外研版高三英语一轮复习必修1 - 图文

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My teachers and fellow students,

In 1.a couple of weeks,we'll say goodbye to our mother school.How time flies!①Now It's really hard for me to put my feelings into words.The past three years has been really a wonderful journey,2.full of laughter and tears.

To make the journey safe and fruitful,our great teachers 3.contributed their time,energy,love and the whole heart.Here,we 4.are extremely grateful for all that you,dear teachers,have done for us.

②It'll soon be the time for us to depart,though unwillingly.But it is not the end.It just means that we're going to begin a new journey.

Finally,5.on behalf of all the graduates present here,let me 6.extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers.Thank you!


1.a couple of一对;几个 2.(be) full of充满

3.contribute v.贡献;投稿;捐献 4.be grateful for感谢;感激 5.on behalf of代表

6.extend one's wishes for给予??良好的祝愿 ?好句延展


It's really hard for us to express this meaning in English. 2.尽管很累,我们该上课的时候到了。 It's time for us to start class,though very tired. =It's time that we started/should start class,though we are tired.

(对应学生用书第3页) 1 单词拓展识记


1.amaze vt.使惊奇→amazing adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的→amazed adj.吃惊的;惊讶的→amazement n.吃惊

2.information n.信息→inform v.告知

3.bore vt.使厌烦→bored adj.厌烦的;厌倦的→boring adj.令人厌烦的;令人厌倦的

4.embarrassed adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的→embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的→embarrass vt.使尴尬;使难堪

5.behaviour n.行为;举动→behave v.举止 6.description n.记述;描述→describe v.描述

7.impress vt.使印象深刻→impression n.印象→impressive adj.令人印象深刻的 8.correction n.改正;纠正→correct vt.改正;纠正 9.encouragement n.鼓励;激励→encourage v.鼓励;激励

10.disappoint vt.使失望→disappointed adj.失望的→disappointing adj.令人失望的→disappointment n.失望


1.If you want to pass your exams you'd better change your attitude(态度). 2.The teachers are very enthusiastic(热心的) and friendly. 3.She thinks that reading comprehension(理解) is important.

4.There are sixty-five students in my class-more than my previous(先前的)class in Junior High. 5.Professor Watson is leaving the academic(学术的) world to take a job in industry. 6.A new training method(方法) was introduced.

7.They had a misunderstanding(误解),but they have become friendly again recently. 8.That country is ahead in most important aspects of space technology(技术).

9.The course covers(包括) all aspects of business and law. 10.Follow the instructions(说明) printed on the back of the box.

2 短语多维运用

一、互译练习 1.be similar to 2.have fun 3.nothing like 4.introduce...to... 5.in other words 6.far from 7.look forward to

8.be impressed with/by 对??有印象 9.be divided into 10.take part in


1.We are really looking forward to playing basketball with you guys again. 2.In summer,there is nothing like swimming as a means of keeping fit. 3.He never hides his real opinions towards others.In other words,he is a person with a straight forward personality.

4.Matthew's other discussions of the question are similar to those above. 5.Mum encouraged me to take part in after-class activities. 6.Our class were divided into three groups when we went outing. 3 句式高仿演练

1.(教材P2~3)We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.

我们用上了新课本,沈老师的教学方法与我初中老师的完全不同。 [句式仿写] 三亚的气候完全不像北京的气候。 The climate in Sanya is nothing like that in Beijing. 2.(教材P3)I don't think I will be bored in Ms Shen's class!

被(划)分成?? 参加 和??相似 玩得开心

毫不相似;决不;没有比??更好 向??介绍?? 换句话说 远离;远不 期待;盼望

我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌倦的! [句式仿写] 我认为没有必要这么早走。 I don't think it is necessary to leave so early. 3.(教材P3)In other words,there are three times as many girls as boys. 换句话说,女生人数是男生的三倍。 [句式仿写] 这家工厂是那家工厂的两倍大。 This factory is twice as large as that one. 4.(教材P8)Oh really?So have I. 噢,真的吗?我也是。

[句式仿写] 如果他去那儿,我也去。 If he goes there,so will I. 4 课文语法填空

Li Kang lives in Shijiazhuang,1.a city not far from Beijing.He is a new Senior High school student.The teachers are quite enthusiastic and the classmates are 2.friendly (friend).Ms Shen's method of 3.teaching(teach) English is really nothing like 4.that at his Junior High school.His teacher stresses 5.reading(read) comprehension.And he thinks that he will not be 6.bored(bore) in Ms Shen's class! On the first day of school,they introduce 7.themselves(them) to each other.In class there are 49 girls and only 16 boys.In other words,there are three times as 8.many girls as boys.Tonight's work is a description of the street 9.where we live.I'm looking forward to 10.doing (do) it.

(对应学生用书第4页) 1 高考真题演练


1.(2014·陕西高考)But there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. 但是到处是血,这位女士很尴尬并且明显地感到震惊。

(教材P3)Some students were embarrassed at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice.

2.(2014·大纲全国卷)Finally,after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold,Simon had to make a decision.


(教材P3)There are sixty-five students in my class-more than my previous class in Junior High. Ⅱ.阅读理解——完成句子

1.(2014·江西高考)Everyone looks forward to progress,whether in one's personal life or in the general society.

每个人都盼望进步,不管是在个人生活还是在整个社会中。 (教材P3)I'm looking forward to doing it.

2.(2014·新课标全国卷Ⅱ)Business people,political leaders,university professors,and especially millions of grass-roots Americans are taking part in the movement. 商人、政治领导人、大学教授,尤其是成千上万的普通美国人都在参与这项活动。

(教材P9)I take part in all kinds of after-school activities- I play football,basketball,volleyball,table tennis and I go to theater club.

