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1. 名词单数变复数的变化规则及专项练习 2. 人称代词专项练习 3. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 4. 一般疑问句专项练习 5. There be 句型练习 6. 特殊疑问句专项练习 7. 一般现在时定义、形式及练习 8.一般过去时定义、形式及练习 9.现在进行时定义、形式及练习 10.一般将来时定义、形式及练习


法则 1 2 3 规律 一般情况下在名词后面直接+s,s在浊辅音后面读[z],在清辅音后面读[s]。 例子 book—books dog—dogs读[s] day—days tree— trees读[z]

以s、z、ch、sh等结尾的单词+es,读[iz]。 class-classes watch-watches box- boxes

brush-brushes 以o结尾的词有生命的+es,读[z]。 口诀:英雄吃土豆、番茄和芒果;无生命的+s,读[s]; 以两个元音字母结尾(其一必定是o)时+es,读[z]。 有生命:tomato-tomatoes 西红柿;potato-potatoes 土豆; mango-mangoes 芒果;hero-heroes英雄 无生命:photo-photos 相片;piano-pianos钢琴; radio-radios 以两个元音结尾的: zoo-zoos wife-wives(妻子); knife-knives(小刀); wolf-wolves(狼); thief-thieves(小偷); shelf-shelves (架子);life-lives(生命、生活); leaf-leaves(树叶); 辅音加y: story-stories city-cities family - families baby - babies 元音加y:boy -boys toy- toys key- keys man-men woman-women tooth-teeth(牙齿) foot-feet policeman-policemen mouse—mice 老鼠 child—children ox—oxen 公牛 deer- deer 鹿 sheep -sheep绵羊 fish-fish 鱼 Japanese-Japanese Chinese-Chinese physics 物理 maths 数学 politics 政治 news 新闻 people 人们 police 警察 public 公众 4 以f、fe结尾的名词,变f、fe为v+es,读[iz]。 口诀:妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌,躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光 以y 结尾的,如果y前面是辅音,把y 改为i,再加-es,读[z];如果y前面是元音,直接加s,读[s]。 有些名词有不规则的复数形式 5 6 7 有些名词的单复数形式相同 8 9 有些学科名词虽以s 结尾,但通常都做单数名词看待 有些单数形式的名词具有复数的含义,要当作复数看待 名词单数变复数专项练习


I _________ him _________this ___________her ______ watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______ day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________

tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____ thief _______yo-yo ______ peach______ sandwich ______ man______ woman_______ paper_______ juice___________ water________ milk________ rice__________ tea__________

二、判断正误。下例表述正确的,在题后横线上打“∨”,错误的改正并说明其错误原因。 1、sheeps_____ 2、buses_____ 3、my classmates's father_____ 4、a onion_____ 5、some boys_____ 6、five goose_____ 7、two womans_____ 8、the children's toys_________ 9、a map of China_____ 10、a paper_____

11、three bottle of water_____ 12、two babys_____ 13、peachs_____ 14、potatoes_____ 15、foxs_____ 16、some leafs_____ 17、photoes_____ 18、dogs_____ 19、the classroom's wall_____ 20、mouses_____ 三、写出下例名词的复数形式

1、monkey __________ 2、boy _______ 3、duck _____ 4、house_________ 5、bus ________ 6、lady_______ 7、sheep _________ 8、deer ________ 9、child_____ 10、foot _________ 11、tomato_________ 1 2、ox _____ 13、desk________ 14、window ________ 15、pencil_______ 16、dish _____ 17、film _______ 18、day _____ 19、plane _______ 20、month _________ 21、inch ________ 22、village ___________ 23、city ________ 24、family_______ 25、knife _______ 26、people ___________ 27、man _______ 28、thief _______ 29、chinese _______ 30、glass _______ 四、把下例各句改成复数形式。

1、This is a zoo.__________________________________________ 2、I am a good child.______________________________________

3、It is a greedy wolf._____________________________________ 4、He is drawing a mouse.____________________________________ 5、There is a baby on the floor.__________________________________ 五、用正确的名词形式填空

1、Lily and Lucy are my_______(classmate). 2、There are seven_______(sheep). 3、My uncle has two_______(child).

4、How many _______(subway)are there in ShenZhen? 5、Can you give me two bottles of_____(water). 6、I brush my_______(tooth)three times a day. 7、I have two_____(cup)of coffee for breakfast. 8、The____(leaf)turn green in spring.

9、There are some_____(policeman)in the police station. 10、The green sweater is his_______(brother). 六、选择正确的词填空

1、Those_____(fish\\fishes)are very beautiful. 2、Those hamburgers are____(Tom\\Tom's).

3、Nina is at_____(grandma's\\grandma).She went there yesterday. 6、My friend Edward has three_____(child\\children). 7、Do you like eating_____(rice\\rices)?

8、There are 4_____(tea\\cups of tea)on the desk. 9、How many____(wolfs\\wolves)are there? 10、I like____(chicken\\chickens)better than pork? 七、选择填空

()1、We have some____but we need some____. A.tomatos; potatos B.tomatoes; potatos.

C.tomatoes; potatoes D.tomatos; potatoes. ()2、The thief has two_____.

A.knife; B.knifes; C.knives; D.knifees; ()3、The lion has big_____.

A.teeth; B.tooth; C.tooths; D.toothes; ()4、-Can I help you? -yes,I'd like some_____. A.banana; B.pears; C.apple; D.lychee; ()5、Father has_____for breakfast.

A.two piece of bread; B.two pieces of bread; C.two pieces of breads; D.two piece of breads; ()6、I'm thirsty.I need_____to drink.

A.three bottle of juice; B.three bottle of juices; C.three bottles of juices; D.three bottles of juice; ()7、There are many_____.

A.banana trees; B.banana tree ; C.bananas trees; D.bananas tree; ()8、Lily bought_____for Mary's birthday. A.two pair of ugg boots; B.two pairs of uggs C.two pair of ugg boots; D.two pairs of ugg boots ()9、-How many_____can you see in the picture? -eight. A.sheep B.sheeps C.duck D.cow

()10、About ten_____are going to visit the Chinese Art Museum the day after tomorrow. A.Englishman B.German C. Japanese D.Indian ()11、This room is too small.Ican't find_____for myself. A.room B.a room C.rooms D.the room

