译林牛津M5U2教案 - 图文

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课 题 课 型 Welcome to this unit M5U2 The Environment 单元导入 授课时间 第__ 周 星期 ___ 第_____节 Sept ___,2014 本节(课)三维目标与教学重难点 知识与技能 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 教学重点 教学难点 To improve students’ language skills--- listening, speaking To acquire some background information about the topic---Enviroment Listening, speaking, brainstorming and interactive activities To inspire students’ enviromental awareness and cherish the precious enviroment condition we are live in To make students know the importance of the environment to the human beings and discuss the issues of enviroment To guide the students to apply their acquired knowledge to participate in the interactive activities of using language in a practical way Teaching Procedures: Step 1 : Brainstorming 1. Review the word ‘environment’ and let them imagine the adjectives related to environment . Write the words on the blackboard : Harmony, peaceful, destructive , pollution, disaster , protection, environmentalists. 2. Ask students to express their opinions freely by asking them questions below: 1) Compared to the last few years , do you think the environment is getting better or worse ? 2) What might be the reasons for the changes? Step 2 : Sharing information 1. Before moving on to discuss the pictures , encourage students to talk about some environmental problems they know about e,g , floods , forests fires , the greenhouse effect and acid rain. 2. Ask students to read the instructions and study the pictures one by one . 3. Show the students the other pictures and let them talk. 4. Ask students to read the three questions and put students into groups of four and ask them to discuss the questions . 5. Ask some students to report their answers to the class. 6. Ask students to think about other causes to the pollution of environment . 7. Ask students to think about the ways to protect the environment . Step 3: Language Output----Writing practice 在世界环保日到来前夕,联合国教科文组织就如何处理垃圾问题向全世界中学生征文。请你以Saving Our City为题,写一篇120词左右的短文。文章的第一句已给出,但不计入总词数。


提示: 1.城市垃圾的危害:①污染环境;②有害健康。 2.你所在的城市是如何处理垃圾的: (1)垃圾分类; (2)报纸、玻璃的再利用;(3)填埋有害垃圾;(4)处理废水、废气; (5)尽我们的所能,爱护环境,保护环境。 sort 分类 It is important to deal with the rubbish in cities... A possible version: Saving Our City It is important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be treated properly. Otherwise it may cause a lot of problems. It may pollute the air and water. When people breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water, they may get iii. Our city has begun to pay attention to the problem. As far as I know, some rubbish is sorted and sent to different factories. Rubbish, such as old newspapers and glass, is recycled. Some harmful rubbish is sent to a certain place and buried. Waste air is cleaned before it goes into the air. Waste water is treated before it is poured into rivers。 To protect the environment, the government has passed laws to prevent people from throwing rubbish everywhere. We should do our best to take good care of the environment and fight against pollution. Assisting material: 1. Talk about the environmental problems . 2 Talk about the pictures on P21 and discuss how to solve the problems Problems Causes Solution White Pollution Air pollution Decrease of Forests’ Forest fire Sandstorms Step 4: Homework 1.Preview reading 2.Do the exercise in the workbook 3.Write a short passage about the environment . 教学后记 2

课 题 课 型 阅读理解 ReadingI M5U2 The Environment 授课时间 第__ 周 星期 ___ 第_____节 Sept ___,2014 本节(课)三维目标与教学重难点 知识与技能 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 教学重点 教学难点 To get the Ss to read a debate and grasp their different views To reinforce their reading comprehension skills and improve their overall ability Reading, listening, understanding, explaining and group activities To arouse Ss’ awareness of keeping the balance between the economy and the environment. To make students know the importance keeping a balance between economic development and the protection of environment To help students’s undertand the text fully and master the reading sttrategy Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Lead-in 1. What do you think of the weather or climate today? 2. Why there are so many natural disasters today? Do they have something to do with human beings? 3. Do you think we can achieve a balance between the economy and the environment? Step 2: Listening & Reading 1. What is Lin Shuiqing? ( an environmentalist) What is Qian Liwei? (an economist) 2. What problems has Lin raised and what solutions has he put forward? Problems: (Para2) industrial waste (Para3) overfishing (Para4) overpopulation Solutions: ? cut back on production ? recycling ? environmentally friendly ways of living ? more jobs 3. What is Qian Liwei’s opinion? ? factories concerned about the environment ? job opportunities ? recycling ? more effective laws ? higher taxes for some factories Step 3: Retelling 1. Suppose you were Lin, present your ideas on the relationship between the economy and the environment. 2. Suppose you were Qian, present your ideas on developing the economy. Step 4: Discussion 1. Where have you seen pollution? How did it make you feel?