2 核心单词突破

amazing adj.令人吃惊的;难以置信的

(教材P2)The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 老师们热情友好,教室配备令人惊讶。 (1)amazed adj.吃惊的,惊奇的 be amazed at/with...对??大为惊奇 be amazed to do sth.惊奇地做某事 be amazed that...对??感到惊奇 (2)amazement n.惊愕,惊异 to one's amazement

=to the amazement of sb.令某人惊奇的是 in amazement吃惊地,惊奇地

① So another amazing fact came to sight. 于是又发现了一种令人惊讶的情况。 ②I was amazed at his rapid progress in English. 他的英语进步迅速,令我大为惊讶。

—Heat it till it begins(begin) to smoke. 4.One of the most important questions they had to consider was that of public health. 5.—Will you show me how to download these songs?

—Press “Enter” and follow the on-screen instructions(instruction).

3 精典短语研析

nothing like毫不相似;完全不像

(教材P3)...Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. ??沈老师的教学方法与我的初中老师的教学方法完全不同。 something like大约;有点(像)

anything like和??相像,与??相似(多用于疑问句或否定句) not anything like=nothing like全然不像 There's nothing like...什么也比不上??

①It takes him something like five hours to get there by train. 他乘火车大约需要五小时才能到达那里。

②I don't ever want to go through anything like that again. 我不想再经历那样的事了。

③There is nothing like a long hot bath after a day's climbing. 爬了一天山之后,什么都比不上好好洗个热水浴。 in other words换句话说,也就是说

(教材P3)In other words,there are three times as many girls as boys. 换句话说,女生是男生的三倍。 (1)word came that...有消息传来说?? in a word总之;简言之 (2)keep one's word遵守诺言 break one's word失信;不守诺言 have a word with...与??谈一谈 have words with...与??拌嘴/吵架

①Word came that our football team had won the match. 消息传来,我们的足球队赢了比赛。

②In a word,we must try our best to do the work. 总之,我们必须尽最大努力做这项工作。

③He has broken his word so many times that I cannot trust him any more. 他经常食言,我再也不能相信他了。 look forward to期望,盼望 (教材P3)I'm looking forward to doing it. 我期待着做这份作业。

look forward to中的to为介词,其他含有介词to的动词短语还有: pay attention to注意 be/get used to习惯于 get down to开始/着手做?? devote...to...献身于??;致力于?? object to反对

①I was looking forward to having five days off from duty. 我期待着能休五天假。

②Everyone should pay attention to preserving his own eyesight. 每人都应注意保护视力。

③The young doctor devoted himself to helping the poor and the sick. 这位年轻的医生致力于帮助穷人和病人。 far from远离;远非

(教材P2)I live in Shijiazhuang,a city not far from Beijing. 我住在离北京不远的石家庄。

①We live too far from the city to get a strong television signal. 我们住的地方离城里太远,不能收到清晰的电视图像。 ②As he was advanced in years,his life was far from satisfactory. 随着年岁增高, 他的生活越来越不如意了。 take part in参加; 参与

(教材P9)I take part in all kinds of after-school activities.我参加各种各样的课外活动。 ①She doesn't usually take part in any of the class activities.她通常不参加任何班级活动。

②Ten of my classmates took part in the sports meet held last week. 我们班有十名同学参加了上周举办的运动会。 [易混辨析]

take part in/join in/join/attend 易混 词汇 take part in 辨 析 指参加有组织的、重大的活动,并在其中发挥作用 指参加正在进行着的活动或游戏等,也可join in 用于join sb.in sth./doing sth.(与某人一起干某事) join 指参加团体或组织,成为其中的一员 例 句 About 2,000 people took part in the protest.大约2 000人参加了抗议活动。 Please come over and join in our game.请过来参加我们的游戏。 Many of the youth joined the army.很多年轻人都参军了。 attend 相当于be present at,多指“出席、参加(会He decided to attend the meeting himself.他议、讲座)”等 决定亲自赴会。 [短语多维演练] —————————————————————— Ⅰ.单句改错

1.It isn't nothing like as cold as it was yesterday. 2.The tax only affects people on incomes of over $200,000-in other word,the very rich. 3.It's bad manners to have a word with others in public. 4.The sports star we had been looking forward to coming at last. 5.I am far from satisfying with his work.

【答案】 5.satisfying→satisfied



3.a word→words




1.I can't live up to my teachers' expectations,in other words(换句话说),I let them down. 2.A sentence can be divided into(被划分成)meaningful segments.

3.I am going to Beijing during the summer holidays,and I'm looking forward to seeing(期望)all of you there very much.

4.Mum encouraged me to take part in(参加)after-class activities. 5.The fact is nothing like(一点都不像) what he said. 二、短语填空

pay attention to,get down to,look forward to,object to,be used to 1.That's enough for games!Let's get down to work. 2.I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. 3.In doing our work,we must pay attention to ways and means. 4.I'd better not object to his proposal. 5.He used to get up late,but now he is used to getting up early. 4 典型句式剖析

(教材P2)We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.

我们用上了新课本,沈老师的教学方法与我初中老师的完全不同。 that 作为替代词替代前面提到的词或短语。 [易混辨析] that/those/one/ones that those one ones 替代the+可数名词单数和不可数名词(尤其是有后置定语的) 替代the+复数名词(尤其是有后置定语的) 替代a(n)+可数名词单数 替代零冠词+可数名词复数 ①The autumn harvest this year is better than that of last year. 今年的秋收比去年要好。

②Enemies behind the scene are more dangerous than those on the stage.


