安全管理责任书 Securitymanagement Responsibility documents

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Securitymanagement Responsibility documents安全管理责任书


In order to implement the requirements ofsafety responsibility system that referenced to <Fire Law of the People'sRepublic of China>and the <Production Safety Law of the People’s Republicof China>, and enact the department safety management responsible documents andprocedure according to the situation of our hotel.

1. 部门安全责任人 Departmentsafety responsibility person


The department safety responsibility personis in charge of managing different safety issues in the precinct and should beresponsible to general manager.

2. 酒店安全生产的特点和概念Theconcepts and features of hotel’s safety production


Implement the concept of hotel safetyproduction, based upon the specialty of safety production and continuity ofevent. Hotel safety production means the safety of guests, the safety ofassociates, the safety of equipments and property as well (including the hotelfire, security),which are under the normal operation.


Guest safetymeans the personal safety and property security.


The safetyof associates means the personal safety, including the safety of work procedures,the safety of kitchen and the safety of construction.


The safetyof equipment and facilities means the safe operation of hotel’s elevator、boiler、strong& weak electricity and internet, including fireproofing, explosion protection,lightning protection and etc.

3. 安全生产责任内容The content of safety production responsibility

3.1 认真履行安全生产的工作职责,严格遵守有关安全生产的法律和规章制度,贯彻执行酒店安全生产管理制度。

Implement the duties of safety production, complythe law and regulations of safety production, and fulfill the rules of hotelsafety production management.

3.2 将安全生产工作纳入重要工作日程,制定本部门安全生产检查制度及重点部位、环节的应急措施,落实专人负责,坚持做好日常安全生产检查。

Put the safety production issue into theimportant working schedule, set up the rules of safety production inspectionand the solutions to emergency. Arrange the employee to supervise the dailysafety production inspection.


Insist on supervising the inspection thatafter and before work, try to turn off the power, air-condition, water, gas andfire when staff leave. If find fire problem, we should get rid of itimmediately. When the department can’t get the solutions, it should report tosuperior department in time and acquire cooperation.

3.4 严格遵守安全操作规程,对本部门的防火重点部位,特别是存放、使用易燃、易爆物品的场所,应采取切实有效的安全防范措施。

Implement the procedure of safety operation,focus on the key parts of fireproofing, especially the site that storedtinderbox and explosive things, the department should comply the practical andeffective safety measures.

3.5 严格抓好本部门员工的规范操作,加强安全操作培训,使部门员工养成认真工作、规范操作的良好习惯,消除隐患,确保员工人身安全。

Enhance the training of safety operation, andmake the employees develop an excellent working habit, get rid of the hiddendangers and keep staff’s personal safety.

3.6 加强本部门使用设施设备的日常检查和安全维护,包括24小时连续运行的电气设备、电源插座开关、电线等,确保设施、设备运行安全。

Strengthen the daily inspection and maintenancefor equipment and facilities, including 24hours power equipment, power plug andelectric wire, which will make sure the safety operation of equipment.

3.7 认真做好在用设备的电、管、气等的检测维护,不合要求的设备要及时报修、更换,消除安全隐患,要做好安全生产值班记录。

Maintain the inspection for electricalequipment, pipes, and gas, and repair the equipment that can’t meet thestandards so as to get rid of the security risks. Meanwhile, make the record ofsafety production shift.


Strengthen the safety inspection within thepatrol work, and pay more attention to remaining cigarettes, the power plug, andwhether the process of food production is normal. Then make the shifts recordand save it.

3.9 结合本部门的工作实际,配合相关部门切实落实“一畅”、“两提醒”、“三警惕”、“四会”和“房务十注意”的安全工作,其中:

According to practical work, cooperate withthe related departments to carry out security work about "one smooth”, “tworeminder”, “three vigilance", “four abilities” and " ten notes for housekeeping" including:


“One smooth "means: fire safetyevacuation routes and exits must keep unobstructed.


"Two reminder" means: ①theguests should keep the handbag beside themselves when they enter into thebusiness premises. ②When the guests hang the coat on the back of chair whenthey leave, reminder them immediately.


“Three vigilance "means: ①payattention to the people walking around, looking around and using mobile phonesin the business premises. ②pay attention to the people that stayin business premises but not order for long time. ③pay attention to the people that pretend to look for somebody but do not findanyone.


"Four abilities" means: alldepartment employees should learn : ① be able to put out the fire at thebeginning. ② be able to call the fire alarm ③be able to evacuate the guests. ④ be able to escape and protectthemselves.


