2018年PEP人教小学英语六年级上册第三单元《Unit3 My weekend plan》试题共5套

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PEP人教小学英语六年级上册第三单元《Unit3 My weekend plan》试题

班级__________ 姓名___________


看望我的外祖父母______________________ 看电影______________

去旅行_____________ 去超市___________________ 今晚_____________

今天上午___________ 今天下午_______________ 今天晚上______________ 明天___________ 下周___________ 字典__________/__________(复数)

连环画册___________ 单词书_____________ 明信片____________

聚会_____________ 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐___________________________


( ) 1.What are you going to do this afternoon?

A. I’m going to buy a book.

B. I’m a student.

C. I go to school by bike.

D. Are you a teacher?

( ) 2

I’m going to buy an English book.

A. Do you have comic book?

B. What are you going to buy?

C. This afternoon.

D. I’m going to plant trees.

( ) 3.--Are you going to buy books?

--Yes. I want to buy comic books.

A. some, any

B. any, some

C. any, any

D. some, some

( )4. Where are you going this afternoon?

A. I’m going to buy some comic books.

B. I’m going to the bookstore.

C. Can I help you?

D. I’m going to visit my aunt.

( )5. --

--This afternoon.

A. Where are you going?

B. What are you going to do?

C. Wh en are you going?

D. What’s your name? ( )6.What___________they_____________next week?

A. do;do

B. are;doing

C. does, does, are

D.; going to do ( )7.She’s going to ______________the Great Wall next week.

A. visit

B. visits

C. visiting

D. is visiting ( ) 8. ---What are you going __________ on Sunday morning?

---I am going to run in the park.

A. to

B. to do

C. doing

( ) 9. ---Have a good time! -- -_________________

A. Thank you.

B. Good.

C. Yes.

( ) 10.---How is Amy going tomorrow? ---__________________

A. Beijing

B. By plane

C. On the weekend


( )1. What are you going to do? A. By train.

( )2. When are you going? B. Take a trip.

( )3. Where are you going? C. Yes, I am.

( )4. How do you go to the zoo? D. At 3 o’clock.

( )5. Are you going to use any books? E. I’m going to Beijing.


1.weekend going this to am do I what (?)


2. some draw we to in are Renmin Park pictures going (.)


3. space film we to a about travel going are see (!)


4.your are lesson do what you to going in (?)


5. a will my tell Chang’e grandma about us story (.)



A:_________ are you going this afternoon?

B:I am going to the bookstore.


B: I'm going to buy a dictionary.

A:__________ are you going?

B: I'm going at 4 o'clock.

A:________ are you going there?

B: I'm going there by bike.

A: _________are you going with?

B:I am going there with my sister.


My name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parents aren’t going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. I’m going to the bookstore by bus. Then I’m going to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend. ( ) 1. Amy’s mother is going to buy something for next week.

( )2.Amy’s father is going to visit his grandparents in the morning.

( )3.Amy is going to play computer games with his sister.

( )4. Tomorrow evening Amy is going to watch TV.

( ) 5.Tomorrow evening they are going to the cinema.


周末你打算做什么,你有什么计划吗?用“be going to”结构来写一写你的计划。要求:



______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________

PEP人教小学英语六年级上册第三单元《Unit3 My weekend plan》试题2



()1、A. Visit my grandparents B.see a film C.see a doctor

( ) 2、A.take a trip B.go to the supermaket C.go to the bookstore

( ) 3、A.tomorrowB.evening C. tonight

( ) 4、A.dictionary B.comic book C.postcard

( ) 5、A.work book B.newspaper C.story-book

( ) 6、A.Mid-Autumn Festival B.mooncakeCmoon

( ) 7、A.poem B. Post office C. postcard

( ) 8、A.next week B. this morning C. next month

( )9、A. where B. when C. what.

( ) 10、A. go fishing B . go shopping C.reading books


1、( ) A. I’m going at eight o’clock.

