2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总整理打印版 - 图文

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2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05

with its expenses. It owes for medical supplies, for diesel fuel, for road repair, for electrical work,

试题部分: for musicians who played during holidays. Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points) Higuera de la Serena is not completely without workers. It still has a half-time librarian, Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this section is 120 minutes. two half-time street cleaners, someone part-time for the sports complex, a secretary and an

One of the biggest decisions Andy Blevins has ever made, and one of the few he now administrator, all of whom are paid through various financing streams apart from the town. But

The Money Ran Out; Then the Villagers Stepped In the town once had a work force twice the size. And when someone is ill, volunteers have to step

HIGUERA DE LA SERENA, Spain — It didn’t take long for Manuel García Murillo, a in or the gym and sports complex — open four hours a day — must close. bricklayer who took over as mayor here last June, to realize that his town was in trouble. It was Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) (40 points)

800,000 euros, a little more than $1 million, in the red. There was no cash on hand to pay for Translate the following passage into English. The time for this section is 60 minutes. anything — and there was work that needed to be done. 10年来,中国经济持续快速发展,经济实力、综合国力、人民生活水平迈上新的台

But then an amazing thing happened, he said. Just as the health department was about to 阶,国家面貌发生举世瞩目的历史性变化,为促进亚洲和世界经济增长作出了重要贡献。 close down the day care center because it didn’t have a proper kitchen, Bernardo Benítez, a 中国虽然取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,但仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,经济社construction worker, offered to put up the walls and the tiles free. Then, Maria José Carmona, an 会发展面临巨大的人口、资源、环境压力,发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续问题依然adult education teacher, stepped in to clean the place up. 突出。

And somehow, the volunteers just kept coming. Every Sunday now, the residents of this 2011年,中国开始实施国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要,提出了今后5town in southwest Spain — young and old — do what needs to be done, whether it is cleaning 年中国经济社会发展的总体任务。 the streets, raking the leaves, unclogging culverts or planting trees in the park. 未来5年,中国将着力实施扩大内需特别是消费需求的战略,建立长效机制,释放

“It was an initiative from them,” said Mr. García. “Day to day we talked to people and we 消费潜力,着力促进经济增长向依靠消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变。 told them there was no money. Of course, they could see it. The grass in between the sidewalks 中国将着力实施“走出去”战略,引导各类所有制企业有序到境外投资,积极开展有利was up to my thigh. “ 于改善当地基础设施和人民生活的项目合作。中国将着力参与全球经济治理和区域合作,

Higuera de la Serena is in many ways a microcosm of Spain’s troubles. Just as Spain’s 推动国际经济金融体系改革,推动建立均衡、普惠、共赢的多边贸易体制,反对各种形national and regional governments are struggling with the collapse of the construction industry, 式的保护主义,促进国际经济秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。 overspending on huge capital projects and a pileup of unpaid bills, the same problems afflict many of its small towns. 答案部分:

But what has brought Higuera de la Serena a measure of fame in Spain is that the Section 1: 英译汉 residents have stepped up where their government has failed. Mr. García says his phone rings regularly from other town officials who want to know how to do the same thing. He is serving without pay, as are the town’s two other elected officials. They are also forgoing the cars and phones that usually come with the job.

“We lived beyond our means,” Mr. García said. “We invested in public works that weren’t sensible. We are in technical bankruptcy.” Even some money from the European Union that was supposed to be used for routine operating expenses and last until 2013 has already been spent, he said.

Higuera de la Serena, a cluster of about 900 houses surrounded by farmland, and traditionally dependent on pig farming and olives, got swept up in the giddy days of the construction boom. It built a cultural center and invested in a small nursing home. But the projects were plagued by delays and cost overruns.

The cultural center still has no bathrooms. The nursing home, a whitewashed building sits on the edge of town, still unopened. Together, they account for some $470,000 of debt owed to the bank. But the rest of the debt is mostly the unpaid bills of a town that was not keeping up


2013年5月英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》真题 2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05


2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05


Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)

Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this section is 120 minutes.

FOR MORE than 30 years, I have been wondering about L.R. Generson. On one of our first Christmases together, my husband gave me a complete set of Dickens. There were 20 volumes, bound in gray cloth with black corners, old but in good condition. Stamped on the flyleaf of each volume, in faded block letters, was the name of the previous owner: “L.R. Generson, M.D., Bronx, NY.”

