Lord of the Flies
更新时间:2023-08-20 20:29:01 阅读量: 高等教育 文档下载
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A plane which carried a group of boys from Britain for evacuation was shot down to land on an idyllic beautiful and no human habituated coral island. At first, this group of children made concerted efforts to live together in peace; nevertheless, with fear of so-called "beast", the group split into two factions: the leading of upholding intellectual democracy under Ralph and the leading of advocating instinctive autarchy under Jack. Ralph who insisted on making a fire, as a signal of distress, building the cottage, sheltering from wind and rain, commanding other members restrain their behavior was concerned about how could be saved. Jack was just fascinated by nothing but hunting wild boar. With the contradiction deepening, Jack increased his influence; on the contrast, less voice supported Ralph. By the end of the novel, in a fierce fighting, the entire island which was almost destroyed burned up in flames. Ralph's best friend Piggy was hit by the rolling stones and fell off a cliff, even Ralph himself was surrounded at the risk of being killed. At the critical moment, a British warship found the fired island rescuing Ralph.
The development of the plot commences a basic contradiction between Ralph and Jack. Ralph, grown up in a middle class family, is blond and good hearted that is symbol of civilization and reason; on the contrary, Jack, red hair, tall and thin, the church choir leader, is symbol of brutality and authoritarianism. After reading all the
way through, that so-called “beast from sea, beast from air” is a kind of rendering, in order to highlight the real brutish nature from the spirit of human beings themselves. Because Ralph and Piggy also participated and made their blood boiled in the assassination of Simon in that thunderstorm, their pure innocence was gone. Even to the extent that Ralph finally realized the darkness was from human nature. Although all the characters in novel are children, William Golding's main purpose is to reveal his misanthropic moral theme by these symbolic characteristics---the evil of human nature. Furthermore, the storyline which happened on an isolated island reflected social defects should be attributed to the deep-rooted bad habits of human.
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