
更新时间:2024-01-11 20:48:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



二. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. It’s not good idea to drive for four hours without break. A. a;a B. the;a C. the;the D. a;the 22. ------ How about putting some pictures into the report? ------ A picture is worth a thousand words.

A. All right? B. No way. C. Why not? D. No matter. 23. This is the house _________ windows face the south. A. which B. what’s C. where D. whose 24. No one knows when exactly the lake _______________.

A. took its place B. came into being C. happened D. came over 25. ________people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day. A. Tens of millions of B. Tens of millions C. Ten of millions of D. Ten millions of 26. The _____ boy never dares to see the ____ film again. A. frightened; frightening B. frightening; frightened C. frightened; frightened D. frightening; frightening

27. Seeing everything remained ___ as it had been two hours before, the boss couldn’t help shouting at the secretary.

A. to be done B. being done C. having undone D. undone 28. Mr. Smith is a teacher. He is also out good friend. A. only B. more than C. hardly D. 1ess than 29. Three years __________without our knowing it.

A. went on B. passed by C. went by D. passed on

30. If the wind doesn’t before three o’clock,we won’t be able to take off today. A. die out B. go down C. get off D. go up 31. These were texts _____ there were direct notes.

A. in which B. to which C. of them D. which

32. I arrived half an hour earlier I had time to talk with him before the meeting. A. as soon as B. as a result C. in order to D. so that

33. ——It’s cloudy outside. Please take your raincoat. ——________________.

A. Yes, take it easily. B. Well, it just depends C. OK, just in case D. All right, you’re welcome

34. The reason ____ Malcolm didn’t study art was ___ his father didn’t want him to. A. why; that B. why; because C. for; because D. of; which 35. Her performance was so that everybody 1aughed. A. amazed B. amazing C. amusing D. amused 三. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) Everything becomes possible to a hard will

A grey-haired granny, with thick glasses on, is sitting in a classroom of Tianwan Vocational School(职业学校), Chongqing, listening to the teacher carefully. She isn’t a student here, __36__ a parent visiting the school. She attends school in __37__of her grand-daughter — a paralyzed(瘫痪的)girl. And she has been __38__ so for six years.

Wang Li, the girl, became paralyzed at a very early age. She had to __39__ school when she was in Grade Four for her worsening __40__. The girl was very __41__. ―I want to go to school! I want to!‖ she cried sadly. At the words, Dong Shizhi, the granny, __42__ as if a knife were cutting into her heart. She was __43 to help the girl ―__44__‖, not with her feet but with __45__ and skills needed by society.

Like a bird catching worms to feed its young, Dong went to school every day, and then __46__ the girl at home. Wang Li, an outstanding girl, worked very __47__ in spite of(尽管)her poor conditions. Their efforts __48__ when the girl was enrolled(招收)by Tianwan Vocational School last summer to study computer science. What a __49__ way it is to the granny and the young paralyzed girl! But nothing difficult can __50__ them away. One day when teachers __51__ Dong’s nine notebooks full of lecture notes, they were so __52__ that they decided to go to her home after school to give the girl special help in __53__. Rain or shine, the granny is seen walking with __54__ on her way to and from school. ―I’ll go on like this until I have __55__. It’s my wish to see my grand-daughter’s dream come true,‖ she said.

36. A. either

B. but

C. nor

D. and

37. A. place 38. A. testing 39. A. go 40. A. grades 41. A. scared 42. A. felt 43. A. regretted 44. A. keep up 45. A. value 46. A. taught 47. A. tensely 48. A. paid back 49. A. hard 50. A. take 51. A. picked 52. A. moved 53. A. return 54. A. ease

B. honor B. doing B. leave B. fame B. worried B. seemed

C. case C. doubting C. return C. behavior C. happy C. looked

D. hope D. trying D. come D. health D. sad D. thought D. struggled

B. determined C. bothered B. sit up B. words B. fed B. slow B. paid for B. silly B. drive B. saw B. excited B. time B. joy

C. stand up D. pull up C. knowledge D. classes C. cared C. freely C. paid off C. fast C. frighten C. watched C. pleased C. advance C. interest

D. caught D. hard D. paid out D. clever D. put D. copied D. admired D. turn D. difficulty D. broke out

55. A. broke away B. broke off C. broke down 四. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


A beautiful and very successful actress was the star for a new musical show. Her home was in the countryside, but she did not want to go back there every night, so she bought an expensive house in the centre of the city, got some beautiful furniture and got a man to paint the rooms in new colors.

