3300 课件 33

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3300 课件 33 3201-3300

3201. ____ is not contained in the muster list. A. The details of how the order to abandon ship is given

B. The details of the general emergency alarm signal, the fire alarm signal and the public address system

C. The substitutes for key persons who may become disabled

D. The various fire sections (防火分区) enclosed by A Class divisions(A级分隔) ?3202. Except for N-S courses, and E-W courses on the equator, a great circle track | between two points, when compared to a rhumb line track | between the same two points, will _____. A. always be nearer to the equator

B. always be nearer to the elevated pole(仰极,天极)

C. be nearer to the pole in the Northern Hemisphere and nearer to the equator in the Southern Hemisphere

D. be nearer to the pole or the equator depending on the latitudes of the arrival and departure positions


3203. _______ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual (文字的)and diagrammatic (图表的) explanations of the five types of marks: lateral, cardinal, isolated danger, safe water and special marks. A. Ocean Passages for the World (NP136)

B. Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts, Chart 5011 C. IALA Maritime Buoyage System (NP735) D. The Mariners Handbook (NP100)


3204. You are 5 m off a pier and docking a vessel | using only a bow and stern breast line. Once the slack (松弛)is out of both lines | you begin to haul in on the bow breast line. What is the


effect on the vessel?

A. The bow will come in and the stern will go out

B. The bow will come in and the stern will remain the same distance off the pier C. The whole ship moves toward the dock

D. The stern will come in and the bow will remain the same distance off the pier


3205. The painter (系艇索,艇首缆) | which is to be attached to the thwart (横座板) of a lifeboat | should ________.

A. be fitted at the end with an approved safety shackle

B. have a long eye splice at the end, and a shackle and pin should be attached to the painter with a lanyard

C. have a long eye splice at the end, and a hardwood toggle (套环,肘结)should be attached to the thwart with (用) a lanyard(收紧索)

D. be fitted with a swivel and quick-releasing pelican hook

要连接到救生艇横座板的艇首缆应该有个长眼环,硬木肘环应用收紧索连接于横座板。 3206. Denial (拒绝) of entry into port or expulsion (驱逐) from port | shall only be imposed(强加) where the officers | duly authorized by the Contracting Government | have clear grounds (有明确的理由)to believe | that the ship poses _______ to the security or safety of persons, or of ships or other property and there are no other appropriate means for removing that threat. A. an immediate threat B. relative hazard

C. big risk D. absolute damage


3207. You have been observing your radar screen and notice that a contact (物标) on the screen | has remained in the same position, relative to you, for several minutes. Your vessel is making 10 knots through the water. Which statement is TRUE? A. The contact is dead in the water

B. The contact is on the same course and speed as your vessel


C. The contact is on a reciprocal course at the same speed as your vessel D. The radar is showing false echoes and is probably defective

3208. Which of the following need NOT be entered in the Official Logbook?

A. The testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators at least once each month | the vessel is navigated

B. The testing of storage batteries for emergency lighting and power systems once each 6 months the vessel is navigated

C. The actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a port D. The testing of the line-throwing appliance once every 3 months

3209. Every existing product carriers (成品油船) of 40,000 tons deadweight and above | shall be provided with segregated ballast tanks and shall comply with the specified requirements(专门规定), or, alternatively(作为一种选择), operate with _______ in accordance with the convention. A. crude Oil Washing

C. cargo tank cleaning system D. oil record book

B. dedicated clean ballast tanks


3210. ______ anything | provided for in Clause 7 and 8 of this bill of lading and subject to Clause 17,| if it can be proved | where the loss or damage occurred | the carrier and the merchant shall, | as to the liability of the carrier, | be entitled to require such liability to be determined | by the provisions | contained in any relevant international convention or national law. A. Notwithstanding (尽管 介词) B. Whatsoever 任何

C. Whereabout 下落,在何处 D. Nevertheless (然而‘连接副词)


3211. You are on watch and the Pilot has the conn. The Master has temporarily gone below. The Pilot orders a course change | which you are certain | will put the vessel into imminent danger. Your first action should be to _________.

A. countermand (反对命令,不执行命令)the order and immediately notify the Master


B. make an appropriate entry in the deck log concerning the Pilot's order C. immediately call the Master and await further orders from him D. immediately sound a short ring on the general alarm 3212. Which statement about immersion suits is TRUE?

A. Prior to abandonment, the suit allows body movement such as walking, climbing a ladder and picking up small objects

B. The immersion suit seals in body heat and provides protection against hypothermia for weeks C. The suit is flameproof (阻燃) and provides protection to the wearer while swimming through burning oil

D. The wearer of the suit is severely restricted and requires twice the time to climb a ladder than without the suit

3213. Your vessel is damaged and is listing to port. The rolling period is short. There is sufficient freeboard so that deck edge submersion is not a problem. What corrective action should be taken FIRST | in regard to the vessel' s stability?

A. Press up any slack double-bottom tanks to eliminate free surface B. Flood any empty double-bottom tanks to add weight low and down C. Jettison topside weights to reduce KG and KB D. Shift any off-center weights from port to starboard

3214. While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf, a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel's bow lines to part(断开). The bow begins to fall away from (脱离) the dock, and no tugs are immediately available. Which measure (s) should you take FIRST? A. Call the Master and the deck gang(舱面人员)

B. Slip the stem lines, let the vessel drift into the river, and then anchor C. Let go the starboard anchor

D. Obtain assistance and attempt to put some new bow lines out

3215. How can rescue personnel detect | that a SART is transmitting in the immediate vicinity? A. The SART' s blips(光点回波)on the PPI | will begin arcing (形成弧线) and eventually become concentric circles (同心圆)

B. The DSC unit will react to the SART's signal and respond with the two-tone alarm

C. The SART can provide an approximate location to within a two nautical mile radius, per IMO



D. The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes as the effect of heavy swells on a SART


3216. You are on a vessel | that cannot comply with the spacing (间隔) requirement for masthead lights. What is required in this situation?

