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Module1 Wonders of the world



( ) 1. Our family _____ for Shanghai in three days.

A: leftB. leavingC. have leftD. will leave

( ) 2. I will ask him to ring you up as soon as he _____ back.

A. comesB. came C. has comeD. will come

( ) 3. Her grandma _____ for two years.

A. deathB. has diedC. has been dead D. died

( ) 4. --- How long _____ he _____ China? ---- For eight years.

A. did; leave B. is; leavingC. has; leftD. will; be away from

( ) 5. Kate _____ the dictionary last week.

A. has had B. buys C. bought D. has bought Unit2


( ) 1. It _____ hard when I got home yesterday afternoon.

A. was raining B. rain C. rainy D. rains

( ) 2. I looked over them carefully, but it was still _____ dark ____ see _____.

A. too; to; nothing B. so; that; anything C. too; to; anything D. so; that; nothing

( ) 3. They got _____ of the car, went _____ a gate and walked _____ a path.

A. in; across; on B. out; through; along C. off; through; down D. in; across; along

( ) 4. --- How long _____ the supermarket _____? --- Four years.

A. has; opened B. has; been opened C. did; been open D. has; been open

( ) 5. The tree is about ten meters _____.

A. wideB. deepC. old D. tall

( ) 6. I?m writing a composition _____ A wonder of the world. Could you give me some


A. callB. calledC. calls D. called

( ) 7. The Grand Canyon is one of ____ of the national world.

A. the greatest wonders B. the wonder

C. great wonder D. the greater wonders

( ) 8. Peter has gone to Shanghai. He?ll come back _____ tow months.

A. inB. forC. since D. before

( ) 9. --- Do you know which is the _____ canyon in the world?

--- I think the Grand Canyon is. It is about 2,000 meters higher than the river below.

A. deepest B. deeperC. deep D. deeply

( ) 10. My home is in a small village at the _____ of a huge mountain.

A. edgeB. pathC. bottomD. ground


1. 天津在中国的北部。

Tianjin is ________ ________ ________ of China.

2. 街道的两边都是美丽的花。

There are flowers ________ ________ ________ of the street.

3. 我们站在大峡谷边缘向远处看。

We were ________ the ________ of the Grand Canyon to look to the distance.

4. 他向左侧看了看,没有发现东西。

He ________ ________ his left and saw nothing.

5. 这是自然界最伟大的奇观。

This is the ________ ________ in the natural world.



( ) 1. The boy ______ streets without pay in the old days.

A. was made clean B. made clean C. was made to clean D. made to clean

( ) 2. When _____ he ____ this book?

A. did; writtenB. did; write C. was; writing D. has; written

( ) 3. Scientists say that the earth _____ around the sun.

A. go B. goesC. went D. had gone

( ) 4. They _____ all their money, so they have to walk home.

A. had spentB. will spend C. spend D. have spent

( ) 5. Look! Something _____ your bed. I can?t see your socks.

A. is coveringB . are covering C. is coveredD. are covered

( ) 6. --- Have all the boys know that they _____ an English test this afternoon?

--- Yes. Every boy has been told about it.

A. had B. hasC. are havingD. will have

( ) 7. By the time he _____ at the bus stop, the bus _____.

A. had arrived; had left B. arrived; had left C. arrived; leftD. arrived; has left

( ) 8. When I went to Lily?s , she _____ in bed reading.

A. was lyingB. has lain C. is going to lie D. is lying

( ) 9. She said that her bicycle needed _____.

A. repairedB. to repair C. being repaired D. repairing

( ) 10. We _____ four English songs on the radio since last week.

A. taught B. have learned C. learnedD. has taught 完成句子。

1. 许多人每年都来参观这个自然奇观。

Many people visit this ________ ________ every year.

2. 当他看见大峡谷的时候,太阳正在升起。

The sun ________ ________ when he saw the Grand Canyon.

3. 让我们一起来加入关于世界环境的讨论。

Let?s ________ ________ the discussion about the world environment.

4. 我会给你一些重要信息。

I will give you some ________ ________.