2、( ) B. Yes,we are.

3、( ) C. They are going to buy some postcards.

4、( ) D.No, he isn’t.

5、( ) E. I’m going to be an English teacher.


1、I’m going to the with my .

2、are you going ? I’m going to the.

3、are you going to buy?I’m going to buy a.

4、are you going? .


()1、Li Tao’s mum is go to take a trip in the country .

( ) 2、They are going to on Saturday morning..

( ) 3、They are going by bike.

( ) 4、We are going to fishing in the country..

( ) 5、The country is west of the park.



()1、---What are you going on Sunday morning ? –I’m going to the park.

A. to

B. to do


( ) 2、I visit the Great Wall next week.

A.going to

B.be going to

C.am going to

( )3、――How is Amy going to tomorrow?――


B. By plane.

C.On the weekend.

( )4、I’m going to buy a comic book space.

A. and

B. with

C. about

( )5、I’ m going to the park my counsin.

A. with



( )6、Sarah going to the bookshop this afternoon .

A. is



( )7、She a book this evening .

A. read

B. reads

C.is going to read

( )8、The students football over there.

A. play

B. are playing

C.are going to play

( )9、We go hiking Saturday morning..

A.in B.at C. on

( )10、--- you the monkeys tomorrow?Yes,we are.

A.Are, going to see

B.Do, see




We are going to after lunch.

2、你经常游泳吗?you often ?


I’m going to with my next week.

4、We can see the moon in the .

5、My room is dirty (脏). I’m going to it this afternoon.

6、I don’t know the word, I can look up(查)the .

7、I want to buy food and clothes. I can go to the .



1、? I’m going to the theme park with my mother.

2、? I’m going to Zhao qing by taxi.

3、? We ’re going to the zoo.

4、?He’s going to visit his grandpa.

5、? They are going this weekend.

6、?I’m going to buy a comic book.


1、He is reading books.(tomorrow morning)

2、Amy is going to swim this afternoon.(now)

3、My sister is going to see a film next Wednesday.(就划线部分提问)

4、I’m going to fishing this evening.(根据回答写问句)

八、根据答句选择合适的疑问词。(How many、How old 、How 、where、what、when、How much )(8分)

1、does Jim go home?On foot.

2、are you going? To the cinema.

3、is your brother? He’s five.

4、is your grandma? She’s fine.

5、is the shirt? Twenty yuan.

6、children are there?Thirty.

PEP人教小学英语六年级上册第三单元《Unit3 My weekend plan》试题3


Part I Listening Comprehension


一、Listen and choose.听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。(10分)

( ) 1. A. tomorrow B. tonight C. next week

( ) 2. A. newspaper B. magazing C.post cardt

( ) 3. A. go to school B. take a trip C. buy a comic book

( ) 4. A. see a film B. draw picture C. have class

( ) 5. A. this moroing B. this evening C. this afternoon

二、Listen and judge.听录音,根据对话内容判断图片对“√”错“×”。(10分)






三、Listen and fill in the blanks.听短文,填空。(10分)

Hello, my name is Li Ming, 1 I made a birthday chart for my family.

My birthday is June 9th, my mother’s birthday is 2 , my grandpa’s bitrhday is June 23rd , my grandpa is in America, my grandpa lives with my uncle Bill and aunt Mary in America, so I 3 make an e-card to him for his birthday.

There are 2 birthdays in 4 , my father and my cousin Alice. Alice likes dolls, so I often send her some beautiful dolls.

My grandma’s birthday is in April, it is very warm and nice in April. Then, when her birthday is coming, we often 5 for her birthday. There is none in December.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

四、Listen and choose. 听录音,根据上文回答问题。(10分)

()1. A. 6 B. 8 C. 9

()2. A. 2 B. 4 C. 3

()3. A. 0 B. 2 C. 3

()4. A. Send an e-mail B.Send an e-card

C. Send a birthday cake

Part II Reading and Writing


五、Read and choose.单项选择。(10分)

( )1. What are you going to do the weekend ?

