
更新时间:2023-12-08 18:38:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


PART 1 听力新题型之新闻题



的相关内容说明如下 1.取消短对话。 2.取消短文听写。


4.长对话(2段)由原来的共7题调整为共8题,每小题1分,对话长度不变。 5.短文理解(3段)题型不变,分值由原来的每小题1分调整为每小题2分。 6.考试时间由原来的35分钟减为25分钟。 二,新闻英语文体特点 (-)新闻报道。六大要素。

新闻报道里的。六大要素。即常说的。人物(who)、时间(when)、地点(where)、事件(what)、原因(why)和方式(how)。。在英语短新闻或内容提要中至少包括其中三个要素who,what和when,这些是新闻报道中最具价值的三要素。 (二)倒金字塔结构


字塔结构把最重要的事实置于全文的第一词中,即新闻导语(the news lead)。导语告知听众最新鲜、最关



的侧重点不同,有时新闻导语可能只包含其中的几个要素。 (三)新闻英语词汇特点 1.常用词汇表示特殊含义

新闻报道常使用某些常见词汇来表达事实和事件,这些词汇经过长期使用逐渐取得与新闻报道相联系的特殊意义,成为新闻体词语(journalistic words)。例如,horror一词是新闻标题中常用的词,用以表示\不幸事故或暴力行动。,再如nadir常指。两国关系的最低点。。 2.大量使用缩略词

缩略词具有节省时间、新颖生动的特点,在英语新闻广播中广泛使用,主要是为了节省时间。在新闻广播中,一般在播出某个缩略的全称以后,再提到时就使用它的缩略词。 3.使用。小词。

小词(midget wolds)即简短词,一般为单音节词。小词在新闻英语中被广泛使用的原因一是报纸箱

有限,用小词可以免于移行,二是小词的词义范畴很广,比较生动灵活。新闻英语称这类词为synonyms of

all work(万能同义词),如表示。破坏。或。损坏。的动词,一般会用一些较简短的词,如hit,harm,hurt或

ruin等又如表示。放弃。,一般会用drop,give up,quit或skip等表示。爆炸。之类的意义时,

一般会用blast, crash 或 smash 等. 4,地名、建筑物名称借用 在英语新闻中,我们时常会听到记者用各国首都名称代表国家或政府,用建筑物及街道名称代表有关政府机构. 如 WASHINGTON, July 25-The White House today threatened for the first time 1o... 此处WhiteHouse (白宫)代表美国政府。再如The Chinese Embassy in Washington criticized the Pentagon report八on Monday...此处Pentagon(五角大楼)代表美国国防部。 新闻听力解题技巧



涂卡建议:1.迅速作答 相信第一直觉

2.选项最好写在听力题选项左侧,便于辨识,切忌反复涂改 3.若选择做完即涂卡,切勿占用下篇新闻的读题时间。 第一节 新闻类单词突击 新闻中常见词汇:

tragedy [?tr?d??di] n. 灾难;悲剧

disastrous [d??za:str?s] a,灾难性的;损失惨重的 death toll死亡人数

mortality [m?:?t?l?ti] n.死亡(率)

wreck [rek]vt.破坏,毁坏;拆除;使遇难n.毁灭,失事;遇难船的残骸; crash [kr??] v.碰撞;使发出巨响;暴跌;睡觉n.崩溃;碰撞;碰撞声;暴跌 typhoon [ta??fu:n]n.台风

storm [st?:m] 美 [st?:rm] n.暴风雨,暴风雪;

sandstorm英 [?s?ndst?:m] 美 [?s?ndst?:rm] n.沙暴,尘暴 uproot [??p?ru:t] vt.根除;连根拔起;

erupt [??r?pt]vi. 爆发;喷发;突然发生vt.爆发 earthquake [??:θkwe?k] n. 地震;大变动 magnitude /’maegnitju:d/ n. 震级 record rainfall创纪录的降雨量 flood [fl?d] n.洪水;泛滥 vi.涌出; extreme weather极端天气 drought/draut/ n.干旱,早灾 disaster /dl'zasta/ n. 灾难

casualty[?k??u?lti]n.伤亡(人数 crisis/’kraisis/n.危机 misfortune [?m?s?f?:t?u:n]n.不幸;厄运;灾难;不幸的事 collapse [k??l?ps]vi.崩溃;倒塌

destructive [d??str?kt?v]adj.破坏性的;毁灭性的 hurricane [?h?r?k?n]n.飓风 tornado [t?:?ne?d??] n.龙卷风 mudslide [?m?dsla?d] n.泥石流 volcano [v?l?ke?n??] n.火山 eruption [?'r?p?n] n.喷发,爆发 epicenter ['ep?sent?] n. 震中,中心 aftershock [?ɑ:ft???k] n.余震 reduced rainfall降雨量减少 climate change气候变化 heat wave热浪


environment [?n?va?r?nm?nt]n.环境,外界 creature [?kri:t??(r)]n.人;生物,动物 carbon[?kɑ:b?n]n.碳

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 ecological balance 生态平衡

marine[m??ri:n]adj.海的;海产的;海军的n.水兵;海军陆战队士兵 habitat [?h?b?t?t]n.产地;(动物的)栖息地 pesticide[?pest?sa?d]n.杀虫剂,农药 biological diversity 生物多样性 wild animals 野生动物保护 greenhouse effect温室效应 water shortage 水资源短缺 pollutant[p??lu:t?nt]n.污染物 exhaust gas 废气 acid rain 酸雨