③A bridge made of stone is stronger than one made of wood. =Bridges made of stone are stronger than those made of wood. 石桥比木桥要更结实。

(教材P3)In other words,there are three times as many girls as boys.换句话说,女生是男生的三倍。 three times as many girls as为一种倍数表达方式,其构成形式为“倍数+as many/much+n.+as”。 英语中倍数的表达常见的有四种句式: (1)A+谓语+倍数+as+adj./adv.原级+as+B (2)A+谓语+倍数+比较级+than+B

(3)A+be+倍数+the size/length/height/depth/width,etc+of+B (4)A+be+倍数+what +句子 ①Asia is four times as large as Europe. =Asia is four times larger than Europe. =Asia is four times the size of Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。

②Now production is twice what it was last year. 现在的产量是去年的两倍。 (教材P8)Oh really?So have I. 噢,真的吗? 我也是。


(1)“neither/nor+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”表示前面一种否定情况也适合于另一个人或事。 (2)“so+主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词”表示对前面所述的情况表示肯定,可译为“是的;对;的确如此”。

(3)“So it is with.../It is the same with...”表示前面出现的两种或几种情况适合于另一个人或事。 ①He didn't finish his homework,neither did I. 他没有完成家庭作业,我也没有完成。 ②You say he is diligent,so he is. 你说他很勤奋,他确实很勤奋。

③She doesn't play the piano,but she likes singing.So it is with her sister. 她不弹钢琴,但她喜欢唱歌。她妹妹也一样。 [句式多维演练]

—————————————————————— Ⅰ.单句改错

1.-Well,I do think the rabbit is a beautiful,gentle animal which can run very fast. -So is it.

2.This tree is three times height of that one.

3.Little joy can equal one of a surprising ending when you read stories. 4.I don't think he cares,doesn't he?

5.I was given three books on cooking,the first of them I really enjoyed. 【答案】 1.is it→it is 2.height前加the 3.one→that 4.doesn't→does 5.them→which Ⅱ.句型转换

1.This table is four times as big as that one. →This table is four times the size of that one. →This table is four times bigger than that one. 2.You are a student,and I'm a student,too. →You are a student,so am I.

3.The weather in Beijing is cool,and the weather in Kunming is warm. →The weather in Beijing is different from that in Kunming. 4.He will not come tomorrow.I think.(合成一句) →I don't think that he will come tomorrow. 5.Do you mind if I open the door? →Do you mind my/me opening the door?






1.The train (start) at nine in the evening.

2.Teenagers (damage) their health because they play computer games too much. 3.I will discuss this with you when we (meet) next time.

4.He looked a bit when he heard the question raised by his son.(embarrass) 5.I am afraid you are very with me because my grade is really .(disappoint) 【答案】 1.starts 2.are damaging 3.meet 4.embarrassed;embarrassing 5.disappointed;disappointing

谋篇微写作 话题1——高中新生活

1.今天是我上高中的第一天。(Senior High school) 2.我的新学校离我家很远。(far from)

3.新学校很美丽,和以前的学校一点都不像。(nothing like) 4.新学校的面积大约是原来学校的四倍。(倍数+ the+名词+of) 5.同学和老师都非常热情友好。(enthusiastic) 6.我期待着在这里实现我的梦想。(look forward to) 【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文) 【参考范文】

This is my first day in Senior High school.My new school is far from my home.It is very beautiful,nothing like my previous school.This new school is about four times the size of my old school.Here teachers and

classmates are very enthusiastic and friendly.I am looking forward to realizing my dream here.

课时提升练(一) (建议时间:45分钟)


1.He succeeded in finding the information (信息) he needed from her. 2.He can speak several languages fluently (流利地).

3.The newspaper article gave a vivid description (描述) of the earthquake. 4.The diploma (文凭) is very important for him to get the job.

5.Look carefully at the corrections (纠正) which I have written in your essay.

6.Be sure to follow your teacher's instructions (指示) while doing this chemical experiment. 7.Even so,she impressed (使印象深刻) the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed. 8.His idea received an enthusiastic (热烈的) response. 9.It's amazing (惊人的)how quickly people adapt. 10.You'd better get rid of that attitude (态度). Ⅱ.完成句子

1.在致命的事故中,不系安全带的人的死亡可能性是系安全带的两倍。(倍数+as...as...) Those not wearing a seat belt is twice as likely to die as those wearing a seat belt in a fatal accident. 2.他们已看到了黑板上的通知,我也是。(so+助动词+主语) They have seen the notice on the blackboard,so have I. 3.他们因对工作的松懈态度而受到了责备。(attitude) They were blamed for their relaxed attitude to their work. 4.给我留下印象的是他处理问题的能力。(impress) What impressed me was their ability to deal with a problem. 5.我很感激我的中学老师,没有他们的帮助我就不会这么优秀。(非限制性定语从句) I'm very grateful to my high school teachers,without whose help I wouldn't be so excellent. Ⅲ.完形填空

Are you carrying too much on your back at school? Lots of kids at the same age as you are.

Not only are students in China suffering 1 this problem,but kids in the United States are also 2 heavy school bags.

Experts are starting to 3 that more and more young students are having back and neck problems as a

result of school bags 4 too heavy for them.

“It's hard for me to get up the 5 with my bag because it's so heavy,” said Rich Hammond, 6 11-year-old student in the USA.

Rick is among the students who have 7 backpacks (背包)with two straps (带子) to carry them, 8 a number of other students choose rolling backpacks.

But even with rolling backpacks, 9 up stairs and buses with them is 10 a problem for kids.Many of them have hurt their knees,backs or necks because of heavy school bags.

But how much is too 11 ?Experts say students should carry 12 more than 10 to 15 percent of their own body weight.

Scott Bautch,a Wisconsin 13 doctor,said kids under 4th grade should 14 with 10 percent.But it's also important that older kids don't go 15 15 percent,because their bones are still growing.

Bautch explained that there are other injuries caused by backpacks.“Kids are 16 their balance and falling down with these backpacks,” he said.

Parents and teachers are starting to tell the kids to only take 17 library books they will be reading that night.Some teachers are using worksheets (作业纸)or 18 workbooks for students to take home.

