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Evaluating Enterprise Risk Management (ERM); Bahrain Financial Sectors as a Case



Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a process used by firms to manage risks and seize opportunities related to the achievement of their objectives. ERM provides a proactive framework for risk management, which typically involves identifying particular events relevant to the organization's objectives, assessing them and magnitude of impact, determining a response strategy, and monitoring progress. This research measures the awareness of Bahrain financial sector of ERM and if companies maintain an effective ERM framework. The results show success since all companies are aware of ERM and have an effective ERM framework in place.

Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management, Financial sectors, ERM framework 1. Introduction 1.1 Overview

The pace of change and characteristics of the new economy are exposing organizations to take risks more than ever before. Therefore mastering these risks can be a real source of opportunity and challenge and a powerful way of sustaining a competitive edge. Especially for companies to sustain and survive in the long run where companies need an effective &continuous risk management. Risk influences every aspect of business as they say \Bahraini Companies face and managing them appropriately will enhance their ability to make better decisions, deliver company's objectives and hence subsequently improve performance. It is also important to note that risk is categorized into: financial, operational, strategic, and reputation risk. Enterprise Risk Management is any significant event or circumstance, which could impact the achievement of business objectives, including strategic, operational, financial, and compliance risks. ERM helps create a comprehensive approach to anticipating, identifying, prioritizing,

and managing material risks of the Company. 1.2 Research Objective

The objective of this research is to take a more strategic and consistent approach to managing risk across, Bahrain's financial sector through the introduction of an Enterprise Risk Management (\the protection and the creation of value. When looking back at the corporate scandals i.e. Enron &world com, financial crisis of 1997, 2009 misled the investors and resulted in investors loosing confident &dissatisfaction. The result of that crisis was not limited to the country of origin. However it spread globally due to globalization.

Global marketplace = Increased risks

This means that global risks combined with rapidly evolving business conditions are prompting financial sector to turn to ERM. It is very important for Bahrain Financial sector to have ERM. Bahrain does international business with other, therefore it is effected by downturns and since no company can prevent an economic downturn, those who map out the steps they would take to respond to a downturn won't find themselves taking quick decisions which will ultimately affect the firm negatively.

1.3 Research Methodology

A questionnaire will be constructing and publish on Google document targeting only Bahraini financial sector. SPSS application will be utilized to analyze results. In addition, the questionnaire will measure how important of ERM factors to establish a good ERM practice. 1.4 Research Challenges

The goal of any firm is to achieve its objectives and create value; therefore each company has value chain which is divided into key and support activities. The company must be successful in each and every process in order to deliver a good result and achieve competitive advantage. Each of the processes in the value chain might result in more than five risks. If firms were not able to identify and put appropriate controls then all firms will end up bankrupt, in crisis, investor's dissatisfaction, etc. This research focuses on the importance of addressing key risks

which helps and organization understand accountability-who owns the risks and whether the risks are being properly monitored. Often, because companies are organized by function or geography and not by risk, the highest risks might not have designated risk owners or risk monitors. Risk Management is the responsibility of each and every staff. This research will allocate one full section which will be called \where it will mention what kind of risk will the bank face of proper ERM framework was not in place. 2. Literature Review

When EJ Smith (1912) was asked if he has encountered any risks during his 40 years experience he said \ship in distress.\However immediately after that SS Titanic sank. The accident demanded 1500 lives including that of Captain EJ Smith. This article highlights the importance of our subject which is Enterprise risk Management if (EJ Smith, 1912) though of some risks that could occur, then Titanic wouldn't have sunk. This article is too general and it has nothing to do with our ERM on financial sector in Bahrain, however it could help us understand that there are risks in each and every business, process, task, etc we do in our life and ERM should be considered whether it is a financial or non financial sector, however for the purpose of specificity, the research will focus only on the financial sector in Bahrain. This quote also shows that risks always exist and it has nothing to do with the current environment or crisis. In another article Ed O'Donnell, (2005) talked about the framework for ERM and he stated \guidelines establish objectives for event identification and suggest general procedures for identifying events that represent business risks.\identifying the root cause of the risk however here in ERM it is about identifying the root cause of the root cause. The Author is right as he mentioned that ERM task is to identify the risks which can stop us from achieving our objectives. The author wants companies to be proactive in identifying risks.