A. for

B. in

C. on

( )2. I’m going to the Great Wall my sister.

A. by

B. and

C. with

( )3. I ‘m going to cinema this evening.

A. the

B. an

C. a

( )4. Are you going three books this afternoon ?

A. buy

B. to buy

C. buying

( )5. I’m go ing to the East Lake the National Day.

A. by

B. on

C. in

( )6. - are you going this afternoon ?

-To the library.

A. When

B. What


( )7. - Do you know to plant trees ?

- Yes, I do .

A. what

B. how


( )8. -I ‘m going to the cinema this afternoon.

- That will be .

A. fun

B. beautiful


( )9. - are you going to the zoo ?

- This morning.


B. How

C. When

( )10. -What are you going to ?

- A comic book.

A. buy

B. do

C. visit

六、Read and fill in the blanks.阅读短文,根据首字母填空。(10分)

I’m going to h a busy weekend. I’m going to the bookstore b subway. I’m going to b a new CD and s story-books. O Sunday, I’m going to the supermarket w my mother. We’re going a lunch. Then, in the even ing, I’m going to v my aunt. We are going to w TV. That will be f !

七、Read and choose.选出错误的选项并改正。(10分)

( ) 1. I’m going to buy a English book in the bookstore.


( ) 2. When is Amy going to ?


( ) 3. Sound great ! Have a good time.


( ) 4. How can I gets to the science museum ?


( ) 5. Where are you going to do tomorrow ?


八、Read and write. 按要求完成下列各题(10分)

1、I’m going to the cinema tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)

2、I am going to take a trip. (对画线部分提问)

3、Do you like reading the magazine ? (作否定回答)

4、She is going to have lunch . (变为一般疑问句)

5、Is this your comic book ? (做肯定回答)

九、Read and answer.阅读对话,回答问题。(10分)

Sam : Hi, Ann ! Where are you going this afternoon ?

Ann : I’m going to the shop to buy some presents for mu family.

Sam : Are you going to enjoy the Christmas Eve together ?

Ann : Yes. We are going to have a good time tomorrow evening.

Sam : How exciting! What are you going to buy ?

Ann : I want to buy my father a coat.

Sam : What about your mother and brother ?

Ann : My mother likes listening to music, I’m going to buy her a CD. And I’m going to buy Harry Potter for my brother, he is crazy (疯狂) about J, K, Rowling (哈利波特作者) .

Sam : Really? I’m her fan too. I also want to buy her a new book.

Ann :OK. Let’s go together.

1. What’s the date today ?

It’s Dec. .

2. What’s Ann going to do this afternoon ?

3. Is Ann going to buy her father a new CD ?

4. What’s does Ann’s mother like ?

5.What’s Sam going to buy ?


以“My weekend”为题写一篇小短文。不少于5句话。

参考词汇:morning afternoon evening see a film visit grandparents take a trip do homework buy comic book ...

PEP人教小学英语六年级上册第三单元《Unit3 My weekend plan》试题4 一、补全单词并翻译汉语。(12分)

v_s_t----- ton_ght----- postc__d-----

f_lm----- diction_ry----- superm__k_t-----


( ) 1. A dad B apple C banana

( ) 2. A mouth B those C thanks

( ) 3. A need B tea C great

( ) 4. A foot B food C room

( ) 5. A show B shower C flower


1.你将要去干什么?What_______you_______ _______do?

2.我想要和我的妈妈去电影院。I want to go to the _______ _______my mother.

3.我有许多连环画。I have_______ _______comic books.

4.为什么不周五去呢?_______ _______go on Friday?

5.我想要学习怎样游泳。I’ll learn how_______ _______.