That Dickens set is one of the best presents anyone has ever given me. A couple of the books are still pristine, but others - “Bleak House,’’ “David Copperfield,’’ and especially “Great Expectations’’ - have been read and re-read almost to pieces. Over the years, Pip and Estella and Magwitch have kept me company. So have Lady Dedlock, Steerforth and Peggotty, the Cratchits and the Pecksniffs and the Veneerings. And so, in his silent enigmatic way, has L.R. Generson.

Did he love the books as much as I do? Who was he? On a whim, I Googled him. There wasn’t much - a single mention on a veterans’ website of a World War II captain named Leonard Generson. But I did find a Dr. Richard Generson, an oral surgeon living in New Jersey. Since Generson is not a common name, I decided to write to him.

Dr. Generson was kind enough to write back. He told me that his father, Leonard Richard Generson, was born in 1909. He lived in New York City but went to medical school in Basel, Switzerland. He spoke 10 languages fluently. As an obstetrician and gynecologist, he opened a practice in the Bronx shortly before World War II. His son described him as “an extremely patriotic individual’’; right after Pearl Harbor he closed his practice and enlisted. He served throughout the war as a general surgeon with an airborne special forces unit in Europe, where he became one of the war’s most highly decorated physicians.

The list of his decorations reflects his ordeals and his courage: multiple Purple Hearts, the Bronze Star with “V’’ for valor, the Silver Star, and also the Cross of War, an extremely high honor from the government of France. After the war, he remained in the Army Reserve and attained the rank of full colonel, while also continuing his medical practice in New York. “He was a very dedicated physician who had a large patient following,’’ his son wrote.

Leonard Generson’s son didn’t remember the Dickens set, though he told me that there were always a lot of novels in the house. His mother probably “cleaned house’’ after his father’s death in 1977 - the same year my husband bought the set in a used book store.

I found this letter very moving, with its brief portrait of an intelligent, brave man and his life of service. At the same time, it made me question my presumption that somehow L.R. Generson and I were connected because we’d owned the same set of books. The letter both told me a little about him, and told me that I would never really know anything about him - and why should I? His son must have been startled to hear from a stranger on such a fragile pretext. What had I been thinking?


2012年11月英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》真题 One possible, and only somewhat facetious, answer is that I’ve read too much Dickens. In the world of a Dickens novel, everything is connected to everything else. Orphans find families. Lovers are joined (or parted and morally strengthened). Ancient mysteries are solved and old scores are settled. Questions are answered. Stories end.

Dickens’s cluttered network of connected lives brilliantly exaggerates something that is true of all of us. We want to impose order through telling stories, maybe because there is so much we don’t know about our own stories and the stories of those around us.

Leonard Generson’s life touched mine only lightly, through the coincidence of a set of books. But there are other lives he touched more deeply. The next time I read a Dickens novel, I will think of him and his military service and his 10 languages. And I will think of the hundreds of babies he must have delivered, who are now in the middle of their own lives and their own stories.

Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) (40 points)

Translate the following passage into English. The time for this section is 60 minutes.


自从得而达的创始人Alex Manoogian先生在1954年发明了具有划时代意义的单柄水龙头之后,得而达就一直是水龙头制造行业的领导者。德尔达公司是全美水龙头行业中首家成功获得ISO9001质量标准认证的企业。五十多年来一直行业领先,已经成为品质可靠、精巧耐用、物有所值产品的象征。




Section 1: 英译汉

2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05


2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05


Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)

Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this section is 120 minutes.

PALOS DE LA FRONTERA, Spain — Back home in Gambia, Amadou Jallow was, at 22, a lover of reggae who had just finished college and had landed a job teaching science in a high school. But Europe beckoned.

In his West African homeland, Mr. Jallow’s salary was the equivalent of just 50 euros a month, barely enough for the necessities, he said. And everywhere in his neighborhood in Serekunda, Gambia’s largest city, there was talk of easy money to be made in Europe.

Now he laughs bitterly about all that talk. He lives in a patch of woods here in southern Spain, just outside the village of Palos de la Frontera, with hundreds of other immigrants. They have built their homes out of plastic sheeting and cardboard, unsure if the water they drink from an open pipe is safe. After six years on the continent, Mr. Jallow is rail thin, and his eyes have a yellow tinge. “We are not bush people,” he said recently as he gathered twigs to start a fire. “You think you are civilized. But this is how we live here. We suffer here.”

The political upheaval in Libya and elsewhere in North Africa has opened the way for thousands of new migrants to make their way to Europe across the Mediterranean. Already some 25,000 have reached the island of Lampedusa, Italy, and hundreds more have arrived at Malta.