5. 你不必每次都同意他的观点。

You don?t have to ________ ________ him every time.

Mdoule2 Public holidays



( ) 1. --- Nick, it?s already 9:43 now. you missed the beginning of the film.

--- Oh, I waited for a long time _____ the bus arrived.

A. since B. while C. before D. after

( ) 2. --- Will you go to Beijing next week? --- I?m not sure. We want to ____ at home.

A. take a vacation B. have seven days holiday

C. have seven day ofD. on holiday

( ) 3. --- Judy, you look so tired.--- Yes, I didn?t go to bed _____ 12 o?clock last night.

A. when B. unless C. until D. after

( ) 4. Linda was just going out shopping _____ the telephone rang.

A. while B. when C. after D. because

( ) 5. --- Please tell him the news quickly. It?s very important.

-- OK. I?ll tell him _____ I see him.

A. as soon asB. since C. becauseD. before从选项

A: Hi, Tom! ________

B: Yes. I missed you! ________

A: Yes, I had fun.

B: ________

A: We went to Tai Mountain and we saw the suise.

B: ________

A: We went by train.

B: ________

A: Of course. The scenery is very beautiful.



In China, Spring Festival is the most important of all the holidays in the year. Two important things _____ to make this holiday different from all others: giving presents and spending it _____ the family.

Giving _____ to one?s family is a very sweet custom. The spirit behind the present matters most, not the present _____. It is god at Spring Festival to _____ to the family home and _____ parents, grandparents and as many aunts, uncles and cousins as possible.

In the past, _____ New Year Eve, all the members of the family _____ stay at home making dumplings together. _____ many people enjoy watching TV. During the day, children wear their new clothes. The evening is usually spent in talking, more eating and _____.

( ) 1. A. help B. want C. getD. hope

( ) 2. A. in B. on C. at D. with

( ) 3. A. moneyB. presentsC. wishesD. cards

( ) 4. A. itself B. themselvesC. by itself D. themselves

( ) 5. A. go B. come C. returnD. turn

( ) 6. A. meet B. help C. takeD. hear

( ) 7. A. in B. on C. at D. by

( ) 8. A. wouldB. might C. couldD. have to

( ) 9. A. Now B. But1 C. AndD. So

( ) 10 A. sleepingB. workingC. running D. drinking



( ) 1. We should wash our hands _____ we have meals.

A. whenB. whileC. as soon asD. before

( ) 2. We?ll climb Qianling Hills if it _____ next Sunday.

A. won?t rain B. didn?t rain C. rained D. doesn?t rain

( ) 3. --- Is your brother badly ill?--- No, ____. He?s just caught a cold.

A. nothing serious B. serious nothing C. anything serious D. serious anything

( ) 4. The students all enjoyed _____ at the party yesterday.

A. themselves B. themC. ourselvesD. himself

( ) 5. She will have a holiday as soon as she _____ the work next week.

A. finishes B. doesn?t finish C. will finishD. won?t finish

( ) 6. I was cooking _____ I heard her knocking at the door.

A. whileB. whenC. asD. before

( ) 7. He spent a lot of time _____ English.

A. learnB. to learn C. learning D. learned

( ) 8. You should make a good plan _____ you do something important.

A. beforeB. afterC. thoughD. until

( ) 9. People everywhere celebrate the New Year. _____ is a time to say goodbye to the past and to think about new beginning.

A. ThatB. It C. ThisD. Such

( ) 10. --- Happy New Year! --- _____.

A. Thank you. B. The same to you C. You are welcome D. It?s OK. 完成句子。

1. 我一看见她就告诉她这个消息。

I?ll tell her the news ________ ________ ________ I see her.

2. 在晚会上他总是考虑吃。

He always ________ ________ eating at the party.

3. 我不能确定明天是否去,这要取决于天气。

I?m not sure whether I will go, it ________ ________ the weather.

4. 我不会花费如此多的时间玩电脑游戏。

I won?t ________ so much time ________ computer games.

5. 我们的老师病了,但她只休息一天。

Our teacher was ill, but she only ________ ________ ________ ________.