The project will also highlight the factors according to COSO framework and it will also highlight what type of risks the company is going to face if it didn't have ERM framework implemented. In Nocco, Brian W &Stulz, René M article published

on (2006) He state That \ERM adds value by ensuring that all material risks are owned and risk - return tradeoffs carefully evaluated, by operating managers and employees throughout the firm. \value to the firm if it was effective and the action points were implemented correctly. Also supports what (Ed O'Donnell, 2005) said in his article that ERM improves the performance of the firms which will ultimately add value to the firm \support for the general argument that organizations will improve their performance by employing the ERM concept\sector organization which uses ERM within strategic control process. (Rao, Ananth 2009) uses risk identification, risk assessment, value at risk as the quantitative risk assessment techniques. Rao recommends the implementation of COSO (2004) which focuses on the Internal controls, (Rao, Ananth 2009) research stated \demonstrates the prudence and practicality of the recommendations of COSO (2004) framework and Turnbull report for integrating the management of risk and organizational performance in general as part of a coherent approach to corporate governance.\going to focus on COSO frame work in financial institutions .this research will focus on all supply chain areas not only strategic.(Please refer to Challenges section in this research for more details). Arena, and Giovanni, (2010) stated that \form taken by firms' increasing efforts to organize uncertainty, which 'exploded' in the 1990s.\This project supports Arena and Giovanni article's that ERM &Risk Management are important and that is because uncertainty always exist, we agree with this article somehow because all our plans are for the future and as we know the only thing we are sure about the future is that many things might change in future so we are not certain .It is impossible to have no risk however by preparing ourselves and implementing ERM we can minimize it.

In the article above the researcher used longitudinal multiple case study however we are going to build a questionnaire to test if companies are aware with the concept of ERM and they are implementing effective ERM framework. We agree with the researcher as there is a strong link between risk management &business strategy

therefore financial institutions should maintain Disaster recovery plan and business continuity plan when doing their business strategy which ensures backup of all information and which reduces the safety hazards such us fire (Umbrella insurance). He also used the longitudinal multiple case study to make readers understand more about ERM process. Mark S. Beasley, Richard Clune, and Dana R. Hermanson,(2005) stated that \is little research on factors associated with the implementation of ERM. Research is needed to provide insights as to why some organizations are responding to changing risk profiles by embracing ERM and others are not.\Beasley, Richard Clune, and Dana R. Hermanson 2005) and it focuses on US, however as a result of our research and discussions with our managers we were informed that Bahraini corporations and specifically financial sector are aware of the ERM concept. It came to our attention that Central Bank of Bahrain force institutions to have independent auditors, however ERM is still grey area to many banks. We also noticed that now ERM factors are clearly defined, and frameworks have been established.

The following article supports the idea that if a company has established good risk management process then this will help it reduce the risk and therefore the cost of having consultants to check compliance against the Central Bank. We are going to test if banks in Bahrain maintain a compliance checklist against CBB rulebook and if there is adequate monitoring and follow up with this checklist .This will be tested as part of our questionnaire. Standard &Poor's Ratings Services( 2005 )\HP Compliance Suite for Financial Institutions is a collection of HP products, market offerings, and services that help financial services firms reduce the cost of achieving regulatory compliance, improve risk management capabilities, and also reduce the cost of sustaining compliance. This paper explains how with the Enterprise Risk Management component of its compliance suite, HP can help organizations\Craig Faris (2010) states \it can be a stimulating wake-up call.\call for many financial institutions which didn't give risk management attention; in our introduction we mentioned briefly that because of the financial crisis and scandals