It was very difficult to get tickets for her show, because everybody wanted to see it. So she decided to give the painter two of the best seats. She hoped that this would make him work better for her. He took the tickets without saying anything, and she heard no more about them until the end of the month, when she got the painter’s bill. At the bottom of it were these words: ―Four hours watching Miss Hall sing and dance: 3 pounds,‖ with this note: ―After 5 p. m. , I get 15

shillings(先令)an hour instead of 10 shillings. ‖

56. The actress bought a house in the centre of the city because _______. A. she liked to live in the busiest place B. she didn’t like to live in the country

C. she didn’t want to go back to her hometown any longer D. her home was far away from where she worked

57. In order to make the painter work better for her, the actress ________. A. sang and danced for him for hours B. gave him two tickets for her show C. paid him 3 pounds

D. decided to pay him 15 shillings an hour

58. It can be learned from the text that one pound is ____ shillings. A. 10 B. 12 C. 15 D. 20 59. What kind of man was the painter?

A. He knew little about music and dances. B. He was a poor man. C. He was not friendly to others. D. He was a careful man.


Surtsey was born in 1963. Scientists saw the birth(诞生)of this island . It began at 7:30 a. m. on November 14th. A fishing boat was near Iceland. The boat moved under the captain’s feet. He noticed a strange smell. He saw some black smoke. A volcano(火山)was breaking out(爆发). Red-hot rocks , fire and smoke were rushing up from the bottom of the sea . The island grew quickly . It was 10 meters high the next day and 60 meters high on November 18th . Scientists flew there to watch . It was exciting . Smoke and fire were still rushing up . Pieces of red-hot rocks were flying into the air and falling into the sea . The sea was boiling and there was a strange light in the sky . Surtsey grew and grew . Then it stopped in June 1967. It was 175 meters high and 2 kilometers long . And life was already coming to Surtsey . Plants grew, Birds came . Some scientists built a house . They want to learn about this young island . A new island is like a new world .

60. Surtsey is .

A. the name of a boat B. an island not far from Iceland

C. a fishing boat D. a place in Iceland

61. Scientists flew there . A. to save the fishing boat

C. to visit the island D. to build a house

62. When did scientists fly there according to the passage? A. Before the volcano broke out B. As soon as the volcano broke out C. After the volcano stopped rushing up. D. About four days after the volcano broke out. 63. The best title of this article is . A. A volcano B. A new world

C. The birth of an island D. Scientists discovered Surtsey


There are many international organizations which work to save and protect endangered species(物种)and natural environment. If you would like more information about any of the organizations listed below, you can write to the addresses given.

Friends of the Earth(FOE)Greenpeace uses peaceful but direct action to B. to watch the birth of the island

campaigns on a range of problems defend the environment. It campaigns to protect including rainforests, the countryside, rainforests and sea animals, stop global warming water and air pollution and energy. and end pollution of air, land and seas. It also Friends of the Earth International opposes nuclear power. Secretariat P. O. Box 19199 1000 G. D. Greenpeace International Keizergracht 176 1016 Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands The Netherlands DW

BirdLife International is an WWF—World Wide Fund For Nature is the organization which works to save world’s largest private international organization endangered birds all over the world. BirdLife International Wellbrook Court Girton Road Cambridge CB3 0NA England for the conservation of nature and threatened species. Information Officer WWF International Avenue du Mont-Blanc 1196 Gland Switzerland 64. If you want to learn more about the organizations, you can _______. A. call them B. visit them

C. write them a letter D. send them an e-mail

65. BirdLife International is an organization aiming to ________. A. save endangered birds B. defend rainforests C. protect ocean animals

D. reduce pollution

66. If you oppose nuclear power, you can join ________. A. Friends of the Earth

B. World Wide Fund For Nature

C. BirdLife International D. Greenpeace 67. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Global Traffic Problems B. Environmental Protection Organizations C. Endangered Animals D. Natural Beauty


If you want to get the most out of the study of a language, you must also read for pleasure: novels, plays, travel books, and so on. And in reading books of this kind the important thing is to get on with the reading; to try to grasp what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole. This is impossible if you stop and think over the meaning of every single word which happens to be unfamiliar(不熟悉). You can not enjoy a story if you stop half a dozen times on every page in order to look up words in the dictionary. You may even prevent yourself from understanding the story as a whole by doing this.