El Nino 厄尔尼诺现象 resource[r??s?:s]n.资源;物力 species[?spi:?i:z]n.物种;种类;

reserve[r??z?:v] n.储备;保留;保护区vt.储备;保留 dioxide[da???ksa?d]n.二氧化物 ozone[???z??n]n.臭氧;清新空气 insect[??nsekt]n.虫,昆虫;adj.昆虫的 geology[d?i??l?d?i]n.地质学 deforestation[?di:?f?r??ste??n]n.采伐森林 extinction of species 物种的灭绝 endangered animals 濒危动物 hazardous material 有害物质 pollute[p??lu:t]vt.污染 emission[i?m??n]n.排放,辐射 acid[??s?d]adj.酸的;酸性的n.酸 erosion[?'r???n]n.腐蚀 forest fire 森林火灾

armed campaign 武装战役 front[fr?nt]n.前线

bomb attack 炸弹袭击 blast[blɑ:st]n.爆炸

militant[?m?l?t?nt]n.激进分子,好斗分子 explode[?k?spl??d]vt.(使)爆炸

outbreak[?a?tbre?k]n.战争,怒气等的)爆发 combat[?k?mb?t]n.格斗,搏斗vt.与?战斗 missile[?m?sa?l]n.导弹

invade[?n?ve?d]vt.& vi.侵入,侵略;进行侵略 tactic[?t?kt?k]n.战术

ceasefire[?si:sfa??(r)] n.(通常指永久性的)停火 conquer[?k??k?(r)]vt.征服 detain[d??te?n]v.扣留 death toll 死亡人数

confidential information 机密情报 disarm[d?s?ɑ:m]v.解除武装 Defence Ministry 国防部

attack[??t?k]vt.& vi.攻击,袭击 gun attack 枪弹袭击 bomb[b?m] n.炸弹

explosive[?k?spl??s?v]adj.爆炸的;易爆炸的n.爆炸物,炸药 bullet[?b?l?t]n.弹丸;子弹,弹药 conventional forces 常规部队 arrest[??rest]vt.逮捕,拘捕 suspend[s??spend]v.暂停


surrender[s??rend?(r)] vi.投降;自首;屈服vt.交出;放弃;使投降 intelligence activities 情报活动

patrol[p??tr??l]n.巡逻,巡逻队,vt.& vi.巡逻 custody [?k?st?di]n.监管v.拘留 terrorist attack 恐怖袭击 allege [??led?] vt.断言,宣称 turnout[?t?:na?t] n.投票者;票数 poll [p??l] n.民意测试;政治选举 campaign [k?m?pe?n]n.运动;战役 democratic[?dem??kr?t?k] adj.民主的 depose[d??p??z]vt.宣誓作证 immunity[??mju:n?ti]n.免疫力

illegal[??li:gl]adj.不合法的,违法的 militant policy 激进政策

sovereign[?s?vr?n]n.君主;最高统治者a.有主权的 reign [re?n]v./n.君主的统治


terrorism [?ter?r?z?m]n.恐怖主义,恐怖活动 senate[?sen?t]n.参议院

committee[k??m?ti]n.委员会 statesman[?ste?tsm?n]n.政治家 nominate[?n?m?ne?t]vt.任命 ballot[?b?l?t]n./v.投票 election[??lek?n]n.选举

boycott[?b??k?t]vt.联合抵制;抵制n.联合抵制 concession[k?n?se?n]n.让步,迁就 democracy[d??m?kr?si]n.民主政治 hierarchy[?ha??rɑ:ki]n.层次;等级制度 impeach[?m?pi:t?]vt.弹劾

monarch[?m?n?k]n.君主,帝王 law enforcement 执法 regime[re???i:m]n.政治制度

partisan[?pɑ:t??z?n]adj.游击队的;党派性的 suppress[s??pres]vt.镇压,压制 tyranny[?t?r?ni]n.暴虐;专横

municipal[mju:?n?s?pl]adj.市的,市政的 politician[?p?l??t??n]n.政治家 draft[drɑ:ft]n.草稿vt.起草 candidate[?k?nd?d?t] n.候选人 implement [??mpl?ment]vt.实施 amend[??mend]vt.& vi.修订 welfare[?welfe?(r)]n.福利 impose[?m?p??z]vt.强加;征税



Simple Test Section A

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

(1) Kenyan Police say one person was killed and 26 injured in an explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi. The blast hit a bus about to set off for the Ugandan capital Kampala. Last July, the Somali group al-Shabab said it was behind the blasts in the Ugandan capital which killed more than 7o people. Will Ross reports from the Kenyan capital.

The explosion happened beside a bus which was about to set off for an overnight journey from Nairobi to the Ugandan capital Kampala. (2) Some eye witnesses report that a bag was about to be loaded on board, but it exploded during a security check. windows of the red bus were left smashed, and blood could be seen on the ground beside the vehicle. Just hours earlier, Uganda's police chief had warned of possible

Christmas-time attacks by Somali rebels.


1. What is the news report mainly about?

B)【精析】新闻的主旨大意一般出现在新闻的开头,由(1)可知,本则新闻主要是关于发生在内罗比(肯尼亚首都)中部汽车站的一起爆炸事故。 2. When did the incident occur?

C)【精析】由(2)可知,目击者称,一个包裹在进行安检的时候发生了爆炸。 Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

Woolworths is one of the best known names on the British High Street. It's been in business nearly a century. (3 ) Many of its 800 stores are likely to close following the company's decision to call administrators (4) after an attempt to sell the business for a token £ 1 failed.

The company has huge debts. The immediate cause for the collapse has been Britain's slide toward recession, which has cut into consumer spending. However the business had been in trouble for years.

Known for low-priced general goods, Woolworths has struggled in the face of competition from supermarkets expanding beyond groceries and a new generation of internet retailers.

Many of the store group's 25,000 employees are likely to lose their jobs. some profitable areas such as the DVD Publishing business will survive. 答案精析

3. What do we learn about Woolworths from the news report?

A)【精析】由(3)可知,沃尔沃斯(澳大利亚一家零售公司)可能会关闭它的许多商店。 4. What did Woolworths attempt to do recently?


Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

Cairo is known for its overcrowded roads, irregular driving practices and shaky old vehicles, but also for its air pollution. In recent months, though, environmental studies indicate there have been signs of improvement. (5) That's due in part to the removal of many of the capital s old-fashioned black and white taxis. Most of these dated back to the 1960s and 70s and were in a

poor state of repair.

