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静安区2017学年第一学期教学质量检测 英语试卷 2018.01

考生注意: 1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。 2. 所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名。 4. 答题纸题号与试卷题号一致。

I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Air conditioner.

C. Suitcase. 2. A. A nurse.

B. Stove . D. Mobile phone.

C. A flight attendant. D. A secretary.

B. A manager.

3. A. On the day of Black Friday, he has nothing to do.

B. He will buy nothing during the coming shopping day. C. His salary will be increased before Black Friday. D. He prefers to save money rather than spend.


C. 12.

D. 16.

4. A. 6.

5. A. People should carefully study information they get from various experts.

B. There’s no need to turn to experts for health suggestions.

C. Ordinary people should be invited on TV to talk about healthy life. D. Experts help a lot in promoting healthy life style. B. The professor criticized him for failing the exam. C. The professor thought highly of him.

C. The man failed the science course for the term. B. They go for a movie. C. They have family dinner. D. Nothing happens.


6. A. The professor failed everyone at the term end.

7. A. Jenny has graduation ceremony.

8. A. Medicine.

B. Math. C. History. D. Chinese.

9. A. It’s wonderful in all aspects.

B. It’s good on the whole with one shortcoming. C. It’s totally disappointing. D. It’s of average quality. B. The cake is worth the price. C. The taste of the cake is misleading.

10. A. Buying the expensive cake is foolish.

D. Eating the cake hurts people’s intelligence. Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Children looking for future husband and wife for their parents.

B. Children trying to earn wedding fund for their parents. C. Children making plans for their parents’ wedding day. D. Children taking part in their parents’ wedding ceremony.

B. Wedding style. D. Honeymoon destination.

C. Food for wedding banquet.

12. A. Wedding dress.

13. A. The difficulties modern marriage meets.

B. The good relationship between British children and parents. C. The unconventional weddings in modern Britain. D. The new marriage concepts combined with traditions.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. For how long the event will last.

B. The site address to purchase the event ticket. C. The past achievements the lecturer has made. D. The location where the lecture is to happen. B. Cover other event ads with your event ad. C. Rent school channel to introduce the event.

D. Use modern communication media to spread the event.


15. A. Stand out and hold a poster for the event.

16. A. Tips on advertising campus events.

B. Food work wonders to attract campus event attendees. C. The rise of modern social media on campus.

D. Challenges to prepare for a high-quality campus event.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. Academic and professional prospects.

B. Life conditions on campus. C. Tuition and geographic advantages. D. Ranks among all the universities. B. Low living expenses. C. Circle of contacts on campus. D. Agreeable weather.

B. Because foreign talents can be employed. C. Because their companies are near beaches. D. Because their bosses are from UCLA. B. Pursuing graduate study at UCLA.

C. Accepting the offer from Chicago University. D. Keeping comparing the two Universities.

18. A. Strong program background.

19. A. Because they can hire talents from UCLA.

20. A. Moving to live with his parents.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Today, Mandatory(强制的) recycling is a hard sell in the United States, where the economy runs largely along free market lines and the current landfilling waste remains inexpensive and efficient.

Plain and simple, recycling still costs more than landfilling in most places. This fact, (21)______(couple) with the disappearance of the so-called “landfill crisis” of the mid-1990s, means that recycling has not caught on, which runs ______(22) some


environmentalists’ wishes.

However, many cities have found ways to recycle economically. They have cut costs by automating sorting and processing. They’ve also found profitable markets for the recyclables(可回收物) (23)______ cast-off items are acceptable or even welcome. Increased efforts by green groups (24)______(educate) the public about the benefits of recycling have also helped.

(25)______ ______ ______ uneconomical recycling seems to some people, some cities, such as Pittsburgh, San Diego and Seattle, have made recycling mandatory. In these cities, recyclables are banned from both household and business garbage. Families (26)______ recycle all basic recyclables, such as paper, cardboard, glass and plastic. To businesses with garbage containers “polluted” with more than 10 recyclables,warnings (27)______(issue). If they fail to take action, fines are expected.

New York, a national leader on recycling, decided to stop its least cost-effective recycling programs (plastic and glass) in 2002. But rising landfill costs ate up the $39 million savings expected.

As a result, the city brought back plastic and glass recycling and committed to a 20-year contract with a recycling firm, Hugo Neu Corporation, which built the (28)______(advanced) recycling facility in the country.