A. The vessel must carry only the lights that comply with the rules; the others may be omitted B. The vessel's lights must comply as closely as possible, as determined by her government C. The vessel must be altered to permit full compliance with the rules

D. An all-round light should be substituted for the after masthead light and the stern light 你在一艘不符合桅灯间距要求的船上。在这种情况下,要求什么?船舶灯号必须尽可能符合其政府的要求。

3217. A block and tackle is \rove to advantage\ A. blocks have been overhauled

B. hauling parts of two tackles are attached

C. hauling part(拉动部分)leads through the movable block(动滑车) D. hauling part leads through the standing block


3218. What is the most appropriate action | for a GMDSS radio operator to take | in a distress situation | where immediate help is needed, but the vessel is not sinking nor needs to be abandoned?

A. Switch off EPIRB and SART manually

B. Transmit distress call by MF/HF, VHF or INMARSAT(国际海事通信卫星) C. Notify the RCC through VHF FM on channel 13

D. Transmit distress call by activating the radiotelegraph automatic alarm signal

在需要立即援助、但船舶还没下沉,也不需要弃船的遇险情况下,GMDSS无线电操作员采取的正确的行动是什么?用中频/高频,甚高频或国际海事通信卫星发送遇险呼叫。 3219. Which statement is TRUE, according to the Rules?

A. A vessel | not under command | shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver


B. A vessel | not under command | shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft

C. A vessel | constrained by her draft | shall keep out of the way of a vessel | engaged in fishing D. A vessel | engaged in fishing while underway | shall, so far as possible, keep out of the way of a vessel | restricted in her ability to maneuver

3220. You are plotting a running fix. The LOP (line of position)| to be run forward | is an arc from a radar range, what technique should be used?

A. The arc should be converted into a straight line using offsets and then run forward B. An arc should never be run forward

C. The position of the object | observed | should be advanced swung (摆动)| using the radius of the old arc

D. The distance between LOP's should be added to the radar range and a new arc swung


3221. At sea, you are approaching a small vessel and see | that it has the signal flag P hoisted. What should you do?

A. Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is stopped and making no way through the water

B. Keep clear of the vessel because it has a diver down

C. Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because someone on board requires medical assistance

D. Approach with caution | because the vessel is a fishing vessel and its nets are fouled on an obstruction

3222. A twin-screw vessel | with a single rudder | is making headway. The engines are full speed ahead. There is no wind or current. Which statement is FALSE?

A. If one screw is stopped, the ship will turn toward the side of the stopped screw

B. The principal force | which turns the ship | is set up by the wake against the forward side of the rudder

C. Turning response (转船力矩,转向回应)by use of the rudder only | is greater than on a single-screw vessel


D. With the rudder amidships, the ship will steer a fairly steady course


3223. You are Master of a towing vessel | engaged in towing three barges astern. | The middle barge of the tow would be required to sound which of the following | during restricted visibility? A. No fog signal

B. A prolonged blast at intervals never to exceed more than two minutes

C. A prolonged blast followed by two short blasts at intervals never to exceed more than two minutes

D. A prolonged blast followed by three short blasts at intervals never to exceed more than one minute

3224. You are advised to enter the traffic route | at about 1730 hours, because a vessel is scheduled to enter at the time | when you intended to enter. What can you understand from this seaspeak(国际航海用语)?

A. It' s a warning of navigation for my vessel

B. It's an advice from Port Control (港口调度) to order my vessel not enter the traffic route of the harbor

C. It's an advice to change my estimated time of entering the traffic route D. It's an order from the VTS to indicate my vessel to follow the traffic route


3225. Which statement | about entry into a water ballast tank | that has been sealed for a long time | is TRUE?

A. A \(好友系统)\B. Sea water acts on the ship's metal and generates chlorine gas (氯气) which may accumulate in poisonous quantities

C. You should always wear a gas mask

D. After ventilation and testing, and the tank is found safe for entry, someone should stand by at the tank entrance while you are inside

?3226. When using horizontal sextant angles of three objects | to fix your position, an


indeterminate(不确定的)position | will result in which situation? A. The objects lie in a straight line

B. The vessel is inside of a triangle formed by the objects C. The vessel is outside of a triangle formed by the objects D. A circle will pass through your position and the three objects


3227. Your vessel is damaged, and there is no list or trim. The rolling period is short. The freeboard before the damage was 3.7 meters. It is now reduced to 1 meter. Which action would you take FIRST?

A. Press up a slack centerline double bottom tank B. Pump out an amidships centerline ballast tank

C. Transfer ballast from the peak tanks to an amidships centerline tank D. Pump out the marine portable tank located on the starboard side amidships

3228. Which of the following is the chief problem | encountered when surging synthetic mooring lines (溜缆)on the gypsy head (绞缆筒)during mooring operations? A. The lines may jam and then jump off the gypsy head

B. If there is sudden strain on the line, the man tending the line may be pulled into the gypsy head C. The line's surging may cause the vessel to surge

D. The heat | generated | may cause the lines to temporarily fuse to the gypsy head


3229. Your ship is listing 4° to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefighting water (自由液面) in the hull. The ship is trimmed down by the head | with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Which action should you take FIRST?

A. Press up the slack NO. 1 starboard double bottom tank B. Pump out the forepeak tank

C. Eliminate the water in the tween decks aft D. Jettison stores out of the paint locker in the fo' c' sle



英尺,你应采取什么行动?将首尖舱水排掉。 3230. Which statement | concerning current | is TRUE?

A. Current can be determined by measuring the direction and distance between simultaneous EP and DR positions

B. The drift of the current (流速)| should be averaged out (算出平均值)on a one hour basis(流速应基于每小时的平均值)

C. After the current is determined, it should not be used for further plotting because it is an unknown variable

D. The distance between a simultaneous DR position and Fix is equal to the drift of the current 3231. A breeches buoy (连裤救生圈,连裤救生吊索) is being rigged | from the shore to a stranded vessel. The initial shot line (抛绳)| to the vessel | is normally made fast to a _______. A. hawser which is used to pass a tail-block and whip to the vessel B. hawser with breeches buoy and harness(挽具状带字)attached

C. hawser which should be made fast to the vessel below the intended location of the tail-block D. tail-block (带索滑车)and whip(吊车索,滑车索)| which may be used to pass a hawser to the vessel

3231-breeches buoy


3232. The action | necessary to transfer the steering control (转向控制) from the wheelhouse (驾驶室) to local control (机旁控制)| in order to use the steering gear(舵机) room trick wheel(操纵轮), | is to ________.