(6) After new legislation demanded their removal from the roads, a low interest loan. scheme was set up with three Egyptian banks so drivers could buy new cars. The government pays about $ 900 for old ones to be discarded and advertising on the new vehicles helps cover repayments. The idea has proved popular with customer -they can now travel in air-conditioned comfort and (7) because the new cabs are metered, they don't have to argue over fares. Banks and car manufacturers are glad for the extra business in tough economic times. As for the taxi drivers, most are delighted to be behind the wheel of new cars, although there have been a few complaints about switching from black and white to a plain white colour.


5. What change took place in Cairo recently?

D)【精析)由(5)可知,开罗把城市里老旧的黑白相间的出租车都换掉了。 6. What helped bring about the change?


7. Why do customers no longer argue with new cab drivers?

C)【精析】由(7)可知,因为新的出租车都安装了计价器,所以乘客和司机不会因为车费发生争吵了。 Model Test One Section A

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

(1)The shooting occurred Thursday in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois,north of Chicago. The gunman entered the hall dressed in black and carrying a shotgun and three handguns and began firing as students sought cover under desks. One student who escaped unharmed told reporters his life had changed as a result of what he experienced. Police say the gunman was Steven Kazmierczak , 27, a former graduate student in Sociology at the school.

Police say he purchased the shotgun and two of the hand guns on Saturday, indicating he may have planned the attack in advance, (2) but authorities have not determined a motive for the shooting. Kazmierczak had no criminal record and no history of mental illness. Under Illinois state law he would not have been able to purchase a weapon legally if there had been a record of arrests or mental problems. But police say he stopped taking an unspecified medication recently and his behavior became erratic.

答案精析 1.what is this news item mainly about?

D)【精析】由(1)可知,美国芝加哥郊区迪卡布发生一起校园枪击案,一名枪手在北伊利诺伊大学朝个演讲厅开枪。由此可知,新闻的主题是北伊利诺伊大学的枪击事件。 2. What is the reason of the shooting?


Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

(3)In recent months a string of countries, from Japan to Switzerland, Colombia to Israel, have tried to drive down the value of their currencies. some experts call it “competitive devaluation”.

Others,though, argue that it is nothing short of a currency war-and far from boosting global recovery, it threatens to undermine it.

So concerned are policymakers that the issue looks set to dominate talks on Friday at a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers.Dominique Strauss-Kahn,managing director of the International Monetary Fund,which hosts the meeting in Washington,set out the concerns in the Financial Times on Tuesday.(4)“There is clearly the idea beginning to circulate that currencies can be used as a policy weapon. Translated. Into action, such an idea would represent a very serious risk to the global recovery,”he said. 答案精析

3. What has happened to Israel's currency?

B)【精析】由句(3)可知,以色列对其货币进行了贬值。 4. What can we learn from Dominique Strauss-Kahn?

C)(精析】由句(4)可知,Dominique Strauss-Kahn认为,把货币作为政策武器不利于全球经济的恢复。

Questions 5 to 7 will be based en the following news item.

The latest round of United Nations climate change talks begins Monday in the coastal resort city of Cancun, Mexico. Representatives from 194 countries are scheduled to attend. (5) Negotiators will try to close the political gap between commitments to reduce carbon emissions made by developed and developing nations . Last year’s talks in Copenhagen,Denmark ,carried high hopes for a binding global agreement to curb carbon emissions,(6)but in the end delivered a disappointing and loose set of voluntary actions named the “Copenhagen Accord.”(7)Eighty countries responsible for 80 percent of the world’s carbon emissions signed the accord,agreeing--among other things --that the global temperature rise should be limited to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. 答案精析

5.What is the latest round of UN climate change talks focused on?


6. How was the result of last year's talks in Copenhagen ?


7. How many countries signed the \

B)【精析】由(7)可知,有八十个国家签署了哥本哈根协定。 Model Test Two Section A

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

Health officials in Haiti say nearly 300people are now known to have died in an ingestion disease outbreak in the country.Although the number of new cases has slowed,hundreds more infections were reported on Tuesday.(1)The UN and aid agencies are boosting prevention efforts in and around the capital,Port-au-Prince ,with a public information campaign on hygiene.

Experts say that after a long absence from Haiti,'ingestion disease could now\local disease. The UN said 25 more people had died disease on Tuesday, bringing the total to 284.A total of 3 612 cases have been reported.(2)Health experts say they expect the outbreak will

soon lessen but the disease will eventually join malaria and tuberculosis,becoming local disease in Haiti. 答案精析

1. What did the UN and aid agencies do for the disease?


2. What can be inferred from the health experts?


Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

(3)International Baccalaureate schools began decades ago as a way to teach the globe-trotting children of the international diplomatic corps.Now,IB schools welcome all kinds of children. The program combines what are considered to be the best teaching techniques, a rigorous curriculum stressing writing and analysis, and an international perspective.

The goal is to develop involved, articulate global citizens. Bloomfield Hills is a wealthy suburb of Detroit, Michigan. The school district here has set up an International Baccalaureate program at Lone Pine Elementary.At IB elementary schools ,subjects like math and reading are not taught separately.(4-1)Subject areas are integrated ,so lessons in “Mother Earth” class ,for example ,cover vocabulary,literature,history,and ecology.

The program also breaks down the proverbial classroom wall.(4-2)Teachers are required to compare notes and plan classes together.That’s the “best practice” that IB schools have adopted because it develops teachers’ skills.

3. What does this news item mainly deal with?

8)【精析】(3)提到了国际课程及其沿革,下文又以布隆菲尔德山地区的国际高中为例,对国际课程进行了具体叙述,由此可知新闻的主题是国际课程计划。 4. What can we know about the IB elementary schools?

