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冠 词


冠词是一种虚词,不能独立使用,只能用在一个名词前,帮助说明这个名词的含义。英语中冠词有两种,一种是定冠词(The Definite Article),一种是不定冠词(The Indefinite Article)。(有人把不用冠词的情况叫“零冠词”)

定冠词the与this, that同源,意义接近于this, these, that或those,但指示意义较弱。它在辅音前读/e?/,在元音前读/ei/,在特别强调或单读时读/ei:/,例如:

Li Ming is the /ei/ author of the /e?/ book.李明是该书的作者。

不定冠词与数词one同源,有“一个”的含义,它有两种形式:a和an。 a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,an用在以元音音素开头的词前,例如: She is an honest /'?nist/ student.她是一个诚实的学生。 There is a house near the river.河边有所房子。


1. 冠词a和单数可数名词连用,有类指作用,即指某类人或事物,不需翻译。 A dog is intelligent.(= Dogs are intelligent.= The dog is intelligent.) 狗是聪明的。

I like a child.我喜欢小孩。

A big family is hard to support.大家庭难支撑。 2. 复数可数名词也有类指作用: Dogs are intelligent. I like children.

Big families are hard to support.

3. 用于首次提到的对话任何一方不知道的人或物, 表泛指,即同类中任意一个,有“一个”或“某个”的意思: A dog is coming. I see a child.

I have to maintain a family. He is a teacher.

They call him a fool.

There is a man standing in the river. An old cock is sitting in a tall tree.

4.不加冠词的不可数名词,表类指,即某类东西: I am fond of milk.

Air is important to animals. Honesty is the best policy. John hates darkness.

5.表示单位,有“每一”的意思,用于速度、价 格、频率等,可换用“per”,但“per”显得较为专业。

The cloth is 10 yuan a metre.这布每米10元。

He can walk 100 kilometres a day.他一天能走100公里。 6.在一定情况下也可修饰不可数名词,表示特殊含义。 1)与物质名词连用可表示: ①(风、雨等)“一阵;一场”。

Air is invisible but we can feel its motion when there is a wind. 空气是看不见的,但有风时我们能感觉到它在流动。

Early in the day or after a rain you can find the air is much fresher. 在清晨或下雨之后,你会发现空气要新鲜得多。 ②(酒、饮料等)“一份;一种;一片”。 A coffee,please.请来一杯咖啡。

After a dark cloud comes a clear sky.乌云过后是晴空。 He received a (good) education.他受到过良好教育。 You should buy a (kind of) medicine to treat your wound. 你该买点药治治你的伤。 2)与抽象名词连用可表示: ①“一种”或“一类”。

He feels it a pleasure to help others. 他把帮助别人看作是一种乐趣。

“You don't understand,” said Joe, a cruel light shining in his eyes. “你不懂。”乔说,眼睛里闪着凶狠的光。 ②(某动作的)“一次”。

Why not have a try? 何不试一试?

You must be tired from the long flight. Please take a rest today. 长途飞行您一定累了,今天就请好好休息吧。 ③动词的“同源宾语”名词前一般也用不定冠词。 She slept a peaceful sleep and dreamed a good dream. 她睡了一个踏实的觉,做了一个好梦。

Under the leadership of the Party, we are living a happy life. 在党的领导下,我们现在过着幸福的生活。


It came as a surprise that the Boss had dismissed his secretary. 没想到老板把他的秘书给开除了。

The newly-built National Stadium or the Bird's Nest is a great success. 新建的国家体育馆鸟巢,是个巨大的成功。


a pair of shoes, a hundred, twice a week, at a blow, at a stretch, one at a time, a handful of, in a word, at a glance 8.用于某些固定词组

a few, a little, a lot , a couple of

a large number of许多 as a rule通常;照例 for a while一会儿 in a minute立即

a great deal of许多 a large amount of许多 a large quantity of许多 all of a sudden突然

as a matter of fact其实 have a word with与…说句话 in a sense从某种意义上说in a word简言之;总之 make a decision作出决定 make a fool of sb.愚弄某人 at a loss茫然;不知所措 do ab. a favor帮某人一个忙 have a gift for对…有天赋 have an effect on对…有影响 keep an eye on照看;注意 make a dive for向…扑去

make a fortune发财 make a difference有影响;起作用 make a promise许下诺言 pay a visit to对…进行访问等等。

9.一日三餐breakfast, lunch, supper前一般不用冠词,当前边有形容词而表示“一顿、一次”等意思时,就要加上冠词a来表示“一顿?的午饭、晚饭”等: have lunch /supper

He is very fat and often has a big supper.

