九年级英语总复习导学案 06

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九年级英语总复习导学案No.6 Class: Name: Date:_________

复习内容: Units 4--6, Book 7B

复习重点:1.谈论职业 2. 现在进行时 3. 谈论天气 复习流程:

Step 1. Revision 记牢Unit 4-6 重点词汇及句子 见《基础盘点》 Step 2 Self-study


( )1. –Do you want to be ______ officer? --No. I want to be ______ reporter.

A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a

( )2. -- _____ does she do? --She is a bank clerk. A. How B. What C. Why ( )3. -- ______ your weekend, John? --It was pretty good.

A. How is B. How was C. How are

( )4. –Are you ____________? --Yes, we are.

A. go shopping B. go shop C. going shopping

Part 1 基础知识过关:

短语:银行职员_____________.努力工作______________通过电话交谈________________ 电视台 警察局 电视节目 等候,等待 ____ 在度假 拍照 看,朝…看 寻找 谈论 为了 那听起来不错。____________________ 玩的开心。__________________ 句型 熟读 Grammar Focus & 3a

Part 2 合作探究

关于职业: 1. 搜集职业名词,看谁记得多。_teacher,__________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 你知道询问他人职业有哪几种问法? 请举例。


注意:a\an的用法:__________________________________________________________________ 关于时态: 语法突破:现在进行时(P99 Book 7B)

用 法:现在进行时表示 ________________________________________________ 结 构: ______________________________________________________________. 标志词:______________________________________________________________ 翻译: 1.我们正在看电视. ________________________________________ 2.他们正在打扫教室.______________________________________________ 3. Jim正在做作业。.______________________________________________ 4.子现在没有踢足球. ______________________________________________ 5.她现在正在听音乐吗?是的。. ___________________________________ 6.我正在玩电脑游戏. _____________________________________________ 7.你们正在打扫教室吗?__________________________________________


1. 你知道哪些描述天气的形容词? ____________________________________ 2. 如何询问天气? _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Part 3 考点训练 & 当堂检测

( )5. Look! The little baby _____________. Please turn down the music.

A. are sleep B. is sleeping C. sleeps

( )6. We have a job for you ________ a writer. A. for B. at C. as ( )7. --__________ does your father work? --He works in a factory(工厂).

A. What B. How C. Where

( )8. --_________ is the weather ______ in Hefei? --It’s snowing.

A. How, / B. How, like C. A and B

( )9. We are doing __________ homework. A. we B. us C. our ( )10. –I often listen to the song Rainbow. –So do I. It _______ beautiful.

A. feels B. smells C. sounds

补全对话: No.1 A:Hello. Nice to meet you!

B: 1)_________________________!How long have you been in Changsha? A:For half a year.

B:2)_____________________________________________________? A: It’s a beautiful city.

B:Why did you come to study here? A:Because my father got a job here.

B:Oh,3)____________________________________? A:He is a policeman.

B:Cool,I want to be a policeman, too.4)_______________________________? A: I want to be a singer.

B:5)______________________________________? A:Because I like singing very much. No.2

A: Good morning, Mr. Smith. Where are you from?

B: 1______________________________________

A: Oh, the capital of China. 2. _________________________________________? B: Only a little. I go to a French class every week. A: Do you want to be busy? B: Yes, I do.

A: What do you want to be?

B: 3. ______________________________________________________. A: That’s great. Why do you like that?

B: Because being a policeman is exciting and kind of dangerous. And I like it very


A: OK. We’ll hire(雇) you.

B: 4. ______________________________________________________. A: You can begin this week.

B: 5. _______________________________________________________