The company focuses on (29)______could cut costs. Automation has streamlined the sorting process, and easy access to rail has cut both the environmental and transportation costs. The new deal and new facility have made recycling efficient for the city and its residents, (30)______(show) once and for all that responsibly-run recycling programs can actually save money, landfill space and the environment.

Section B

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. shamed B. consequently C. criticism D. scarce E. authorities F. struggled G. original H. practical I. luxury J. blanketed K. assume

William Shakespeare came from a modest start, but finished life living in a(n)


___31___ house in Stratford-upon-Avon, with a coat of arms and a series of business investments to his name.

So was William Shakespeare a businessman, as well as a writer?

Researchers have uncovered information from historical documents that point to Shakespeare being a greedy businessman, anxious to grab every penny whose practices caused ___32___in his lifetime.

The academics believe that many of Shakespeare’s doubtful business dealings have been ___33___ by people’s romantic view of him as a creative genius who made his money through acting and writing plays. The idea that Shakespeare gave the world such wonderful narratives, language and entertainment makes it uncomfortable to even ___34___ that he was simply motivated by his own thirst for financial interest.

Shakespeare was a grain businessman almost for his life time. He bought and stored grain and then sold it on to his neighbors at high prices.

In the late 16th and early 17th Century a bad weather gripped England. The cold and rain resulted in poor harvests and ___35___ severe lack of food. Referred to as the ‘Little Ice Age’, the period was the time when thousands of people ___36___ for survival. At that time, Shakespeare was under investigation for tax evasion(逃避) and later charged with storing grain when food was ___37___.

One could argue that he did not do this without a conscience and that perhaps this is demonstrated in the way he portrayed one of his famous character Shylock in his play the Merchant of Venice. Many people claim Shylock personifies Shakespeare’s own self-hatred, who is eventually ___38___ for his greed as a money lender and all that he owns is seized from him. Perhaps with the ___39___ pursuing Shakespeare for his evil dealings during Little Ice Age, Shylock’s tragic fate was a real fear for Shakespeare.

Shakespeare’s ___40___ funeral monument at Holy Trinity Church was a bag of grain which implied that he prided himself on his role as a grain businessman as well as on his writing. It was not until the 18th century that the bag of grain was replaced by a pillow.

III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


The sights, sounds, and smells of the modern marketplace are rarely accidental.

More likely, they are tools of an evolving strategy of psychological marketing called “sensory marketing” to create an emotional association to a(n) ___41___ product or brand.

By relating to people in a far more ___42___way through everyone’s own senses, sensory marketing is able to affect people in a way that traditional mass marketing cannot. Traditional







consider___43___ product factors like price, features, and utility. Sensory marketing, by contrast, seeks to resort to the consumer's life experiences and feelings. Sensory marketing believes that people, as consumers, will act according to their emotional urge more than to their ___44___ reasoning. In this way, an effective sensory marketing effort can result in consumers choosing to buy a lovely but expensive product, rather than a plain but cheap ___45___.

In the past, communications with customers were mainly monologues — companies just ‘talked at’ consumers. Then they evolved into dialogues, with customers providing ___46___. Now they’re becoming multidimensional conversations, with products finding their own voices and consumers responding ___47___ to them.

Based on the implied messages received through five senses, consumers, without noticing it, tend to apply human-like personalities to brands, leading to intimate relationship and, hopefully for the brands, persistent ___48___. And that’s the very thing brands are dying to foster in customers rather than instant trend or profits. Most brands are considered to have either \\brands like IBM and Boeing tend to be regarded as conservative and reliable while \brands like Apple, and Ferrari are as imaginative and ___49___. In general, consumers tend to form ___50___ relationships with sincere brands than with exciting ones. This explains the relatively enduring history of the “Sincere Brands”

Certainly, with the eyes containing two-thirds of all the ___51___cells in a person's body, sight is considered the most important of all human senses. Sensory marketing uses sight to create a memorable \experience\of the product for consumers which extends to packaging, store interiors, and printed advertising to form a(n) ___52___ image for the brand.