The boats, at first, brought mostly Tunisians. But lately there have been more sub-Saharans.

Experts say thousands more — many of whom have been moving around North Africa trying to get to Europe for years, including Somalis, Eritreans, Senegalese and Nigerians — are likely to follow, sure that a better life awaits them.

But for Mr. Jallow and for many others who arrived before them, often after days at sea without food or water, Europe has offered hardships they never imagined. These days Mr. Jallow survives on two meals a day, mostly a leaden paste made from flour and oil, which he stirs with a branch.

“It keeps the hunger away,” he said.

The authorities estimate that there are perhaps 10,000 immigrants living in the woods in the southern Spanish province of Andalusia, a region known for its crops of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and there are thousands more migrants in areas that produce olives, oranges and vegetables. Most of them have stories that echo Mr. Jallow’s.

From the road, their encampments look like igloos tucked among the trees. Up close, the squalor is clear. Piles of garbage and flies are everywhere. Old clothes, stiff from dirt and rain, hang from branches.

“There is everything in there,” said Diego Ca?amero, the leader of the farm workers’ union in Andalusia, which tries to advocate for the men. “You have rats and snakes and mice and fleas.”


2012年5月英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》真题 The men in the woods do not call home with the truth, though. They send pictures of themselves posing next to Mercedes cars parked on the street, the kind of pictures that Mr. Jallow says he fell for so many years ago. Now he shakes his head toward his neighbors, who will not talk to reporters.

“So many lies,” he said. “It is terrible what they are doing. But they are embarrassed.” Even now, though, Mr. Jallow will not consider going back to Gambia. “I would prefer to die here,” he said. “I cannot go home empty-handed. If I went home, they would be saying, “What have you been doing with yourself, Amadou?’ They think in Europe there is money all over.”

The immigrants — virtually all of them are men — cluster by nationality and look for work on the farms. But Mr. Ca?amero says they are offered only the least desirable work, like handling pesticides, and little of it at that. Most have no working papers.

Occasionally, the police bring bulldozers to tear down the shelters. But the men, who have usually used their family’s life savings to get here, are mostly left alone — the conditions they live under are an open secret in the nearby villages.

Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) (40 points)

Translate the following passage into English. The time for this section is 60 minutes.





Section 1: 英译汉

西班牙帕洛斯德拉弗龙特拉--在冈比亚国内时,阿玛窦﹒雅罗(Amadou Jallow)曾是个雷鬼乐迷,22岁那年他刚刚大学毕业,在国内一所高中还谋得了科学教职。不过,他最终还是选择了到欧洲寻梦。



2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05

\is much higher than that of wealthier populations,\said Henri Josserand of the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Biofuels are not, of course, the only reason for high food prices. Fuel to transport food is more expensive with oil more than $100 a barrel. There have been unexpected droughts this year as well.

Should we conclude that all biofuels are bad?

No. But motivated by the obvious problems now emerging, scientists have begun to take a harder look at their benefits

For example, the European Environment Agency advisory panel suggests that the best use of plant biomass is not for transport fuel but to heat homes and generate electricity.

To be useful for vehicles, plant matter must be distilled to a fuel and often transported long distances. To heat a home, it can often be used raw or with minimal processing, and moved just a short distance away.

Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) (40 points)

Translate the following passage into English. The time for this section is 60 minutes.







Section 1: 英译汉

上周五,欧洲环保署的顾问组提出了一个不同寻常科学观点:欧盟要推迟这样一个目标: 到2020 年,欧盟要将让10%的交通运输来源于生物燃料。

欧盟在去年,将这一使用生物燃料的目标从2010 年的5.75%扩大到2020 年的10%。欧洲 快速扩大生物能源的使用,本意是好的,但是,科学家们却认为,这样做已经产生了许多有害 的连锁效应,比如乱伐东南亚的森林,及谷物价格上涨越来越快。



他认为,其中一个问题是,欧盟设定这一目标时,正一心要解决汽车尾气排放量上升的问题,但是,这是孤立的行为,因为缺少研究对于其他诸如土地使用和食物供应的因素所造成的 影响。

欧盟的出发点是好的,他们能带头削减温室气体,我很高兴,并且我们也需要解决汽车尾气排放的问题。?索姆利德说:?但是,根本问题是他们只考虑到了交通方面的问题,而没有全 面考虑对其他方面的影响,并且,我们还未能很好的了解这些影响。?