A. align the trick wheel to the rudder angle position B. set the six-way control valve in the trick wheel position C. open the power transfer switch before engaging the trick wheel


D. always place the rudder in the midship position to engage the trick wheel


3233. How can vessel personnel detect the operation of a SART in its vicinity?

A. A unique radar signal consisting of a blip (亮点)code | radiating outward from a SART's position along its line of bearing

B. A unique two tone \

C. A unique two tone alarm signal | heard upon the automatic unmuting(非静音) of the 2182 kHz radiotelephone automatic watch receiver

D. The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes as the effect of heavy swells on the SART


3234. A conscious victim | who has suffered a blow to the head | has symptoms | that indicate the possibility of concussion(震荡)|. If the patient feels no indication of neck or spine (脊椎) injury, recommended treatment | would include _____.

A. turning the victims' s head to the side to keep his airway open B. positioning the victim so the head is lower than the body C. giving the victim water if he is thirsty, but no food

D. elevating (抬高)the head and shoulders slightly | with a pillow


3235. You are approaching another vessel and see that she has the signal flag \should you do?

A. Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is stopped and making no way through the water

B. Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because she is disabled

C. Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because someone on board requires medical assistance

D. Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is declaring that she is healthy and


requests free pratique

3236. You are on a large vessel | fitted with a right-handed controllable-pitch (可变螺距) propeller | set at maximum forward pitch (前移距)|. Which statement about reversing is TRUE? A. When the pitch(螺距)is reversed, the stern will slew to port even with headway

B. The vessel will respond to the rudder until sternway is developed, then the stem will slew (回转)to starboard

C. There will probably be a loss of steering control

D. The vessel will have full rudder control throughout the speed change from ahead to astern 你在一艘装有可变螺距螺旋桨的大型船舶上,螺旋桨设定为最大前移距,关于倒车,哪项是对的?有可能失去舵效控制。

3237. Buoys are marked with reflective material to assist in their detection by searchlight. Which statement is TRUE?

A. A safe-water buoy will display red and white vertical stripes of reflective material B. All reflective material is white because it is the most visible at night

C. A special-purpose mark will display either red or green reflective material to agree with its shape

D. A preferred-channel buoy displays either red or green reflective material | to agree with(与一致)the top band (横条纹)of color

3238. Your-vessel is equipped with totally enclosed lifeboats. Which statement is TRUE when the boat is enveloped (包围)in flames?

A. The ventilators will automatically close by the action of fusible links

B. The motor takes its air supply from outside the lifeboat to prevent asphyxiation of the crew C. A water spray system to cool the outside of the boat is operated by a high-volume manual pump D. An air tank will provide about ten minutes of air for the survivors and the engine

3239. You are approaching an open drawbridge (吊桥)and sound the proper signal. You receive no acknowledgment from the bridge. Which action should you take? A. Approach with caution and proceed through the open draw

B. Approach under full control to a position no closer than 400 yards from the bridge and await a signal from the bridge

C. Hold in the channel as a vessel is closing the bridge from the other direction


D. Resound the opening signal and do not pass through the bridge until signals have been exchanged

3240. Which statement | about stopping a vessel is TRUE?

A. A lightly laden vessel requires as much stopping distance as a fully laden vessel when the current is from astern

B. A vessel is dead in the water when the back wash (回流) from astern operation reaches the bow

C. A tunnel bow thruster can be used in an emergency to reduce the stopping distance

D. When a vessel is dead in the water | any speed | displayed by Doppler log | reflects the current 关于停船,那个选项是对的?船在水中静止不动时,计程仪显示的任何速度反应的是流速。 3241. You are on a 50.3 meters long vessel with a draft of 2.7 meters and twin screws. Which statement | about rescuing a survivor in the water | with (用)ship pickup (船上人员救助设备)is TRUE?

A. You should stop to windward of the man and drift down on him

B. You should stop with the man on your weather beam (上风舷) and twist (曲折前进)the ship up to him

C. A pickup off the weather bow (上风首舷)gives maximum maneuverability with the least possibility of injury to the man

D. Ship pickup should never be used with a shallow draft vessel


3242. Besides saving distance | along the track line(航迹线), another advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the Willamson Turn | in a man overboard situation | is that ___________. A. it is faster

B. it can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situations

C. in fog, if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over, the vessel will be at the point where he went over when the turn is completed


D. it returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course


3243. If a GMDSS radio operator initiates a DSC distress transmission but does not insert (插入)a message, what happened?

A. The transmission is aborted(终止)and an alarm sounds to indicate this data must be provided by the operator

B. The transmission is not initiated (发起)and \(读出器)

C. The transmission will be made with \(默认)\ D. The receiving station will poll(剪切)the DSC unit of the vessel in distress to download the necessary information


3244. Your vessel is damaged and on an even keel. There is no trim. The freeboard is reduced to less than 1 foot. The rolling period is very long, and the vessel is sluggish in returning (回位)from a roll. Which action would you take FIRST to improve stability? A. In calm seas lower the lifeboats to the water and keep them alongside B. Rig the jumbo boom and use it to jettison heavy deck cargo C. Press up a centerline double bottom that is now filled to 15% capacity D. Pump out the peak tanks simultaneously

3245. Your vessel has anchored in a channel | known to have strong tidal currents. To check your position | you take a round of (一连串的)bearings, | one of which is a range in line(成一线的一组). One hour later | the bearing on the lights | in range | opens up(错开). This indicates the ship is _____. A. swinging B. dredging her anchor