1. What_______ he going to do?

A. am

B. is

C. are

2. My parents are going to _______ a film.

A. look


C. see



C. what

6. Do you have _______?

A some comic books B. any comic books 1d95e5c5690203d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d266efic book

7. I want to buy two _______.

A. dictionary

B. dictionarys

C. dictionaries

8 .My family_______ going to get together.

A .am B.is C. are

9 . I _______ sports every day.

A. play

B. will play

C. plays

10 . I want to the zoo _______ Sunday morning.

A .on B. at C. in


1. What is he going to do? A Next morning.

2. Are you going to play ping-pong? B To the post office .

3. When is she going? C Yes, I do.

4. Where are you going ? D He is going to buy some books.

5 .Do you have comic books? E Yes,I am.


1. wants a to she be teather


2. going he where tonight is


3. to learn is swim going he to


4 . doing learn by


5. eat you mooncakes every day do



1. I’m going to the bo okstore.(就划线部分提问)


2 . He will go to the zoo next week. (就划线部分提问


3. We have lots of apples.(写出一般疑问句的形式,再做否定回答。) ————————————————————————————————————————


PEP人教小学英语六年级上册第三单元《Unit3 My weekend plan》试题5



( ) 1.---What are you going to do this afternoon?

--- .

A. I’m going to buy a book.

B. I’m a student.

C. I go to school by bike.

D. Are you a teacher?

( ) 2. ---Excuse me. Where is the library?

--- .

A. Where’s the museum?

B. Where’s the school?

C. Where’s the hospital?

D. It’s next to the post office.

( ) 3.---

---I’m going to buy an English book.

A. Do you have comic book?

B. What are you going to buy?

C. This afternoon.

D. I’m going to plant trees.

( ) 4. 当你去商店时,售货员通常首先会说:____________

A. How are you ?

B. What are you going to do?

C. Are you a student?

D. Can I help you ?

( ) 5. ---Where are you going this afternoon?

--- .

A. I’m going to buy some comic books.

B. I’m going to the bookstore.

C. Can I help you?

D. I’m going to visit my aunt.

( ) 6. How do you go there? .

A. I’m going to buy a magazine about plants.

B. By bus.

C. I’m fine.

D. I’m going to the shoe store.

( ) 7.---___________ ---This afternoon.

A. Where are you going?

B. What are you going to do?

C. When are you going?

D. What’s your name?

()8. ---What are you going to buy? ---__________

A. By a train.

B. I’m busy.

C. A book.

D. Good idea.

()9. He is going to ________an art lesson tomorrow.

A. has

B. have

C. had

D. haves

()10. We are going to _________today.

A. go fishing

B. going fishing

C. going to fishing

D. go to fishing


1、Where are you going this __________ ?(o i n m r g n )

2、I’m going to the ____________.(b o k o r e s o t)

3、What are you going to ________ ?(y u b)

4、I’m going to buy a _________(m i c o c) book.

5、What are you ________ to do ? (n i g o g)


1. —are you going this afternoon?

—I’m going to the Great Wall.

2 .—______are you going to wash your clothes ?

—I’m going to wash my clothes this evening.

3. —_______does your mother go to work ?

—She goes to work by car.

4.—_______are you going to buy ?

—I’m going to buy a new English book.

5.—_______are you going to do tomorrow?

—I’m going to visit my uncle .

四、选择正确的答案,并将序号填写到提前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分)()1. What are you going to do? A. By train.

()2. When are you going? B. Take a trip.

()3. Where are you going? C. Yes, I am.

()4. How do you go to the zoo? D. At 3 o’clock.

()5. Are you going to use any books? E. I’m going to Beijing.


Sarah: What are you going to do this weekend?

Mary: 1.

Sarah: What book?

Mary: 2.

Sarah: Cooking?

Mary: Yes. I want to make some fruit salad and vegetable salad for my parents. Sarah: Great. You are a good girl. 3.

Mary: Yes. I’m going to buy some apples, bananas and pears.

Sarah: 4. We can go together.

Mary: Ok. See you!

Sarah: 5. .

