2019年高三英语一轮复习单元训练金卷(B)英语1 Units 3-5

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英语1 Units 3-5


第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)略 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Ways to travel

Modern life is impossible without travelling. The fastest way to travel is by air. With a modern plane you can travel in one day to places which took a month or more one hundred years ago.

Travelling by train is slower than by air, but it has its advantages(优势). You can see the country you are travelling in. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.

Some people prefer to travel by sea when it is possible. There are large lines and river boats with which you can visit many other countries and different places. Travelling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.

Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty miles a day, just as you like. You can stop wherever you wish: where there is something interesting to see, at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or a hotel to spend the night. That is why travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips, while people usually take a train or a plane when they are travelling on business. 21. From the passage we know that the fastest way to travel is _________. A. by car B. by train C. by plane D. by boat

22. The underlined word “They” in the passage refers to_________. A. modern trains in the country B. the travelers on modern trains C. comfortable seats and dining cars D. the slower ways to travel

23. How many ways to travel are mentioned in the passage? A. Five B. Six C. Three D. Four 【答案】21. C 22. C 23. D 【解析】

21. 细节理解题。由The fastest way to travel is by air.可知最快的旅行方式是乘坐飞机,选C。 22. 推理判断题。由Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining cars.可知They指的是舒适的座位和餐车,选C。

23. 计算题。文中提到了可供出行的方式有:乘飞机,乘火车,乘轮船,自己开车,所以一共有四种方式,选D。


Can you imagine being able to remember every single experience of your life and every word in your favorite book? That’s what Becky’s life is like.

Three years ago, Becky was reading a reading a newspaper article which mentioned that it was impossible for people to remember the details of their life in the first three years.

“What nonsense!” she thought, because she could clearly remember her life all the way back to when she was just 12 days old. Her parents had carried her to the driver’s seat of their car and laid her down for a photo. But it wasn’t nonsense. She was just one of only 80 known people suffering from a mysterious condition called HSAM(超忆症).

Becky’s unusual case was shown on a program called 60 Minutes, where reporter Allison tested her ability by asking her about her favorite book series, Harry Potter, Allison would pick up a book and open a page and read her a line. Immediately Becky would name the book, chapter number, copter name and could recite every word until Allison told her to stop.

Being able to remember every little detail is great, but as every HSAM suffer will tell you, it’s also tough to deal with it. We always forget things to get over sad experiences in our lives, but it’s something that people like Becky can’t do. Even walking on the street and lightly knocking into somebody can bring some me bad memories from Becky’s childhood. Also, like Becky, people with HSAM never do well in school, because they have problems picking up the important information from what they've learnt.

Becky’s great brain could help scientists find a cure for terrible mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症).Her condition could hold the secret to treating or even preventing


24. What did Becky do on 60 Minutes? A. She retold the story of Harry Potter. B. She recited the key part of Harry Potter. C. She answered any question about Harry Potter. D. She recited Harry Potter without opening her eyes. 25. To Becky, forgetting painful experiences of her life is . A. a heavy burden B. a happy thing C. a great ability D. a big chance

26. Why does Becky do poorly in her school work? A. She is always absent—minded in class. B. She feels sad every time she begins to study. C. She can't remember the important knowledge.

D. She is overloaded with information and can't tell which is important. 27. What does the author want to say in the last paragraph? A. There is a cure for Becky's illness.

B. Scientists have found a cure for Alzheimer’s. C. Becky will suffer from another mental illness.

D. Becky’s case is helpful for scientists to treat Alzheimer’s. 【答案】24. C 25. A 26. D 27. D 【解析】

24. 细节理解题。根据第三段的“….where reporter Allison tested her ability by asking her questions about her favorite book series”可知在这个节目里, 记者Allison测试Becky的记忆力,她主要询问贝基对《哈利?波特》系列丛书的记忆。贝基对她提出的任何问题都对答如流。选C。

25. 推理判断题。根据We always forget things to get over sad experiences in our lives, but it’s something that people like Becky can’t do. Even walking on the street and lightly knocking into somebody can bring some me bad memories from Becky’s childhood.可知对贝基来说,想要忘记生命中痛苦的经历是非常艰难的事情。选A。