One of the best answers is,as some 19 themselves suggested,to have no homework 20 ! [语篇解读] 不仅中国的孩子,而且美国的孩子,都面临着一个共同问题:书包太沉了,并且对他们的身体健康造成了威胁。

1.A.of B.from C.with


【解析】 suffer from...是固定搭配,意为“遭受??之苦”。 【答案】 B 2.A.fed up with C.worried about

【解析】 be fed up with...意为“厌倦??”。 【答案】 A 3.A.explain C.worry

B.say D.announce B.fond of D.tired from

【解析】 学生负担重,是一个人人皆知的现象,无需专家指出,故排除A、B、D三个选项。 【答案】 C

4.A.being C.are

B.be D.is

【解析】 of后是一个介词短语,故选非谓语动词being。 【答案】 A 5.A.schools C.houses

B.stairs D.homes

【解析】 由副词up可排除另三个选项,此处意为“上楼梯”。 【答案】 B 6.A.this C.a

B.that D.an

【解析】 此处表示泛指,故用不定冠词,又由于eleven以元音开头,所以选择an。 【答案】 D 7.A.special C.ordinary

B.unusual D.regular

【解析】 这里的regular等于usual,意为“正常的、通常的”,背着书包上学,确实应视为“正常”现象。

【答案】 D 8.A.when C.but

B.then D.and

【解析】 使用带滚轮的书包是有悖于背书包上学这一正常现象的,前后意义在此形成转折。 【答案】 C 9.A.getting C.going

B.climbing D.turning

【解析】 上文已呈现过这一说法,此外,另外三个选项不能与bus搭配。 【答案】 A 10.A.only C.even

B.still D.just

【解析】 still“仍然”。上楼梯和公交车仍然是个问题。 【答案】 B

11.A.more C.much

B.very D.many

【解析】 由主语中的much推定,此处意为“多少才是多?”。 【答案】 C 12.A.no C.any

B.not D.much

【解析】 no more than意为“仅仅”。not more than意为“不超过”,须后接一个固定值,10 to 15表示的是一个区间,数值并不固定,故舍去。

【答案】 A 13.A.children C.bag

【解析】 “儿科医生”用baby doctor。 【答案】 D 14.A.carry C.take

B.stay D.bring B.student D.baby

【解析】 stay表示“坚持,承受”。另外三词后面不能用with。 【答案】 B 15.A.about C.beyond

B.under D.before

【解析】 beyond意为“超出”。前面已交待学生背负的重量应在自己身体重量的10%至15%之间,即不能“超出”15%。

【答案】 C 16.A.keeping C.losing

B.missing D.making

【解析】 背着背包跌倒的原因是身体“失去”平衡。 【答案】 C 17.A.home C.school

B.class D.city

【解析】 第18空后再现了take home这一说法,此外,另外三个词是名词,不能作状语,所以应


【答案】 A 18.A.valuable C.important

B.thin D.interesting

【解析】 这里讨论的是作业的量,而不是质,故选thin。 【答案】 B 19.A.reports C.parents

B.teachers D.kids

【解析】 全文谈的是学生学习负担沉重的事,因此,由于themselves,我们首先联想到的是kids。 【答案】 D 20.A.at all C.in all

B.after all D.for all

【解析】 根据全文意义和与否定词经常连用的特点特定at all。 【答案】 A Ⅳ.阅读理解

A study in Norway has found that students who stayed in school longer than others of their same age scored higher on intelligence tests.

In the middle of the nineteen fifties,the government began requiring students to attend school until the age of sixteen instead of fourteen.Communities had almost twenty years to make the change.So some students went to school for seven years while others went for at least nine years.

This difference gave researchers the chance to see if the additional schooling had any effect on intellectual development.

All young men in Norway must take a test of their cognitive ability at the age of nineteen in preparation for required military service.This is commonly called an IQ,or intelligence quotient-test.

The researchers compared the test results of one hundred and seven thousand young men to their years of school.Taryn Ann Galloway is a researcher at the University of Oslo.

“The young men who were basically forced to stay in school for two years longer actually did have higher IQs.So,based on that,we were able to say that increasing compulsory schooling did actually have an effect on their cognitive abilities as measured at nineteen.” Taryn Ann Galloway says.

The average IQ is one hundred.Most people score between eighty-five and one hundred and fifteen.

Ms.Galloway says students who attended school for nine years scored seven points higher than those who attended for seven years.Those who went for eight years scored about four points higher.

Taryn Ann Galloway says,“So that's still quite large.”

The findings appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Another recent study,in the journal Nature,found that IQ scores can rise or fall during the teenage years.In two thousand four researchers from University College London tested thirty-three young people aged twelve to sixteen.They repeated the tests four years later.They found increases or decreases of as much as twenty points.

Professor Cathy Price says the differences in performance could be the result of some teens being early or late developers.But she says it is equally possible that education played a part.She sees a lesson for educators:“We have to be careful not to write off poorer performers at an early stage when in fact their IQ may improve significantly given a few more years.”

[语篇解读] 研究人员通过就挪威政府延长学生接受义务教育的时间对孩子智商发展的影响的调查,发现上学时间更长的学生智力测验得分更高。因此延长义务教育的时间是有必要的。

1.According to the passage,in Norway . A.teens stay at school longer than those in other countries B.students usually begin school at 7

C.the public must carry out the requirement at once D.the government did a lot of things to improve students' IQ

【解析】 事实细节题。根据第二段可知,在挪威,学生通常7岁开始上学。由第二段第二句可知一些社区几乎经过20年后才能做出改变,故C项错误;A、D项在文章中没有相关细节。

【答案】 B 2











19 . A.to help researchers do a study on intellectual development B.to see whether their IQ scores rise or fall C.to prepare for the required military service D.to be allowed to graduate from the school

【解析】 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,挪威所有青年在19岁时都要进行认知测试,目的是为必要的兵役做准备,故C项符合题意。其他项表述错误。

【答案】 C

3.How did the researchers do their study? A.By comparison. B.By asking questions. C.By giving examples. D.By discussion.