In other words, no aspect of a product design is left to ___53___ anymore, especially color. Brand acceptance is linked closely with the appropriateness of the colors on the brand—does the color ___54___ the product at all? If not, customers, though not realizing it themselves, will ___55___ the brands in all possible ways---sales, reputation, etc. Therefore, brands, isn’t it time now to study the new field of marketing? 41. A. specific 42. A. economic 43. A. obvious 44. A. imaginable 45. A. alternative

B. qualified B. personal B. potential B. objective B. reward B. fund

C. average C. artificial C. accessible C. sample

D. adequate D. mechanic D. concrete D. gradual D. exhibit D. feedback D. attentively D. regulation D. classic D. easy-going D. general D. additional D. leadership D. treat D. exploit

C. psychological C. prospect C. endurance C. steady

46. A. compliment 47. A. temporarily 48. A. loyalty 49. A. mild

B. subconsciously B. philosophy B. daring

B. hard-won B. sensory B. ambitious B. overlook B. punish

C. occasionally

50. A. far-fetched 51. A. individual 52. A. overall 53. A. chance 54. A. accept 55. A. shape

C. long-lasting C. present C. dramatic C. progress C. fit

C. signify

B. maintenance

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Overcoming extreme cold,cruel ice and people dismissing him as mad, Slovenian Davo Kamicar became the first person to ski non-stop down Mount Everest.

After a dramatic fall over almost sheer cliffs of snow, stones and ice, 38-year-old Kamicar emerged in his base camp after five hours of skiing. “I feel only absolute happiness and absolute tiredness,” he said.

At one stage he had to speed over stretches of ice that collapsed and broke underneath him and could have sent him falling into the deep crevasses(裂缝) that dot


the mountain.

The descent(下落) had been seen by many as insanely dangerous. The Darwin Awards website, which documents deaths which are foolhardy, urged people to log on to Internet broadcasts of the attempt. “Keep your eyes peeled for a live Darwin Award,” it said.

However, the only body to make the news was the corpse(尸体) of an unknown mountaineer which Kamicar zipped past as he descended, one of an estimated 120 corpses, thought to litter the slopes.

“This mountain is always full of surprises. Seeing a dead man out there was a really shocking experience,” he said.

Thanks to strategically placed cameras on the mountain and one attached to his safety helmet, hundreds of thousands of people witnessed his descent on the Internet, which was one of the record highs ever. During the run more than 650,000 hits were registered on his expedition website jamming it for a time as others tried to access the site.

Weather conditions were so severe that Kamicar had to abandon plans to rest on the summit before attempting to descend. Instead, suffering from fatigue, as soon as he reached the top he put on his skis and flung himself back down the mountain.

Dealing with the mountain had already cost Kamicar two fingers when a previous failed attempt saw him get frostbite as a fierce storm lashed the peak.

Kamicar comes from a skiing family and took part in his first Himalayan skiing expedition in 1989. Since then, he has been tireless in raising funds and sponsorship for more expeditions, with Everest as the permanent goal. 56. Davo Kamicar made history by ______.

A, skiing down Mount Everest without rest

B. descending Mount Everest within the shortest time ever. C. attracting largest number of audience online for his descent. D. becoming the first to film his descent down Mount Everest

57. The underlined word foolhardy in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.

A. sudden and hard to accept B. taking unnecessary risks C. attracting public attention D. working hard to fool others

58. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?


A. Kamicar saw about 120 dead bodies littering the slope.

B. The broadcast of his descent online was cancelled because of the website jam. C. Kamicar’s family had a tradition to conquer Mount Everest. D. This was not Kamicar’s first attempt on Mount Everest. 59. The best title for the passage is ______.


Here are the top summer vacation lodges in the nation! Out of Lake Wobegon; Fair Hills Resort

With sandcastle contests, Swedish buffet night, and family bingo, this classic northern Minnesota lodge is right out of Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon. Families can choose from a collection of activities suitable for both adults and kids—volleyball, tennis, sailing, swimming—laze by the lake, or rehearse for their star turn at the weekly talent show. The family-run resort is proud of its myriad \guests who've been vacationing here since they were kids. This year, ten of them will celebrate their 50th yearly visit.