C. taking bearings of the lights D. taking distances of the lights


3246. You are on watch entering port while the pilot has the conn. The pilot gives a steering


command to the helmsman | who partially repeats the command. You should immediately ___. A. repeat the Pilot' s command and ensure that the helmsman repeats it completely B. ask the Pilot to repeat the command since the helmsman failed to hear it completely C. observe the helmsman’s wheel action to be sure that it complies with the Pilot' s command D. ignore the helmsman’ s response as long as it was close to what the Pilot ordered

3247. You are on a containership. Which statement about the stowage of hazardous materials in containers | is TRUE?

A. The containers provide automatic segregation of hazardous materials except for Class l explosives

B. All packages within a container must be marked This End Up to indicate the correct stowage C. A refrigerated container | with a fuel tank (燃油柜)| containing a flammable liquid | must be stowed on deck

D. Packages of liquids within a container should be stowed on top of packages of solids to prevent crushing

3248. Admiralty Total Tide ____.

A. an on-line tidal prediction service provided by the UKHO and intended primarily for the leisure mariner

B. does not permit the mariner to select and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to seven days

C. does not include periods of daylight and nautical twilight, moon phases and a springs and neaps indicator

D. is a PC-based tidal prediction program | which uses the same prediction algorithms(算法) and Harmonic Constants (调和常数)as the Admiralty Tide Tables


3249. A tropical cyclone has recurved(折回)and entered temperate latitudes(中纬地区). In the Northern Hemisphere | when a large high pressure system lies north of the storm, what situation may occur?

A. The low may suddenly deepen, and the cyclone intensify and pick up speed B. The left semicircle may become the dangerous semicircle


C. The low and the high may merge and cancel out the weather characteristics of each D. The high may force the cyclone to reverse its track

?3250. An indirect radar echo (间接雷达回波) is caused by a reflection (反射) of the main lobe(主瓣)of the radar beam | off the observer's vessel. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of indirect echoes?

A. Their bearing is almost constant, even when the true bearing of the contact changes appreciably(明显地,相当地)

B. They always appear on a bearing of 90° from the true bearing of the contact(物标) C. The indirect echoes usually appear in shadow sectors

D. When plotted, their movements are usually abnormal(不正常的)


3251. Fire protection and manning regulations | for towing vessels | state | that the Master or person in charge | must ensure that all crew members | who have not participated in (参加) the drills or received the safety orientation (安全初步培训)| ______.

A. receive a safety orientation or view a videotape before the vessel gets underway B. view a videotape on safety procedures within 48 hours of reporting for duty C. receive a safety orientation within 24 hours of reporting for duty D. report to captain

拖带船的消防保护和配员规则规定船长或负责人必须保证还未参加演习或还未接受初步安全培训的所有船员在报到任职24小时内接受初步安全培训。 3252. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding AIS?

A. The master may, at his/her discretion(自行决定), turn off the AIS if he/she believes that it may compromise (危害)the safety or security of the vessel

B. Under no circumstances shall AIS be turned off while underway as this could endanger the vessel and those around her

C. AIS is always required to be operating if the vessel is in or in the vicinity of a VTS area D. AIS is always required to be operating if the vessel is within 100 nautical miles of the coastline 如果船长认为AIS会危害本船的安全或保安,他可以自行决定关闭AIS。

3253. In stopping distances (停车距离) of vessels, head reach (冲程)can best be described


as the ______.

A. difference between the vessel' s speed through the water at any instant and the new speed ordered on the telegraph

B. distance the vessel has actually run through the water since a change of speed was ordered C. distance | the vessel will run | between taking action to stop her and being stationary in the water

D. speed at which a vessel should proceed to ensure that she will run a predetermined distance, once her engines have been stopped


3254. You are proceeding down a channel and lose the engine(s)(主机失灵). You must use the anchors to stop the ship. Which statement is true?

A. Pay out all of the cable before setting up on the brake to insure the anchors dig in and hold B. For a mud, mud and clay, or sandy bottom pay out a scope of 5 to 7 times the depth before setting up on the brake

C. Use one or both anchors with a scope of twice the depth (水深的二倍) before setting the brake(刹车)

D. Drop the anchor to short stay and hold that scope


3255. When one upbound vessel (上行船) is overtaking another vessel and both are pushing a tow ahead, what reaction may you expect?

A. Both towheads will tend to drift apart, and the overtaking vessel will be slowed down B. Both towheads will tend to drift together, and the overtaking vessel will be slowed down C. Both towheads(拖头)will tend to drift apart, and the overtaken vessel will be slowed down D. Both towheads will tend to drift together, and the overtaken vessel will be slowed down 当一上行船追越他船,两船都在前方顶推时,你预计会有什么作用力? 两拖头倾向于分开,被追越船减速。

3256. You are signing on (签约雇佣) a deck officer, who will be designated as one of the GMDSS operators, before sailing foreign(驶往国外). Which statement is TRUE?


A. He must have an STCW certificate | endorsed (认可,签署) as \| Operating in the GMDSS System\

B. He must present either an FCC-issued license or a Coast Guard-issued license C. You must consult the \D. His Merchant Mariners Document must have an added endorsement as \Radio Electronics Officer\

3257. Your ship is sinking rapidly. A container (容器)| containing an inflatable liferaft | has bobbed (跳动,振动) to the surface | upon functioning (工作) of the hydrostatic release. Which action should you take?

A. Cut the painter line so it will not pull the liferaft container down

B. Swim away from the container so you will not be in danger as it goes down

C. Take no action because the painter (系艇索) will cause the liferaft to inflate and open the container

E. Manually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump

你船正在快速下沉。静水压力释放器工作的时候,装有气胀式救生筏的容器跳到水面,你应采取什么行动?不采取行动,因为系艇索会使得救生筏充气并打开容器(筏箱)。 3258. Which of the following statements is TRUE | regarding AIS?