10.“a most +形容词”结构中,most不含有比较的概念,只用来加强语气,是“极”“很”“非常”的意思,相当于very。而“the most+形容词”表示“最??”,如: a most important thing很重要的事 the most important thing最重要的事

Lesson 3 is a most difficult lesson, but it isn't the most difficult lesson in Book II. 11.序数词前加不定冠词a,表“另一个”或“又一个”。不表顺序,侧重在原有基础上量的增加。

Would you like a second cup of tea?

a second cup of tea 等于 another cup of tea.

The author will modify the manuscript a second time. 作者要对那部书稿进行第二次修改。 12.专有名词前用不定冠词有两种可能: ①表示某姓名的某人或和…相似的人或地方: A Mr. Smith was in charge of the laboratory.


He wishes to be an Edison.他希望成为像艾迪生那样的人。 Only a Lu Shun could have written that.


There doesn’t seem to be a Shenyang city in our province.

我们省好像没有一个叫沈阳的城市。 ②表示某人的作品或某厂家的产品: I have a Van Gogh.我有一幅梵高的画。 I bought a Underwood yesterday.


13.“of/at + a/an + 名词”结构中不定冠词的含义: 此结构中不定冠词表“同样的”=the same The children are of an age.这些孩子同龄。

No two men are of a mind.没有两个人是同一条心的。

Those boxes are of a size.那些盒子一样大。 ★虽然a和one都有“一”的意思,但意义不同:

more than a year 一年多(不到两年)

more than one year不止一年(两年、三年等) at a time每次;在同一时间 at one time曾经有一次


冠词总是放在名词前面,若这个名词有形容词修饰,冠词通常放在形容词前面,若形容词前还有副词,则冠词需放在副词前面,如: This is a car—a good car—a very good car.

He can answer the question—the difficult question—the most difficult question. 名词前若有such, many或what, 冠词a应在其后面: I never met such a man. He has lived here many a year. What a beautiful park it is!

如果所用副词为so, how, as, too或no less,冠词a就放在它们所修饰的形容词后: It is so(or too)big a dog. How big a dog it is!

Ii is as big a dog as yours.

It is no less big a dog than yours.(=It is as big a dog as yours.) 特殊:quite/rather修饰单数名词前的形容词时,冠词位置有两种,如:quite/rather big a dog和 a quite /rather big dog。 注意:如果名词前有all, both, half, double, twice, three times等,定冠词the必须放在它后面: All the guests have come.

Both the brothers study Spanish.

I bought it at half the price(double the price). (但:He has waited half an hour or a half hour).


1.冠词the可与单数可数名词连用,表示“一类”东西,而不指哪一个。 The dog is intelligent.(A dog is intelligent.= Dogs are intelligent.) I play the piano.

The palm grows in many countries. Tomatoes are good for the liver.

2. The有特指的作用,可用在单数可数名词前,隐约表示“这/那个”,这时所指是那个人或东西是很清楚的:

I bought a house yesterday afternoon.The house is across the river.(指新买的房子) I want to see the boss.(你知道the boss指谁) What is the price of this pencil? Open the window,please.(当然是指这个房间的窗子) The government does not allow gambling. The enemy was defeated.

The moon is rising.

3. The也可和复数可数名词连用,隐约地表示“这/那些”,这时指那些人或东西也是很清楚的:

I bought several houses yesterday.The houses are across the river. I met some nice people at the party.

It seems I have seen the gentlemen somewhere.

Open the windows,please. Where are the children?

4.The也有表示集体的作用,用在复数可数名词前,隐约地表示“所有(那些)……”: They are the teachers of our school. The cities of this country are dirty.

Have you ever seen the Seven Wonders? The members of the club are Indians.

5.特指的the可用在不可数名词前限定其意义,隐约地表示“这”或“那”: I offered him the tea which I made. The sugar produced here is excellent.

He has obtained the experience of an expert. The bread has been eaten up.(你知道指哪块面包) Please pass me the salt.