A: Summer holiday is coming. Are you going back to the UK, Emma?

B: No. ________.

A: What are you going to do?

B: Mum will take me to Australia. ________.

A: Oh, she will be very happy to see you.

B: Yes, we haven?t seen each other for several years.

A: ________

B: She?s working in Australia this year, and she worked in Germany last year.

A: ________

B: Yes, she has. She likes travelling, so she always changes her workplace.

A: Is she going to work in China?

B: Yes. ________

A: Wonderful!

Moudle3 Heroes

Unit1 单项填空

( ) 1. Lingling got up early _____ she could catch the early bus.

A. so that B. in order toC. butD. because

( ) 2. _____ she does, she never give up.

A. WhereverB. HoweverC. Whatever D. Whoever

( ) 3. When I was young, I _____ table tennis very much.

A. love playing B. loved playing C. loved to play D. loved played

( ) 4. I like English novel _____ Chinese stories.

A. with B. to C. as well as D. so that

( ) 5. He fell off his bike and was _____ hurt.

A. good B. well C. badD. badly Uint2


( ) 1. I made this bookshelf _____ my own.

A. on B. at C. in D. of

( ) 2. A lot of heroes _____ their lives to their countries.

A. lost B. gave C. savedD. missed

( ) 3. The boys got lost in the street, so they _____ the map.

A. stopped to look atB. stop looking at

C. stopped looking atD. stopped to look at

( ) 4. _____ a bad storm, the plane didn?t arrive on time.

A. BecauseB. In spite ofC. Because of D. For

( ) 5. The girl left the party _____ goodbye.

A. to say B. to speakC. with say D. without saying

篇二:陕西 九年级全一册 英语练习册答案


【Unit 1】

Section A

一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar

二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited

三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his

friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group

四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet

五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at


Section B

一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges

二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right

三、1.First of all 2.Later on 3.laugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce

6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring

四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does

五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves

9.pronunciation 10.dictionary

Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC

二、1.wactching 2.playing 3.making 4.singing 5.developing 6.would come 7.read 8.truly

9.speaking 10.(to) carry

三、1.Where to buy 2.pronunciation right 3.How often 4.How long 5.instead of 6.What was 四、1.worrying about 2.regard their pets as 3.goes by 4.try our best to 5.with the help of

6.look up 7.make up

五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC

六、1~5 BCADD

Ⅶ.(One possible version)

As a student, you may know the importance of English. I believe that learning English is

just like learning to play the piano; by practicing every day. We must use English every day. I not only answer the teacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can after class. I often practice conversations with my friends. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. I’ve learned a lot by working with a group. Watching English-language TV programs can help a lot.The most important rule for learning English is “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes,

because everyone makes mistakes”.

【Unit 2】

Section A

一、1.dark 2.interested 3.used 4.terrified 5.outgoing

二、1.friendly 2.watching 3.terrified 4.speak 5.being

三、1.Did you use to play the piano? 2. I didn't use to like English 3.You used to have long

hair, didn’t’ you? 4. What did his father use to look like?

四、What did; use to do 2.didn't she 3.What did; use; wear 4.am interested in 5.by himself

五、1.lot 2.used 3.was 4.interested 5.changed

Section B

一、1.Chew 2.Comics 3.anymore 4.chat 5.candy

二、1.watching 2.has changed 3.used 4.learning 5.get 6.to dance 7.like

三、1.all day 2.chat with 3.take to 4.has changed; past few years 5.play basketball; on

6.Are;afraid/terrified of; in front of

四、1.afraid of 2.Did;use 3.are able to 4.What an 5.with;open 6.didn't use; like

Self Check and Reading

一、1~5 ACABB 6~9 CBBD

二、1.patient 2.afford 3.necessary 4.himself 5.attention

三、1.death 2.surprise 3.decision 4.patience 5.proud

四、1.an eight-year-old 2.caused some trouble 3.any more; try to 4.chew gum 5.pay

attention to; pronunciation 6.afford to pay for

五、1.seem to 2.In the end 3.good at 4.no more 5.used to be 6.is on

六、1~5 DEBFC

七、1~5 BCAAC 6~10 BACCA 11~15 CABBB

八、1~5 FFTFF

Ⅸ. (One possible version)

Lily is my good friend. She has changed a lot in the past few years. She used to like table tennis, watch TV and chat, but now she likes plying the piano, reading books and walking. She used to be outgoing and she made many friends, but now she is shy and quiet. She

used to be short and have short hair, but now she is tall and has long hair.