"ten notes for housekeeping" means:①Donot ask anything at the first time.②identity card are inconsistent or indoubt; ③Noluggage; ④ look around when check-in;

⑤ people who wearing hats ,sunglasses or avoid the CCTV inhotel; ⑥people who stay in the room and reject stuff to clean the room; ⑦one person check in but more than one residents; ⑧people who walk around in the aisleand pretend to get the wrong floor and the wrong room; ⑨suspiciouspeople who request room inspection before check-in; ⑩peoplewho make the noise like arguing, beating or scream in the room.

3.10 做好对本部门员工的安全培训和宣传教育工作,特别要加强对基层员工的安全事故培训,包括突发事件的处理技巧、消防知识、灭火技能等培训。

Train the department employees and dopropaganda education work, especially strengthen the training of safetyincidents to junior staff, including the skills of handling emergency, fireknowledge and the skills to extinguish fire.

3.11 做好安全生产案例的通报工作。对日常各种安全事故案例进行分析、汇集和总结,并形成书面材料上报酒店安全责任人。组织员工进行学习,增强员工的安全防范意识和技能。

Report the safety production case to relateddepartment. Analysis, compile and summarize the daily safety accident cases, thenreport to the person who charge security department. Organize the employees tostudy and strengthen the safety awareness and skills.

3.12 组织本部门员工认真配合酒店开展应急预案的演练,并做好安全生产知识考核工作,确保员工掌握一般的消防灭火技能和必要的疏散逃生知识。

Organize the employees to cooperate the hotelto carry out emergency practice, and finish the examination of safetyproduction knowledge, which ensure the staff to master the general skills andnecessary knowledge about evacuating and escaping.

3.13 负责完善本部门安全生产档案管理,包括应急预案、案例整理、培训内容和培训人员签到等。

Manage the safety production profiles,including emergency plans, cases, training materials and staff attendancereport etc.

3.14 维护本部门管辖范围内的消防器材、设施完好,保持清洁,不得随意移动位置,非消防需要,不得使用消防器材、设施,发现消防器材和设施有欠缺或损坏时,应及时向保安部报告,进行补充、完善。

Manage and cherish the fire-fightingequipment and facilities, keep clean and don’t remove or use the equipment whenit is unnecessary. If you find any damage or defectiveness about the equipment,you should report to security department and supplement it.

3.15 有权利、有义务、有责任制止任何违反消防规定的行为,情况严重者应及时报告保安部或酒店安全责任人。

Have the right, obligation and responsibilityto prevent any violation of fire, then report to department head when theserious situation happened.


When the safety production incident happenedat the beginning, we should organize the employees to rescue the staff and callthe alarm within the hotel.


Protect the safety scene, assist toinvestigate the reason of accident.


Report the status of safety production workto the people who is in charge of security in hotel regularly.

4. 安全生产的考核奖惩Assessment and reward of safety production

4.1 将各部门安全生产工作纳入酒店的质量检查考核。

Take the safety production issues into assessmentof quality examination.

4.2 对因工作失职而造成安全事故的直接责任人或当事人,视情节追究相关责任。

Punish the employee who neglect his duty and causedirect incident according to the actual situation.

4.3 对在安全生产事故中积极参与解决,表现突出者给予表彰和奖励,对尽心尽职的部门义务消防员给予表彰。

Reward the employees who have the outstandingperformance during the safety production accidents. Reward the volunteerfiremen who have the good performance.


Reward the departments that don’t have anysafety production accidents in the whole year.

5. 本责任书一式叁份,部门安全责任人、酒店安全责任人、保安部各执一份,自签订之日起生效,至2017年12月31日失效。责任书有效期内,本部门安全责任人如有变换,由继任者继续履行签订责任,离任者有责任将本责任书交接给继任者.

This responsibility documents have 3 copies,and the department safety responsibility person, the safety responsibility personof hotel, the security department each has one. The effective period is fromthe date of signing to December 31st 2017. Within the valid period, if the departmentresponsibility person is changed, the new person will take the job, and personwho left has the duty to hand over this responsibility documents to thesuccessor.


Safety responsibility of the HUALUXE Kunming (GeneralManager):

酒店安全责任人(总经理): Date日期:

Each department safety responsibility


Food & Beverage餐饮部: Date日期:

Kitchen厨房: Date日期:

Rooms房务部: Date日期:

Finance财务部: Date日期:

Sales & Marketing市场销售部: Date日期:

Engineering工程部: Date日期:

Human Resources人力资源部: Date日期:

Security保安部: Date日期:

