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GRE 词汇 杜冠宇

? 工具:功能

abacus : calculate balance : weight sextant : navigate clasp : fasten lath : shape drill : bore awl : piece ? 工具:使用者 scythe : reaper

valediction : farewell axe : woodcutter

? 有关圣经

scripture : testament 约;遗嘱 will exegesis : theologian seminary theocracy antediluvian : deluge retribution raven Ravenous ? 有序

mosaic : glass (mosaic : tile) montage : image montage : pixel ballet : dancer cast : actor

constellation : star chord : note

clientele : customer ? 特征

miser : stinginess stingily

parsimonious tightfisted

cheapskate, tightwad niggard, thrift

vat : dye

stylus : engrave lamp : illuminate tackle : hoist scissor : cur

whetstome : sharp

scalpel : surgeon saw : carpenter

dove militarist chauvinist

salvation (salvage) : abandon bondage prophet

faculty : teacher rabble : people

hodgepodge : article medley : song repertoire : play archipelago : island zigzag : turn

husbandly, squander

improvident, extravagant dissolute, profligate prodigal


? 精力,活力

debilitate, emaciate flag, enervate infirm, feeble, anemic, wan effete, morbid

? 计量单位 calorie : heat decibel : sound

gallon : liquid (gallon > quart > pint) light-year : distance ? 欺骗

guile, beguile

credulous, gullible dupe, guileless ? 短暂的+

transient, transitory ephemeral, evanescent fleeting ? 胆小

timorous, timid

pusillanimous, gutless spineless, nerveless chinless, recreant craven

? “小”

pebble : figurine rivulet creek : river brook

cavity : hole (cavity : cave) nuance : distinction gadget : tool

vignette : painting


invigorate, rubicund sound, sturdy,

stalwart : bias, hale (inhale, exhale)

lumen : light volt : electricity acre : land ream : paper

ingenuous, simple naive, artless

unsophisticated, yokel ? 持续的+

lasting, enduring

permanent, perpetual persistent ? 胆大

coward, heroic

dauntless, undaunted gallant, stout

stouthearted, intrepid bold, valiant plucky, valorous

peccadillo : error glitch, miff, tiff, skirmish, spat, squabble, spit : drink nibble : eat

quibble : object cabal : association


1. 直接反义

fluent : halting

ascend : go down / descend / plummet ascendant descendant decrescendo crescendo

blurt : utter / speak / fleet / move 2. 间接反义

sublime / tidy squalid

splendid / inviting / pleasant

1. BIOSTEROUS A. grateful B. angry C. clever D. frightened E. quiet 2. COMMOTION A. desirable B. likeability C. propensity D. changeability E. tranquility 3. LEVY

A. reconsider B. relinquish C. repatriate D. revitalize E. rescind 4. DISPATCH A. serenity B. leisureliness C. heedlessness D. irregularity E. aversion

3. 精确对应

awkward x brilliant : dull 4. 熟词僻意

husband : squander table : consider

balloon : decrease slowly brook : refuse to tolerate stomach : refuse to tolerate

? 倾向 tendency disposition predisposition inclination proclivity liability orientation ? 音乐 fantasia capriccio rhapsody concerto sonata medley note bar phrase movement score staccato cantata soprano tenor canary recital ballerina minuet ballad ditty violin cello bassoon tambourine percussionist horn, trumpet 5. INVELGLE A. display openly B. request directly C. initiate willingly D. advocate strongly E. contribute lavishly 6. PROMPT A. betray B. check C. sway

D. complicate E. defer 7. IMPASSIVE A. Overwrought B. Long-winded C. Pompous D. Energetic E. Adept 8. ESCHEW A. Invest B. Consume C. Maintain D. Condemn E. Seek



1) 组成关系 2) 种属关系 3) 一般与特殊 9. CHOIR : SINGER A. election : voter B. anthology : poet C. cast : actor

D. orchestra : composer E. convention : speaker

? 骗 decoy coax cajole blandishment wheedle swindle deceive gull gullibility hoax double-cross set up ? 位置 arsenal = armory, wardrobe, closet : weapon, bullet, munitions aqueduct : water pipeline : gas vessel: blood larder, pantry : food/ water/ provision vault : valuable tank : water/ oil/ diesel archive record : file/ document/ manuscript ? 说话 articulate mutter murmur mumble slur indirect palter elaborate equivocate truth pontificate : strut deceive (pontifical) parrot : creative stutter stammer halting drone monotonous ? 气味 odor scent ? 感觉 olfaction gestation gustation 听: + cacophonous mellifluous euphonious dulcet - grating piercing raspy strident ○10. MELECULE : ATOMS A. tissue : cells B. office : furniture C. body : limbs D. family : brothers E. light : batteries 11. OSTRICH : BIRD A. caterpillar : moth B. lizard : frog C. bud : leaf D. tiger : cat E. gust : cat 12. TWIG : LIMB A. microbe : slide B. galaxy : star C. doggerel : poetry D. plant : root E. brook : river

13. COLLOSSUS : FIGURINE A. epic : grandeur B. sculptor : statue C. squirrel : chipmunk D. boulder : pebble E. sofa : bench

○ 人(事物)及其特点的关系

1) 正面关系 2) 反面关系

14. COWARD : CRAVEN A. liar : facetious B. dupe : gullible

C. commentator : caustic D. judge : impartial E. criminal : hostile 15. MISER : THRIFT A. performer : artistry B. chauvinist : patriotism C. mimic : ridicule

