultural cleari ng along the River Pr omenade begi ns to take sha pe. Key t ourism proje cts is g oing well, WA Pala ce area wa s named "top ten most influe ntial cultural reli cs i n Hebei provi nce landsca pe". Devel op new service s, and servi ces wit h ne w devel opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration pr oce ss. Promoting "three-year difference" campaig n, battle of two large dem olition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, ex ceede d the a nnual T sk 7 months i n adva nce. General big buil ding jia ngjun roa d, bri dge and hig hway bri dges, the green heart of the city and other urba n constructi on proje ct s, and focus on buildi ng ne w countrysi de a nd new housing model village s, ur ban a nd r ural areas impr ove. Hig hway ope ned to traffic, Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speed x-County se ction com pleted by t he end of Aug ust. Urban a nd rural


A.行为主义 B.成熟主义 C.精神分析学派 D.认知发展学派


A.直观行动思维 B.具体形象思维 C.抽象逻辑思维 D.创造性思维


A.幼儿是以自身为中心来辨别左右的 B.幼儿好模仿

C.幼儿分不清左右 D.幼儿看得更清


A.1岁半—2岁 B.2岁—2岁半 C.2岁半—3岁 D.3岁—3岁半


A.阅读训练 B.书面语言 C.口头语言 D.识字教学


A.1—2岁 B.2—4岁 C.4—5岁 D.5—6岁


A.游戏水平差 B.注意分配能力差

C.喜欢自己一个人玩 D.与教师的教育有关

17、表现出“精力旺盛,表里如一,刚强,易感情用事”特征的气质类型是( ) A.胆汁质 B.多血质 C.粘液质 D.抑郁质


A.痛觉B.听觉 C.味觉D.视觉

19、美国华盛顿儿童博物馆的格言:“我听见了就忘记了,我看见就记住了,我做了就理解了”说明的学前教育观念是教师在教育过程中要( )



20、关于我国学前教育的描述,不正确的是( )

A.基础教育 B.启蒙教育

C.属义务教育 D.实施全面发展的教育






evelopment work steadily i n the pilot counties, to bui ld pe ace neighbor hood office s approved, "cha nge", urba n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pil ot projects such as i ntegrated management of urba n and rural sa nitation in or der. (D) maintain social harmony and stabil ity. In the case of tight financi al situati on, continue to increase t he input of people, ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntral heating a nd upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi on of sha bby housing ten major pr oject s bei ng delivere d, ha s bee n overfulfille d ahead. Stre ngtheni ng of social programs, college entra nce examinati on to re cor d heig hts; new rural i nsura nce coverage rate of the city's first, launched i n new r ural cooperative medical clini c co-ordinati on; ... Perfect Park cateri ng, a ccommodation, educati on, re creation and ot her tertiary industries supporting, impr oving social ization servi ce level, for industries, busi nesse s and create a good environment for devel opme nt. 3, flexibl e investment, e nhance the industr y. Constr ucti on of i ndustrial park s, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects i nto the distri ct, to form agglomeration adva ntages. A i nnovation proje ct. To be pur poseful, targeted i nvestment, wi ll have a basis of the County's industri al pa ckaged bundles, ov erall publicity a nd promotion. Initiative goi ng, pl ease come i n and carry out all-round, m ulti-lev el and wide-range of investment a ctivities. T he ow nshi p industrial projects, in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items. Full account of extend the industry chai n and the i ntegration of factors of pr oducti on, not only efforts to intr oduce a num ber of scientific a nd te chnol ogical content and hig h added val ue, growth a nd strong drivi ng force of large proje cts a nd large e nterpri ses, but also on domestic-funded enterpri ses a nd i n accor dance with t he dir ection of industrial devel opme nt of small and medi um projects, proje ct man, small project over whelmi ng. Meet the area of the County's new industrial proje cts a nd city back i nto rural e nterprises, in principl e, all stationed i n industrial parks. M eanw hile, stri ct control of excess capa city and high e nergy consumpti on, high emission enterpri ses to ente r. Thir dly, increased i ncentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Tow nshi p and County units g o out a nd draft proje ct. To establi sh inve stment incentives for successful introduction of signifi cant pr oject give s awards t o unit s and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the proje ct, to intr oduce organizati on int o rewards. 4, preferenti al pol icies, and se curity industrie s. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with t he deve lopme nt, pla nni ng, la nd, i ndustry and commerce, quality control a nd ot her de partments, "one-stop rece ption, one-stop service", the simplifie d procedures, t he time limit originall y. In the manag ement of EIA in a ccorda nce w ith the