26. 细节理解题。根据Also, like Becky, people with HSAM never do well in school, because they

have problems picking up the important information from what they've learnt.可知不管任何事情,贝基都记得一清二楚。这也让她的学习不好,因为她脑中储存了太多的信息,以至于让她对所学的重要书本知识的理解和提取有些困难。选D。

27. 推理判断题。根据Becky’s great brain could help scientists find a cure for terrible mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症).Her condition could hold the secret to treating or even preventing Alzheimer’s.可知贝基的案例有助于科学家找到治疗老年痴呆症的方法。选D。


The English language has a lot of words which can be used in many different ways and in many different expressions.

One such example is the word matter. In fact, matter can mean just about anything. It could be one of the most useful words in the English language.

Let’s get to the heart of the matter —a matter of principle(原则).

If someone says that you owe(欠) him $50, but you don’t, a friend might say, “Well, you could pay him the $50. It’s not that much money. Then you won’t have to hear him say it anymore. But if you do not owe him the money, do not pay him the money. It’s a matter of principle.

There is another way to use the word matter. But be careful with your choice of words. If you ask someone, “What’s the matter?”, it shows you are worried about the other person. But saying, “What’s the matter with you?” has a completely different meaning. And it usually sounds rude (粗鲁的). In fact, when you say, “What’s the matter with you?” you are suggesting that the person did something wrong or stupid.

Another expression that could sound rude is to say, “It doesn’t matter to me.” Here, it depends on the context, and how you say it. Let’s say you tell someone that a friend just got a big raise at work. That person answers with, “It doesn’t matter to me.” Here, it means he or she does not care. And it sounds rude.

But saying, “Oh, you pick where we eat dinner. It doesn’t matter to me.” does not sound rude. In this situation, “it doesn’t matter” shows you are easy-going(随和的).

No matter how you look at it and what you say, matter is a very useful word. And it’s only a matter of time before you will become an expert on the use of matter. 28. We can infer from the text that the word matter ________. A. has a wide use B. can mean money

C. is the most used English word D. has the most different expressions 29. What is the author’s suggestion in Paragraph 4? A. Every penny counts. B. Stick to what is right.

C. Follow your friend’s advice. D. Be careful when making friends. 30. The underlined word “context” in the text probably means“ A. choice B. person C. situation D. answer

31. The author develops the text mainly by ________. A. using examples B. giving instructions

C. describing his experiences D. discussing research findings 【答案】28. A 29. B 30. C 31. A 【解析】

28. 推理判断题。根据第一、二段的描述,再根据最后一段No matter how you look at it and what you say, matter is a very useful word. And it’s only a matter of time before you will become an expert on the use of matter.可知matter一词用法很广。故选A。

29. 推理判断题。根据第四段最后两句But if you do not owe him the money, do not pay him the money. It’s a matter of principle.如果你没有欠他的钱,就不要付给他钱,这是一个原则问题。因此他觉得在对的事情上要坚持自己的立场,不要轻易做出让步或改变。可知作者的建议是:坚持正确的。故选B。

30. 词义猜测题。根据倒数第二、三段举例说明It doesn’t matter to me.在不同的语境意思不同可知,该表达取决于上下文语境,故选C。

31. 写作手法题。根据文中用不同的例子来讲解matter的用法可知,作者主要是通过举例来展开全文的。故选A。


Most dogs hate being left at daycare (日托)一Not Riley! In fact, the five-year-old golden retriever(金毛寻回犬), who lives in Belmont, North Carolina, loves being at the Happy Dog Cafe & Boutique so much that he recently decided to pay the center a visit all by himself.

The chain of events began on May 6 when his owner, Tonia Mosteller, let Riley out in the backyard. But the pet had bigger plans than to relax and enjoy the warm spring afternoon. Earlier that day, Riley had run into his pals(朋友)who were spending the day at the Happy Dog Cafe &

Boutique, and wanted to be with them. Hence, as soon as he was alone, the dog lifted the gale latch (插销)and began the mile-long walk to the doggy daycare.