D)【精析】由句(4-1)和句(4-2)可知,教师们要一起对比教案和进行课堂布置,即一起准备上课;各门科目被整合成整体进行教授,并不是相互分离的。 Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

Indonesia's Mount Merapi has erupted with its biggest explosion in more than a century, killing at least 70 more people, (5-1) burning down homes and blanketing the region in white ash. Authorities said Friday this latest in a series of eruptions over the last 11 days was the most ferocious yet.(5-2)750-degree (Celsius)gas flowed down the mountainside in a thunderous roar.The heat was so intense that clothes and blankets were fused to the injured as they fled for safety. (6) The death toll from the eruptions has now risen to about 120 and is expected to increase as rescuers pull bodies out of the ash and broken rocks.Volcano experts said the Friday blast was the biggest since the 1870s. (7)With the unpredictability of the volcano, authorities widened the danger zone around the mountain to 2o kilometers. 答案精析

5. Which of the following is probably the result of the eruption of Mount Merapi?

A)【精析】由句(5-1)和句(5-2)可知,印尼默拉皮火山爆发烧毁了房屋,使整个地区笼罩在白色的火山灰烬下,高达750℃的火山熔岩伴随雷鸣般的咆哮声从山顶倾流而下。 6. How many people have been killed by the disaster?



7. Why did Authorities widen the danger zone?


Model Test Three Section A

Questions 1 and 2 w ill be based on the following news item.

(1-1) (2-1) The women' s marathon opens the final day of competition, but that 42.2-kilometer race, which begins and ends at the historic Brandenburg Gate, is only the beginning. (2-2) The women go for the gold in three other events, including the long jump, four-by-400-meter relay and 1 500 meters.

Anna Willard of the United States is one of three Americans to make the 400-meter finals and she told

VOA Sports about her plan for Sunday. (2-3) The men will also be busy Sunday with four gold medal events. They begin with the javelin throw, followed by the 1 500 and 800 meters. American Nick Symmonds won his 800-meter semifinal heat, despite having three runners in front of him trip and fall down. (1-2) The last event of the Championships will be the final of the men' s four-by-400-meter relay.


1.What's the topic of this news item?

B)【精析】由句(1-1)和句(1 2)可知,新闻介绍了锦标赛最后一天的赛程。 2.How many gold medal events will take place in the last day? D)【精析】由句(2-1)、句(2-2)和句(2-3)可知,当天总共会进行男女各4项共8项比赛的决赛。 Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

A massive storm that dumped about a half-meter of snow from Virginia to Maine did more than frustrate motorists. (3) It added to the woes of retailers that were already bracing for weak holiday sales as the United States struggles to emerge from the deepest and longest recession of the post-world war II era.

(4) The storm's timing could hardly have been worse, blanketing the most-populous regions of the United States on the last weekend before Christmas, when millions of Americans are preparing to exchange gifts.

Even before the storm, the National Retail Federation was predicting a one percent drop in US holiday sales compared to last year. Although an economic recovery is believed to be underway, US unemployment remains stubbornly high and consumers appear more focused on saving and debt reduction than spending. 答案精析

3. What could be the result of the snow mentioned in the news item?


4. When did the snow drop according to the news item? B)【精析】由(4)可知·大雪是在圣诞节前一周降下的。

than three hundred people have been killed in Nairobi, the Rift valley and Mombasa. The violence has involved

fighting between police and protesters and between ethnic groups.


1. What might be in danger because of the crisis in Kenya?

B)【精析】由(1)可知,肯尼亚的经济和民主可能会陷入危机。 2. How many people were killed in Nairobi in this crisis? B)【精析】由(2)可知,有300多人在内罗毕丧生。

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item

Canada's government says it will proceed with plans to send military advisers to Sudan's Darfur region. (3-1) That comes despite Sudan saying it does not want Canadian troops to enter the country.

(4) Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin's aid package for Darfur includes about 140 million dollars and up to 100 military experts to help the African Union peacekeeping force. (3-2) But Sudan hasn't been happy with the move. The government in Khartoum says it doesn't want non-African troops in Darfur and it complained that it had not been properly consulted by Ottawa. But Martin's office appears undeterred,

saying Canada needs only the approval of the African Union for the deployment of troops and it's up to the AU to get Sudan's approval. A spokesman for the Prime Minister says that means there was no change of plans. But some critics say Canada should do more. One MP says the plan should include 400 million

dollars and 500 soldiers. The 2-year civil war in Darfur has killed more than 300 thousand people and displaced more than 2 million. 答案精析

3. What's the Sudan's attitude toward Canada's plan?

B)【精析】根据句(3-1)和句(3-2)可知,苏丹政府的态度是does not want,即不太愿意接下来具体讲到加拿大的援助计划的时候,苏丹的态度又是hasn't been happy。由此可见,B)。不情愿的。比较符合其态度观点。

4. what's the Canadian aid package for Darfur?

C)【精析】根据旬(可知,加拿大总理对达尔福尔的援助包括1.4亿美元和100位军事专家。 Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item

(5-1) The United Nations climate talks in Doha, Qatar, continued into their second week, Wednesday,as delegates from nearly 200 countries struggle to craft a replacement for (6) the Kyoto Protocol. The global agreement on climate change that expires at the end of this month. (5-2) The negotiations are deadlocked over demands by poor nations for financial help in coping with climate change.

Two issues block the way forward. (7) Developing countries are demanding that industrialized nations fulfill their pledges under Ky. o[o protocol to reduce their climate-changing industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and to put new, larger emission curbs on the table. The developing nations are also insisting that rich nations Provide more aid to poorer countries to help them cope with the effects of climate change, including rising sea levels and more violent storms.


5. What is the news item mainly talking about?


6. What do we know about the Kyoto protocol?


7. Which of the following is claimed by developing countries?


Model Test Eight

Section A

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

The largest fire has burned about 500 square kilometers of the Angeles National Forest, north of Los Angeles. (1-1) Some 3 600 firefighters are attacking the flames in steep terrain, using bulldozers,tractors and hand tools. They are also setting backfires to clear away dry brush, and using helicopters and airplanes to drop water and fire retardant. (2 ) They got some help on Tuesday from slightly higher humidity as they worked to protect homes in hillside communities. Officials say they have carved out nearly 20 kilometers of fire lines to slow the advance of the flames.

(1-2) Firefighters are working to protect communication and scientific facilities on Mount Wilson.which overlooks downtown Los Angeles. The site is home to transmitters for most of the city's television stations,as well as some radio stations, several mobile phone companies and police communication systems.