We go to the company every day.我们每天去公司。 Look at the blackboard, please.请看黑板。

7.在第二次提到某物或和它有关的东西,因为是表示特指,所以需加定冠词。 I bought a book, but soon I returned the book. 我买了一本书,但不久我退回去了。

She bought a bike, but when she rode it one of the wheels went off. 她买了辆自行车,她骑上去时一个轮子掉了。


the moon, the sky, the sun, the earth, a red sun, a blue earth, a bright moon, a changing world The sun is down.太阳落山了。

A red sun rose in the east.一轮红日从东方升起。 9.还可和一个形容词或分词连用表一类人或东西。 Take care of the old.照顾老年人

The rich must help the poor.富人必须帮助穷人。

the dead死者the deaf聋人the blind盲人the young年轻人,the old老年人,the living活着的人,the dying临死的人,the wounded伤员,the disabled残疾人 10.和某些名词连用表一个阶级或阶层。

the working class工人阶级 the science circles科学界 11.下面各类专有名词不加冠词,也无复数:

continent—Asia country—Japan

province—Guangdong state—California

county—Henrico County harbour—Pearl Harbour island—Rhode Island hill—Bacon Hill

mount Mount—Everest cape—Cape Comorin lake—Lake Geneva bridge—Westminster Bridge park—Hyde Park street—Fifth Avenue

square—Times Square person—William Shakespeare domestic animal—Bobo deity—Jupiter day—Monday planet—Jupiter festival—Labour Day month—February 12.下面各类专有名词前需加the:

republic—the French Republic railway—the Trans Siberian Railway state—the Irish Free State river—the Mekong River empire—the British Empire plateau—the Tibetan Plateau kingdom—the United Kingdom ocean—the Pacific(Ocean) peninsula—the Indian Peninsula sea—the Japanese Sea basin—the Yangzi Basin canal—the Sue Canal valley—the Rhine Valley pole—the North Pole desert—the Gobi Desert 注:湖名前一般不加冠词 13.“普通名词+of+专有名词”这类词组前均需加the:

the Cape of Good Hope the House of Representatives the Strait of Gibraltar the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the City of New York the Society of Natural History 14.复数专有名词前都加the:

the Himalayas the Great Lakes the Rocky Mountains the Stuarts the United States the Philippines

15.由普通名词和另外一些词构成的专有名词前多数要加定冠词the。 ①某些建筑物

the Great Wall, the Peace Hotel, the Capital Square ②某些组织机构 the Ministry of Education教育部

the Department of Foreign Affairs外交部

(但Tsinghua University,Beijing University无冠词。) ③某些国家名

the United Kingdom联合王国 the United States美国 ④报纸、会议、条约等的名词前

the Times泰晤士报 the Daily Mail每日邮报

16.在序数词、形容词最高级以及main, only, same, chief等修饰名词时,前面一般要加定冠词。

the second bag, the longest river, the only man, the same effects


the Irish,the Swedish,the Chinese 18.首次发明物的名称前,常用定冠词。

Who invented the telephone? 谁发明的电话? The compass was invented in China. 指南针是中国发明的。

Walt invented the steam engine.瓦特发明了蒸汽机。

19.用在姓氏或姓氏复数名词前,表这一姓氏夫妇俩或全家人。 The Greens are watching TV now. I was at the Wang's yesterday.

20.用在逢10的复数名词之前,指某世纪的某个年代。 In the 1870s when Marx was already in his fifties,he found it important to study the situation in Russia. 在19世纪70年代,马克思五十多岁的时候,他发现学习俄国形势是重要的。 21.用在以festival组成的节日之前(以day组成的节日前无冠词)。 the Spring Festival春节

the Mid-autumn Festival中秋节 Christmas Day圣诞节 May Day五一国际劳动节

▲在美式英语中,“在秋季”用in the fall;中国一些传统节日前要用定冠词。如: the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Day

22.在表演奏的动词后,西洋乐器的名词前通常用定冠词(中国民族乐器名前不加冠词): play the piano, play the violin, play erhu(拉二胡)

23.表接触或打击身体某部位时,身体部位名词前通常加the. ①在“动词+sb.+介词+the+部位”结构中,部位前用the,而且不能省略。动词是beat, hit, strike, knock, slap, pat等,身体部位是head, shoulder, back等时,介词多为on(in多与the face连用);动词是catch, grasp, seize, pull, take, lead等,部位是hand,collar等时,介词多为by。

When I felt upset,my head teacher patted me on the shoulder. 当我感到心烦意乱时,班主任拍了拍我的肩膀。 They pulled her by the hair.他们扯她的头发。 He took me by the hand.他牵着我的手。

I hit him on the chin.我冲他的下巴打了一拳。 ▲被动式也与此相似:

He was hit on the head.他被击中头部。 He was cut in the hand.他的手割破了。

②在“be+blind/lame/wounded/hurt+in+the+部位”中,表示“身体某一部位残疾或受伤”。 He is blind in the left eye.他左眼瞎了。

