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六年级英语期末综合练习 (2015-2016学年度第二学期)


1. 听录音,选择你所听到的句子中的单词,并将其标号填入题前括号中

( ) ① A. sentences ( ) ② A. jeep ( ) ③ A. east ( ) ④ A. ago ( ) ⑤ A. life ( ) ⑥ A. holiday ( ) ⑦ A. shorts ( ) ⑧ A. amazing ( ) ⑨ A. speak ( ) ⑩ A. write B. stories B. ship B. north B. age B. live B. hotel B. shoes B. interesting B. write B. right C. sports C. trip C. south C. along C. left C. hospital C. socks C. interested C. read C. night

2. 听问题,选择最佳答案,并将答案的标号写在题前的括号中 ( ) ① A. I listen to English. ( ) ② A. I’d like the red one. ( ) ③ A. On the foot. ( ) ④ A. No, there isn’t. ( ) ⑤ A. Once a week. ( ) ⑥ A. Not too far. ( ) ⑦ A. Yes, please. ( ) ⑧ A. Yes, you can. ( ) ⑨ A. Of course. ( ) ⑩ A. At 12:00. B. I do tasks with Peter. B. I like the big one. B. By bike. B. There is a bank. B. Only an hour. B. Yes, we are. B. All right. B. I often buy food. B. I like swimming. B. In the post office. C. I stayed at home. C. Thank you. C. At six. C. Yes, it is. C. 4500 miles long. C. Hangzhou. C. No, I didn’t. C. I can see a supermarket. C. Yes, very much. C. With his daughter. 3. 根据录音内容给下列句子排序,并将数字的序号写在题前的括号中 ( ) The capital city of America is called Washington D.C. ( ) Disneyland is one of the greatest theme parks in the world. ( ) New York is one of the biggest cities in America. ( ) Niagara Falls is in Canada.

( ) The Sydney Opera House is in Australia.

( ) The CN Tower is one of the tallest towers in the world.

4. 听录音并根据短文内容判断正误。正确的用“ T ”在题前的括号中表示,错误的用“ F ”表示 ( ) 1. This is a map of Lisa’s community.

( ) 2. There are many trees and flowers in the beautiful park. ( ) 3. There is a school on the left of the bookshop. ( ) 4. Gao Wei often goes to see movies in the supermarket. ( ) 5. The community is busy, clean and nice. 5. 根据录音内容补全下面的句子

① My mum and I often buy fruit, vegetables and other _____________ food there. ② I want to see all my _____________ places.

③ Nanjing is the _____________ city of Jiangsu Province.

④ A: Is Lucy’s mother a teacher? B: Yes, she is. She _____________ English. ⑤ We learned English by _____________, speaking, reading and writing. ⑥ _____________ the bank there is a hospital. ⑦ I _____________ Yang Ming with his English. ⑧ When are we going to the _____________ Palace? ⑨ The Great Wall is the _____________ wall in the world. ⑩ We enjoyed the moon and ___________at night. II.单项选择

( ) 1. Our teachers usually let us learn English by __________ things.

A. do

B. to do

C. doing

D. did

( ) 2.My sister has a hobby. She ___________ at home.

A. enjoy cooking

B. enjoys cooking

C. enjoys cook

D. enjoy cooks

( ) 3. I can ___________ the library ____________.

A.get to; by No.6 bus B.go to; by the bike C. get; on my foot

D. go; by the car

( ) 4. I’d like her _________ with me.

A. going

B. go

C. to go

D. goes

( ) 5. Jim was ill yesterday, ____________ he didn’t go to school.

A. but

B. in

C. or

D. so

( ) 6. It’s __________ only way for us to play together.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( ) 7. Mr. Wang taught his daughter in ________ ways and he answered her question ________.

A. wise; actively B .wisely; active C. wise; act D. wisely; active

( ) 8.A:___________ does it take you to go there by plane? B: Four hours.

A. How many

B. How often

C. How long

D. How old

( ) 9. Look at the traffic lights. Remember the ___________!

A. traffic rule

B. traffic rules

C. traffic light

D. traffic lights

( ) 10. Foreign visitors to New York will ______ miss a ride in a horse carriage in Central Park.

A. can

B. no

C. never

D. don’t

( ) 11. There are___________ months in a year. December is the ______ month.

A. twelve; twelve

B. twelfth; twelfth

C. twelfth; twelve

D. twelve; twelfth

( ) 12. A: What did you do in English class? B: We acted, _______ and played games.