1. What is this news report mainly about?

B)【精析】由句(1-1)和句(1-2)可知,大约3 600名消防员正在与险峻地形上的火焰作斗争,消防员正在努力的保护威尔逊山上的通讯和科学设施,而威尔逊山俯瞰洛杉矶市区。由此可知新闻的主题是扑救洛杉矶附近发生的火灾。 2. What helped the firefighters as they worked?


Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

This week, a political dispute in Washington led to a partial shutdown of the United States government for the first time in almost 20 years. Agencies sent home more than 800 000 workers-about one-third of the federal work force, The new budget year began on Tuesday. October 1. But Republicans

in Congress blocked even short-term spending for many government operations. (3)They

demanded that Democrats change the Affordable care Act, the new health care law often called Obamacare. The Democrats refused.

The federal government and states started websites for millions of uninsured Americans to buy health plans or pay a tax penalty. (4) Opponents of Obamacare say it will force people and small businesses to buy insurance policies against their will. At the heart of the dispute is a clash between the two major political parties over the role of the central government in American life.


3. What do we know about the Affordable Care Act?

A)【精析】由句(3)可知,Affordable Care Act《平价医疗法案》)是一部新卫生保健法,又被称作奥巴马医保。

4. Why do people object to Obamacare?


Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item

protests that began last month near Wall Street in New York have now spread to other American cities. The Occupy movement differs from the Tea Party movement. Tea Partiers blame big government for the country's economic problems.

(5)Occupiers blame big business. One young activist puts it this way. Occupy Wall Street protesters have camped in New York's financial district since the middle of September. (6) Police have made hundreds of arrests for blocking traffic. (7) On Wednesday members of labor unions and community groups joined the demonstrations.

Protesters say the wealthiest 1% of Americans control too much of the nation's wealth. The protesters say they represent the other 99%.


5. What does the Occupy movement condemn?

C)【精析】根据句(5)可知, “占领华尔街”运动的参与者们谴责美网的大公司。 6. Why did the police arrest hundreds of protesters?

A)【精析】根据(6)可知,因为抗议者们阻塞了交通,所以警察逮捕了许多抗议者。 7. What do we know about the Occupy movement?


Model Test Nine

Section A

( 1 ) Ford Motor reported record third-quarter net income Tuesday, far exceeding analysts’ expectations and continuing a surge in momentum for the recovering automaker. Dearborn, Mich.Based Ford posted net income of $ 1. 7 billion, or 43 cents per share, up from $997 million, or 29 cents a share,a year earlier, Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters expected Ford to report a 38-cent-a-shareprofit. Ford's previous best third-quarter net income was $ 1. 1 billion reported in


The automaker cited a strong product line, momentum in North America and continued success at Ford Credit as areas of growth.\America, and that offsets the small losses in Europe. The North American market is a real earnings driver.\


1. What do we know about Ford Motor's report?

B)【精析) 根据句(1)可知,福特汽车第三季度的报告指出,其净收益在汽车制造业的复苏背景下继续保持激增的势头。

2. What can be inferred from David Whiston?

D)【精析】根据句(2)可知,David Whiston认为福特汽霹在北美的售价弥补了其在欧洲的损失,北美市场是真正的收益市场。

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

(3) A French engineering firm has built what is being hailed as the world's most environmentally sound building, a structure that produces more energy than it consumes. The ten-story building is located in Dijon, and it is part of concerted effort to put the city on a sustainable energy path.

The Elithis tower is a striking sight in the heart of Dijon' s business district. Black, with a red metal skirt-which actually is a sun shield-it is sandwiched between the city's opera house and a hotel. But the tower is more than just another handsome landmark-from the ground floor to (4) its solar paneled roof, it is an experiment in a greener way of working and living.

Francois Pocheron, a senior manager for the Elithis engineering firm that designed the tower, takes visitors on a tour of the building. Just about every aspect of its design and construction is aimed at conserving energy and using natural elements like sunlight and rain.


3. What is this news report mainly about?


4. What is the roof of the Elithis tower made of?

B)【精析】根据句(4)可知,其屋顶是由太阳能电池板制成的。 Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

An unmanned Russian rocket successfully lifted of f with a cargo of supplies for the crew of the International Space Station on Sunday, two months after a similar rocket crashed in Siberia. (5) (6) The Progress 45 freighter is slated to dock with the station on Wednesday with three tons of food, fuel, water and spare parts the US, Russian and Japanese crew of the station. (7) The vessel took off from Russia's Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 4:11 pm. (6:11 a. m. Eastern Time)and reached its preliminary orbit in nine minutes : the US space agency NASA said. 答案精析

5. what is the name of the unmanned Russian rocket?

D)【精析】根据句(5)可知,该运载飞船的名字是The Progress 45。

6.When is the freighter supposed to reach the International Space Station? D)【精析】根据句(6)可知,演运载飞船预计周三与国际空网站对接。 7.When did the vessel reach its preliminary orbit?


Model Test Ten Section A

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

(1-1 ) The New Year in South Africa brings thousands of residents to the streets for a colorful minstrel parade. Brightly-costumed marching choral groups celebrate a unique aspect of South Africa's multiracial history.

(1-2) Cape Town's musical New Year's tradition dates back more than a century, (2) to the days when Dutch colonists brought slaves here from Southeast Asia. The slaves served as dockworkers, farm laborers and household servants. And, they were given one day off per year. Ethnomusicologist (种族音乐学家) Sylvia Bruinders at the University of Cape Town says the slaves took to the streets. The slaves copied European and American minstrels who visited the Cape. Eventually, a distinctive South African sound developed.

Today the minstrels are a holiday tradition among Cape Town's mixed-race or\of whom are descendants (后代) of slaves. A downtown parade involves thousands of participants.Dozens of minstrel troupes practice throughout the year.


1. What is this news report mainly about?


2. who brought the Southeast Asia slaves to Cape town?

