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英语句子的主语和谓语是否一致,是学习英语句子结构的关键性问题, 是其它语法现象的终结问题,可以说,一切语法问题都应该以句子平衡为起点和终点。但如何做到主语和谓语一致呢?答案是把握主语和谓语之间的三大关系,即: (1)主谓语之间的数量关系。 (2)主谓语之间时间关系。

(3)主谓语之间的主动或被动关系。 主语和谓语的数量关系

这个问题似乎简单,只要知道主语是单数或复数,再知道动词单复数的变化规律,不就可以了。如:She works as an English teacher in a middle school. They are usually very busy on Monday morning. We have learnt French for 4 years.

要是英语的句子都象这三个句子一样就好了!可惜,有些主语的数理解起来就费劲。 1. 学会数主语的数

1*. Each man and woman _____ the same rights.

a. has b. have c. is having d. are having 2. Every boy and girl ______ in the same way. a. are treated b. is treated

c. are treating d. is treating

第1题应选a。被each或every修饰并由and连接的两个主语,其谓语应用单数。 3*. The Prime Minister and Party Leader ______ office. a. have resigned b. has resigned c. are going to resign d. are to resign 4. The singer and the dancer ______ our evening.

a. is to attend b. are to attend c. were attended d. was to attend 5*. My best friend and advisor _____ his mind again. a. has changed b. have changed e. has been changed d. have to change 6*. My house and home ______ at 1707 Maryland Drive. a. are b. is

c. were d. is being

7*. The farmer and not the city dweller ______ when food prices fall. a. were hurt b. are hurt

c. is hurt d. is hurting

第3题应选b。由and连接的两个单数名词是指同一个人或同一件事或同一个概念,作句中的主语时,其谓语用单数。当指同一个人的时候,and后面的名词不要加冠词,and作“兼”解,本句就是如此。如果指的不是同一个人,则and后的名词要加冠词,如第4题。 第5题应选a。此处friend and advisor是指同一个人。 第6题应选b。house and home是指“家”,两个词指的是同一个概念。


7*. The farmer and not the city dweller ______ when food prices fall.

a. were hurt b. are hurt c. is hurt d. is hurting


8*. A horse and carriage ______ not much used nowadays. a. is b. are

c. were d. is to be 9*. The bread and butter ______ for breakfast.

a. were served b. are served c. served d. is served

10*. If law and order ______,neither the citizen nor his property is safe. a. are not preserved b. is not preserved c. were not preserved d. have not been preserved 11*. Going to bed early and getting up early ______ a good habit. a. is b. are c. were d. was 12*. Try and error ______ the source of our knowledge. a. are b. is

c. were d. was

第8题应选a。horse and carnage不是指“马”和“车”,而是指“马车”这一概念。 第9题应选d。bread and butter意为“涂黄油的面包”,指一件东西。 第10题应选b。law and order意为“治安”,指的是一个概念。 第11题应选a。“早睡早起”看作一个概念。 第12题应选b。try and error意为“反复试验”、“不断摸索”,指的是一个概念。

13*. Joy and sorrow ______ next-door neighbors. a. are b. is

c. were d. was

第13题应选a根据句中的表语用的是复数neighbors可以看出,iov and sorrow在此处是指两个概念。

译文 欢乐和忧愁是近邻。

14*. What is good and what is bad ______ only relative.

a. are b. were c. is d. was 15*. What you see and what you hear ______.

a. is out of step b. are out of step

c. is in step d. are in step




16*. What ______ to them most _____ better wages and better welfare. a. appeal; are b. appeal; is c. appeals; are d. appeals; is

17. During the Second World War, every man, woman and every child in that town _____ by fascists.

a. were killed b. was killed c. are killed d. is killed 18*. The boy and girl each _____ their own toys. a. have b. has c. are having d. is having


译文 对他们来说,最有吸引力的是工资待遇较高,福利条件较好。 第18题应选a。此处each是同位语,主语是boy and girl,故谓语用复数。 19*. No teacher and no student _____.