Buil ding i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities--i n the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all members a nd alter nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A, and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d thi s year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople, to science development view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding t o "a city four modernizati ons three more"of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political, and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of con structi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people m ind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blish the "scratch proje ct is economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of 29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billion yua n, annua l pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble results. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opme nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstration are a, and furt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zone Jing Dia n recy cle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular

economy and rapi d economic deve lopme nt. Focus m ore on the dialecti cal relationship betwee n devel opme nt and environmental protecti on, energy savi ng and emissi on re duction projects play an im portant r ole. V igorously developing agri cultur e, ecologi cal agriculture, agriculture, modern agr cultural cleari ng along the River Pr omenade begi ns to take sha pe. Key t ourism proje cts is g oing well, WA Pala ce area wa s named "to p ten most influe ntial cultural reli cs i n Hebei provi nce landsca pe". Devel op new service s, and servi ces wit h ne w devel opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration pr oce ss. Promoting "three-year difference" campaig n, battle of two large dem olition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, ex ceede d the a nnual T sk 7 months i n adva nce. General big buil ding jia ngjun roa d, bri dge and hig hway bri dges, the green heart of the city and other urba n constructi on proje ct s, and focus on buildi ng ne w countrysi de a nd new housing model village s, ur ban a nd r ural areas impr ove. Hig hway

ope ned to traffic, Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speed x-County se ction com pleted by t he end of Aug ust. Urban a nd rural


















1、 C

2、 A 3 、D 4、C 5、C




9、C 10、A

11、B 12、A 13、A 14、C 15、B

16、B 17、A 18、C 19、D 20、C












evelopment work steadily i n the pilot counties, to bui ld pe ace neighbor hood office s approved, "cha nge", urba n an d rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pil ot projects such as i ntegrated management of urba n and rural sa nitation in or der. (D) maintain social harmony and stabil ity. In the case of tight financi al situati on, continue to increase t he in put of people, ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntral heating a nd upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi on of sha bby housing ten major pr oject s bei ng delivere d, ha s bee n overfulfille d ahead. Stre ngtheni ng of social programs, college entra nce examinati on to re cor d heig hts; new rural i nsura nce coverage rate of the city's first, launched i n new r ural cooperative medical clini c co-ordinati on; ... Perfect Park cateri ng, a ccommodation, educati on, re creation and ot her tertiary industries supporting, impr oving social ization servi ce level, for industries, busi nesse s and create a good environment for devel opme nt. 3, flexibl e investment, e nhance

the industr y. Constr ucti on of i ndustrial park s, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects i nto the distri ct, to form agglomeration adva ntages. A i nnovation proje ct. To be pur poseful, targeted i nvestment, wi ll have a basis of the County's industri al pa ckaged bundles, ov erall publicity a nd promotion. Initiative goi ng, pl ease come i n and carry out all-round, m ulti-lev el and wide-range of investment a ctivities. T he ow nshi p industrial projects, in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items. Full account of extend the industry chai n and the i ntegration of factors of pr oducti on, not only efforts to intr oduce a num ber of scientific a nd te chnol ogical content and hig h added val ue, growth a nd strong drivi ng force of large proje cts a nd large e nterpri ses, but also on domestic-funded enterpri ses a nd i n accor dance with t he dir ection of industrial devel opme nt of small

and medi um projects, proje ct man, small project over whelmi ng. Meet the area of the County's new industrial proje cts a nd city back i nto rural e nterprises, in principl e, all stationed i n industrial parks. M eanw hile, stri ct control of excess capa city and high e nergy consumpti on, high emission enterpri ses to ente r. Thir dly, increased i ncentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Tow nshi p and County units g o out a nd draft proje ct. To establi sh inve stment incentives for successful introduction of signifi cant pr oject give s awards t o unit s and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the proje ct, to intr oduce organizati on int o rewards. 4, preferenti al pol icies, and se curity industrie s. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with t he deve lopme nt, pla nni ng, la nd, i ndustry and commerce, quality control a nd ot her de partments, "one-stop rece ption, one-stop service", the simplifie d procedures, t he time limit originall y.