C)【精析】根据句(2)可知,一个多世纪以前,是荷兰殖民者将奴隶从东南亚带到开普敦。 Question 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

Ben Bernanke is the head of the Federal Reserve, (3 ) the agency which oversees all US banks,ensuring the money supply is stable. His term as chairman ends in January. Yesterday, the President announced his pick to take Bernanke's place. The pick is the current vice chairman, Janet Yellen. She has support, but some critics are worried that she'll follow the same policies as Ben Bernanke. It's the US Senate's job to decide whether to confirm the President's nominee. If the Senate does confirm her, this nominee would make history.

Yellen has degrees from Brown and Yale, taught at Harvard, and got tenure at Berkeley. Her son is an economist. Her husband has a Nobel Prize in Economic Theory. (4) The 67-year-old has been on the Fed for more than a decade. She's been a leader for women in her field.


3, What is the Federal Reserve in the US responsible for?

A)【精析】由(3)可知,美联储负责监督美国所有的银行,确保货币供应稳定。 4. What do we know about Yellen?

D)【精析】由(4)可知,耶伦已经67岁了,已经在美联储工作了十多年。 Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item

(5) The government of Bangladesh has set up an industrial police force for the first time to tackle labor unrest in the country. (6) The special force will be deployed in four industrial zones of the capital Dhaka and the southern port of Chittagong. (7) Trade unions have strongly criticized the move, saying the new force will worsen the relationship between workers and factory owners. They say it will be used against union leaders and to suppress legitimate protests. However, the government says the force will be impartial, and at the same time will also protect industrial complexes during unrest. The move came months after the country witnessed some of the worst clashes between garment factory workers and security forces earlier this year.


5. Why does Bangladesh government set up an industrial police force?


6. Where will the industrial force be placed?


7. What can we know about the new force?


Model Test Eleven

Section A

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

(1) Eighty thousand gold miners have begun a strike in South Africa. As the strike began the national union of mine workers said it would accept a 10% raise instead of their original demand of 60%. (2) The General Secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers, Frans Baleni told the BBC that if the, gold companies offered a 10% wage increase, this would be accepted and the strike would be called off.

Despite this development, the main gold mining union has also issued a hard-hitting statement,saying the strike would change the gold mining landscape forever. It said it was aware of the devastating impact industrial action would have on the economy, calling it largely a white man's economy with no benefits for poor black mine workers.


1. How many gold miners took part in the strike in South Africa? B)【精析】由(1)可知,南非有8万名金矿矿工参加了罢工。 2. What should the gold companies do to call off the strike?

D)【精析】由(2)可知,南非全国矿工联盟(National Union of Mineworkers,NUM)的秘书长巴兰尼(Frans Baleni)告诉BBC,如果金矿企业为工人加薪10%,他们就会接受,罢工也将会被取消。

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

(3-1 ) Italians have been trying for months to guess the SuperEnalotto's winning six number combination. No one has managed, since January. This has driven the winning prize to an all-time high for Europe. Chances of guessing the correct combination are an astronomical 622 -million-to-one. Fausto Rossi is a former bank employee who is now retired. He plays lotto every week. He says he dreams that he

will win. And, the dreams continue when you ask players what they would do if they won such a huge amount of money. Rossi says that some people are prone to lose their minds if they find out they have won such an enormous jackpot.

(3-2) Tourists in Italy have also been playing the SuperEnalotto. And, foreigners have been coming across the border (边境) to try their luck, as well. They have been arriving from Slovenia, France and Austria. In Germany, a major tabloid newspaper has sponsored a competition,(4) awarding a chance to win free flights to Italy simply to buy tickets for the lotto drawings.


3. What does this news report mainly talk about?


4. What's the award provided by the German tabloid newspaper?

B)【精析】根据(4)可知,其奖品为免费提供飞往意大利的机票, Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

(5) A key committee of Euro MPs has moved to block the renewal of an agreement which allows US anti-terror officials to access Europeans bank data. The European Parliament's civil liberties committee recommended that the full parliament reject the interim nine-month deal between the EU and US. (6) MEPs said the deal negotiated by EU governments provided insufficient privacy safeguards. The US can access the Swift Money Transfer System, based in Brussels. The European Parliament plans to vote on the EU and US data agreement next Thursday. (7) The Parliament's press service says that if MEPs block it, they will be making use of a new power under the Lisbon Treaty to veto international agreements.


5. What is the decision of the Euro MPs?


美反恐官员进入欧洲银行数据。 6. Why was the deal rejected?

B)【精析】根据(6)可知,议员们认为欧盟政府协商的协议不能充分保护隐私。 7. What will the MEPs use to veto international agreements?


Model Test Twelve Section A

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

(1) The emergency an announced by the Kenyan cabinet this week includes mobilizing (动员) the army to assist those desperately short on food and water. The plan also nearly doubles the amount of rationed food and provides emergency measures for herders whose livestock is threatened by the area's severe drought.

Rockefeller Foundation food security analyst Joseph Nyoro welcomed the government's announcement, but said the relief plan was inadequate. (2) Nyoro is also critical of the government's decision to rely on the army as the main vehicle for the assistance, saying it is the local communities and the civil society that actually know in each area who are suffering the most. The water shortage is also

causing a severe energy shortfall across the country, which relies heavily on hydro-electric power. Kenya's major power company has instituted systematic power rationing until power supplies improve.


1. What's the main idea of this news report?


2. Who will the government depend on for the assistance?

B)汇精析】根据(2)可知,政府决定主要依靠军队作为协助。 Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

(3) The German former Moto Racing champion Michael Schumacher is having a medical test after suffering a head injury while skiing in the French Alps. One of the France's leading trauma specialists,who is also a close friend, has flown to the hospital in Grenoble where the former racing driver is being treated. Michael Schumacher who is an experienced skier was with his 14-year-old son when he had the accident this morning. His head hit a rock but he was wearing a helmet and emergency services were quickly at the scene. (4) He was taken by helicopter to hospital at a nearby town of Moutiers. But then later, he was transferred to the larger regional hospital in Grenoble. There is no official word about his condition.