A. AIS is designed to replace ARPA, maneuvering boards, and visual bearings as a means to as- certain the risk of collision

B. AIS provides near real-time(实时的)information | regarding another vessel's speed over ground and heading | regardless of(不考虑)visibility

C. AIS will not provide information on another vessel if that vessel is indistinguishable in radar sea clutter

D. AIS can be relied upon as the sole means to determine course changes due to other AIS e- quipped traffic

3259. Your facsimile prognostic chart (气象传真图,气象预报图) indicates | that you will cross the cold front of a low pressure system | in about 24 hours. You should ____. A. expect to see cirrus clouds followed by altostratus and nimbostratus clouds B. alter course to remain in the navigable semicircle

C. prepare for gusty winds (突风), thunderstorms, and a sudden wind shift(风生流)


D. expect clear weather, with steady winds and pressure, until the front passes

3260. You are on an ice-reinforced vessel(冰区加强船) | about(正要)to enter pack ice(大块浮冰群). You should _____.

A. enter the pack on the windward side where there is a well defined ice edge

B. trim to an even keel or slightly down by the bow to take maximum benefit of the ice reinforcement

C. take maximum advantage of coastal leads caused by offshore winds

D. look for areas of rotten ice (蜂巢冰) and enter perpendicular to the ice edge(冰刃,冰边) 你在一艘病区加强船上,正要进入大块浮冰区,你应寻找蜂巢冰区,并垂直于冰刃进入。 ? 3261. A vessel is heading magnetic northwest and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 312°. What action should be taken to remove this error | during compass adjustment?

A. If the quadrantal spheres are all the way(自始自终)out?, replace them with smaller spheres B If the quadrantal spheres are all the way in, replace them with larger spheres C. If the quadrantal spheres are all of the way out, move the spheres in D. If the quadrantal spheres are all the way out, replace them with larger spheres

3262. A crew member reports | that the high-pressure alarm light of a low-pressure C02 fixed fire extinguishing system | is illuminated(亮起). The most probable cause of this condition would be that ____.

A. an air leak has developed in the tank

B. the tank cooling system has malfunctioned(故障,失灵) C. the pilot cylinder discharge valve is leaking

D. an excessive amount of insulation has been installed on the tank and piping 3263. ____ is not a vessel | restricted in her ability to maneuver.

A. A vessel engaged in laying, servicing or picking up a navigation mark, submarine cable or pipeline

B. A vessel engaged in dredging, surveying or underwater operations

C. A vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons, provisions or cargo while underway D. A power driven vessel | which | because of her draught in relation to the available depth and width of navigation water | is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from (偏离) the course she is following



3264. You are anchored in the Aleutian Island chain(列岛)and receive word (消息) | that a tsunami is expected to strike (袭击) the islands in six hours. What is the safest action? A. Get underway and be in deep, open-ocean water when the tsunami arrives

B. Increase the scope of the anchor cable and drop the second anchor underfoot at short stay C. Get underway and be close inshore on the side of the island away from the tsunami

D. Plant both anchors with about a 60° angle between them, and let out a long scope to each anchor

3265. Which statement about immersion suits is TRUE?(重复题)

A. The suit' s oil resistance is such that it will be serviceable and be usable after exposure to gasoline or mineral spirits without needing to be specially treated

B. The suit seals in body heat and provides protection against hypothermia indefinitely

C. The suit is flameproof and provides protection to the wearer while swimming through burning oil

D. The suit must, without assistance, turn an unconscious person' s mouth clear of the water within 5 seconds

3266. You are pushing a tow ahead, at high speed, near the right hand bank of a canal. The forces | affecting your towboat(拖带船)and tow | will tend to ____.

A. push both the head of the tow and the stern of the towboat away from the right hand bank B. push the head of the tow (被拖船)away from, and pull the stern of the towboat (拖船) into, the right hand bank(首出尾进)

C. pull both the head of the tow and the stern of the towboat into the right hand bank

D. pull the head of the tow into, and push the stem of the towboat away from, the right hand bank 3267. What is meant by the term RADIO SILENCE(无线电静默)?

A. Stations | not directly involved with the on-going (正在进行的) distress communications | may not transmit on the distress frequency or channel

B. Stations remaining off the air to safeguard proprietary information

C. Two three-minute silent periods, at 15 and 45 minutes after the hour, that provide a transmitting \


D. Communications on a distress frequency or channel is banned for 24 hours following the cessation of the distress traffic

3268. A large vessel is equipped with a controllable pitch propeller. Which statement is TRUE? A. When dead(静止的)in the water, it is often difficult to find the neutral position (中性位置)and slight headway or sternway may result

B. When going directly from full ahead to full astern, there is complete steering control

C. When the vessel has headway and the propeller is in neutral, there is no effect on rudder control D. When maneuvering in port, full ahead or astern power can usually be obtained without changing shaft RPM

在水中静止不动时,常常难以确定中性位置,因而,常常导致船舶自行前移或自行后退。 3269. Which statement about damage control(破损控制,船损管理)is TRUE? A. A hole | in the hull at the waterline | is more dangerous than a hole | below the inner bottom B. The amount of water entering a ship through a hole varies inversely to the area of the hole C. Water flowing into a lower compartment on a ship is more dangerous than water on deck or flowing into an upper compartment

D. Water flowing over the fo' c' sle bulwark is more dangerous than a hole in the hull at the waterline


3270. A facility | used for the discharge of a cargo of a particular hazard, | such as chlorine(氯), butane(丁烷)or ethane(乙烷), | must have what | to warn water traffic of an immediate danger during fire or cargo release? A. An emergency boat and crew

B. A siren or rotating flashing light

C. Flashing red lights located one-half mile upstream and downstream of the facility

D. Buoys with flashing lights controlled from shore, located one-half mile upstream and downstream of the facility


3271. If two mooring lines are to be placed on the same bollard, which method is BEST?

A. Place the eye from the forward line on the bollard and then place the eye from the second line directly over the first


B. It makes no difference how the lines are placed

C. Place the eye from either line on the bollard, and then bring the eye of the other line up through the eye of the first, and place it on the bollard

D. Place both eyes on the bollard, in any manner, but lead both lines to the same winch head on the vessel and secure them on the winch


3272. How do you determine the weight of the vessel | that is supported by the ground | when a vessel has run aground?

A. This requires extensive calculation and is usually performed only by a naval architect not by a ship' s officer

B. Determine the point where aground and the draft at that point, then calculate it using the grounding formula

C. Use the hydrostatic tables(静水力参数表)and enter(输入)with the mean draft | before grounding | and the mean draft | after grounding

D. Use the inclining experiment formula and substitute the change of trim for the angle of list 船舶搁浅时,你如何确定被地支撑的船舶重量?利用静水力参数表,输入搁浅前的平均吃水和搁浅后的平均吃水。

3273. Your ARPA has been tracking (追踪) a target and has generated (生成) the targets course and speed. The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans(扫描)| due to the weather. What should you expect under these circumstances?