D. politician : compromise E. scientist : discovery

16. COWARD : BRAVE A. hero : cynical

B. martyr : impatient C. philanthropist : selfist D. agnostic : intuitive E. traitor : careful

○ 同义词及其延伸关系

1) 反义词 2) 同义词 3) 程度类比 17. DEFAULT : PAY A. evict : reside B. slouch : stand C. yield : resist D. sue : convict E. argue : win

18. FURTIVE : STEALTH A. loquacious : intelligence B. immoral : contrition C. pontifical : reverence D. whimsical : caprice E. arduous : endurance 19. GLARING : BRIGHT A. iridescent : colorful B. perceptible : visible

C. discordant : harmonious D. peppery : salty E. deafening : loud 20. SUSPICIOUS : PARANOID A. envious : proud

B. admiring : idolatrous C. joyous : virtuous D. furtive : forthright E. vicious : deceptive

○ 动作及其相关关系

1) 消除关系 2) 动作表达感情 3) 动作极其结果 21. MUFFLE : SOUND A. assuage : grief B. maul : object C. extract : flavor D. endure : agony E. conceal : secret 22. DISCOMFITED : BLUSH A. nonplussed : weep B. contemptuous : sneer C. affronted : blink D. sullen : groan E. aggrieved : gloat 23. CREASE : FOLDING A. serration : braiding B. hole : perforating C. dent : weakening D. break : setting E. gouge : cracking

○ 组词与造句

1) 形容词修饰名词 2) 动宾关系

1. REDOLENT : SMELL A. curious : knowledge B. lucid : sight C. torpid : motion D. ephemeral : touch E. piquant : taste 2. CONUMDRUM : SOLVE A. mirage : vanish B. tangle : unravel C. dilemma : arbitrate D. joke : amuse E. target : aim

○ 其他关系

3. SLITHER : SNAKE A. perch : eagle B. bask : lizard C. waddle : duck D. circle : hawk E. croak : frog

4. MELODRAMA : SUBTLETY A. chimera : authenticity B. parody : wit C. war : strategy D. brief : abstract E. hypothesis : theory 5. SCHOOL : FISH A. posse : crowd B. arrow : feathers C. union : labor D. flock : birds E. stock : cattle 6. CROWD : PEOPLE A. library : books B. field : hay C. school : fish D. theater : plays E. office :desks

7. BOUQUET : FLOWERS A. forest : trees B. husk : corn C. mist : rain

D. woodpile : logs E. drift : snow 8. SINGER : CHOIR A. flower : bouquet B. leaf : forest C. flute : reed D. line : sculpture E. rhythm : time

9. STANZA : POEM A. pirouette : ballet B. rhythm : verse C. duet : chorus D. act : opera

E. mimicry : pantomime 10. MATRIX : NUMBERS A. gas : molecules B. volume : liquid C. crystal : atoms

D. interaction : reagents E. stratum : layer 11. ALCOVE : RECESS A. turret : chimney B. dome : roof

C. column : entrance D. foyer : ballroom

E. foundation : building 12. PUN : JOKE A. owner : pet B. termite : insect C. child : adult D. pint : quart E. sand : beach 13. DOGGEREL : VERSE A. burlesque : play B. sketch : drawing C. operate : symphony D. fable : narration E. limerick : sonnet 14. INSECT : BUTTERFLY A. perfume : essence

B. botany : chrysanthemum C. philosophy : metaphysics D. pitch : black

E. color : brightness

15. REFLECTION : LIGHT A. emotion : feeling B. echo : sound C. film : scene

D. microphone : hearing E. iris : vision

16. FREQUENCY : PITCH A. wavelength : color B. radius : diameter C. perpendicular : angle D. generator : energy E. vibration : chord 1. RIVAL : COMPETITION A. mentor : praise

B. mendicant : confusion C. sycophant : flattery D. litigant : morality

E. maverick : cooperation 2. JUGGERNAUT : VRUSH A. quisling : betray B. incubus : hatch C. sphinx : destroy D. sibyl : mislead E. paragon : purify

3. GOUNRMAND : APPETITE A. pedant : simplicity B. skinflint : thrift C. prodigal : energy D. daredevil : strength E. egotist : honesty 4. PHILOSOPHER : COFITIE A. linguist : prevaricate B. politician : capitulate C. scholar : extemporize D. misanthrope : repeat E. iconoclast : attack

5. SKRMISH : INSIGNIFICANCE A. revolution : democracy B. duel : formality C. feud : impartiality D. bout : sparring

E. crusade : remoteness 6. SAGE : WISDOM A. pilgrim : abstinence B. pundit : imitation

C. philanthropist : benevolence D. legislator : diplomacy E. crusader : ambition 7. DEBUT

A. collaboration B. monologue

C. farewell performance D. repertoire standard E. starring role 8. WITHER A. disagree B. shine C. plant D. adhere E. revive 9. BUCK

A. cover over B. assent to C. brag about D. improve E. repair 10. MEAN A. trusting B. ardent C. clever D. incaution E. noble

11. CANONICAL A. imprecise B. ubiquitous C. superfluous D. nontraditional E. divisive 12. TICKLISH A. heavy-handed B. significant C. tolerant D. impartial

E. imperturbable 13. PREVALENT A. invasive B. inconsistent C. indistinct D. unpalatable E. unusual 14. PENURY A. approbation B. affluence C. objectivity D. compensation E. grandiosity 15. MINATORY A. convenient B. nonthreatening C. straightforward D. fastidious E. rational 16. CALUMNIOUS A. adept B. aloof C. quaint D. decorous E. flattering


A. expert appraisal B. generous donation C. essential element D. mild reproof

E. impartial judgment

