Unit 2 Sports events语言知识和书面表达训练课(江浦高中)

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江苏省江浦高级中学 高一备课组

Unit 2 Sports events The Olympic Games Reading(Ⅱ)

Jiangpu Senior High School Rui Fang ⅠLearning aims

In this class, we will

▲get some information about the Youth Olympic Games, especially about “School Twinning Programme”. ▲learn and master the important language points.

▲use what we’ll learn to write the Youth Olympic Games in my eyes.

ⅡLearning procedures

Introduce the 2nd Nanjing Summer Youth Olympic Games and “School Twinning Programme” 1. The Youth Olympic Games are held__________________ (每四年一次).

2.Nanjing, China won the ________(荣耀) to host the 2014 Second Summer Youth Olympic Games. 3.The Youth Olympics are a stage, where all the players _______ _________(与某人竞争) each other_____ various events. Meanwhile, all kinds of cultural and educational activities will be held.

4.All the teachers and students are ________(高兴) to ______ ______ ______ (choose) to take part in“School Twinning Programme”.

5. the Kuwait and Azerbaijan cultural booths in the Green Expo Garden

6.The youth in Nanjing are _________(努力) to make ___ possible for the young people all over the world to have a better understanding of each other, ______________________ (无论哪里) they come from.

7.The citizens of Nanjing___________________ (肯定感到很骄傲 ) when Miao Ruilin, Mayor of Nanjing, accepted the Olympic Flame Safety Lantern 8. Virtual Torch Relay began at the same time.

9. I believe___ ___ School Twinning Programme ____ (强调句)offers all the young people a chance to experience global communication and interaction. Focuses 1每四年/每隔三年一次 2 荣耀(n/ vt.) 3 与某人在…竞争 4 高兴的(adj.) 5 动词不定式完成式 6 努力 / 试图做某事 7 无论哪里 8 表推测肯定已经做过某事 9 强调句型 Practice every two lines , compete, to have done, honor, delighted, attempt, whatever, must have done, it’s...that... 1. The two athletes are _________ for the gold medal. 2. Remember to write in ______________ . 3. He _________ to escape through a window. 4. We're ________ at our new house. 5. I thought it a great ______ to ____ ____ invited to your school. 6. ________ you say is of no use now. 7. But only about 30 types are known _____ _____ ________(attack) human beings. 8. When we arrived, the lights were out. They______ ____ _____ asleep. 9. ____ ____in New Zealand _____ Mary first met Mr. Smith. Conclusion 1. compete 1) Several companies_________ ____ with each other___ the market shares. 2) Will you _______ ____ the race?

▲compete with/ against sb. in sth. for sth. 为…与某人在某方面竞争/比赛

拓展:competition (n.) 比赛,竞赛; competitor 竞赛者,比赛者 competitive 竞争的;好竞争的 2. every 1)每天 2)每两天/每隔一天 3)每三天/每隔两天 4)每几天

江苏省江浦高级中学 高一备课组

注意:every表“每,每隔”时,不能换成each, 且every few表肯定,此时few前不可加a! 3. honor 1) It is a great ______ for me to communicate with all the students and teachers here today. I am/feel ________ to communicate ….

It’s an honour for sb. to do sth. ; be / feel honoured to do sth. 很荣幸能够做某事 2) 相关链接

in memory/ honor of /in need of / in favor of / in case of / in praise of / in search of / in charge of 4 It is/was + 被强调部分 +that(若被强调部分是人, 可用who) + 句子的其它部分 1) It was last year__ you taught me how to drive.

A. when B. that C. where D. which 2) It was__ he said__ disappointed me.

A. that;what B. what;that C. what;what D. that;that 3) It is__ who__ wrong.

A. me;am B. me;is C. I;am D. I;is Some more phrases

1 允许某人做某事 ( L12 )_______________ 2 使…重生 ( L17 ) _______________ 3 实现梦想 ( L20 ) ________________ 4 点燃奥运圣火 ( L26 ) _______________ 5 在1984年洛杉矶奥运会上( L30 ) _______________________

6 为…作贡( L35 ) _____________________ 7 领先( L44 ) ________________ 8(在逆境中)坚持 ( L48 ) _____________ 9 挑战极限 ( L51 ) ________________ Talk The Youth Olympic Games in your eyes (title)

If you are a volunteer of the YOG, you want to introduce the YOG to others.

Please use one sentence to describe it, and in the sentence you should mention at least one language point. Writing The Youth Olympic Games in your eyes

要求:1) 60-70 words 2) choose the sentences from the classmates Use the following expressions:

1 compete / competitive 2 no matter what … 3 realize one’s dream 4 make contributions to 5 lead the way 6 hang on 7 push the boundaries 8 every four years 9 attempt to do 10 delighted 11 honor 12 It is…that 13 must have done

Today, I feel honored to share something about the YOG with you. First, _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do self-assessment 1. I get some information about the Youth Olympic Games. (25分/___) 2. I have understood the important language points of the text. (25分/___) 3. I am able to express myself freely and answer questions actively. (25分/___) 4. I can write a short passage in class. (25分/___) Homework 1 Polish your passage and hand it in. 2 Review all the important language points.