A. sang

B. singing

C. sings

D. sing

( ) 13. A: I’m going to visit France next month. B:_____________

A. I’m in England. B. We did a good job.

C. Have a good time. D. My pleasure.

( ) 14.I __________ carry the big box. Can you help ___________?

A. can; I

B. can’t; you

C. can’t; me

D. can; he

( ) 15. Miss Liu ____________ ____________very much.

A. like dancing

B. likes dance

C. like dance

D. likes dancing

( ) 16. Children’s Day is on _________ 1st in China.

A. June

B. October

C. September

D. July

( ) 17. Huangshan is famous_________ its beautiful mountains and pine trees.

A. as

B. for

C. to

D. in

( ) 18. It always __________ me an hour to do my homework.

A. takes

B. to take

C. taking

D. took

( ) 19. “Don’t litter!” means “___________ littering!” A. Don’t

B. Don’t be

C. No

D. Not

( ) 20. Spring is coming. The days get __________.

A. shorter and shorter

B.longer and longer

C. short and short

D. long and long

( ) 21. _________ nice the weather is!

A. How B. What a C. How a D. What

( ) 22. Christmas is in summer in ______________.

A. New Zealand

B. Russia

C. China

D. Canada

( ) 23. A: ________________________ B: He is watching TV in the living room.

A. What does John often do? B. What is John going to do? C. What did John do? D. What is John doing now? ( ) 24. Please keep your desk ___________.

A. to clean

B. cleaning

C. cleaned

D. clean

( ) 25. A: When are you going to the Forbidden City? B:__________________.

Ⅲ. 从右栏中选出与左栏单词相匹配的英文释义,并将答案的标号填入答题卡的横线上 ( ) 1. tomorrow ( ) 2. supermarket ( ) 3. street ( ) 4. ship ( ) 5. driver A. a big place to buy things B. a large boat used for carrying people or things C. on or during the day after today D. the brother of your father or mother E. a public road in a city that has houses, shops on one side F. someone who drives a car or a bus G. an animal that has black and white lines all over its body H. a very large animal with four legs and a long nose A. Yesterday

B. Tomorrow

C. Last week

D. Every Sunday

( ) 6. uncle ( ) 7. elephant ( ) 8. zebra

Ⅳ. 用方框中所给的词补全下面的小短文,并将答案写在答题卡的横线上

City, today, history, then, for, also, here Lily and her parents are in Beijing Hotel. They are going to stay in Beijing __________ three days. The tour guide is telling them where they are going to visit.

Lily: Where are we going __________?

Guide: We’re going to visit the Great Wall this morning and __________ the Ming Tombs in the


Dad: Is the Great Wall far from __________?

Guide: Not too far. It’s in the north of Beijing. The Ming Tombs are __________ in the north of


Mum: When are we going to the Summer Palace?

Guide: Tomorrow morning. Then we’re going to visit the Forbidden __________ and the Temple of


Lily: That’s great! We can learn a lot about the __________ of China. V. 根据括号中所给要求改写句子,并将答案写在答题卡的横线上 1. That is Peter’s umbrella.( 对画线部分提问) ___________ umbrella ___________ that? 2. Mr Smith often takes a bus to work.

Mr Smith often __________ to work __________ bus. 3. What does Jim’s father do? (回答问题) ____________ ___________ a policeman.

4. They learned English in pairs. (否定句)

They English in pairs.

5. May’s father is going to Australia next Monday. (对画线部分提问) May’s father going to Australia?

Ⅵ. 从右栏中选出与左栏相匹配的答句,并将答案的标号填入答题卡的横线上 ( ) 1. Where are you from? ( ) 2. What time do you often have lunch? ( ) 3. What’s your father’s hobby? ( ) 4. Do you often play basketball in the afternoon? ( ) 5. How much are these storybooks? ( ) 6. Did you go to the library yesterday? A. No, I didn’t. B. He enjoys fishing. C. At 12:00. D. They’re 380 yuan. E. Yes, I do. F. I’m from Beijing, China. Ⅶ. 用所给单词的正确形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡的横线上

1. A: I’d ___________ (like) some bread and sausage. 2. There ____________ (be) a pair of short pants on the bed.

3. A:May I speak to Peter, please? B:This is ___________ (speak). 4. A: How are you ____________ (feel) today? B: I feel much better. 5. Each of ____________ (they) has an English-Chinese dictionary. 6. How many science ____________ (lesson) do you have in a week? 7. August is the ___________ (eight) month of the year. 8. May’s brother enjoys __________ (play) hockey.

Ⅷ. 补全下面的小对话(所填单词的首字母已给出),并将答案写在答题卡的横线上

Li Yan’s parents take her to the World Park to learn a___________ the famous places around the world.