【解析】 细节理解题。由第五段第一句可知,研究人员把10.7万年轻人的认知能力测试结果和他们的上学时间做了比较,从而得出研究结果,故A符合题意。

【答案】 A

4.From what Cathy Price says,we can know that . A.it is important to start educating earlier

B.we shouldn't jump to conclusions about teens' performance C.the IQ will be improved as one ages D.educators must try to improve teens' IQ

【解析】 推理判断题。阅读Cathy Price的话可知,我们必须谨慎,不要认定在早期表现差的人一定会失败,实际上再过几年他们的智商可能会得到显著提高。所以B项“我们不应该对青少年的表现匆匆下结论”符合题意。

【答案】 B Ⅴ.语法填空

When I was growing up,I do not recall hearing the words “I love you” from my father.When your father never says 1. to you when you are a child,it gets tougher and tougher for him 2. (say) those words as he gets 3. (old).To tell the truth,I could not honestly remember 4. I had last said those words to him either.I decided to set my ego (自我) aside and make the first move.5. some hesitation,in our next phone conversation I blurted out (突然说出) the words,“Dad...I love you!”

There was a silence at the 6. end and he 7. (awkward) replied,“Well,same back at you!”I laughed and said,“Dad,I know you love me,and when you are ready,I know you 8. (say) what you want to say.”

A few weeks later,Dad concluded our phone conversation 9. the words,“Paul,I love you.” I was at work during this conversation and the tears were rolling down my cheeks 10. I finally “heard” the love.As we both sat there in tears we realized that this special moment had taken our father-son relationship

to a new level.

【答案】 1.them 2.to say 3.older 4.when 5.After 6.other 7.awkwardly 8.will say 9.with 10.as/because


1.According to the rules and regulations of our school,①it is compulsory for us students to live in the dormitories of our school.However,2.for the sake of convenience,②there are a large percentage of students boarding with local families in and around the village.

There are 3.a variety of after-class activities.For example,the English corner gives me a chance to 4.distinguish myself by speaking English fluently.5.In a word,the dream of going to the first-class university attracts us greatly and we have 6.made up our minds to achieve it 7.despite great hardship.


1.according to根据,按照 2.for the sake of为了??的缘故 3.a variety of各种各样的 4.distinguish vt.使表现突出 5.in a word总之

6.make up one's mind下决心 7.despite prep.尽管,虽然 ?好句延展


It is very important for us students to learn English well. 2.有许多学生学习非常努力。

There are many students studying very hard.

(对应学生用书第9页) 1 单词拓展识记


1.amusing adj.有趣的;可笑的→amuse vt.使快乐;逗乐→amusement n.娱乐;快乐 2.energetic adj.精力充沛的→energy n.精力;能源 3.intelligent adj.聪明的→intelligence n.智力

4.organised adj.有组织的;有系统的→organise v.组织→organisation n.组织 5.patient adj.耐心的→patience n.耐心

6.immediately adv.立即;即刻→immediate adj.立即的;即刻的 7.appreciate vt.欣赏;感激→appreciation n.欣赏;感激 8.formal adj.正式的→informal adj.(反义词)非正式的

9.relaxed adj.轻松的;松懈的;宽松的→relax v.使放松;使轻松→relaxation n.放松;轻松 10.similarly adv.同样地;类似地→similar adj.同样的;类似的→similarity n.相似;类似 二、典词语境填空

1.I felt nervous (紧张的)the first time I gave a speech to many students. 2.A gentleman with good manners will be respected (尊敬) by others. 3.He admitted (承认) that he had broken the glass.

4.There are some discomforts but nothing serious (严重的). 5.The pilot had to take emergency action to avoid (避免) a disaster.

6.Many people incorrectly (错误地) believe that this cannot be done in Windows XP. 7.What did you do with your summer vacation (假期)?

8.Our teachers are all very strict (严格的) with us students in our study. 9.It's common sense that everyone wants the scientific (科学的) evidence.

10.I hate (讨厌) it when he speaks in that way.

2 短语多维运用

一、互译练习 1.make sure 2.make progress 3.as a result 4.in fact 5.agree with 6.so that 7.fall asleep 8.tell jokes 9.come on 10.be true of


1.He said he spent 500 yuan on the coat,but in fact it cost him over 1,000 yuan. 2.Mother always makes sure that all the lights are off before she goes to bed every night. 3.He got up late in the morning.As a result,he was late for class. 4.Come on! We are going to be late. 5.Please open the window so that we can breathe fresh air. 6.It's an interesting argument ,but I don't fully agree with it. 3 句式高仿演练

1.(教材P12)She's kind and patient,and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!


[句式仿写] 由阿黛尔演唱的Someone Like You如此优美以至于我百听不厌。 Someone Like You by Adele sounds so beautiful that I want to listen to it again and again. 2.(教材P12)She's very strict — we don't dare to say a word unless she asks us to. 她非常严厉——她要是不让我们说话,我们就一句话也不敢说。 [句式仿写] 除非你努力学习,否则考试会不及格。

确定;确信;查明;弄清楚 取得进步 结果 事实上

同意;赞同;适合 以便;因此 睡着

讲笑话;开玩笑 快点;得了吧 适用于

You'll fail in the exam unless you study hard. 3.(教材P12)Physics will never be my favourite lesson,but I think that I'll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.

虽然物理永远不会是我最喜欢的课,但是我想有陈老师教我,我在考试中会取得好成绩的。 [句式仿写] 随着时间的流逝,他们都长成大小伙子和大姑娘了。 With time passing/going by,they have grown into big boys and big girls. 4.(教材P17)I'd rather do translation than revision,Mr Stanton. 斯坦顿老师,我宁愿做翻译练习也不愿复习。

[句式仿写] 为了过低碳生活,一些人宁愿坐公共汽车也不愿自己开车去上班。 To live a low-carbon life,some people would rather take the bus than drive a car to work. 4 课文语法填空

My first impression of Mrs Li was 1.that she was nervous and shy.But now the class really likes 2.working (work) with her because she is kind and patient.I feel I'm going to make progress with her 3.teaching (teach) me.Mrs Chen is very strict and serious,4.but most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well 5.organized (organize) and clear.And a few students even admit 6.liking (like) her. During scientific experiments,she explains exactly 7.what is happening and as a result my work is 8.improving (improve).Mr Wu is very popular because he enjoys 9.teaching (teach) Chinese literature.He's got so much energy and talks loudly and fast.He tells jokes when he thinks we're getting 10.bored (bore).


