2010年特岗教师招聘考试中学英语模拟试题及答案五 - 词汇和结构

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Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are fifteen incomplete sentences in the following.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.

()1.I 20 yuan buying this book yesterday. A.cost B.took C.paid D.spent

()2.Even the best student in our class couldnt answer this question,so it be very difficult.

A.must B.couldC.may D.can

()3.Youll find this map of greatin helping you to get round London. A.price B.costC.value D.usefulness

()4.Please make my excuse at tomorrows meeting.Ive got too much work. A.to do to come B.doing coming C.to do coming D.doing to come

()5.Doesmatter if he cant finish the job on time? A.this B.that C.he D.it

()6.It was only when I reread these poems recently I began to appreciate their beauty.

A.until B.that C.then D.so

()7.Not only I but also Jane and Marytired of having one examination after another.

A.is B.are C.am D.be

()8.Now the needforeign languages is becoming greater and greater. A.to learn B.learning

C.to be learned D.being learned

()9.In Britain,peoplefour million tons of potatoes every year. A.swallow B.dispose C.consume D.exhaust

()10.The computer revolution may well change society as as did the Industrial Revolution.

A.certainly B.insignificantly C.fundamentally D.comparatively

()11.You cannot imagine how I feel with my duties sometimes. A.overflowed B.overthrown C.overwhelmed D.overturned

()12.The bride and groom promised toeach other through sickness and health. A.nourish B.nominate C.roster D.cherish

()13.Since our knowledge isnone of us can exclude the possibility of being


A.controlled B.restrained C.finite D.delicate

()14.It seems somewhatto expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20minute meeting.

A.eccentric B.impossible C.absurd D.unique

()15.The old lady has developed acough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.

A.perpetual B.permanent C.chronic D.sustained


1.D 【中公专家解析】spend?(in)doing?意为“花多少时间/金钱做什么事”。 2.A 【中公专家解析】情态动词中的must, can, could, may都表推测。其中must的可能性最大,can/could次之,may最小。由该句话的语境可以推断出,这个问题肯定很难。

3.C 【中公专家解析】本句的意思是“你会发现这张地图对你游览伦敦有很大帮助。” 4.A 【中公专家解析】不定式to do 与have got much work 搭配,即have got much work to do意为“有许多工作要做”;不定式to come 与much 前的too搭配,构成too?to?句式。

5.D 【中公专家解析】it 做形式主语,真正的主语为if he cant finish the job on time。

6.B 【中公专家解析】本题考查的是it is?that?的强调句型。

7.B 【中公专家解析】not only?but also?句型,谓语动词采取就近原则,即动词的单复数看离它最近的那个主语。

8.A 【中公专家解析】动词不定式短语修饰抽象名词need,相当于形容词的作用。 9.C 【中公专家解析】swallow意为“吞,咽”;dispose意为“处理,处置”;consume意为“消耗,消费”;exhaust意为“用尽,耗尽”。

10.C 【中公专家解析】certainly意为“无疑地,确定地”;insignificantly意为“无意义地”;fundamentally“基础地,根本地”;comparatively意为“比较地,相当地”。

11.C 【中公专家解析】overflow意为“泛滥”;overthrow意为“推翻”; be overwhelmed


12.D 【中公专家解析】nourish意为“滋养,使健壮”;nominate意为“提名,推荐”;roster意为“上花名册”;cherish意为“珍视”。本句的意思是“新娘新郎承诺不管疾病还是健康都会珍爱对方。”

13.C 【中公专家解析】controlled意为“受约束的”;restrained意为“受限制的”;finite意为“有限的”;delicate意为“精致的,脆弱的”。本句的意思是“我们掌握的知识是有限的,所以没有人能排除犯错误的可能性。”

14.C 【中公专家解析】eccentric意为“古怪的”;impossible意为“不可能的”;absurd意为“荒谬的”unique意为“唯一的”。本句的意思是“期望别人开三个小时的车只为了参加二十分钟会议的想法有点荒谬。”

15.C 【中公专家解析】perpetual意为“永久的”;permanent意为“永恒的”;chronic意为“慢性的”;sustained意为“持续的”。本句的意思是“那位老太太患有慢性咳嗽,短时间内无法完全治愈。”