. .

A. The ARPA will generate data | as if the target was still being tracked by radar B. The ARPA will give an audible and/or visual lost target alarm

C. The ARPA will generate data based on sea return echoes from the vicinity where the target was lost

D. The ARPA has lost all memory of the target and must recompute the target data APAR会生成数据,就如同该物标仍然被雷达跟踪一样。

3274. A victim has suffered a second-degree burn to a small area of the lower arm(小臂). What is the proper treatment for this injury?


A. Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, apply burn ointment(烧伤药膏), and bandage


B. Open any blisters with a sterile needle, apply burn ointment and bandage

C. Apply burn ointment, remove any foreign material and insure that nothing is in contact with the turn

D. Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, open any blister and apply bum ointment 3275. You are in charge of a stand-on vessel in a crossing situation. The other vessel is 1.5 miles to port. You believe that risk of collision exists. You should _____.

A. rake avoiding action immediately upon determining that risk of collision exists B. immediately sound the danger signal

C. take avoiding action | only after providing the give-way vessel time | to take action, and determining that her action is not appropriate

D. hold course and speed until the point of extremis, and then sound the danger signal, taking whatever action will best avert collision


3276. A vessel is entering port A for the first time and has a Pilot conning the vessel. The Master is unsure that the Pilot is taking sufficient action to prevent a collision. What should the Master do? A. Nothing; The Pilot is required by law and is solely responsible for the safety of the vessel B. State his concerns to the Pilot but do not interfere with the handling of the vessel C. Direct the Pilot to stop the vessel and anchor if necessary until the situation clears

D. Recommend an alternative (替代的)action and if not followed (遵循)| relieve (解除)the Pilot

3277. You are on a large merchant vessel | entering a port. There is a Pilot on board and he has the conn. Which statement is TRUE?

A. The Master is responsible for the safe navigation of the ship and the Pilot is employed for his local knowledge

B. The Pilot is solely responsible for the safe maneuvering of the ship only if he is required to be on board by law

C. The Pilot is solely responsible for the internal working of the ship

D. The Pilot becomes solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel only if the Master relinquishes the conn


3278. The publication of details of a law or regulation in the Admiralty Sailing Directions | _______.

A. is solely(仅仅)for the safety and convenience of shipping(便于航运)

B. implies the recognition of the international validity of the law or regulation by UK Government C. indicates that UK Government will accept any liability whatsoever for failure to contain in the publication details of any particular law or regulation

D. means no endeavour has been used to include in the publications details of the laws and regulations of any countries appertaining to navigation


?3279. A seaman assaults (袭击) the Second Mate and injures him with a beer bottle | while the ship is at sea. The incident is logged in the Official Logbook. In subsequent (后续的)suspension (停职)and revocation (撤回)proceedings(诉讼)against the seaman, according to the regulations, ___.

A. the Second Mate and the Master must testify as to the facts of the assault B. the case will be dismissed if the logbook entries are improperly made

C. the logbook entry is prima facie evidence (初步证据) of the facts | if it complies with the law D. the logbook is inadmissible if the logbook entries do not conform to the law

一名船员攻击二副,并用啤酒瓶伤到二副。该事件被计入船舶日志。根据规则,在后续对该船员的停职和撤销诉讼中,如果日志符合法律,日志中的记录是事实的初步证据。 3280. _____ of the following statements is INCORRECT | regarding a fire and boat drill on board your cargo vessel.

A. At least one fire and boat drill shall be held within 24 hours of leaving a port where more than 25 percent of the crew has been replaced

B. The Master is responsible in seeing that (保证)each lifeboat is lowered to the water at least once in each 6 months(三个月一次)

C. Lifeboat equipment shall be examined at least once each month to insure that it is complete D. An entry shall be made in the vessel' s Official Logbook relative to each lire and boat drill 3281. You are on a large vessel | fitted with a right-handed controllable-pitch propeller. When making large speed changes while decreasing pitch(缩小螺距), which statement is TRUE? A. You will probably have full directional control throughout the speed change


B. You may lose rudder control until the ship' s speed has dropped to correspond to (相当于,符合于)propeller speed

C. The stem will immediately slew to starboard due to unbalanced forces acting on the propeller D. The stem will immediately slew to port due to unbalanced forces acting on the propeller 你在一艘装备有右旋可变螺距螺旋桨的大型船舶上, 当缩小螺距期间大幅度改速时,你会失去对舵的控制,直到船速减少到相当于螺旋桨的速度。

3282. Your vessel is at anchor in fog | while in international waters. The fog signal of another vessel, apparently underway, has been steadily growing louder and the danger of collision appears to exist. In addition to the normal fog signal, what signal may be used to indicate the presence of your vessel?

A. The danger signal; five or more short and rapid blasts on the whistle

B. Three blasts on the whistle; one short, one prolonged and one short(长-短-长) C. Three blasts on the whistle; one prolonged followed by two short D. No special signal other than the normal fog signal

3283. You are entering port and have been instructed to anchor, as your berth is not yet available. You are on a SW'ly (southwestly) heading, preparing to drop anchor, when you observe the range lights (叠标灯)as shown on your starboard beam. You should ______. A. NOT drop the anchor until the lights are in line

B. ensure your ship will NOT block(阻止,限制) the channel or obstruct the range while at anchor

C. drop the anchor immediately as the range lights mark an area free of obstructions

D. drop the anchor immediately as a change in the position of the range lights will be an indication of dragging anchor


3284. When in command of a lifeboat | under oars(划桨), the command TOSS OARS (立浆,收浆)means to __________.

A. lift oars to vertical position, trim blades fore and aft with handles resting on the thwarts B. complete the stroke(一划), come to oars(收浆), raise the oars smartly (漂亮地,潇洒地)to the vertical, rest (安置)handles (手柄)on footings (立足点) and trim (平衡)


blades fore and aft

C. place oars in row locks directly from the boated position or from stand by oars position D. complete the stroke (when rowing in ahead motion). raise the oars with crook of elbow to a- bout 30 degrees, swing blades forward


3285. You suspect that a crewmember has fallen overboard during the night and immediately execute (实施) a Williamson turn. What is the primary advantage of this maneuver under these circumstances?

