高中英语外研版必修一预习(学案)检测 附答案

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外研版必修一 预习检测

Module One


1. His idea received an ________ (热烈的) response.

2. His _________ (惊人的) intelligence led him to make many discoveries.

3. Be sure to follow your teacher’s _________ (指示) while doing an experiment.

4. She gave a vivid ________(描述) of her motherland.

5. People at the party were _________(尴尬的) when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself.

6.She shows a very positive __________(态度) towards her work.

7. Someday you will answer for your foolish ________(行为).

8.In _______(从前) times, I didn’t realize how valuable his advice was.

9.She was deeply ________(印象) with the scenery in Guilin.

10. Praise acts as an _________(鼓励) to the young.

II. 将下列句子译成汉语,注意其中的斜体部分。

1. What are the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High school?


2. Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. _______________________________________________

3. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class!


4. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.


5. The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second January through May.



1. I learned that the earth 2. Every few weeks, his parents (come) to the school to visit his headteacher on Sunday, but they didn’t this week.

3. Would you please keep silent? The sports news _________( broadcast) and I want to listen.

4. His grandparents _____(live) in America. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.

5. —You’d better finish your homework before going out.

—But my classmates ______(wait) for me.

Module One 参考答案

I. 1. enthusiastic 2. amazing 3. instructions 4. description 5. embarrassed 6. attitude 7. behavior 8. previous 9. impressed 10. encouragement

II. 1. 高中和初中的主要差别是什么?

2. 沈老师的教学方法和初中老师的教学方法一点也不一样。

3. 我想在沈老师的课堂上我不会感到枯燥。

4. 也就是说,女生的数量是男生的三倍。

5. 一学年分为两个学期,第一学期从九月份到十二月份,第二学期从一月份到五月份。 III. 1. goes 2. come 3. is being broadcast 4. live 5. are waiting


I. 根据所给的汉语释义,写出单词的正确形式。

1. When the head teacher asks us to do something, we do it _________ (立即)!

2. The new teacher soon won the ______(尊重)of his students.

3. We _________(感激) your efforts for the development of the company.

4. I’ve never got _________ (紧张的) at an English examination.

5. The party was well ________ (有组织的) and turned out to be a success.

6. My father is lively and ________(精力充沛), but he is a little impatient.

7. Their accounts of the elephant is _________(完全) wrong.

8. I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _________(耐心).

9. I like teachers who are ______(有趣的) and can laugh with their students.

10. In view of our long-standing _________(关系), we agree to allow you a discount. II. 将下列句子译成汉语,注意其中的斜体部分。

1. She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!


2. I’ll do well in the exam in the exam with Mrs. Chen teaching me.


3. I’d rather do “Life in the Future.”


4. I’d prefer to do “Travel”.


5. The same is true of Russia.



1. I still remember ______ (take) to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.

2. I can hardly imagine Peter______ (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean in 15 days.

3. When I caught him cheating me, I stopped ______ (buy) things in his shop.

4. A doctor can expect______ (call) at any hour of the day or night.

5. The old lady came to the police station and claimed ______(rob) of her purse when she was shopping.

Module Two 参考答案

I. 1. immediately 2. respect 3. appreciate 4. nervous 5. organized 6. energetic 7. completely 8. patience 9. amusing 10. relationship

II. 1. 她把英语语法讲得清晰明了,连我都能听懂。

2. 有陈老师教我,我会在考试中考好的。

3. 我宁愿选择“未来的生活”。

4. 我更愿意选择“旅行”。

5. 俄罗斯的情况也是如此。

III. 1. being taken 2. sailing 3. buying 4. to be called 5. to have been robbed



1. She is an_______(专家) in training animals.

2. We were lost in the forest and had to find a (an) ______ (废弃的) house to live in that night.

3. Petrol is the most important _______ (产品) of many Middle-East countries.

4. There is a shortage of _______ (受过培训的) nurses.

5. From the _______(卡通) we can see that the environment is seriously polluted.

6. On his way _______(市区), Jim looked in on his aunt.

7. Always maintain eye contact with the ______(主考官) when applying for a job.

8. Every year, we vacation in the mountains and enjoy the beautiful _________(景色).

9. They _______(惊吓) the white bird away by rising to their feet suddenly.

10. This exciting football match was held in the ________(体育馆) of our city.


1. Where do you think most of the people live, in the central part of the country or on the coast? ______________________________________________________________________________

2. We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.


3. Would you mind showing me your pass?


4. Would you mind if I sat here?


5. The fact is that it’s out of date.

_______________________________________________________________________________ III.阅读下列句子,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. The man ______ (suspect) of shooting six school children was caught by Beijing police, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Friday. 2. There have been several new events ______ (add) to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

3. The disc, digitally ______ (record) in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.

4. Don’t use words, expressions, or phrases ______ (know) only to people with specific knowledge.

5. From his ______ (excite) expression, I know our team won the match.

Module Three 参考答案

I. 1. expert 2. abandoned 3. product 4. trained 5. cartoon 6. downtown 7. interviewer

8. scenery 9. frightened 10. stadium

II. 1. 你认为多数人生活在哪里,在这个国家的中部还是沿海?

2. 我们看到了建于一百多年前的弃置的农场。

3. 请出示你的乘车证好吗?