When you are reading books of this kind, therefore, you will usually have to rely mainly on

(依靠)the context(上下文)to help you. If you meet an unfamiliar word, do not let it take too much of your attention from the main thread(主线)of the story. In all probability(可能)you will meet the same word again a few pages later on in a slightly different context, and each time you see it your understanding of it will become more exact.

68. The phrase ―to get on with reading‖ in the passage has the same meaning as ―_________‖.

A. to try to grasp the meaning of every sentence in the book B. to try to catch the meaning of every word in the book C. to try to understand all the writer is going to tell you D. to try to understand the main idea of the book

69. When you meet new words in reading such kinds of books, you’d better _________. A. stop and look them up in a dictionary B. stop and think them over C. try to guess their meanings from the context D. have none of them 70. From the passage the best way to read novels, plays and travel books is _____. A. to read very slowly B. to read quickly and not too carefully C. to read very carefully D. to read very seriously 71. The best title for this passage is ―___________‖. A. Read for Pleasure B. Get on with the Books C. Reading Skills D. The Importance of Reading

(E) Sunny English Club For students 16:00 – 18:00 Every Saturday 200 Yuan a month 9 Zhou Yu Street Tel: 3785290 Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!

Ocean Museum 9:00—17:00 From Thursday to Sunday Ticket: 50 yuan 132 Xue Yuan Street Tel: 5439871 Health Centre 9:00—17:30 16 Yong Le Street Tel: 3801451 Free examinations for those over 70 Give you good advice to keep healthy! Show you a full picture of sea 72. Sunny English Club is for ______ . lives! A. students B. policemen C. nurses D. businessmen 73. You will pay _______ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year. A. 300 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 2400yuan D. 1200 yuan 74. You can visit Ocean Museum _______ .

A. on Wednesday B. on Saturday C. on Monday D. anytime 75. One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is _______ . A. 73 B. 17 C. 67 D. 9

五. 短文填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


Last week, we talked about different kinds of stories. Many of you said you like the__1_____(美国的)writer Ernest Hemingway, who is w___2_____known for his short stories. I suppose you have all f__3_ my advice and finished reading his story. We’re going to study it __4___(一起)in this lesson. Now, first of all, I would like you to have a 5 (讨论). Please look at the three q__6___on the blackboard. First, when did the story___7____place? Second, what kind of person does the writer show___8____(自己)to be? Third, what is the writer’s main purpose of w___9___this story? I’d like you to work__10____pairs and present your answers in ten minutes. .

六. 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 家长陪读,可以给孩子做好吃的饭菜,帮孩子洗衣服,从而孩子有更多的时间去学习和休息。

2. 家长陪读,孩子的独立生活能力不能得到培养,与同学们的接触时间少,会严重影响他们的交际能力,从而给今后的生活带来不利的影响. 。

注意:语言连贯流畅,要点齐全,但不能逐条翻译;词数在100左右。 提示:陪傍某人:keep sb company



21-25 ACDBA 26-30 ADBCB 31-35 BDAAC

36-40 CABBD 41-45 DABCC 46-50 ADCAC 41-55 BADDC 56-60 DBDAB 61-65 BDCCA 66-70 DBDCB 71-75 DADBA

76. American 77. well 78. followed 79. together 80. discussion 81. questions 82. take 83. himself 84. writing 85. in

One possible version

As Grade One students, our class have had a discussion about whether high school graduates, should recycle the textbooks.

Some students agree to this suggestion. They point out that recycling textbooks can save a lot of natural resources used to make textbooks and save lots of expense. Besides, they mention that recycling textbooks is very common in some western countries.

But other students express their opposite ideas. They emphasize that the contents of the textbooks are often renewed. What’s more, various kinds of notes have been made in their textbooks.

In my opinion, it is a wonderful idea because it will not only save much money but also do a lot of good to both the government and students’ families.