When Tonia returned a short time later, she found the backyard empty and the gate wide open. Fortunately, before she had time to panic, her husband called to let her know that Riley was safe and having the time of his life at his favorite daycare.

According to Teresa McCarter, owner of the centre, a customer had found Riley patiently sitting outside, just waiting to be let in. No sooner had Teresa opened the door than the golden retriever ran in to greet 26 of his best friends, who all seemed as thrilled to see him.

Tonia was not surprised that Riley knew exactly how to get to the daycare, given that he has been going there since he was a puppy. She was, however, amazed that he loved it enough to escape from the house. Though the Mostellers offered to pick Riley up, Teresa decided that if Riley had made the effort to get to the daycare on his own, the least she could do was allow him to enjoy a nice day with his pals.

32. What was Riley's bigger plan? A. To play with his friends at the centre. B. To relax himself in the backyard. C. To spend the warm afternoon alone. D. To walk himself in the warm afternoon. 33. From the passage we can infer that . A. Riley was badly treated at home B. Riley was a very smart dog C. other dogs often came to visit Riley D. Riley’s owner left the gate open

34. Where was Riley when a customer found him? A. He was outside his backyard. B. He was on the way to the centre. C. He was waiting outside the daycare. D. He was playing with the other dogs. 35. What made Tonia surprised was that . A. Riley knew the way to the doggy daycare

B. Riley was so thrilled lo see the other dogs C. Riley has been going there since he was a puppy D. Riley loved the centre so much to escape from home 【答案】32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D 【解析】

32. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “...Riley had run into his pals who were spending the day at the Happy Dog Cafe & Boutique, and wanted to be with them.”可知Riley 想去狗狗托管所和朋友们在一起。选A。

33. 推理判断题。根据第二段中的 “the dog lifted the gate latch and began the mile-long walk to the doggy daycare”可知Riley能弄开门的插销,判断它很聪明。选B。

34. 细节理解题。根据第四段中的 “...a customer had found Riley patiently sitting outside just waiting to be let in”可知一位客人发现Riley的时候,它正在狗狗托管所的门外面等着。选C。 35. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的 “She was, however, amazed that he loved it enough to escape from the house.”可知使她感到惊奇的是Riley那么喜欢托管所,以至于从家里逃了出来。选D。

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


How to Have a Good Teen Life

As a teenager, you'll be starting high school, making new friends, and most likely dating.__36____Then you can remember good things from the past when you are an adult. You will be an adult soon enough, but you will experience many different changes on the way!

◆Have a healthy social life. A healthy social life is the key to enjoying your life in spite of the stress of school. Shop with friends and enjoy buying clothes. Go to a theme park or take a few trips. Try to make at least two best friends. Go to pleasure ground, bowling, or teen clubs and such places.____37____ ◆Have hobbies at home. Sew, read, play computer games, draw, or do yoga._______38_______Get a Facebook account, but try not to get addicted to it. Make videos with your friends and post them on YouTube. Check online to see the hottest new music and the coolest new artists and songs of your type of choice. You don't have to be a an of pop music only; if you like

to listen to some nice relaxing smooth jazz or Bob Marley, go ahead. Be a fan of your favorite sports team.

◆___39____Always turn in your homework on time and do well in tests. Education is the most important thing in your life. Doing poorly, not trying, or dropping out of school can hurt your future in a significant way. If you are getting bad grades because you are struggling with something, get help.___40____ ◆Be creative. Show off your talents. Write music, write stories and poems, create cool drawings, learn how to create web pages and computer programs, create your own clothes, cook, bake, work on a car, play an instrument, etc. A. Think on your own. B. Study hard at school.