Northern California, Unplugged; Gray Eagle Lodge

Once they find Gray Eagle Lodge off a two-lane road, most guests have no use for their cars. Days here are spent on foot, hiking to alpine lakes in the Sierras or going for a dip in the swimming hole fed by a 15-foot waterfall. \are no officially planned activities,\\before but have become fast friends and enjoy fun together.\ Authentic Adirondacks; The Hedges

For recent years improvements have been made—including upgrading the plumbing to accommodate more guests, answering to the main complaints in the past about its poor capacity. The current owners have restored the camp to its original Adirondack-style glory. Though tasteless to the younger age groups, the style earned the lodge a spot on the National Register of Historic Places. Great Lake Lodge; The Inn at Watervale


A. Mad man skis down Everest. B. Darwin Award for Davo Kamicar C. Extreme sports hero slides to a record D. Body of mountaineer found on Everest

Built as a boarding school in 1892, this lodge became a summer retreat in 1917. Today, the owner of the lodge proudly promotes the resort's lack of TV, Wi-Fi ,and decent cell phone coverage, which makes it perfect for recluses(隐士). Instead of sticking with their smartphones, parents and children both find their relationships greatly improved through hiking the 300-foot-high Old Baldy dune, combing the beach for fossils, and savoring the sunsets over the lake together. 60. Which lodge is not very attractive for kids?

A. Fair Hills Resort B. Gray Eagle Lodge

C. The Hedges D. The Inn at Watervale

61. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Fair Hills Resort specializes in serving young vacationers with varieties of activities.

B. The Hedge used to be criticized for failing to serve large number of customers. C. Lack of modern communication tools at The Inn at Watervale was due to poor facility conditions.

D. Cars are banned from Gray Eagle Lodge. 62. The passage will most probably appear ______.

A. on a wedding magazine about finding a permanent residence B. in a UN’s report about family relationships

C. on a financial magazine analyzing the prospects of tourist industry D. on a website selling package tours


It's not an urban legend: crime rates do in fact rise in the summer in the U.S. A study found that, with the exception of robbery and auto theft, rates of all violent and property crimes are higher during the summer than during other months. The study examined data collected during 8 years, which included violent and property crimes that did not result in death, both reported and not reported to the police.

The data show that, though the national crime rate dropped by 70 percent during recent years, seasonal spikes in summer remain. In some cases those spikes are 12 percent higher than rates during seasons in which the lows occur. The phenomenon confuses many criminologist and they wonder why.


Some reason that increased temperatures, which drive many out of doors and leave windows open in their homes, raise the amount of time when homes are left empty. Others point to the effect of students on summer vacation who are otherwise occupied with schooling during other seasons, while some argue that suffering heat-induced discomfort simply makes people more aggressive and likely to act out.

Although these elements possess certain persuasive power, their rationality is called into question when cases in winter are put on the map. Why aren’t the rates in winter falling if heat related factors are to blame for the summer spike? Contrarily, the matter should be viewed from social and economic angles rather than on solar terms.

Numerous studies have shown that rates of criminal behavior among young adults drop when their communities provide them with other ways to spend their time and earn money. This was found to be true in Los Angeles, where gang activity was reduced when community centers for teens were thriving and active. And generally speaking, the connection between economic inequality and crime is robustly documented for the U.S. And why summer sees a worse situation? It’s probably because it’s even harder for youngsters to land jobs that provide for life necessities.

So if officials want to address the summer spike in crime, they may act differently instead of aiming straight at crimes. Simply upgrading security and severely punishing offences almost produce void effects. Instead, be open to various options and they will find that development of job hunting agencies or community professional training centers are accompanying the drop of crime rate without seasonal exceptions. After all, bread always comes first for everyone. 63. What puzzles scholars studying crimes?

A. The rates of robbery and auto theft are lower than other violent and property crimes in summer.

B. The rates of crimes resulting in death are about the same in all seasons. C. The crime rates not reported to the police are much higher during summer. D. Crime rates in summer are higher than those of other seasons.

64. According to the author, what is the key reason for the seasonal spike of crime rates?

A. Increased temperature left houses easier for attacks.

B. The hot environment makes people more likely to be angered. C. Youngsters find it hard to release energies at school.


D. People’s economic needs are not satisfied by the society. 65. What can be done to fight seasonal rise of crimes?

A. Lengthen the school time to hold students in school during summer. B. Enhance the safety mechanism during the summer C. Take measures to encourage youth employment. D. Frighten would-be criminals through harsh punishments. 66. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Solar terms are responsible for the summer crime spike. B. Crime rates in summer fall by 58 percent in the U.S.

