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Iberians (3000BC-2000BC) the Stonehenge in Wiltshire
The Beaker Folk (2000BC)
The native Celts (700BC)
Roman Britain (55BC-410AD) three invasions:55BC by Julius Caesar failed;
54BC by Julius Caesar failed (the invasion marked the beginning of English recorded history for his diary)
43AD by the Emperor Claudius,and driving many of the native Celts into mountainous Scotland and Wales (built the Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall against Scotland;Roman civilization; slave society)
The Anglo-Saxon (446-871) there Germanic ethnic tribes:
The Jutes from today’s Denmark (first landed in the country Kent )
The Anglos(mid-6th century) just took possession of the whole England
The Saxons established kingdom in Essex, Sussex and Wessex)
597 St.Augustine and his conversion of Archbishop of Canterbury from Rome
829 Egbert king of it and England ended Heptarchy,united the seven kingdoms
8th-10th centuries invasion by the Vikings and Danes from North Europe
871 Alfred the Great built a naval force “the Farther of the British Navy”
1016 EdmundII,the Witan chose Canute,the Danish leader,as king of England ,three generations 1042 Edward had spent most of his life in Normandy, built Westminster Abbey
1066 HaroldII against William in Hastings
The Norman Conquest and the House of Normandy(1066-1135)
Originated from the Vikings’swooping down and other Northern from Scandinavia Peninsula into the northern of France. They captured Paris in 845 and settled in their country in 912. 1066 William crowned in Westminster Abbey, built the Tower of London
1085 Domesday Book
Establishment of feudalism,government system
The house of Blois(1135-1399) Plantagenet dynasty
HerryII(1154-1189) reform in Great Council (the chief one ,called Lord Chancellor, is now the head of the English judicial system, Present of the Upper House of Parliament ); the emergence of common law; church courts,failed.
RichardI crusader inherit the king of England and the duke in France(the Hundred Years’war) John (1199-1216) 1215 the Great Charter
HenryIII the beginning of parliament
EdwardI England conquered Wales.1284, the Statue of Wales placed Wales under English land the Hundred Years’War (1337-1453) EdwardIII(Duke and Garter)-RichardII
The Black Death (1348-1349)
EdwardIII 1351 the govn issued Statute of Labourers to limit the freedom of peasants
RichardII 1381the govn imposed a flat rate poll tax→the peasant uprising(Wat Tyler)
Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
The house of Lancaster(1399-1461)
HenryV 1415 renewed the war and won crushing victories
1420 he was recognised to the French throne
1422 the tide of the war was turned after the death of HenryV
HenryVI Joan of Arc
The house of York(1461-1485)
The Wars of the Ross(1455-1485) the ending of it was seen as the ending of the Middle Ages in European history and the beginning of the modern world history.
The house of Tudor(1458-1603) &Renaissance
Served as the transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism in English history
HenryVII(1485-1509) built up England’s navy and foreign trade;make marriage alliances HenryVIII(1509-1547) religion reformation &Renaissance
1534 the Act of Succession barred Catholics from succession to the English throne
1535 the Act of Supremacy passed,said the supremacy was with the king instead of the Pope EdwardVI(1547-1553) carried out drastic religious change, “The Reformation”
ElizabethI(1533-1603) 1588 defeated the Spanish Armada
The house of Stuarts&Great Britain(1603-1714)
JamesI(1603-1625) the wisest fool in Europe
1605 Gunpowder Plot
1620 a group of 201 Nonconformists sailed to North America --Pilgrims
CharlesI (1625-1649) 1640 t he outbreak out civil war
1643 the king’s army won some victories
1645 the battle of Naseby,and the New Model Army led by Oliver Cromwell won
1647 the Scots surrendered CharlesI to Parliament for a payment of 400,000pounds
1648 the Cavaliers revolted
1649 CharlesI was beheaded in London
The Republic (1649-1660) Commonwealth;Cromwell, Lord Protector
1660 CharlesIIwas restored to the throne by Bourgeoisie
It was under his rule that the English colonists took over Manhattan Island from the Dutch and named it New York in honor of the Duke of York.
He was succeeded by his brother JameII,who was inclined to revive Catholicism in England. England’first religious political parties
former Cavaliers-Tories-Conservative;former Independent-Whigs-Liberal Party
1688 Glorious Revolution
Britain built a modern,professional army during the reign of WilliamIII
1689the Bill of Right&the constitutional monarchy
1694 the founding of the Bank of England
1707 Scots accepted the Act of Union,Great Britain was born -Queen Anne
The House of Hanover
From the Germanic
Mid-18th,enclosure,the nationwide banking system was established
End- 18th,the English peasant disappeared as a class 1733 flying shuttle by John Kay---speed up hand weaving
1765 steam engine by James Watt --engineering force
1766 spinning Jenny by James Hargreaves---enable one hand labor to spin many threads out 1770 powder----driven machinery,real”revolution’ in textile
1776 Adam Smith and his The Wealth of Nations stressed the importance of free market 1784 powder loom by Edmund Wright ---enable weaving catch up with spinning
The pudding and rolling process by Henry Court---increase the production of high-quality iron 1814 the fist steam locomotive invented by Stephenson---mark the beginning of a new stage of the Industrial Revolution.
Malthusianism emergence by Thomas Robert Malthus
1850 Britain had completed the construction of its railway system
1832 the Reform Bill was passed, the suffrage was extended to all citizens who owned or rented a house worth ten pounds a year in cities,such as renters and owners of lands in the countryside,still excluded from the broad mass of workers and farmhands 1837 the London Workingmen’s Association worked out The People’s Charter
1838 the movement was official launched and divided two groups
1839 a National Convention was held in London
1842 the petition was sent to the Parliament for the second time,but rejected
1848 the Chartist Movement experienced its third and last upsurge, but suppressed 1859 Darwin published the Origin of Species in which he argues that the physical species are not fixed, but changing by natural selection in which the fittest http://www.77cn.com.cnter on ,it turned into social Darwinism
1871 the Trade Union of Act , legalized the trade unions and gave them financial security
1876 gave the trade unions the right to exist as corporations ,paving the way for the rapid development of trade unions and the founding of the Labour Party
Secret voting
Compulsory education&universities admit women students
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