必修1unit5 知识点导学案

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关系副词:时间when=in/at/during/on which

地点where=in/at/on which 原因why=for which

先行词为时间 缺成分: which/that/省略

句子完整: when

in/at/during/on which

先行词为地点 缺成分: which/that/省略

句子完整: where

in/at/on which

先行词为原因 缺成分: which/that/省略

句子完整: why

for which

先行词为way 缺成分: which/that/省略

句子完整: in which/that/省略

I will never forget the days _ that/which/省略 I spent with my classmates. I’ll never forget the days when/in which/ during which I played happily with you.

The factory that/ which/省略 we visited was built last year. The factory where/ in which we played a movie was built last year.

The reason that/ which/省略 he explained to us wasn’t true.

The reason why/ for which he didn’t go to school is that his mother was ill.

The way that/ which/ 省略 he told us was quite simple. The way that/ in which/ 省略 he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.

Using language

1. reward

reward n.报酬 v.给予报酬(因对方的工作、服务、帮助给予某人的报酬或奖赏) award n. 奖品,奖金 v. 授予,颁发 award sb sth award sth to sb what a pity! He got nothing in _______ for his hard work. A.award B.prize C.reward D.result

2. for the first time 介词短语,在句中作状语。 the first time ___________

It is the first time that...sb ______ ________ It was the first time that …sb ______ ______ It is time that sb should do /did

e.g. I fell in love with you ____________________ I saw you.

3. 他每周都留出一些钱备用He _______ _________ a little money each week