A. You will be on a reciprocal course(相反航向)and nearly on the track-line | run during the night B. The turn provides the maximum coverage of the area to be searched C. The turn enables you to reverse course in the shortest possible time

D. You have extra time to maneuver in attempting to close in on the man for rescue

3286. You are steaming in the open ocean of the North Pacific between the Aleutian Chain (阿留申列岛)and Hawaii. A warning broadcast indicates that an earthquake has occurred in the Aleutians and has generated a tsunami | that is predicted to hit(袭击)Hawaii. What action is necessary?

A. Calculate the tsunami' s ETA at your position and turn to a course that will head into the Tsunami

B. Securely stow all loose gear, check deck lashings, and prepare for extreme rolls C. No special action as tsunamis are inconspicuous (不明显)in the open ocean D. Prepare for sudden, high-velocity wind gusts from rapidly changing directions

3287. ____ is designed to assist the merchant mariner on all classes(级别)of ocean-going vessels and provide essential information | on navigational hazards and buoyage, meteorological data, details of pilotage, regulations, port facilities and guides to major port entry. A. The Mariners Handbook (NP100)

B. Admiralty Maritime Communications Series ( NP289-NP291) 英版航海通信手册(小船用) C. Admiralty Sailing Directions

D. Catalogue(目录)of Admiralty Charts and Publications (NP131)

《航路指南》设计来帮助所有级别远洋船舶上的商船船员, 并提供有关航行危险物及浮标、、



3288. You are on a LASH vessel(载驳船). Which statement | concerning the stowage of the hazardous material in barges | is TRUE?

A. Barges with hazardous materials may only be stowed in locations where they can vent to the atmosphere

B. The containment provided by the barges meets all segregation requirements except for cargoes of flammable liquids

C. The hazardous cargo in the barge must be inspected every 24 hours after stowage is completed D. Each barge must be stowed to provide access to its cargo | unless firefighting equipment | capable of piercing and reaching the barge | is available


3289. If the gyrocompass error is east, what describes the error and the correction to be made to gyrocompass headings | to obtain true headings?

A. The readings are too low (small numerically) and the amount of the error must be added to the compass to obtain true

B. The readings are too low and the amount of the error must be subtracted from the compass to obtain true

C. The readings are too high (large numerically) and the amount of the error must be added to the compass to obtain true

D. The readings are too high and the amount of the error must be subtracted from the compass to obtain true


3290. _____ contains essential information | on maritime communications specifically for the leisure and commercial small craft | and is available in easy reference format(参考格式,基准格式).

A. Ocean Passages for the World (NP136)

B. Admiralty Maritime Communications Series (NP289-NP291)(英版航海通信丛书) C. IALA Maritime Buoyage System (NP735)


D. Catalogue of Admiralty Charts and Publications (NP131)


3291. The moisture equilibrium chart(湿度平衡图)| can be used to determine the ____. A. absolute moisture content of the air surrounding a hygroscopic cargo when moisture equilibrium exists

B. dew point temperature | that the air | surrounding a hygroscopic commodity will have | when in moisture equilibrium with that commodity

C. enthalpy of the air surrounding a hydroscopic cargo which is in moisture equilibrium with the cargo

D. temperature at which moisture equilibrium will occur in a cargo hold containing a hygroscopic cargo


3292. You are on a vessel | that has broken down | and are preparing to be taken in tow(被拖带). You will use your anchor cable as part of the towline. Which statement is TRUE?

A. The anchor cable should be veered enough to allow the towline connection to be just forward of your bow

B. The anchor cable should be veered enough to allow the towline connection to be immediately astern of the towing vessel

C. The strain of the tow is taken by the riding pawl(锚泊爪), chain stopper, and anchor windlass brake

D. The anchor cable should be led out through a chock, if possible, to avoid a sharp nip at the hawsepipe lip


?3293. A vessel is heading magnetic east and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 086°. Which action should be taken | to remove this error during compass adjustment?


A. If the blue ends (蓝磁极,指南端) of the magnets (磁铁) are aft, and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top, you should add some magnets


B. If the blue ends of the magnets are aft you should lower the fore-and-aft tray

C. If the blue ends of the magnets are aft, and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top, you should re verse the magnets

D. If the blue ends of the magnets are forward, and the fore-and-aft tray is at the bottom, you should add some magnets


3294. You are a watch standing mate and have come to the bridge to relieve the watch. After reviewing the chart, and having been briefed (简短介绍) by the off-going mate(交班驾驶员), you are now ready to effect (使发生,产生效果) the relief (接班). The watch is officially transferred to you | after _____.

A. you stale the vessel's charted position, present course and port of destination

B. the mate being relieved tells you the vessel' s course and speed and states that you have the watch

C. you say. \(按照)gyro and magnetic compasses D. the mate being relieved says,\

你是值班驾驶员,现在来到驾驶台接班,看过海图,交班驾驶员简短介绍之后,现在你准备接班。在你说完“我接你班”,并陀螺罗经和磁罗经陈述航向之后,值班任务正式移交给你。 3295. When steering by hand, which of the following may be a functional input (功能性输入)to the steering gear (舵机)| as a result of turning the wheel? A. Non-follow-up(非随动操舵) B. Rudder adjustment

C. Weather adjustment D. Autopilot

手动操舵时,由于转舵转动,下面哪项是向舵机的功能性输入数据?非随动操作(数据)。 3296. You have water washed your cargo tanks | using the fixed machines(固定式洗舱机). What should you do | before using portable machines to clean areas | screened (屏蔽。遮蔽) from the wash of the fixed machine | by structural members?