1 高考真题演练


1.(2014·天津高考)It was then that I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on balancing family and work.


(教材P12)Some of our class don't like her,but most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well organised and clear.

2.(2014·重庆高考)I had been so sad and angry that I completely ignored the house. 我如此的悲伤、生气,以至于完全忽视了这个家。

(教材P12) She's kind and patient,and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!


1.(2014·浙江高考)Make sure that your car is not blocking their doorway. 确保你的车不要堵住他们的门口。

(教材P11) Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands.

2.(2014·安徽高考)In 2002,scientist Lucy King and her team found that elephants avoid certain trees with bees living in them. 在2002年,Lucy和她的队员发现大象会避开住着蜜蜂的树。

(教材P12)Physics will never be my favourite lesson,but I think that I'll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.

2 核心单词突破

patient adj.耐心的n.病人

(教材P11)My father is lively and energetic,but he is not very patient. 我爸爸精力旺盛,但他不是很有耐心。 (1)be patient with sb.对某人有耐心 be patient of sth.忍受/忍耐某事 impatient adj.不耐烦的;没有耐心的 (2)patience n.耐心

with patience=patiently耐心地

①She is very patient with young children,so she is fit for the job. 她对小孩子特别有耐心,因此她适合这份工作。 ②You should learn to be patient of pains. 你应该学会忍受痛苦。

③There was a queue of people waiting with patience/patiently for the bus to arrive. 一队人正耐心地等着公共汽车的到来。 [巧学助记]

Miss Li is a patient nurse.She always takes care of her patients with great patience.李小姐是一位有耐心的护士。她总是对待病人很耐心。

strict adj.严格的,严厉的

(教材P11)I think teachers need to be strict.我认为老师需要严厉些。 (1)be strict with sb.对某人严格要求 be strict in sth.对某事严格要求 (2)strictly adv.严格地,严厉地 strictly speaking严格说来

①She is strict not only in her work but also with the students. 她不但对教学工作要求严格,而且对学生要求也很严格。 ②Strictly speaking,he's not qualified for the job. 严格说来,他没有资格做这份工作。 appreciate vt.欣赏;感激

(教材P12)Some of our class don't like her,but most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well organised and clear.

班里有些学生不喜欢她,但我们多数人非常感激她,因为她讲课既有条理又清楚。 (1)appreciate (one's) doing sth.欣赏/感激(某人)做某事 I would appreciate it if...如果??,我将不胜感激 (2)appreciation n.欣赏;感激

①I appreciate your making the effort to help us out. 我非常感激你为帮助我们做出的努力。

the same is true of...适用于;??也是一样

①If that is true of writing fiction,you can be sure it is true of dealing with people face to face. 如果写小说的秘诀是这样,那应用在待人处世上,你可以确定,更应该如此了。 ②The same is true of relationships with family and friends, Northcraft says. 与家庭和朋友间的关系也是一样,诺斯克拉夫特说。 [短语多维演练]

————————————————————— Ⅰ.单句改错

1.He eats a lot.As result,he is becoming fat.

2.Make sure to come here on time tomorrow.

3.He said the same could be true to people,although this has not been proved. 4.He had fallen asleep until we came back.

5.He has made rapid progresses with the teacher's help. 【答案】 1.As result→As a result 2.Make→Be 3.to→of 4.fallen→been 5.progresses→progress Ⅱ.短语精练


1.He didn't work hard;as a result(结果),he failed his exam. 2.Make sure (确保) you lock the door behind you when you go out. 3.The service in the restaurant is good and it is true of (适用于) the food. 4.He tends to get angry when people do not agree with(同意) him.

5.Don't be worried.You know even the best students can make mistakes (犯错误). 二、对比填空


①He works harder.As a result,he has made rapid progress. =As a result of his working harder,he has made rapid progress.

②His carelessness resulted in so many mistakes. =So many mistakes resulted from his carelessness. 2.用与sure有关的短语完成下列句子

①Mother makes sure that all the lights are turned off before she goes to bed every night. ②I am sure that he will succeed in the college entrance examination. =I am sure of his success in the college entrance examination.

4 典型句式剖析

(教材P12)Physics will never be my favourite lesson,but I think that I'll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.虽然物理永远不是我最喜欢的课,但是我认为在陈老师的教导下,我在考试中会取得好成绩的。

with Mrs Chen teaching me属于“with+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合结构。该结构常作状语,有时也可作后置定语。

with 复合结构常见形式:





①He is used to sleeping with the window open at night in summer.夏天的夜晚他习惯开着窗子睡觉。 ②With his homework finished,he went out to play. 完成作业了,他就出去玩了。

③With a lot of work to do,I cannot go out with you. 有很多工作要做,我不能和你一起出去了。

(教材P17)I'd rather do translation than revision,Mr Stanton. 斯坦顿老师,我宁愿做翻译练习也不愿复习。

would rather do sth.than (do) sth.,意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”。

(1)would rather do sth.than do sth.=would do sth.rather than do sth.=prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做某事也不愿做某事

(2)would rather (not) do sth.宁愿(不)做某事

would rather (not) have done sth.宁愿(没)做过某事(对过去的虚拟)

(3)would rather sb.did sth.宁愿某人做某事(对现在和将来的虚拟) would rather sb.had done sth.宁愿某人做过某事(对过去的虚拟) ①Most people would rather be successful than knowledgeable. 相比之下,大多数人更喜欢成功,而不是知识渊博。 ②I'd rather not have said that at the meeting. 我宁愿我没在会上说过那件事。 [句式多维演练]

—————————————————————— Ⅰ.单句改错

1.With all the things he needed buying,he went home happily. 2.So moved we were by his words that we made up our minds to study harder. 3.I'd rather not say that at the meeting yesterday. 4.You will be late for class unless you will hurry up.