4. 你介意我坐在这儿吗?

5. 事实是这(票)过期了。

III. 1. suspected 2. added 3. recorded 4. known 5. excited



1. More and more foreign 游客) come to visit China every year.

2. Sally finds it really difficult to __________(存活下来) on £120 a week in London.

3. Have you been __________ (失业的) for a year or more?

4. Many people come to visit the (吸引人的) West Lake all the year round.

5. He did not mean to abandon the ring; he just couldn’t ________(买得起) it.

6. What’s the __________(租金) for this house now?

7. A strange boat was __________(靠近) the shore.

8. Tom looks __________(相当地) tired.

9. They work in the new financial __________(区域).

10. Would you like to be on the ___________(委员会) when you are older?


1. It’s been six years since we last saw each other.


2. And this is the first time I’ve visited your hometown.


3. You don’t really see tourists where I live.


4. I’m starving!


5. What’s the climate like?

III. 阅读下列句子,用括号中所给动词的适当时态填空。

1.Mr Smith (be) back to China twice since 2010.

2.He ’s economy is still going down.

4.Don’t get off the bus until it 5.Tom (make) much progress in his learning of Chinese.

6.Jim ’t heard from him ever since.

7.We have been good friends since we 8.I usually sleep indoors, but I (sleep) outdoors last night.

9.I (recognise) Tom although I hadn’t seen him for 6 years.

10.He (offer) me 200 hundred yuan for the bike, which made me very angery.

Module Four 参考答案

I. 1. tourists 2. survive 3. unemployed 4. attractive 5. afford 6. rent 7. approaching 8. pretty

9. district 10. committee

II. 1.我们已经有六年没见面了。





III. 1.has been 2.has taught 3.have been taken 4.has stopped 5.has made 6.went 7.were 8.slept 9. recognised 10.offered


I. 根据所给的汉语释义,写出单词的正确形式。

1. ___________(氧气) is a gas in the air that has no smell or taste, and that all animals depend on to breathe.

2. The water froze inside the pipe, causing it to _________(膨胀) and burst.

3. The issue was only raised in the closing _________(阶段) of the election campaign.

4. Oil will ______ (漂浮) on water.

5. I don’t know who invented the ________(电动的) bike, but it’s really a most wonderful invention.

6. We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her _______(普通的) clothes.

7. A computer is the most important piece of ________ (设备) you will buy.

8. He looked at her with a ________(混合) of amusement and despair.

9. After graduating from the English __________(系) of Beijing Normal University,he became a teacher.

10. Claire seemed ____________(吃惊的) that I should think such a thing.


1. Metals expand when they are heated.


2. Two-thirds of the earth’s surface is water.


3. I think the Yangtze River is about three times as long as the Songhua River.


4. The more books I read, the more information I learn.


5. Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances.


(big) than that one.

2. The more tickets you sell, the 4. He is the 5. She is not (generous) than her younger sister.

Module Five 参考答案

I. 1. Oxygen 2. expand 3. stage 4. float 5. electric 6. ordinary 7. equipment 8. mixture

9. Department 10. astonished

II. 1.金属遇热会膨胀。





III. 1.bigger 2.more 3.harder 4.taller 5.more generous


I. 根据所给的汉语释义,写出单词的正确形式。

1. Medicine should not be kept where it is ___________(容易取得的) to children.

2. I slipped on the ice and fell _____________(向一边地).

3. You’d better avoid food(包含)fat so that you can keep slim.

4. Cats and dogs have quite different natures. Dogs like company, cats are ___________(独立的).

5. The ten most ____________(频繁地) asked questions are listed below.

6. It's illegal to read people's private letters without _________(允许).

7. Two of his friends came to his ____________(保护).

8. Stop talking and ______________(集中精力) on your work.

9. You can apply for a patent for your ________(发明).

10. If there is something wrong with your car, you can go to a car ______________(故障) service. II. 将下列句子译成汉语,注意其中的斜体部分。

1. Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army.


2. Two percent of total population of China have access to the Internet, compared with 45% in the USA and 15% in Japan.


3. In China, the number of Internet users was 55 million in 2002, which rose to 125million in 2003.


4. It would be much better if we spent the time working on a computer.


5. What do you think these text messages mean?

III. 阅读下列句子,在句中的空白处填入适当的冠词。

1. The panda is bamboo—eating animal which lives in China.

2. This is picture I told you about. Isn’t it beautiful one?

3. Would you like knife and fork, or would you rather use chopsicks, sir?

4. Tom’5. developed should give more help to developing.

Module Six 参考答案

I. 1. accessible 2. sideways 3. containing 4. independent 5. frequently

6. permission 7. defense 8. concentrate 9. invention 10. breakdown II. 1. 贝尔纳斯·李让人人,而不仅仅是大学和军队,使用计算机成为可能。

2. 中国2%的人口使用因特网,与之相比,美国是45%,日本是15%。

3. 中国因特网的用户在2002年是五千五百万,在2003年就上升到了一亿两千五百万。

4. 如果我们用电脑工作,那就更好了。

5. 你认为这些短信表示什么意思呢?

III. 1. a 2. the; a 3. a 4. a; an 5. The; the