He was wounded in the back.他背部受了伤。

24.用在“the+比较级+ of the two”结构中,表示“两者中较(更)...”的含义。 Of the two laptop computers,which is the more fashionable? 这两台笔记本电脑中,哪一款更时髦? 25.用在方位名词前和一些表时间的词组中

on the left/right, in the east, in the evening, in the end, in the daytime 26.当English, German等表示某国语言的名词后出现了language时,前面的English, German就是形容词了,前必须加定冠词the。如:the English language

27.除了以现在为基准的时间外,表示一般的时间关系时,next和last前应当加上定冠词 The next train to Hong Kong is at 10:00. 下一趟去香港的火车是十点。 This maybe the last chance. 这可能是最后的机会。

Next 和the next所表达的时间概念不一样,如next Monday 指从说话时刻算起“下一个星期一”;the next Monday指从过去或将来某时算起“下一个星期一”: He’ll leave here next week.他下周将离开这里。(以现在为背景) He’ll get there on Monday, and then leave the next week. 他将于星期一到那里,然后下周离开。(从将来某一周算起) He left there the next week.他于后一周离开了那里。(从过去的某一周算起) 28. “by + the + 计量词”表“按…计/论/换” They are paid by the month.他们按月计酬。 Meat is sold by the pound.肉是按磅销售的。 Electric current is measured by the ampere.

电流是按安培计量的。 29.带定冠词的常用习语:

at the moment此刻 by the day按天计

for the time being暂时 by the way顺便说一下 in the distance在远处 on the increase在增长 on the go非常忙碌 on the way 在路上 at the same time同时 by the hour按小时计

in the dark在黑暗中 on the other hand另一方面 in the way挡路 on the air在播送 on the spot当场 make the bed铺床 all the best 一切顺利;万事如意 at the age of在...岁时 at the end of在...快结束时 burn the midnight oil开夜车 all the year round一年到头 at the cost of以...为代价 at the mercy of任凭...摆布 with the exception of除...以外


1.非普通名词构成的专有名词前;说明称号、职位、头衔等的名词做专有名词的同位语或补足语;表独一无二的头衔、职位;物质名词、抽象名词、称呼语前一般不加冠词。例如: Li Ming, China, water, friendship, uncle, professor

Professor Li, may I ask you a question? Lincoln became president again. Time waits for no man.时不待人 注意 ①抽象名词或物质名词有限制性定语时要用定冠词表特指。

The milk in the bottle has gone bad.


Physics is a science. It's a pleasure to go with you.


This pen is yours.

3.季节、月份、星期、节日、假期、一日三餐名称前一般不加冠词。 Spring is the best season of the year. May, March, Sunday, lunch, supper etc.

注意 ①表示一日三餐名词如果有了形容词修饰,要用不定冠词;如果后面有定语修饰,可用定冠词表示特指。

We ate an early supper and went to see a great temple with floors made of silver. 我们很早吃了晚饭,就去看一个大神殿,神殿的地板是银制的。 The dinner given by Mr. Smith was very nice. 史密斯先生款待的晚宴真是美味。

②专有名词、月份、季节、星期等可用定冠词来表示特指,用不定冠词来表示泛指。如: He joined the Army in the spring of 1992. 他在1992年的春天参军的。

The accident happened on a Sunday in July. 事故发生在六月的一个星期天。

4.在daybreak, dawn, dusk(黄昏), noon, midnight, night, sunrise(日出),sunset(日落)等名词前不用冠词。

5.学科名称、球类、棋类名词前不加冠词。 Do you study English?

I take part in all kinds of after-school activities —I play football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and I go to theater club.

6.表示泛指的复数名词前不加冠词。 They are students.

7.与by连用的交通工具名称因表抽象概念,前不加冠词。 by car, by bike, by train, 但take a bus, in a boat, on the bike 但名词前有表时刻的词语时,就要用the。

I'll go by the ten o'clock train. 我将乘坐十点的火车去。


Lu Xun was a doctor before he turned writer.


The MP4 player is too expensive for me. I want a cheaper one. 这个MP4太贵了,我要一个更便宜一点的。

10. 一个人具有双重身份或兼有数职时,只用一个冠词。

A well-known singer and dancer will appear on the stage and give a performance. 一个著名的歌唱家兼舞蹈家将登台表演。

One of the guests was a journalist and novelist. 有一个客人既是新闻记者又是小说家。

11.在一个以普通名词(或形容词最高级)+ as (though)开始的让步状语从句中,前面不用冠词。

Child as he is, he knows right from wrong. 尽管他是个孩子,他明辨是非。

Shortest though he is, he runs fastest in our class. 尽管他最矮,但在班上是跑得最快的。

12. 表伴随动作的“名词+副词/介词短语”作独立结构时,名词前不用冠词。 He settled in an armchair, coat off, head up, and pipe in mouth. The soldier dashed out, rifle in hand.