(i.e. Enron &Worldcom) Bahrain's financial sector need to establish and implement ERM framework. In another article for Walker, Paul L and Shenkir, William G. (2008) his article highlights Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) practices that improve a company's ability to manage risks effectively. \authors argue that ERM allows companies to proactively manage risk, clarify the organization's risk philosophy, and develop a risk strategy.\Further, the article discusses how the ERM process forces companies to consider those events that might stand in the way of achieving corporate goals. Then companies can assess these risks and develop strategic plans. Discussion of contingency plans, measuring effectiveness, and communications strategies is also presented. Referring to Paul, shenkir &William (2008) article we mentioned that Bahrain financial sector need to establish &implement ERM framework, this article highlights one way to start implementing ERM which is establishing good internal controls which we will also consider it one of the ERM factors in later stages of this project.This article explains how we can implement ERM. We strongly agree with Walker as ERM is trying to imagine what could happen to the company in the worst scenario therefore the company should establish Internal controls for each and every department and those controls should be communicated to all employees &implemented. As we said we agree with the author when he said that \companies to proactively manage risk\

Cokins, Gary (2010) stated that \notes that the four types of alternative risk categorization are market and price risk, credit risk and operational risk\talks about risk categorization .We disagree somehow with the researcher when he categorized risks into Market, Price, credit &Operational. As we would classify them to: Strategic, financial, Operational &Reputation. He could have done better job by listing price and credit under financial. In another article for Richard S.Warr &Donald P.Pagach, (2010) said in his article \management (ERM) principles on firms' long-term performance by examining how financial, asset and market characteristics change around the time of ERM adoption. Overall, our results fail to find support for the proposition that ERM is value creating, although further study is called for.\

to support that ERM is value creating, we mentioned earlier that implementing ERM does not only mitigate the risks, however it also adds value .During our detailed testing in Bahrain financial sector we are either going to agree with this article or disagree. McAliney, Peter J (2009) said \readers the operational considerations to implement this program within their organization to enhance performance improvement. At the individual initiative level, readers will recognize elements used in developing retrospective return on investments (ROIs) for learning programs. \ERM concept with the line executive as all employees in the company must be aware of what possible risk might take place to better appreciate the internal controls which will be established by the Management in later stages. We are going to test how whether financial sector in Bahrain have well established internal controls while doing their business. If Management doesn't communicate such issues with employees then they won't understand the reason for policies &procedure changes, etc. We also agree that by performing good and effective ERM the ROI's will improve as we believe that ERM adds value to all business processes. In another SHABUDIN, Ebrahim, DREW, John O. &PEROTTI, William L. (2007), said that\just about mitigation but also about optimization. %us in writing the project as they segregated risk into other classification which is quantitative &qualitative risk. We might need to through light on the difference between quantitative &qualitative as part of the introduction. We also agree with the researcher when he mentioned that it is not about mitigation but optimization however we would also like to add that ERM is also about \

While Ohio State University, (2006) stated that \management creates value for shareholders\creating value, and as we learnt in our finance courses that the goal of any firm is to increase the value of stockholders. This article also draws attention on the risk appetite which we will explain later as one of the ERM factors. David L. Olson, (2010), stated that \paper demonstrates support to risk management through validation of predictive scorecards for a large bank. The bank developed a model to

assess account creditworthiness\This article supports our project. It writes about financial sector (Bank), it talks about scorecards which we are going to consider it as one of the ERM factors which falls under Internal Controls. This article also supports benchmarking and evaluating actual performance against competitors which will also be tested in our questionnaire. 3. Research Methodology

This project was conducted by analyzing results of distributed questionnaires about Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in Bahrain Financial Sector. A questionnaire was published on the web and sent to banks in Bahrain and specifically to risk management and internal audit department. The questionnaire will cover the following areas being: (1) general questions, (2) questions relating to risk awareness and (3) questions relating to ERM factors. This research is trying to identify the extent to which good enterprise risk management (ERM) practices are being implemented and communicated throughout the banks. In addition, we are going to test how important the ERM factors established against a good ERM practice.


In order to state the hypothesis we need to identify successful factors defining ERM.