【Unit 3】

Section A

一、1.instead 2.allowed 3.licence 4.teenagers 5.silly

二、1.drive 2.doing 3.to swim 4.to think 5.pierced 6.wearing

三、1.should be asked 2.should be allowed 3.should be finished 4.can be used

四、1.should be allowed 2.don't think; aren’t serious enough 3.seemed to 4.allow me to

5.spend time with

Section B

一、1.concentrate 2.experience 3.rules 4.learn 5.present

二、1.volunteering 2.noisy 3.changed 4.studying 5.to keep

三、1.It seems 2.How would 3.Whose house 4.should be allowed 5.don't;is

四、1.is strict with 2.is good for 3.concentrates more on 4.at present 5.the other day

6.failed the exam

五、1~5 CDAEB

六、1~5 BCDCC 6~10 DBACB

Self Check and Reading

一、1.uniforms 2.sleepy 3.replied 4.practice 5.importance

二、1.comfortable 2.much 3.success 4.decisions 5.suggestions 三、1.tall enough 2.achieving your dream 3.design our school uniforms 4.had opportunity

to study 5.aren't allowed; wear earrings

四、1~5 CBBCB 6~10 CADAD

五、1~5 DAECG

六、1~5 BCABD 6~10 BCDBA

七、1.Get/Have;pierced 2.dirty and untidy 3.Use bad language 4.a lot of noise 5.be strict

with Ⅷ.(One possible version)

Dear Ms Li,

I’m very glad to write to you. I have lot of homework to do at school. I don’t have enough time to sleep. I nearly have no time to do sports. My friend and I can hardly find time to talk, or play together. When I get back home from school, I’m not allowed to watch TV, surf the Internet or listen to my favorite music. I feel worried about them. I don’t know

what I should do. Could you please give me some suggestions?

Best wishes.

Zhang Ming

【Unit 4】

Section A

一、1.million 2.charity 3.tie 4.medical 5.nervous

二、1.medical 2.going 3.friendly 4.won 5.to work

三、1~5 DFBGA

四、1.had;would go 2.what to write 3.What if someone else 4.would give; to charity

Section B

一、1.circle 2.herself 3.bother 4.annoy 5.fairly 6.plenty 7.listener

二、1~5 BCDBA

三、1.energetic 2.not to run 3.speech 4.listener 5.would have

四、1.What if 2.doesn't;in the slightest 3.rather than/instead of 4.to get along; with 5.what

to say 6.so that

五、1~5 ACDEB

Self Check and Reading

一、knowledge 2.represent 3.correct 4.deep 5.offered 6.covers

二、1~5 CBDAD

三、1.in public 2.are sure 3.bother 4.get along with 5.in front of 6.comes top 7.right away

8.plenty of

四、1.cut yourself by accident 2.make her comfortable 3.come up with 4.come out 5.stop


五、1~5 DFEAB

六、1.were 2.would try 3.would not say 4.would allow 5.were 6.would give 7.would set 七、1.If I became rich/had lots of money, I would give you 1,000,000 dollars. 2. He fell seriously ill and couldn't afford to go to hospital. 3.肯鼓励他不要放弃希望。 4. Because he

knew about Toni’s illness from one of his classmates. 5. 1,000,000 dollars.

【Unit 5】

Section A

一、1.picnic 2.author 3.appointment 4.final 5.anxious

二、1.Alice's 2.possibly 3.dropped 4.worried 5.owner

三、1.The hair band must belong to Linda. 2. This shirt is much too small for John. 3. We