C. Find whatever you enjoy doing and do it. D. Make the best of it by taking the advice below.

E. But you have to work hard and learn from your mistakes.

F. This is the best way to communicate with other people around your age. G. But if you are lazy, it can affect your college opportunities in the future. 【答案】36.D 37.F 38.C 39.B 40.G 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I sat in my seat as my new grade six classmates found theirs. At the front of the class our new math teacher stood ___41___ us. The bell rang. “Welcome to a new school year. I’m Mr. Stevens and I’m sure I’ll learn all your names in no time.” He walked around the class __42___ math books. When he was done, he __43___ to the front of the class and looked at us. “What are you waiting for? Get started?” he said. We looked at him, ___44___. Wasn’t he going to teach us? “Is there something wrong with your ___45___? You’re not all deaf, are you?” A __46___ boy at the back of the class asked what we all wanted to know. “Mr. Stevens, aren’t you going to teach us?” Mr. Stevens ___47___, “You’re smart kids. Open your books and get down to it. If you have any ___48___ or any questions, raise your hand, and I’ll help

you.” We opened our books. Mr. Stevens helped anyone ___49___ had questions. He would stop to teach all the students ___50___ when we all had the same question. It was a ___51___ method of teaching, but it was very useful.

It was a __52___ point in my life. Mr. Stevens made me__53___ I was good at math and also able to reach the___54___ of any class I attended. I studied with his help until I graduated from middle school.

Monty Python’s Flying Circus was a popular television show back then. The actors ___55___ the best British humor (幽默) into our Canadian lives. Mr. Stevens would often act out one of their funny scenes (场景) in front of the class. Some thought he was strange, and I guess he was, __56___ he knew how to make a math lesson interesting.

I’ve carried his ___57___ with me all my life. Whenever I am faced with a new ___58___, I think of my first day in grade six math. ___59___ sitting and staring at the challenge, I just get ___60___ . Before I know it, the challenge has been settled. 41. A. waiting

B. watching

C. looking

D. revising D. handing out D. jumped D. relaxed D. body D. tough D. agreed D. event D. who D. since D. scientific D. embarrassing D. remember D. busiest D. admitted D. and D. discipline

42. A. picking up B. picking out 43. A. returned

B. waved

C. handing in C. exchanged C. puzzled C. eyes C. lucky

44. A. frightened B. bored 45. A. ears

B. hearts

46. A. clever 47. A. doubted

B. exhausted B. replied

C. explained C. promise C. where C. only

48. A. instruction B. trouble 49. A. which 50. A. even

B. when B. still

51. A. popular 52. A. turning 53. A. decide 54. A. top

B. strange C. disappointing C. moving C. wonder

B. interesting B. realize B. bottom

C. strongest C. brought C. so

55. A. reported 56. A. but

B. impressed B. however B. lesson

57. A. dream C. interest

58. A. chance 59. A. Besides 60. A. amazed 【答案】

B. challenge C. survey D. job D. Instead of D. organized

B. In other words C. As a result of B. encouraged

C. started

41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. D 47. B 48. B 49. D 50. C 51. B 52. A 53. B 54. A 55. C 56. A 57. B 58. B 59. D 60. C 【解析】

41. B考查动词。根据生活常识,可知新的数学老师站在那里观察着我们。wait后跟介词for,意思是等待,look后跟at,D项不与us搭配,故选B。

42. D 考查动词短语。由He walked around the class可知数学老师四处走动给学生分发新书。picking up拾起,picking out 挑选出,handing in 上交, handing out分发,故选D。

43. A考查动词。returned 返回,waved 挥手,exchanged 发完书之后,老师返回到教室前面。交换,jumped跳跃,故选A。

44. C 考查形容词。由Wasn’t he going to teach us?可知学生们都很疑惑为什么老师一直在看着我们,而不给我们上课。frightened害怕的,bored 无聊的, puzzled 困惑的, relaxed放松的,故选C。

45. A 考查名词。由You’re not all deaf, are you?可知老师问:“你们的耳朵有毛病吗?” ears 耳朵, hearts 内心, eyes 眼睛,body身体,故选A。

46. D考查形容词。由asked what we all wanted to know.可知后排的一个男孩问了大家都想知道的问题,所以作者认为他是勇敢的。clever 聪明的,exhausted 疲惫的, lucky 幸运的,tough坚强的。故选D。