a. are admitted b. is admitted

c. are admitting d. is admitting

第19题应选b。由and连接的两个单数名词作主语,被no修饰时,谓语应用单数。 20*. Many a writer of newspaper articles _____ to writing novels. a. has turned b. have turned e. being turned d. are going to turn 21. Many a boy and many a girl ______ it.

a. have seen b. has seen c. have been seen d. has been seen 22. More than one person _____ in the case.

a. were involved b. was involved c. are involved d. involves

23*. An expert, together with some assistants,______ to help in this work.

a. were sent b. was sent c. are sending d. is sending

24. Interest, as well as prospects, ______ important when one looks for a job.

a. is b. are

c. was d. were

25. The teacher along with a committee of bright students,_______ reading list.

a. has compiled b. have compiled c. has been compiled d. have been compiled 26. His sister no less than you _______ wrong.

a. are b. is c. were d, been 第20题应选a。被many a或more than one所修饰的单数名词作主语时,虽然具有复数的含



第23题应选b。当主语后面有with,along with,together with,as well as,as much as,no less than(同?一样,不亚于),rather than(而不是)等引起的短语时,谓语只跟这些短语前的主语保持一致。后面第24题、25题、26题也属于这种用法。 27*. One or perhaps more pages ______ missing. a. is b. are c. being d. been 28. Either the teachers or the principal _______ the meeting. a. attends b. attend e. are attending d. have attended 29. Neither of your proposal, ______ sense.

a. makes b. make

c. is made d. are made

30. Neither he nor his sisters ______ with the quality of the food. a. are satisfying b. is satisfying c. are satisfied d. is satisfied 31*. None of your projects _______.

a. working out b. work out

c. is worked out d. are worked out 32*. None but fools ______ in such things.

a. are interested b. is interested e. are interesting d. is interesting 33*. None of this ______ me.

a. worry b. worries

c. are worrying d. were worrying 34. Not only he but also I ______ fond of watching TV. a. are b. is

c. be d. am

第27题应选b。由or, nor, either?or,neither?nor,not only?but also连接的两个主语,谓语应与邻近的主语一致。


work out在此处意为“被证明有效”、“切实可行”。


数。 22第33题应选b。当none of后跟名词或代词的单数作主语时,谓语该用单数,本题就是这○

样。当none of后跟名词或代词的复数作主语时,谓语用复数较多,用单数较少。例如: None of is mine.

None of these are(或is)mine.

35*. Two hundred and fifty pounds ______ too unreasonable a price for that second-hand car.

a. is b. are c. were d. be

36. Ten minutes ______ a long time for one who wants.


a. Seen b. seems

c. seemed d. are seemed

37. \ an accident.

a. are b. is c. were d. was

38*. Eric is the only one of the boys who _____ a driving licence. a. has b. has

c. is having d. are having 39*. Hill is one of the men who _____ ro represent the group, a. were chosen b. was chosen c. were choosing d. was choosing



the only one of the men(things)who(that)十单数谓语 one Of the men(things)who(that)十复数谓语 40*. The audience ______ their seats in the music hall. a. are taking b. is taking c. are taken d. was taking 41*. The audience _____ unusually small. a. are b. is c. be d. been

42. The disciplinary committee _______ that ,severe measures must be adopted to combat crime.

a. believes b. is believed

c. are believed d. was believed ' 43. The committee ______ over the issue among themselves for many hours.

a. has been arguing b. have been arguing c. has argued d. have been argued 44*. The police ______ the matter,

a. are investigating b. is investigating

c. has investigated d. have been investigated 45. The public ______ generous in their contributions to the storm victims. a. are b. is c. was d. been

46. The majority of students ______ not in favour of such a proposal. a. has b. are

c. have d. be

47*. I have read a large part of the book; the rest ______ more difficult. a. is b. are


