最新2016年秋人教版九年级英语Unit3 Section B(1a~1e)教案

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第四课时 Section B (1a~1e)


1.教会学生掌握单词fascinating,inexpensive,uncrowded,convenient,mall,clerk,corner。 2.帮助学生通过听力训练获取有效信息,学会运用目标语言评价场所、地方。 3.通过学习,引导学生学会正确评价事物,形成对事物的正确认识观。 【学习重点】

重点句型:Can you tell me where there's a good place to eat? 【学习难点】



There are many places in the city or town we live,but do you know how to describe and evaluate them in English?What qualities are important for each place?

Task 1 ?学习提示

Preview the words on P21,read the new words by phonetic symbols,then mark them in the text.Finally finish the tasks in 1a.

【学法指导】 ?convenient

作形容词,意为“方便的;便利的”。其常用句型有:It is convenient (for sb.) to do?(对某人来说)做某事是方便的;sth.is convenient to sb.对某人来说某事是便利的。


作名词,意为“角落;拐角”。 【辨析】

①in the corner of意为“在??角落”,指内角角落。 ②on the corner of意为“在??角落”,指外角角落。 ③at the corner of意为“在??角落”,指在外角的拐角处。

情景导入 生成问题

T:If you want to go to a restaurant,what kind of restaurant do you want to go to?What quality is important for a restaurant?

S1:It must be clean.

S2:The food there must be delicious.

自学互研 生成能力

Task 1 Let's read new words and the phrases. 1.I can read.(我会读)

预习下列单词,争取自己能正确拼读。拼读成功后再在课文中把单词标记出来。 fascinating,inexpensive,uncrowded,convenient,mall,clerk,corner 2.I can write.(我会写) 翻译下列形容词:

(1)有趣的 interesting (2)迷人的 fascinating (3)便宜的 inexpensive (4)安静的 quiet (5)漂亮的 beautiful (6)方便的 convenient (7)安全的 safe (8)不拥挤的 uncrowded Task 2 Let's listen to the tape and finish 1c,1d. Task 3 Let's make conversations and interview. 1.I can practice.(我会练) 翻译句子。


Can__you__tell__me__where__there's__a__good__place__to__eat? (2)你喜欢什么种类的食品?

What__kind__of__food__do__you__like? 2.I can make conversations.(我会编对话)


A:Excuse__me.Could__you__tell__me__where__there's__a__good__place__to__eat? B:Of__course.What__kind__of__food__do__you__like? A:I'd__like__fresh__vegetables.