3. When did Michael Schumacher get injured?

C)【精析】由(3)可知,舒马赫在法国阿尔卑斯山滑雪时头部受伤。 4. What do we know about Michael Schumacher?


Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

(5) More than 100 bodies have been found in one village alone in central Nigeria, following clashes between Christians and Muslims. And aid workers recovered the corpses in a village 30 kilometers from the city of Jos. From there, our correspondent Caroline Duffield reports. The town of Jos and the area to the south of it are under tight military control. The scare of violence in outlying villages and in the Bukuru

area is becoming clearer. (6) Bukuru market, a large commercial area to the south, was burnt to the ground. Debris lit the streets and fires are still smoldering. (7) At least 1000 shops and homes in the market were destroyed in the inferno.


5. What can we learn about the clashes in Nigeria?


6.What so we know about the Bukuru market?


7. How many shops and homes were destroyed in the inferno?


Model Test Thirteen

Section A

questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item。

(1) It's the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. In the US that means it's Election Day. Governors' races, the New York mayoral election, different state referenda--that's when people vote on issues rather than individual offices. Some of today's elections are getting national attention.

We're going to start in New Jersey where voters are casting their ballot for governor. (2) According to the most recent polls. current governor, Chris Christie is expected to be reelected. There is a governor's race in Virginia, too. The state doesn't allow governors to serve consecutive terms, so the new governor will either be Republican Ken Cuccinelli on the left or Democrat Terry McAuliffe. There is an interesting referendum on the ballot in Colorado 11 counties are voting on whether to withdraw, break off from the state.


1. When is the Election Day in the US?


2. Who is expected to be elected governor in New Jersey according to the most recent polls?

D)【精析】由(2)可知,根据最新的民意调查可知,新泽西的现任州长克里斯蒂有望连任。 Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

(3-1) Consumer spending accounts for more than two thirds of US economic activity, making it one of the most closely watched economic indicators. The Commerce Department reports that Americans boosted spending 0. 4 percent in June-slightly more than what economists had expected. It was the second consecutive monthly rise in consumer spending, and it was accompanied by a lower savings rate.

(3-2) Americans spent more despite lower incomes. personal income fell 1. 3 percent-the largest monthly drop in four years. (4) The decline reversed a 1. 3 percent increase in personal incomes in May that economists attributed to special payments the government made to try to revive the economy. But PNC Financial Services Group economist, Robert Dye says there might be better times ahead.


3. What's the main idea of this news report?


4. What's the reason for the increase in personal incomes in May?

C)【精析】根据句(4)可知经济学家把个人收入的增加归因为政府做出的特殊支付。 Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

(7-1 ) President Barack Obama says Friday's mixed news on us unemployment is cause for hope but not celebration. (5) The President is asking lawmakers to support programs he says will help boost hiring.(6) The nation's jobless rate eased by three-tenths of a percent in January, to 9. 7 percent, its lowest level in five months. However, the Labor Department says 20 000 more jobs were lost last month. (7-2) President Obama says that is a small step in the right direction.\numbers, while positive, are cause for hope but not celebration, because far too many of our neighbors and friends and family are still out of work,\答案精析

5. Who are asked to support Barack Obama's programs?

C)【精析】根据句(5)可知,总统请求立法者支持该项计划。 6. What is the American's jobless rate in January eased to?


7. What does President Obama think of the news on US unemployment?



BosnienundHerzegowina波(斯尼亚和)黑(塞哥维那),Sarajevo萨拉热窝 BRDeutschland联邦德国,Berlin柏林 Bulgarien保加利亚,Sofia索非亚 D?nemark丹麦,Kopenhagen哥本哈根 Finnland芬兰,Helsinki赫尔辛基 Frankreich法国,Paris巴黎 Griechenland希腊,Athen雅典 Gro?britannien英国,London伦敦 Irland爱尔兰,Dublin都柏林

Island冰岛,Reykjavik雷克雅未克 Italien意大利,Rom罗马

Jugoslawien南斯拉夫,Belgrad贝尔格莱德 Kroatien克罗地亚,Zagreb萨格勒布 Liechtenstein列支敦士登,Vaduz瓦杜兹 Luxemburg卢森堡,Luxemburg卢森堡 Makedonien马其顿

Malta马耳他,Valetta瓦莱塔 Monaco摩纳哥,Monaco摩纳哥 Montenegro黑山

Niederlande荷兰,Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹 Norwegen挪威,Oslo奥斯陆 ?sterreich奥地利,Wien维也纳 Polen波兰,Waschau华沙

Portugal葡萄牙,Lissabon里斯本 Rum?nien罗马尼亚,Bukarest布加勒斯特 SanMarino圣马力诺,SanMarino圣马力诺 Schweden瑞典,Stockholm斯德哥尔摩 Schweizdie瑞士,Bern伯尔尼


Slowenien斯洛文尼亚,Ljubljana,Laibach卢布尔雅那 Spanien西班牙,Madrid马德里 Tschechien捷克,Prag布拉格





Barbados巴巴多斯,Bridgetown布里奇顿 Belize伯利兹,Belmopan贝尔莫潘 CostaRica哥斯达黎加,SanJose圣约瑟 Dominica多米尼加,Roseau罗索

DominikanischeRepublik多米尼加共和国,SantoDomingo圣多明各 ElSalvador萨尔瓦多,SanSalvador萨尔瓦多


Guatemala危地马拉,CiudaddeGuatemala危地马拉城 Haiti海地,Port-au-Prince太子港

Honturas洪都拉斯,Tegucigalpa特古西加尔巴 Jamaika牙买加,Kingston金斯敦 Kanada加拿大,Ottawa渥太华 Kuba古巴,Havanna哈瓦那

