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一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. A( B)political and economic situation is very important for the development of any
country. A. stain B. stable C. peaceful D. pink
满分:4 分
2. The program was so (A )that they were too ( )to fall sleep.
A. exciting … excited B. excited… Exciting C. exciting … exciting D. excited… Excited 满分:4 分
3. He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone (A ).
A. noticing B. noticed C. to notice D. being noticed 满分:4 分
4. My teacher was made(B )his teaching because of poor health.
A. giving up B. to give up C. given up D. give up 满分:4 分
5. Before he left the White House, the President made a(D )speech.
A. quarrel B. symbol C. automobile D. farewell 满分:4 分
6. Tourist:How much is that ring,please? Vendor:Only $200,sir. Tourist:(B ).
How about $100? Vendor:I can let you have it for $180. A. All right.I’ll take it. B. That’s very expensive. C. How splendid it is!
D. I’d like very much to have it . 满分:4 分
7. A good teacher always tries to(A )students to ask question.
A. encourage B. obey C. recall D. spread 满分:4 分
8. The doctor suggests that I should sleep with the window open (B )it’s very cold. A. if B. unless C. when D. since
满分:4 分
9. Jim suggested that they(C)their supper.
A. had
B. would have C. should have D. should have eaten 满分:4 分
10. They seem(D ) in that film.
A. interesting B. interested C. to interest D. to be interested 满分:4 分
11. The cinema(B )last month is very popular especially among the young people in
the town. A. opens B. opened C. to open D. having opened 满分:4 分
12. Have you heard(C )news?The piece of( )petrol is going up again!
A. the, the B. 不填,the C. the, 不填 D. 不填,不填 满分:4 分
13. A:do you have to leave now? B:Sorry, but I really(C ).
A. can’t B. have
C. must D. should 满分:4 分
14. (B )are kept on the farm for their meat or milk.
A. 200 head cattle B. 200 head of cattle C. 200 head cattles D. 200 heads of cattle 满分:4 分
15. We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because( C) of us had( )money on us.
A. all, not B. any, on C. none, any D. no one, any 满分:4 分
16. “(D )the blue bus come here ? ” “ Every twenty minutes . ”
A. How fass has B. How soon will C. How long is D. How often does 满分:4 分
17. It ( B)John and Kate who helped me the other day.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
满分:4 分
18. Someone must have seen the television (C )
A. to stolen B. steal C. being stolen D. stealing 满分:4 分
19. (D )an exciting city Shanghai is!
A. So B. Very C. How D. What
满分:4 分
20. We find(A ) more desirable ( )the controlling instrument should be put close
to the machine . A. it…that B. it…what C. it…how D. it…which 满分:4 分
21. I’m going away for a (D ).
A. holiday of a week B. week holiday C. holiday week D. week’s holiday 满分:4 分
22. What about having a drink? -(A ).
A. Good idea
B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too 满分:4 分
23. We are looking forward to (B )a trip to your country.
A. take B. taking C. be taking D. having taken 满分:4 分
24. He asked me how long(B ) going to stay in the hotel.
A. was B. I was C. time I was D. time was I 满分:4 分
25. Chocolate and ice-cream have different( D).
A. favour B. favourites C. fever D. flavours 满分:4 分
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