As defined by KPMG (one of the big four Auditing firms) the following are the factors of successful ERM:

Referring to the above table we can identify the following independent factors which must be in place for an effective and successful ERM:

According to the above factors we are going to design a questionnaire tailored for Bahrain corporations (financial sector), published on Google. Results will be analyzed and hence conclude findings. 4. Challenges

If firms don't implement ERM all value chain activities will be subject to risk. As previously mentioned; risk can be divided into strategic/financial/operational. Each of the activities whether its support or primary it is subject to risks. If we ignore deploying clear ERM framework we might end up with financial losses (like

bankruptcy/operational risk reputation. 5. Result analysis

We have identified 8 factors however due to time constraints we will only choose the 4 most important factors according to KPMG one of the big 4 auditing firms and specialized in ERM.

A questionnaire was tailored based on the above mentioned 8 factors and this questionnaire was conducted in 2010 &it was distributed to financial sector in Bahrain; only 33 questionnaires .The results were organized in tables and graphs which facilitate our analysis and help the reader better understand.

SPSS was used for the purpose of analyzing the results. SPSS test results were conducted on 4 independent factors &the dependent factor (ERM) using 2 questions for each factor. 6. Discussions

After analyzing the results we conclude that F test results show that there is no relationship between risk assessment &ERM, communication &ERM, monitoring &ERM, but there is a relationship between control &ERM.

In addition, almost all the respondents answer the questions positively either strongly agree or somewhat agree, and these factors that we used for the analysis were essential factors in COSO framework, so we used T test analysis to examine the three factors separately, and the results for each factor conclude a positive results which mean that all Bahrain financial firms consider risk assessment, control, monitoring and communication while implementing ERM.

After reviewing all the published literature reviews written about Enterprise Risk Management .We think that this subject was not fully consumed by researchers, as researchers didn't touch all the areas or in some cases they did but very briefly.

This research is more comprehensive as it includes ERM from the very first point, then it will walk easier through the different factors in COSO framework.

As we mentioned in the result analysis that financial sector in Bahrain are aware of the importance of ERM however companies can't perform it by themselves and use other professional firms to have effective ERM in place and we can say the reason for

that is due to unavailability of enough sources and explanation of ERM framework.

This project agrees with Walker, Paul L and .Shenkir, William G. Research published on (Mar2008) as ERM is trying to imagine what could happen to the company in the worst scenario therefore the company should establish Internal controls for each and every department and those controls should be communicated to all employees &implemented. However our project results disagree somehow with the researcher when he categorized risks into Market, Price, credit &Operational. As we would classify them to: Strategic, financial, Operational &Reputation. He could have done better job by listing price and credit under financial. 7. Conclusion

The result of the project concludes that Bahrain financial Corporations are aware of the Concept of ERM and its factors and that awareness can be traced to the fact that companies appreciate that risks are things that might face us in our day to day activities and all companies regardless of its capital and how experienced is their employees are subject to different types of risks. The project conclude that companies are aware of the different classifications of risks and that there is no one standard classification of risk as mentioned in the literature review section Article number 11 where better classification of risk could be put in place.

Bahraini Financial Institutions are lead by the Central Bank of Bahrain rules and since having Effective ERM framework is not insisted in the rulebook as the need for independent internal auditors, the corporations will not consider it as priority .As we understand that companies are more concerned with compliance with the CBB rule book .As explained earlier although companies are not required to have ERM process by the Central Bank of Bahrain, it seems that many companies are looking forward to have contracts signed with Professional firms to conduct ERM studies.

Keeping in mind that professional firms charge quite a high fee for conducting ERM studies, however as a result of the questionnaire we can say that companies would not matter to pay any amount as long as they can ensure that they are on the safe side by having ERM.

文献出处:Jalal, A., AlBayati, F. S., & AlBuainain, N. R. Evaluating Enterprise Risk Management (ERM); Bahrain Financial Sectors as a Case Study [J] International Business Research, 2015, 4(3), 83-92.