专家组的建议没有任何约束力,并且,我们也不清楚欧盟是否会听取他们的意见。 有一点越来越清楚,全世界都在推广生物能源,这是由于受到一系列欧美的目标和支持的 影响,但是,这样做并未受到预期的效果。

例如,有调查显示,人们砍伐雨林和侵占湿地来获取制造生物燃料的植物,这一过程所排 放的污染物,比生物燃料能够控制的污染还多。

在欧洲和美国,粮食由于储量减少、小麦价格上涨,所以,象披萨、面包这样的食品价格 也大幅上涨。


世界粮农组织的赫利.朱瑟兰德说:?粮食价格的浮动对贫穷人们打击巨大,贫困人口在食 品上的消费占他们总消费的比重,要比富人的这一消费比重大的多。?

例如,欧洲环保署专家组认为,最利于人们使用生物燃料的方法并不是将其用作交通运输 燃料,而是用在家庭采暖中或者用于发电。

生物燃料如果用在汽车上,植物就必须将进行蒸馏才能得到燃料,并且远距离运输。生物 燃料如果用在采暖上,通常只要有原料就可以使用了,或者通过简单的加工就可以得到燃料, 而且也无需远距离运输。 Section 2: 汉译英

As an international commercial center, Shanghai boasts a bustling port, one of Asia’s most important stock exchanges and a big market that the world’s Top 500 companies cannot ignore.

Shanghai has built the country’s best museum and opera house. It will host the World Expo in 2010, showcasing its status as a business and cultural center. Shanghai, a city of 17 million people, will become the first host city in a developing country in the 153-year history of the World Expo.

During the World Expo from May to October 2010, Shanghai expects a record-breaking number of 70 million visitors. The theme of the World Expo is “Better City, Better Life”. While hoping to make a profit from the World Expo, Shanghai wishes to channel investment to its service sector. In the long run, the World Expo will be conducive to renovating the city and improving its international image.


2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05

Shanghai plans to spend US$3 billion on the World Expo. It will increase funding to improve roads and subways to ensure smooth transportation during the World Expo.

According to the plan, the World Expo venues will include high-tech pavilions and a convention center, and they will stretch along both banks of the Huangpu River. The Shanghai municipal government is determined to constantly improve its city life through the World Expo. Construction of many important infrastructure facilities will be completed by 2010. Following the World Expo, most of the sites will be converted into 试题部分:

Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)

Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this section is 120 minutes.

LONGYEARBYEN, Norway — With plant species disappearing at an alarming rate, scientists and governments are creating a global network of plant banks to store seeds and sprouts, precious genetic resources that may be needed for man to adapt the world’s food supply 2008年11月英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》真题 residential, office and recreational facilities.

to climate change.

This week, the flagship of that effort, the Global Seed Vault near here, received its first seeds, millions of them. Bored into the middle of a frozen Arctic mountain topped with snow, the vault’s goal is to store and protect samples of every type of seed from every seed collection in the world.

As of Thursday, thousands of neatly stacked and labeled gray boxes of seeds — peas from Nigeria, corn from Mexico — reside in this glazed cavelike structure, forming a sort of backup hard drive, in case natural disasters or human errors erase the seeds from the outside world.

Descending almost 500 feet under the permafrost, the entrance tunnel to the seed vault is designed to withstand bomb blasts and earthquakes. An automated digital monitoring system controls temperature and provides security akin to a missile silo or Fort Knox. No one person has all the codes for entrance.

The Global Vault is part of a broader effort to gather and systematize information about plants and their genes, which climate change experts say may indeed prove more valuable than gold. In Leuven, Belgium, scientists are scouring the world for banana samples and preserving their shoots in liquid nitrogen before they become extinct. A similar effort is under way in France on coffee plants. A number of plants, most from the tropics, do not produce seeds that can be stored.

For years, a hodgepodge network of seed banks has been amassing seed and shoot collections in a haphazard manner. Labs in Mexico banked corn species. Those in Nigeria banked cassava. Now these scattershot efforts are being urgently consolidated and systematized, in part because of better technology to preserve plant genes and in part because of the rising alarm about climate change and its impact on world food production.

“We started thinking about this post-9/11 and on the heels of Hurricane Katrina,” said Cary Fowler, president of the Global Crop Diversity Trust, a nonprofit group that runs the vault. “Everyone was saying, why didn’t anyone prepare for a hurricane before? We knew it was going to happen.

“Well, we are losing biodiversity every day — it’s a kind of drip, drip, drip. It’s also inevitable. We need to do something about it.”

