江苏省扬中市外国语中学九年级英语上册《9A Unit 4 TV programme

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Class:_____________________ Name:________________________ 【教学目标】

1. 通过听录音获取新信息,验证已获得的信息。

2. 用已获取的材料完成报告。






1.观看动物节目 ___________________


3.对艺术感兴趣 ___________________


惯 _______________________

5每天花在看电视上的时间__________________ 6.相当乏味_______________________



Step1 Talk about many different types of TV programmes.

Step2 Explain the context. Millie is interviewing schoolmates about TV viewing habits. Ask them to read the profiles of the three students in Part A1 before listening .

Step 3 Try to complete some information by themselves.

Step 4 Play the tape, let them complete all the information in Part A2. Play the tape twice. Step 5 Tell students t o look at the answers, look closely at the information they are missing and ask students to rea d one answer each and check for mistakes and mispron unciation. Step 6 Explain to students that Part A3 is a report about the interview on Page 74. Finish the exercise on their own.

Step 7 Choose two students to play the roles of Kitty and Millie and ask them to read the conversation out loud. Tell them to change roles and read the conversations again. Step 8 Do some exercises.


1. habit n. 习惯

ha ve the habit of doing…有做某事的习惯

他有抽烟的习惯。 He________ the habit of__________.

be in/fall into/get into the habit of 养成----的习惯

他养成了读书的习惯。He________ ______/________ ______ the habit of reading.

2. He finds programmes about sports boring. 他发现体育节目无聊。

这是主+谓+宾+宾补结构的句子, find +宾语 + adj. adj.做宾补

人们发现他死在了房子里。People _________ _________ _________ in the house.

(改为被动语态) He ______ ___________ ___________ in the house.




1. I _________________a telephone call when he entered the room. ( answer)

2. The money he spends on food ______________ a car.(cost)

3. Animals are disappearing faster than before because a lot of them ______________. (kill)

4. Don't tell you about it. I ________________it until I see it with my own eyes. (not believe)

5.It is I who ___________(be) wrong ,so I must say sorry to every one of you.

6. I____________________ such an interesting story before. (not hear)

7. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will _____________ (cover) live this coming Sunday.

8. As Mum _______________ the floor, my father came back form work.(sweep)

9. The remote control _________________onto the ground and broken. (throw)

10. I’m afraid that this is the best way we can think of ______________ you. (help)




1.They both want to be ___________(space) because they like space.

2. _____ his father, David __________eating meat. He is fond of fish.(like)

3.Don’t get into the ___________ (习惯)of smoking. It’s bad for your health.

4.We were very sorry about the __________(die) of the singer.

5.It is such a _______ book that I feel ________. (bore)

6. What is the (late)information? The last one is the best one .

7.Why (not direct )the film? You are good at it .

8.In class ,you should try (not speak).

9.The baby (not go )to bed until his mother came back yesterday .

10.He feels very (sleep).Now he is (sleep).

11.He is willing to help each others ,He always gets ready (help )the elderly .

12. The old printe r____________(sell) last week .

13. I _________(fall) off my bike yesterday and _______(hurt) myself.

14. The students are having a ___________(week) test.

15. Different people have different viewing_____________(习惯 ).


( )1.For the next ten years, Mary had not sent a _____ to her friend Jeanne.

A information

B news

C message

D advice

( )2.Don’t lose heart, my friend. Life is _____ ups and downs.

A filled of

B full with

C full of

D fill of

( )d7c8838e85c24028915f804d2b160b4e777f8153puters play an important _____ in our studies and work.

A use

B role

C action

D business ( )4.The girl is so shy that they daren’t speak in _____ public.

A the

B a

C /

D one

( )5.The number of chairs in t he room ___ ten. I’m afraid a number of chairs in the room _____ lost. A. is; is B. is; are C. are;

is D. are;are

( )6.The room is _____ too small for us to live in.

A. very

B. quite

C. near

D. far

( )7.“Would you mind my opening the window?” “_______”

A. Of course, open it.

B. Certainly, do please.

C. No,don’t do it .

D. Not at all ( )8.She was so angry at ____he was doing ___ she walked out without a word.

A what; that

B that;that

C that;what

D what; what

( ) 9. None of us knew what had happened_________ we watched the news.


A. when

B. until

C. after

D. if

( )10. Mom was cooking _________ Dad was reading newspapers.

A. as

B. when

C. while

D. since

( ) 11. I am _________ in reading some _________ stories.

A. interesting, interested

B. interested,


C. interested, interested

D. interesting, interesting

( )12. I am very_____ here with so many friends

A. pleased staying

B. pleased to stay

C. pleasing staying

D. pleasing to stay ( ) 13. The dogs were made ________ as fast as they could.

A. run

B. ran

C. running

D. to run

( )14.Yesterday we had meeting in the meeting -room.

A. a two-hours

B.a two hours

C.a two-hour

D.a two-hour’s

( ) 15. ________ I got home, my wife was cooking.

A. As

B. Until

C. While

D. Since


Everyone needs friends. We all like to 1 close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and to do things with. 2 , sometimes we need to be alone. We don’t always want people 3 . But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend. No two people are just the same. Friends 4 don’t get on well. It doesn’t mean that they no longer 5 each other. Most of the time they will make up(重归于好) and become friends again.Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very 6 . We miss them very much, but we can 7 them and write to them. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out 8 we like new people when we get to know them.There is more

good 9 for people who have friends. They live longer than pe ople who don’t, Why? It 10 be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.

( ) 1. A. watch B. feel C.

look D. see

( ) 2. A. Nearly B. hardly C. Certainly D. Suddenly

( ) 3. A. around B. alone C. away D. above

( ) 4. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. usually

( ) 5. A. know B. think C.

hate D. like

( ) 6. A. angry B. sad C.

happy D. surprised

( ) 7. A. ask B. call C.

tell D. order

( ) 8. A. how much B. how long C. how many D. how often ( ) 9. A. confidence B. thought C. knowledge D. news ( ) 10. A. must B. should C. could D. need