民营企业在我国的发展进程中具有十分主要的地位,民营企业为我国的经济创造了巨大的价值,对我国的发展产生了很大的推动作用。上世纪八十年代以来,我国曾涌现出一大批民营企业。但是,大多数民营企业受企业规模限制、技术水平较低、管理能力较差、总资产较少等因素和条件的制约,更容易出现财务风险的问题。进入二十一世纪以来,市场竞争越发激烈,民营企业面临着前所未有的挑战,财务风险问题越发明显,成为阻碍民营企业市场发展与成长的主要原因。许多民营企业由于不能正确解决和合理控制财务风险问题而蒙受了巨大的损失,有的甚至已经或濒临破产。所以,本文特选取浙江信泰集团为例进行研究,试图为我国的民营企业找到应对方法,提高企业的财务风险控制能力。只有正确的认识到财务风险的重要性并找到合适的解决方法,才能让民营企业的经营和发展更加顺利,企业生命力更强。研究这一问题,有很大的现实意义,且能为后面本课题的研究和企业的财务风险控制提供一定的借鉴价值。 关键词:民营企业;财务风险;防范 1引言

本文打算从我国民营企业和民营企业财务风险的基本概念出发,探讨我国民营企业出现财务风险的原因,并以浙江信泰集团作为实际案例进行研究,通过分析信泰集团的财务状况和其出现财务风险的原因,寻找我国民营企业发生财务风险的共同点,结合相关资料总结得出民营企业规避财务风险的对策和措施,让民营企业能够控制和防范财务风险的发生。 2国外的相关研究

风险研究起源于德国,形成并发展于美国。上世纪二十年代的美国经济学家认为风险是可以通过一定的途径、方法、手段计量和测定的。1963 年,美国出

版的《保险手册》刊登了《企业的风险管理》一文,引起了欧洲各国的普遍重视。以后,对风险管理的研究逐步趋向系统化、专门化风险管理也成了企业管理科学中一门独立学科。但对财务风险的相关研究主要是 20 世纪 80 年代中期,现在美国各大学都普遍讲授财务风险管理课程,并把财务风险管理贯穿于各门经济类课程中。这里不得不提到资本结构理论,它是西方现代财务控制理论的主要研究成果之一。其中“MM 定理” 和“权衡理论” 被誉为是当代西方讨论财务风险控制结构理论的两大经典。1958 年美国人莫迪利亚尼和米勒发表著名论文《资本成本公司财务与投资理论》得出了“MM 定理”创建了现代资本结构理论。1963 年他们把公司所得税引入了原来的分析之中又得出了 MM 公司税模型。

Beaver(1966)最早将统计方法运用到企业财务风险研究领域,使用单变量分析法,选择了 79 对公司组成样本,分别检验了反映公司不同财务特征的 6 组 30个变量在公司破产前 1-5 年的预测能力,他发现最好的找出了经营正常的企业与存在严重财务风险的企业的财务比率分界点。Beaver 指出:预测企业财务风险最敏感的三个财务比率依次为:运营资本流/负债、总负债/总资产和净利润/总资产。


Oh1Son(1980)建立 Logit 模型进行企业财务风险和破产预测。他认为,企业规模、财务结构、流动性及经营绩效四个因素对判断企业风险状况和预测破产。

Robbie,&meyers (1984)再一次提出了“权衡模型”理论。他们的基本思想包括两方面,其中一方面是从财务危机出发,认为公司最佳资本结构在于权衡债务税收利益与财务危机成本间的关系。另一方面是从代理问题出发,认为资本结构的变换仅仅是股权代理成本与债务代理成本间的变换,两者之间的权衡可得总代理成本最低,此时为最优资本结构。

1994 年,COSO 委员会发布《内部控制整合框架》简称 COSO 报告,标志着内部控制理论的成熟。并建立了由控制环境、风险评估、控制活动、信息与沟通以及监督五大系统组成的完整的理论体系,在美国及全球得到广泛推广和应用。

2009 年,国际会计准则理事会发布了全新的(完整文档请到百度文库)《国