C. LA criminal activities fall because of positive community programs. D. The crime rates in winter are low due to low mobility in the season.

Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A. The influence is witnessed for the opposite gender as well. B. Awareness for health is given due attention among different age groups. C. Africa has greatly increased ways of broadcasting. D. But solid academic research was lacking for quite a long time. a> E. Yet trying to influence the locals can be debatable. b> F. But other organizations have increasingly followed suit.

In the radio drama “Nau em Taim” aired in Papua New Guinea, a widowed father takes up dynamite(炸药) fishing—profitable but disastrous for the reef. Then he meets a dashing marine scientist who warns him off. The idea is that by the end of the drama, both he—and the listeners—will give up dynamite for sustainable fishing.

The show’s producer, the Population Media Center (PMC) in Vermont, has been a pioneer of programmes with the goal of fostering development. ___67___ In Vietnam Khat Vong Song uses radio drama to teach its listeners about domestic violence. In Kenya Mediae promotes civil rights with a television soap called “Makutano Junction”.

Evidence that radio and television soaps can change behaviour was first spotted in the 1970s. ___68___ About twenty years later, economists at the Inter-American Development Bank, found that Brazilians receiving Globo, a television network promoting modern family concepts, had fewer children. Another follow-up study


discovered that, as cable television spread, the birth rate in certain rural area dropped.

Some argue that the influence was because couch potatoes were less likely to make babies. But research in Ethiopia showed that dramas can have a direct effect. Inquiries about ways to reduce birth rates rose by 157% among married women who listened to the soap operas “Yeken Kignet” and “Dhimbibba”. ___69___ Male listeners sought tests for HIV/AIDS four times as much as male non-listeners. “The results are the best when people identify with characters,” says Betty Oala of the PMC. This is why the organisation does extensive research, takes on local writers and uses native languages.

Not only are soaps effective, but they are also cheap. Radio programmes can cost as little as three cents to reach a listener in Africa. ___70___ Although producers do not hide their purposes many scholars think that there could be a fight over morals and the aimful results of soap dramas. A drop in birth rates may seem like good news to a woman activist, but bad to a religious worker.

IV. Summary Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

For many well-educated travelers, buying a copy of Lonely Planet is the first task before taking a vacation abroad. Founded in 1973, Lonely Planet is the biggest guidebook series in many countries. It’s published in 11 languages including Chinese.

But when the BBC confirmed on March 19 that it had sold the entire Lonely Planet series to a US billionaire at a significant deficit(赤字), many commented that the deal sang the swan song for the printed guidebook.

The rise of the Internet and the prevalence of smartphones have become a burden on the print media. Why would travelers bring a heavy guidebook when they can download the apps to their smartphone in an instant? Furthermore, alternative and free travel content is readily available on the Internet, from Wikivoyage to TripAdvisor which provide excellent guidance on your trips.

But the Internet is not the only reason that guidebooks are in decline. It is also widely accepted that the physical guidebook has such complete content that can kill any sense of personal exploration. With the guide books, all those backpacker feet ended up following routine trade routes, and in those routes was little room for



It’s also pointed out that the guidebook is not exactly good for tourism. Often the shops and restaurants that thrived on a recommendation in the guidebook relaxed and discovered that it didn’t matter: the legions of eager travelers keep on coming anyway. They gradually become uncompetitive.

And yet, despite the rise of new media, it’s believed there is still a place for printed guidebooks, at least for the time being as books still offer readers the kind of feeling that virtual tools can’t provide, more of a compelling, touchable interaction.

第II卷 (共40分)

V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

72. 遵循自然规律,你最终会得到回报。(reward) 73. 应加大力度打击劣质商品的生产和销售。(fight)

74. 每个学生都具有无限的潜能去克服学习中的困难,不断进取。(study) 75. 有些技术创新虽没怎么引起公众的注意,却对现实生活的方方面面有着深远的影响。(although)

VI. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

你是王华,临近寒假,你的好朋友刘伟写信向你咨询他的寒假计划。目前有三个备选方案:○1去美国某高中参加冬令营(winter camp);○2应征某历史博物馆临时讲解员(docent);○3提前学习下学期的高中课程。请给刘伟写回信,谈谈你的看法。信中必须包括:

1. 你建议的方案; 2. 你如此建议的理由;

3. 你对于执行此方案的建议。