Mexiko墨西哥,Mexiko墨西哥城 Nicaragua尼加拉瓜,Managua马那瓜 Panama巴拿马,Panama巴拿马城

TrinidadundTobago特立尼达和多巴哥,PortofSpain西班牙港 dieUSA美国,Waschington华盛顿


Kolumbien哥伦比亚,Bogota波哥大 Venezuela委内瑞拉,Caracas加拉加斯 Ecuador厄瓜多尔,Quito基多

Surinam苏里南,Paramaribe帕拉马里博 Guayana圭亚那,Georgetown乔治敦 Peru秘鲁,Lima利马

Argentinien阿根廷,BuenosAires布利诺斯艾利斯 Bolivien玻利维亚,LaPaz拉巴斯 Brasilien巴西,Brasilia巴西利亚

Chile智利,SantiagodeChile圣地亚哥 Paraguay巴拉圭,Asuncion亚松森



Australien澳大利亚,Canberra堪培拉 Fidschi斐济,Suwa苏瓦

Kiribati基里巴斯,Tarawa塔拉瓦 Nauru瑙鲁,Yaren亚伦


Papua-Neuguinea巴布亚新几内亚,PortMoreaby莫尔兹比港 Salomonen所罗门群岛,Honiara霍尼亚拉 Tonga汤加,Numu′alofa努库阿洛法 Vanuatu瓦努阿图,Vila维拉港 Westsamoa西萨摩亚,Apia阿皮亚

PART 2听力考试之长对话

长对话题中,考生在考场上可以直接接触到的同样也只是每道题的四个选项,谈话内容与问题均在录音中出现,因此考生拿到考卷后应该从分析选项入手,遵循以下四个步骤答题: 第1步:快速浏览各题选项,注意相同或相关词语的重复出现,推测对话主题。 在没有听原文之前我们只能通过几个题的选项来“串”对话,猜测对话内容。根据各题选项中出现的相同或相关词语,可以推测出短文的大致主题,从而更容易、更准确地理解短文内容,并且可以有助于主旨题的解答。

第2步:按照题目顺序,推测问题类型及内容,确定听音时需要关注的主要信息点。 很多选项都有比较明显的特点,或者使用某种专门的表达形式,如均为动词原形或均为人物角色等;或者含有一些标志性的词语,如均含有描述某人性格或某事特点的词语。通过这些选项特点及选项内容,我们便可以推测问题可能考查的核心内容,从而在听音时更有针对性。注意在推测问题时,应与主题联系起来,因为每一道问题都不会偏离主题;反过来结合几道题的考查核心,可以进一步确认主题内容。


听音时应重点留意开头、结尾以及与选项相关的信息,并针对选项要点适当笔记。 第4步 :根据提问内容,结合所做笔记,迅速得出答案。


听力题中很多选项都有比较明显的特点,或者使用某种专门的表达形式,如均为动词原形或均为人物角色等;或者含有一些标志性的词语,通过这些选项特点我们便可以推测问题可能考查的核心内容;另外,我们经常可以通过对选项的分析,排除一些比较明显的干扰性,缩小听音范围,从而在听音时更有针对性。 一、各题主题揭示对话主题

将各题所考查的主题内容结合在一起,往往可得出整篇对话的主题。如果某一题目是考查对话主题,其中的一个选项明显能够概括其他各题选项的内容,那么该选项很可能为答案。 二、选项均以动词的某种形式开头




选项为不定式,问题很可能是关于做某事的目的,或是计划、承诺或要求做某事。 三、选项中含有表示意愿或建议的词

如果选项中含有should, had better, would like等一类的词语,问题很可能是考查“观点或建议”。


如果选项中含有think, like, dislike, enjoy, agree, disagree, mind等一类的词语,听力材料或问题很可能是关于对某人或某事物的评价或感受。 四个选项中如均含有表示评论或感受的词,则表示问题是关于对人或事物的评价或感受;如其中只有个别选项含有表示评论或感受的词,则表示听力材料中很可能涉及到对人或事物的评价或感受,问题内容则不一定会涉及。 五、选项中含有比较结构



四个选项中如均含有比较级或表示比较的词,则表示问题是关于人或事物之间的比较;如其中只有个别选项中含有比较级,则表示听力材料中很可能涉及到人或事物之间的比较,问题内容则不一定会涉及。 六、选项均为名词性短语

如选项均为概括性较强的名词或是名词性的短语,且各项内容差异较大,问题则很可能是关于对话所谈论的主题或对话中出现的某一事件或问题的主题。 七、意思相近的选项往往都不是答案




Model test 1

Conversation One

8. A) He saw the office on Ms way home from work. B) A friend referred him to Dr. Carter's office.

C)He found Dr. Carter's number in the phone book. D) He found Dr. Carter's number on the Internet.

9.A)He has pick up his tool kits. C) He has to open his store in the morning. B) He has to take a bus home. D) He has to pick up his kids. 10. A) The man's telephone number is 647-0547. B) The man's telephone number is 603-0547.

C) The man was scheduled to meet the doctor at 8:15 AM. Thursday. D) The man was scheduled to meet the doctor at 8:00 AM. Thursday. 11. A) He hurt his knee when a tall ladder fell on him. B) He injured his ankle when he fell from a ladder.

C) He sprained his hand when he fell off the roof of his house. D) His foot has a paint can on because he likes painting the house. Conversation Two

12. A) Problems with living in an apartment. B) A search for a new apartment. C) The cost of rent near universities.

D) How to share a room with one or two roommates.

13. A) She lives far from campus. C) She can't afford to pay the rent. B) She wants to have a roommate. D) She has no place to park her car. 14. A) Gas fee. B) Utilities. C) Furniture. D) A parking place.

15. A) He will drop a notice there and buy something on his way to school. B) He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building. C) He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent. D) He is going to visit an apartment building nearby. 答案详解

Conversation One W: Dr. Carter's Office.

M: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Carter, please.This is my first visit and my name is Ronald Schuller.W: And may I ask who referred you to our office? M: Uh, I drove past your office yesterday.

W: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock?

M: Uh. Do you happen to have an opening in the morning?I usually pick up my kids from school around that time.

W: Okay. Um...how about Tuesday at 8:00 A.M.or Thursday at 8:15 A.M.?

M: Well, in that case, Thursday would be fine.And my phone number is 643-0547.