47. B考查动词。由“You’re smart kids. Open your books and get down to it. If you have any ______ or any questions, raise your hand, and I’ll help you.”可知这是老师在回答那个男孩的问题。doubted怀疑, replied 回答, explained解释, agreed同意。故选B。

48. B 考查名词。由If you have any ____ or any questions, raise your hand可知如果遇到麻烦trouble与questions并列。instruction 指令, trouble 麻烦,promise 许或者问题,举手提问,诺,event事情。 故选B。

49. D 考查定语从句。______ had questions. 是一个定语从句,修饰先行词anyone,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,所以用who。

50. C 考查副词。even 只有当所有的学生对同一个问题产生疑问时,老师才同时给大家讲解。甚至, still 仍然,only 仅仅,since自从,故选C。

51. B 考查形容词。这种教学方法很奇怪,但是很有效。popular 受欢迎的, strange 奇怪的, disappointing 令人失望的, scientific科学的,故选B。

52. A 考查固定短语。由Mr. Stevens made me______ I was good at math and also able to reach the______ of any class I attended.可知这是我生命的一个转折点。a turning point转折点,故选A。

53. B 考查动词。史蒂芬老师让作者意识到自己也是比较擅长数学的并且有能力成为班里的优秀生。decide决定,realize 意识到,wonder 想知道,remember记得。 故选B。

54. A 考查名词。史蒂芬老师让作者意识到自己也是比较擅长数学的并且有能力成为班里的优秀生。top 顶部,bottom 底部, strongest 最强壮的,busiest最繁忙的,故选A。 55. C考查动词。演员们把最好的英式幽默带到了加拿大人的生活里。reported 报道,impressed 印象深刻, brought 带来,admitted承认,故选C。

56. A考查连词。史蒂芬老师是个怪人,但是,他知道如何把数学课变得有趣。but 但是,however然而,so 所以, and和,故选A。

57. B 考查名词。由______ he knew how to make a math lesson interesting.可知作者一直把老师讲的课带在身边。dream 梦想, lesson 课,interest兴趣,discipline纪律,故选B。 58. B 考查名词。由______ sitting and staring at the challenge可知这里指作者遇到新的挑战。chance 机会,challenge挑战,survey调查, job工作,故选B。

59. D考查固定短语。Besides 此外, In other 作者不是坐着凝视挑战,而是选择了行动起来。words 换句话说, As a result of 作为……的结果,Instead of而不是,故选D。

60. C考查动词。作者不是坐着凝视挑战,而是选择了行动起来。amazed 吃惊, encouraged 鼓励,started 开始, organized组织。


第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 I have even wondered if money buys happiness. It seems that money will allow me to buy

the things____61____make me happy. But one day I sat down and made a list of the things I wanted____62____(do) in my life. I realized I’d never put much thought into it. I’d written down these things —like taking a photo on the mountain and staying at a hotel in Dubai, but I didn’t really plan to do it, ____63____ (simple) because I didn't have the time. My life consisted ____64____ heading to the office, running on the road, working some more …It didn’t matter if my salary doubled; the life would stay ___65____same. Sure I’d probably drive a ___66____ (nice) car, move into a bigger place, and have a bigger TV than my friends, but that wasn't helping me realize any of my goals.. Six months after___67____ (create) that list, my belief has changed. I’d keep working on my list, for ____68____ (experience) were much more important than any of the material items. It’s not hard to create opportunity for ____69____ (you). All it ____70____ (take) is a little creative thinking. 【答案】61. that/which 62. to do 63. simply

66. nicer





增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


To show our love for poor kids lived in earthquake-hit areas, our school hold a special activity recently in our school lecture hall. Its purpose was to making sure those poor kids have a warm winter. All the teachers and students in our school took an actively part in this activity. We gave away 400 pieces of clothes and 200 pairs of shoe altogether. After be sorted, they will be sent to those in the need. I believe what they did will make a great difference to those poor kids. Although we all learn to care for others, the world will be more comfortable to live. 【答案】

64. of

65. the 70.

67. creating 68. experiences 69. yourself