This week the urgency of the problem was underscored as wheat prices rose to record highs and wheat stores dropped to the lowest level in 35 years. A series of droughts and new diseases cut wheat production in many parts of the world. “The erosion of plants’ genetic resources is really going fast,” said Dr. Rony Swennen, head of the division of crop


2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05

biotechnology at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, who has preserved half of the world’s 1,200 banana types. “We’re at a critical moment and if we don’t act fast, we’re going to lose a lot of plants that we may need.”

The United Nations International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources, ratified in 2004, created a formal global network for banking and sharing seeds, as well as for studying their genetic traits. Last year, its database received thousands of new seeds.

A system of plant banks could be crucial in responding to climate crises since it could identify genetic material and plant strains better able to cope with a changed environment.

Here at the Global Vault, hundreds of gray boxes containing seeds from places ranging from Syria to Mexico were moved this week into a freezing vault to be placed in suspended animation. They harbor a vast range of qualities, like the ability to withstand drier, warmer climate.

Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) (40 points)

Translate the following passage into English. The time for this section is 60 minutes.







Section 1: 英译汉












本周,数以百计的装有种子的灰色盒子从叙利亚、墨西哥等地运至全球种子地库,藏于这个冷冻库之中。储存在这里的种子具有很多特性,如能够抵御较为干燥和较为温暖的气候。 Section 2: 汉译英

Commuters sitting on Shanghai’s modern light-rail trains talk on mobile phones tap away on laptops or watch films on the train’s flat-screen monitors. Around the country new semiconductor factories are shooting up on former farmland while universities and high-tech zones packed with start-up companies are reproducing the Silicon Valley model in its sprawling cities.

China has plenty of technical brainpower. This talent is enhancing its high-tech design and development capabilities.

It has taken over a large amount of global manufacturing turning out television sets computers mobile phones and other electronic products. At the same time it plans to


2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05

produce more sophisticated high-tech products such as computer chips and network switches.

The Chinese government is on a mission to make information technology a pillar of the economy targeting semiconductor and software industries and introducing incentives like cheap land and tax breaks for new companies.

China’s appeal for foreign investors comes from its huge and rapidly-expanding domestic market. Another advantage is low wages. Salaries of Chinese engineers can be 试题部分:

Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)

Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this section is 120 minutes.

Europe Pushes to Get Fuel From Fields

ARDEA, Italy — The previous growing season, this lush coastal field near Rome was filled with rows of delicate durum wheat, used to make high-quality pasta. Today it overflows 2008年5月英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》真题 as low as one-tenth of those in Western countries.

with rapeseed, a tall, gnarled weedlike plant bursting with coarse yellow flowers that has become a new manna for European farmers: rapeseed can be turned into biofuel.

Motivated by generous subsidies to develop alternative energy sources — and a measure of concern about the future of the planet — Europe’s farmers are beginning to grow crops that can be turned into fuels meant to produce fewer emissions than gas or oil. They are chasing their counterparts in the Americas who have been raising crops for biofuel for more than five years.

“This is a much-needed boost to our economy, our farms,” said Marcello Pini, 50, a farmer, standing in front of the rapeseed he planted for the first time. “Of course, we hope it helps the environment, too.”

In March, the European Commission, disappointed by the slow growth of the biofuels industry, approved a directive that included a “binding target” requiring member countries to use 10 percent biofuel for transport by 2020 — the most ambitious and specific goal in the world.

Most European countries are far from achieving the target, and are introducing incentives and subsidies to bolster production.

As a result, bioenergy crops have replaced food as the most profitable crop in several European countries. In this part of Italy, for example, the government guarantees the purchase of biofuel crops at 22 Euros for 100 kilograms, or $13.42 for 100 pounds — nearly twice the 11 to 12 Euros for 100 kilograms of wheat on the open market in 2006. Better still, farmers can plant biofuel crops on “set aside” fields, land that Europe’s agriculture policy would otherwise require be left fallow.

But an expert panel convened by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization pointed out that the biofuels boom produces benefits as well as trade-offs and risks — including higher and wildly fluctuating food prices. In some markets, grain prices have nearly doubled.

“At a time when agricultural prices are low, in comes biofuel and improves the lot of farmers and injects life into rural areas,” said Gustavo Best, an expert at the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome. “But as the scale grows and the demand for biofuel crops seems to be infinite, we’re seeing some negative effects and we need to hold up a yellow light.”