A. Ventilate the tank to eliminate any electrostatically charged (充电) mist

B. Attach the water supply hose to the portable machine after the cleaning head is positioned inside the tank

C. Insure that the tanks are not stripped until the final wash is started


D. Ground the fixed machines to eliminate any electrostatic buildup on the cleaning head 你用固定式洗舱机用水冲洗液货舱。在用便携式机器清洗被结构构件遮蔽、没有被固定式洗舱机冲洗到的区域之前,你应该做什么?给液货舱通风,以便消除带有静电的尘埃。 3297. The pilot ladder shall ______


A. be soured in a position so that it rests firmly against the ship' s side from which the discharge operations are carried out

B.have at least two replacement steps which are secured in position by a method different from that used in the original construction

C. have battens (板条) | made of hardwood, or other material of equivalent properties, in one piece and not less than 1.80 m long | provided at such intervals as will prevent the pilot ladder from twisting(扭曲)

D. have steps made of softwood, or other material of equivalent properties, made in one piece free of knots, having an efficient slip surface (不滑)


3298. A deck-stowed(装载于甲板的)40-foot container | is giving off smoke, and one end is discolored (变色)from heat. The cargo is valuable (贵重货物) and easily damaged by water. You want to extinguish the fire without further damage | if possible. What action should you take?

A. Connect a portable line from the ship' s fixed system and discharge C02 into the container B. Flood the container with water and disregard any cargo damage as the fire threatens the entire vessel

C. Pierce (刺穿) the container and discharge 6 or more portable C02' s then add more C02 hourly D. Cool the exterior of the container with water and close all vents; then keep it cooled until it can be off-loaded

3299. You are on watch while your vessel is entering port | with a pilot conning. The pilot gave a steering command to the helmsman | who failed to acknowledge (确认)it | by repeating the order. You have now enunciated (阐明) the pilot' s order to the helmsman and there is still no response. If the helmsman continues on the original course, you should immediately _____. A. take the helm and expedite(加速)the maneuver | that the pilot ordered


B. ask the pilot to repeat the command since the helmsman failed to hear it

C. tell the helmsman to ask the pilot to repeat any command that he fails to hear or understand D. repeat the pilot's command a second time and notify the Master 3300. Which of the following statements is TRUE | regarding AIS?

A. AIS is a short-range VHF-FM system | that automatically broadcasts a vessel' s position, course, speed and other safety related (与安全相关的)information to all those ships| with similar equipment in the area

B. AIS is a one-way centrally managed system that requires the local VTS to send commands to instruct each vessel to broadcast position, course, speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment in the area

C. AIS is a global tracking system that relies upon INMARSAT C service to communicate vessel position, course, speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment in the area

D. AIS is a short-range 3 cm X-band radar system that automatically sends a vessel's position, course, speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment within the area

关于AIS,那个选项是对的?AIS是个自动向本区域内配有相同设备的船舶播报本船航向、航速以及其他与安全相关的信息的短距离甚高频或调频系统。 教学笔记

3207. 雷达屏幕上不动的亮点一般为与本船相同航速相同航向的运动物标。

3214. 左舷靠泊期间,被突风吹开,应立即抛右锚,以制止船舶移动,因左侧有缆绳,如果抛左锚,有可能发生绞缠。 3216. 按照规则,某船如果不能达到避碰规则的要求,则应尽可能达到其船旗国政府的要求。 3221. P 旗表示:1. 我的网缠在障碍物上。

2. 我船即将开航,所有人员应立即回船。

3226. 用三标两角法定位时,如果本船与选定的三个物标在同一圆周线上,则会出现船位不定的情况,这是因为在这个圆周上的任一点,均可满足本船与三个物标间的水平角关系,其主要原理为同弧上的圆周角相等。

3231. breeches buoy 连裤救生圈,连裤救生吊笼

A breeches buoy is a crude rope-based rescue device used to extract people from wrecked vessels, or to transfer people from one location to another in situations of danger. The device resembles a round emergency personal flotation device with a leg harness attached. It is similar to a zip line.The breeches buoy was usually deployed from either ship to ship, or ship to shore using


a rocket or a lyle gun(抛绳枪), and allowed single person evacuations. A line is attached to the ship, and the person being rescued is pulled to shore in the breeches buoy which rides the line similar to a zip line (飞索).

3235. W信号旗表示: I require medical assistance. 说明船上有人需要医疗援助。

3255. 一拖船组追越另一拖船组,二拖头并行时,拖头有分开的趋势,因为追越船的班六对被追越船螺旋桨的作用力有影响,从而减小了被追越船的速度。 3262. 故障,失灵

Break down, fail, malfunction; be out of order

3264. 海啸发生时, 如果还穿位于开敞水域,并且水深,且具有相当浓度,海啸对船舶基本上没有影响。

3272. 利用搁浅前后的平均吃水,在静水力参数表上查取两个排水量,其差值为所求的值。 3283. 抛锚时看见叠标灯时,应确保锚泊位置不妨碍其他船舶在叠标所指示的航道中航行。


a rocket or a lyle gun(抛绳枪), and allowed single person evacuations. A line is attached to the ship, and the person being rescued is pulled to shore in the breeches buoy which rides the line similar to a zip line (飞索).

3235. W信号旗表示: I require medical assistance. 说明船上有人需要医疗援助。

3255. 一拖船组追越另一拖船组,二拖头并行时,拖头有分开的趋势,因为追越船的班六对被追越船螺旋桨的作用力有影响,从而减小了被追越船的速度。 3262. 故障,失灵

Break down, fail, malfunction; be out of order

3264. 海啸发生时, 如果还穿位于开敞水域,并且水深,且具有相当浓度,海啸对船舶基本上没有影响。

3272. 利用搁浅前后的平均吃水,在静水力参数表上查取两个排水量,其差值为所求的值。 3283. 抛锚时看见叠标灯时,应确保锚泊位置不妨碍其他船舶在叠标所指示的航道中航行。