In the manag ement of EIA in a ccorda nce w ith the

Buil ding i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities--i n the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all members a nd alt er nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A, and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d thi s year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople, to science development view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding t o "a city four modernizati ons three more" of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political, and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of constructi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people mind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blis h the "scratch proje ct is economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of 29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of 1.2 milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of 3.95 billion yua n, annua l pla n of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble results. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opme nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstration are a, and furt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zone Jing Dia n recy cle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular

economy and rapi d economic deve lopme nt. Focus m ore on the dialecti cal relationship betwee n devel opme nt and environmental protecti on, energy savi ng and emissi on re duction projects play an im portant r ole. V igorously developing agri cultur e, ecologi cal agr iculture, agriculture, modern agri cultural cleari ng along the River Pr omenade begi ns to take sha pe. Key t ourism proje cts is g oing well, WA Pala ce area wa s named "top ten most influe ntial cultural reli cs i n Hebei provi nce landsca pe". Devel op new service s, and servi ces wit h ne w devel opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration pr oce ss. Promoting "three-year difference" campaig n, battle of two large dem olition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, ex ceede d the a nnual T sk 7 months i n adva nce. General big buil ding jia ngjun roa d, bri dge and hig hway bri dges, the green heart of the city and other urba n constructi on proje ct s, and focus on buildi ng ne w countrysi de a nd new housing model village s, ur ban a nd r ural areas impr ove. Hig hway

ope ned to traffic, Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speed x-County se ction com pleted by t he end of Aug ust. Urban a nd rural


























(答出要点,每点1分,共4分;视结合实际论述情况酌情评分,从0-5分) 2、幼儿园以游戏为基本活动。












evelopment work steadily i n the pilot counties, to bui ld pe ace neighbor hood office s approved, "cha nge", urba n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pil ot projects such as i ntegrated management of urba n and rural sa nitation in or der. (D) maintain social harmony and stabil ity. In the case of tight financi al situati on, continue to increase t he input of people, ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntral heating a nd upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi on of sha bby housing ten major pr oject s bei ng delivere d, ha s bee n overfulfille d ahead. Stre ngtheni ng of social programs, college entra nce examinati on to re cor d heig hts; new rural i nsura nce coverage rate of the city's first, launched i n new r ural cooperative medical clini c co-ordinati on; ... Perfect Park cateri ng, a ccommodation, educati on, re creation and ot her tertiary industries supporting, impr oving social ization servi ce level, for industries, busi nesse s and create a good environment for devel opme nt. 3, flexibl e investment, e nhance

the industr y. Constr ucti on of i ndustrial park s, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects i nto the distri ct, to form agglomeration adva ntages. A i nnovation proje ct. To be pur poseful, targeted i nvestment, wi ll have a basis of the County's industri al pa ckaged bundles, ov erall publicity a nd promotion. Initiative goi ng, pl ease come i n and carry out all-round, m ulti-lev el and wide-range of investment a ctivities. T he ow nshi p industrial projects, in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items. Full account of extend the industry chai n and the i ntegration of factors of pr oducti on, not only efforts to intr oduce a num ber of scientific a nd te chnol ogical content and hig h added val ue, growth a nd strong drivi ng force of large proje cts a nd large e nterpri ses, but also on domestic-funded enterpri ses a nd i n accor dance with t he dir ection of industrial devel opme nt of small

and medi um projects, proje ct man, small project over whelmi ng. Meet the area of the County's new industrial proje cts a nd city back i nto rural e nterprises, in principl e, all stationed i n industrial parks. M eanw hile, stri ct control of excess capa city and high e nergy consumpti on, high emission enterpri ses to ente r. Thir dly, increased i ncentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Tow nshi p and County units g o out a nd draft proje ct. To establi sh inve stment incentives for successful introduction of signifi cant pr oject give s awards t o unit s and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the proje ct, to intr oduce organizati on int o rewards. 4, preferenti al pol icies, and se curity industrie s. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with t he deve lopme nt, pla nni ng, la nd, i ndustry and commerce, quality control a nd ot her de partments, "one-stop rece ption, one-stop service", the simplifie d procedures, t he time limit originall y.

In the manag ement of EIA in a ccorda nce w ith the