5.Don't come tomorrow.I'd rather you come next weekend. 【答案】 1.buying→bought 2.we were→were we 3.say→have said5.come→came


1.I won't go to his party if I am not invited. → I won't go to his party unless I am invited.

2.She preferred to go with us rather than stay with him. →She would rather go with us than stay with him. 3.He told us such a funny story that we all laughed. →He told us so funny a story that we all laughed. 4.He came out,and an umbrella was in his hand.

4.去掉第二个will →He came out with an umbrella in his hand. 5. You can decide which one to buy as you like. → It's up to you to decide which one to buy.

通关微语法 后接-ing形式的动词



1.I crossed the street to avoid (meet) her,but she saw me and came towards me. 2.I first considered (write) to him,but then decided to go and see him. 3.I still remembered (take) to the Forbidden City and what I saw there. 4.I don't mind (fit)my timetable round yours. 5.The doctor tried (cure) the woman of her illness,so he tried (treat) her with a new medicine.

【答案】 1.meeting 2.writing 3.being taken 4.fitting 5.to cure;treating

谋篇微写作 话题2——我的老师


1.第一次见到我们的英语老师,她就给我们留下了很好的印象。(leave an impression on) 2.她是一个友好且有耐心的人,但在学习上对我们要求严格。(patient,strict) 3.她上课非常有条理,因此大家都能很容易听懂。(organised,so...that...)

4.在她的教授下,我们在英语方面取得了很大进步。(with复合结构,make progress) 5.我们都感激她的帮助,而且非常尊重她。(appreciate,respect) 【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文) 【参考范文】

The first time we saw my English teacher,she left a very good impression on us.She is a friendly and patient person,but she is very strict with us in our study.She is so organised that every one of us can understand her easily.With her teaching us,we have made great progress in English.We appreciate her help and respect her very much.

课时提升练(二) (建议时间:40分钟)


1.He is such an unselfish man.You cannot help but respect (尊重) him.

2.Well,fishing is a hobby which calls for a great deal of patience (耐心),which I don't have. 3.I'll take an express train to Dalian for my holiday immediately (一??就??) the school ends. 4.To avoid (避免) being seen by the teacher,Tom got into the classroom from the back door quietly. 5.That student admitted (承认) having cheated in the math exam.

6.Our math teacher is strict (严格的) with us,but we all like him and his classes.

7.Last night we attended an English party.It was well organised (组织)and we really enjoyed it. 8.The two cars are very similar (类似的)in size and design.

9.I don't feel energetic (精力充沛的)enough to rush about,so I'll sit down. 10.Someone or something that is amusing (有趣的) makes you laugh or smile. Ⅱ.完成句子

1.英语老师的课堂太有趣了,我们都喜欢。(so...that...) Our English teacher's class is so interesting that we all like it. 2.他承认了窗子是他打破的吗?(admit) Did he admit breaking the window? 3.自从山大毕业后,他一直在西藏工作。(完成进行时)

He has been working in Tibet since he graduated from Shandong University. 4.这个礼物太贵重了,我都有点儿不敢接受了。(accept) This present is too valuable,and I do not dare to accept it. 5.我宁愿出去散步也不愿待在家里。(would rather) I would rather go out for a walk than stay at home. Ⅲ.阅读理解


If you are a college student,probably you are greatly stressed when the final exams are coming.University students are good at coming up with ways to cope with the stress of college life.But some students at a college in Canada have started a new trend that is family-friendly,opening a puppy room for students during finals week (December 4-6).

The National Post reports that for three days during final week,students at Dalhousie University can spend some time with lovely dogs,which are being brought in by Therapeutic Paws of Canada.“It is something that people need right now because students are super-stressed,”Michael Kean,an environmental science student who first proposed the idea,told the Post.

After the Student Union first advertised the event on its Facebook page,the news of the Puppy Room spread quickly across social networking sites.“Our expectations are pretty high right now,”Gavin Jardine,vice president of student life at Dalhousie told the Post.“We had 1,800 shares,thousands of ‘likes’.It attracted a lot of attention on Twitter as well.It spread as quickly as a virus.”

Don LeBlanc of Therapeutic Paws of Canada said all the dogs attending the event come from loving homes and enjoy the company of people.A number of different breeds will be on hand to interact with students who sign up to visit the Puppy Room.And buzz from the Dalhousie Puppy Room has spread so quickly that LeBlanc says a half dozen universities have already called about staging similar events for their students.

So,is there any actual evidence to support using guest dogs to reduce the stress of busy college students?“If you do any research at all about the benefits of using pets,you'll find out quite quickly that it lowers blood pressure,”LeBlanc said.“It certainly made a huge difference in my life when I got a dog.”

[语篇解读] 大学生临近期末考试时压力很大,加拿大的一所学校给学生提供跟小狗相处的机会,帮助他们缓减压力。

1.What is Michael Kean's attitude toward the puppy room? A.He thinks it is bad for dogs. B.He doesn't think it is relaxing. C.He thinks it is a waste of time. D.He thinks it works for college students.

【解析】 细节理解题。根据第二段的“It is something that people need right now because students are super-stressed,”Michael Kean,an environmental science student who first proposed the idea,told the Post.可知Michael Kean认为这种小狗房间对大学生很有用。

【答案】 D

2.Paragraph 3 shows the idea of the puppy room was . A.surprising B.harmful C.well received


【解析】 推理判断题。根据第三段的“the news of the Puppy Room spread quickly across social networking sites”以及“We had 1,800 shares,thousands of ‘likes’.It attracted a lot of attention on Twitter as well.”可知小狗房间的这个创意很受欢迎。

【答案】 C

3.We know from Paragraph 4 that some universities want to . A.find out if their students are also stressed B.follow the example of the college in Canada C.find out why dogs are loved by college students D.introduce some dogs from the college in Canada

【解析】 细节理解题。根据第四段的“a half dozen universities have already called about staging similar events for their students”可知有些大学想效法加拿大那所大学的做法。

【答案】 B

4.What does what LeBlanc said in the last paragraph show? A.He used to hate spending time with dogs. B.Some people don't think dogs help reduce stress. C.He suffered from high blood pressure in the past. D.Staying with dogs helps college students reduce stress.