She sat at the table, collar off, head down, and pen in position, ready to begin the long letter. He entered the forest,gun in hand.

Our teacher came into the classroom,papers in hand. 我们的老师走进了教室,手里拿着试卷。

The old man sat in the chair, book in hand and pipe in mouth. 老人坐在椅子上,手里拿着书,嘴里叼着烟斗。

13.kind(s)/sort(s)/type(s)/variety/varieties/diversity/diversities of等表示种类的结构后,名词前不用冠词。

What kind of curtain will you suggest for a sitting room? 你看起居室用哪种窗帘好? 14.man泛指 “人类”、word作“音讯”解时。

New arts have been born in the course of the history of man. 在人类历史发展过程中,新的艺术不断诞生。 He sent word to us to wait for him in his office. 他带信来要我们在他办公室等他。

15.某些固定词组,习惯用法构成中,不用冠词。 ①成对使用的词组

husband and wife, young and old, hand in hand, sun and moon, bread and butter, knife and fork, step by step, year after year, year in year out, day after day, neck and neck, ... arm in arm, face to face, day and night, day by day, from beginning to end, shoulder to shoulder, heart and soul, war and peace, from morning till night ②介词词组

at(to/from)school,in(to)class,in(to/at/from)college,to(into/in,/from)church, to(in/into/out of) prison, in bed(hospital), at night(noon/midnight), to(at)sea, by car, at work, at war, at first, at present, at rest, at war, at hand, at home, at risk,…

③表示时间、地点、方式、状态的一些短语中不用冠词。 ahead of time提前 at hand在手边;在附近 by accident偶然 by mistake错误地 in danger处于危险中 in place of代替 in silence沉默地(无声地) in surprise惊奇地 at first hand第一手 at first thought乍一想

at present目前;现在 by way of经由... in advance提前 in need of 需要

in sight看得见 in uniform 穿着制服 by means of借助…手段 in possession of拥有

at first sight乍一看;初看起来on second thought(s)转念一想 ④有些词组中,具体名词表抽象意义时就不用冠词:

in hospital住院 in the hospital在医院(参观或工作) in front of在前面 in the front of在…的前部 out of question不成问题 out of the question根本不可能 at table在餐桌边进餐 at the table 坐在桌边 make beds制作床 make the bed 整理床铺 at table进餐等 at the table在桌子旁 by day在白天 by the day按日计

by radio通过无线电 by the radio在收音机旁 in case of如果万一 in the case of至于

in charge of负责, 主管 in the charge of由…负责(亦可说under the charge of) in red身穿红衣服 in the red亏损,负债 keep house料理家务 keep the house居家不出 go to school去上学 go to the school到学校去 for a moment一会儿片刻 for the moment暂时,目前 a most非常 the most最 by sea由海路 by the sea在海滨 go to war交战 go to the war参军 in future从今以后 in the future在将来 in office执政;当权 in the office在办公室

in person亲自 in the person of以…的资格 in place of代替 in the place of在…的地方 in sight of看得见 in the sight of从…观点来看 in a way在某种程度上 in the way挡路;碍事 on earth到底 on the earth在地球上 on fire着火 on the fire在准备中

out of office下岗 out of the office离开办公室 take air传播;泄漏 take the air吸新鲜空气;兜风 take place发生 take the place of代替 with child怀孕 with a child带着孩子 16.以人名、地名等专有名词命名的建筑物、场所、学校等名词前不加冠词: Zhong Shan Park.



1.当两个或两个以上名词并列时,在不引起误会和歧义时,后面的名词常省略冠词。 Please take good care of the flowers and plants in the garden.


a knife and fork,(一副刀叉),a cup and saucer(一副茶杯与茶托),a horse and cart(一辆马车),a needle and thread(针线)等。 3.副词最高级前的冠词可省略。

Of all his novels,I like Olive Twist best.

在他所有的小说中,我最喜欢看《雾都孤儿》。 4.part前的a常省略。(表示一个国家领土的一部分时必须省。) Wales is part of the UK.

So the Amber Room became part of the Czar's winter palace in St Petersburg.这样,琥珀屋就成了沙皇在圣彼得堡的冬宫的一部分。 This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture. 这充满诗意的田园景色只是画面的一角。

5.新闻标题、书名、通知说明、广告语等常省略冠词以使行文简练。 Chinese President Stresses Role of Working Class 中国国家主席强调工人阶级的作用 Fundamental Issues in Present-day China 《当代中国的基本问题》

Hospital Ahead! 前面有医院!