Josette Sheeran, the new head of the United Nations World Food program, which fed nearly 90 million people in 2006, said that biofuels created new problems. “An increase in grain prices impacts us because we are a major procurer of grain for food,” she said. “So biofuels are both a challenge and an opportunity.”


2003—2013年英语CATTI三级《笔译实务》全部试题真题及答案汇总【整理打印版】 ant05

In Europe, the rapid conversion of fields that once grew wheat or barley to biofuel crops like rapeseed is already leading to shortages of the ingredients for making pasta and brewing beer, suppliers say. That could translate into higher prices in supermarkets.

“New and increasing demand for bioenergy production has put high pressure on the whole world grain market,” said Claudia Conti, a spokesman for Barilla, one of the largest Italian pasta makers.

“Not only German beer producers, but Mexican tortilla makers have see the cost of their main raw material growing quickly to historical highs.”

Some experts are more worried about the potential impact to low-income consumers. In the developing world, the shift to more lucrative biofuel crops destined for richer countries could create serious hunger and damage the environment if wild land is converted to biofuel cultivation, the agriculture panel concluded.

But officials at the European Commission say they are pursuing a measured course that will prevent some of the price and supply problems seen in American markets.

In a recent speech, Mariann Fischer Boel, the European agriculture and rural development commissioner, said that the 10 percent target was “not a shot in the dark,” but was carefully chosen to encourage a level of growth for the biofuel industry that would not produce undue hardship for Europe’s poor.

She calculated that this approach would push up would raw material prices for cereal by 3 percent to 6 percent by 2020, while prices for oilseed might rise 5 percent to 18 percent. But food prices on the shelves would barely change, she said.

Yet even as the European program begins to harvest biofuels in greater volume, homegrown production is still far short of what is needed to reach the 10 percent goal: Europe’s farmers produced an estimated 2.9 billion liters, or 768 million gallons, of biofuel in 2004, far shy of the 3.4 billion gallons generated in the United States in the period. In 2005, biofuel accounted for around 1 percent of Europe’s fuel, according to European statistics, with almost all of that in Germany and Sweden. The biofuel share in Italy was 0.51 percent, and in Britain, 0.18 percent.

That could pose a threat to European markets as foreign producers like Brazil or developing countries like Indonesia and Malaysia try to ship their biofuels to markets where demand, subsidies and tax breaks are the greatest.

Ms. Fischer Boel recently acknowledged that Europe would have to import at least a third of what it would need to reach its 10 percent biofuels target. Politicians fear that could hamper development of a local industry, while perversely generating tons of new emissions as “green” fuel is shipped thousands of kilometers across the Atlantic, instead of coming from the farm next door.

Such imports could make biofuel far less green in other ways as well — for example if Southeast Asian rainforest is destroyed for cropland.

Brazil, a country with a perfect climate for sugar cane and vast amounts of land, started with subsidies years ago to encourage the farming of sugarcane for biofuels, partly to take up “excess capacity” in its flagging agricultural sector.

The auto industry jumped in, too. In 2003, Brazilian automakers started producing flex-fuel cars that could run on biofuels, including locally produced ethanol. Today, 70 percent of new cars in the country are flex-fuel models, and Brazil is one of the largest growers of cane for ethanol.

Analysts are unsure if the Brazilian achievement can be replicated in Europe — or anywhere else. Sugar takes far less energy to convert to biofuel than almost any product.

Yet after a series of alarming reports on climate change, the political urgency to move faster is clearly growing.

With an armload of incentives, the Italian government hopes that 70,000 hectares, or 173,000 acres, of land will be planted with biofuel crops in 2007, and 240,000 hectares in 2010, up from zero in 2006.

Mr. Pini, the farmer, has converted about 25 percent of his land, or 18 hectares, including his “set aside” land, to Europe’s fastest-growing biofuel crop, rapeseed. He still has 50 hectares in grain and 7 in olives.

He has discovered other advantages as well. In Italy’s finicky food culture, food crops have to look good and be high quality to sell— a drought or undue heat can mean an off year. Crops for fuel, in contrast, can be ugly or stunted.

“You need fewer seeds and it’s much easier to grow,” he said.

Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) (40 points)

Translate the following passage into English. The time for this section is 60 minutes.

中国历来重视人才工作,并实施”人才强国“战略,大力开发人力市场资源,为人才发挥作用创造必要的条件和环境中国目前实行的是工程技术人员职称聘任制度,经过多年的实践,中国已经形成了一套比较完整的工程技术人员制度, 并探索实行工程技术人员职称聘任制度制度。



Section 1: 英译汉