【解析】 细节理解题。根据末段的“If you do any research at all about the benefits of using pets,you'll find out quite quickly that it lowers blood pressure,”LeBlanc said.“It certainly made a huge difference in my life when I got a dog.”可知大学生跟小狗相处可以帮助他们缓减压力。

【答案】 D


Some parents think that once their children are at school,they can relax themselves.But this is not the case at all.As research shows,parents have an even greater influence on their children's academic results than the school does.Most of a child's ability is formed from home.

The mass of parents don't realise how they can help their children at home.Things are as simple as baking a cake.An example of helping young children with their maths is simply planning a birthday party.They have to decide how many people to invite,how many invitations they will need,how many prizes,balloons need to be bought,and so on.Children often find that real life experiences help them to do their maths more easily.

Another way that parents can help their children with their maths is to give them pocket money.This not only teaches them about the value of money,but they may need to use basic maths to work out how long they will have to save to buy the special toy that they want.

Reading to children at an early age can give them a head start when they start school.But parents should not stop reading to children when they do start going to school.They still like to be read to,and it can help to increase their sight vocabulary as well.

Providing children with the right equipment can help with their education.Giving them a quiet place where they can work,read and do homework,with a good reading light and a comfortable chair and desk,is just some of these things.Parents can also help their children by providing them with some reference books,and any other relevant learning materials they might need.

Evidently,parents do need to take an active role in the education of their children.If parents want their children to do well at school,they must be prepared to help educate their children at home.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇议论文。研究表明父母对孩子的学习成绩有很大影响,大部分孩子的能力是在家形成的。家庭教育在孩子的成长中起着重要的作用。

5.The passage is mainly talking about that . A.education starts at home B.parents can control their children C.ability affects a child's academic result D.good equipment leads to good grades

【解析】 主旨大意题。第一段是文章的主题段,根据该段But之后的句子可知,父母对孩子的学习成绩有很大影响,孩子的很多能力是在家形成的。文章的尾段对全文做了总结,即:父母在孩子的教育中起着重要作用,由此可见教育始于家庭,故选A。

【答案】 A

6.As for most parents, . A.they don't think the research result is reasonable B.they have different opinions with experts

C.they are unaware of what to do for children at home D.they are lazy in preparing the birthday party

【解析】 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句可知,大多数家长没有意识到如何在家中帮助自己的孩子,由此可知选项C正确。

【答案】 C

7.If you want to improve your child's maths ability,you can . A.prepare his/her birthday party as big as possible B.leave the things used for the party done by him/her C.purchase all the things needed by yourself D.let your children count the cups and so on

【解析】 细节理解题。根据第二段让孩子自己准备生日晚会所需物品可知,家长可以用这样的方法培养孩子们的数学能力,由此得知B正确。

【答案】 B

8.From the passage we can know that . A.children can get their pocket money by working B.parents usually read to preschool children

C.parents prefer to offer pocket money rather than to read D.children would rather read by themselves after starting school

【解析】 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句,作者建议家长在孩子上学之后也不要停止给孩子读书,由此推断家长们在孩子上学之前经常给孩子读书,故选B。

【答案】 B Ⅳ.阅读填句

I entered high school having read hundreds of books.But I was not a good reader.Merely bookish,I lacked a point of view when I read. 1 I searched books for good expressions and sayings,pieces of information,ideas,themes — anything to enrich my thought and make me feel educated.When one of my teachers suggested to his sleepy tenth-grade English class that a person could not have a “complicated idea” until he had read at least two thousand books,I heard the words without recognizing either its irony(嘲讽) or its very complicated truth. 2 Strict with myself,I included only once a title I might have read several times.(How,after all,could one read a book more than once?) And I included only those books over a hundred pages in length.(Could

anything shorter be a book?)

3 One day I came across a newspaper article about an English professor at a nearby state college.The article had a list of the “hundred most important books of Western Civilization.” “More than anything else in my life,” the professor told the reporter firmly,“these books have made me all that I am.” 4 I kept the list for the several months it took me to read all of the titles.Most books,of course,I hardly understood.While reading Plato's The Republic,for example,I needed to keep looking at the introduction of the book to remind myself what the text was about. 5 And by the time I reached the last word,pleased,I persuaded myself that I had read The Republic,and seriously crossed Plato off my list.

A.So,what does reading really mean? B.Those were the words I couldn't ignore. C.Rather,I read in order to get a point of view. D.Sometimes I really doubted what I was doing. E.There was yet another high school list I made. F.However,I looked at every word of the text patiently.

G.I merely determined to make a list of all the books I had ever read. 【答案】 1-5 CGEBF Ⅴ.短文改错

Barbara Herrera is my best friends since childhood.We are all from Chicago,but now I live in San Francisco and Barbara lives in Atlanta.We didn't see each other very often.I often write to Barbara and tell of her about all the things that is happening at my company.And she often writes to me about my work.There are also other ways we communicate with each other.Sometimes we talk on phone,or send emails to each other.We are really luckily.In this new age of communication,there are so much ways we can keep in touch with each other.We live in different cities,so we're in touch all the time.



Barbara Herrera is my best friend since childhood.We are both from Chicago,but now I live in San didn't

Francisco and Barbara lives in Atlanta.We don't see each other very often.I often write to Barbara and tell


her about all the things that are happening at my company.And she often writes to me about her