2. What do you think is the biggest danger to our environment today? 3. What can we do to help clean up the environment? Step 6. Homework Finish the relevant exercises in 《学海导航》 附:学案 I. Read the text (P22-23) and do the following exercises 1. Fast reading Read the text quickly and then answer the following questions. 1). Who are the three speakers? 2). What does Lin Shuiqing start his speech by talking about? 3). What’s Lin Shuiqing’s suggestion about protecting our environment? 4). What’s Qian Liwei’s opinion about the economy and the environment? 5). What’s the way Qian Liwei suggests to protect the environment? 2. Careful reading Read the text carefully and then do the following exercises. If necessary, a discussion is needed. 1). C2 on P24. 2). Read the text (P22-23) and finish off the form below (one word for each blank). Title: Make a(n) (1) between the economy and the environment. Lin Shuiqing Qian Liwei (2) is so bad that large areas of the world are damaged. In addition, many sea creatures are being (3) by over-fishing. The world’s (4) has been increasing rapidly. We should (5) production and the amount of things we make and buy. A healthy environment is as (6) as a stable economy. We should not (7) companies and money as the enemy. We shouldn’t cut back on production because we will lose many jobs. We should use (8) materials to produce more things. More effective laws should be made to (9) the environment. The factories (10) the environment should have to pay higher taxes. Opinions Suggestions We need to expand our recycling industry. II. Find and translate the phrases in the text 1. environmental protection 2. protect the environment 4. natural disasters 5. a healthy environment 8. wipe out 9. be beneficial to 11. clouds of dirty smoke 12. economic development 14. pay higher taxes III. Find and translate the following sentences 3. damage the environment 6. open the floor 7. in addition 10. environmentally friendly ways of living 13. the key to helping both sides 4

1. Pollution is so bad that many rivers are full of chemicals which flow into the sea and kill sea creatures. 2. This will have a lasting effect upon the number of fish left for us to eat. 3. While we damage our environment, we keep producing more and more people who need more land to live on and more food to eat! 4. The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800. 5. My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. 6. It is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation. 7. When people think of factories, they think of clouds of dirty smoke or a pipe pouring chemical waste into a river. 8. We need to stop thinking of companies and money as the enemy! 9. But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides. 10. What we need is more effective laws to preserve the environment, which still allow the economy to grow. 11. Asking around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly. IV. Fill in the passage according to the text Lin Shuiqing: Good morning, everyone. I am talking to you today about the way large areas of the world are damaged by (1) waste. Factories produce large (2) of (3) chemicals and the waste they create goes into the (4) and makes us sick. In (5) , many sea (6) are being (7) (8) by fishing boats. These boats catch large (9) of fish without giving them time to (10) (11) . This will have a (12) (13) upon the number of fish left for us to eat. While we damage our environment, we keep (14) more and more people who need more land to (15) (16) . My suggestion is that we should try to (17) (18) (19) production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. It should be (20) to (21) our (22) industry and teach people about (23) (24) ways of living. We may even (25) more jobs and help the (26) at the same time. Qian Liwei: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, Mr. Lin. It is (27) that you are very (28) (29) the present situation of our environment. When people think of factories, they think of greedy businessmen (30) (31) their responsibilities to the environment. People often think that (32) development is bad for the environment. But (33) I am here to say is that having worked (34) (35) (36) with many environmentalists, I know that a (37) environment and a (38) economy should be possible at the same time. We need to stop (39) of companies and money as the (40) ! I do agree that recycling may be the key to (41) both sides. We should produce more things from (42) materials. What we need is more effective laws to (43) the environment. (44) around, I find many people (45) to pay (46) higher prices for things that are (47) (48) . And those factories which pollute the environment should have to pay higher (49) . 教学后记 5

课 题 课 型 Language Points Reading II M5U2 The Environment 授课时间 第__ 周 星期 ___ 第_____节 Sept ___,2014 本节(课)三维目标与教学重难点 知识与技能 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 教学重点 教学难点 To help the students undertand and master the language items in reading To guide the students to use language items correctly Reading, observing, illustrating and practising To inspire students’ awareness to use the lanuage items automatically and independently in practical use To help students understand fully of the text and deal with some difficult sentences and useful language points. To provide inspiring situation so as to help the students fully use the key language points Teaching Procedures: Step I Independent Learning【独立自学】 Task 1. Find out the useful phrases. (A级) 1. 自由发言 2. 大量 3. 流入 4. 另外 5. 扫除;消灭 6. 产卵,下蛋 7. 对…有持久的影响 8. 增加到 9. 削减;减少 10. 对…有好处 11. 环保的 12. 同时 13 对……感到担忧 14. 把……看作…… 15. 并排,并肩 16. ……的关键 17. 四处询问 18. 打算用来 19. 愿意做 20. 对…负责 21 如果…怎样 22 用完;耗尽 23 只要 24. 打扫, Task 2. Difficult sentences (分析下列句子并翻译成中文) (B级) 1. With me are Mr Lin Shuiqing, from the Society for Environmental Preservation, and Mr Qian Liwei, an economist. (L 5-6) 2. The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800. (L 20-21) 3. My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. (L 22-23) Mr. Lin suggested we should cut back on the amount of things we produce in order to save the environment. (L 42-43) 4. They think of greedy businessmen hiding from their responsibilities to the environment and only thinking about money. (L 32-33) 5. What I’m here to say is that having worked side by side with many environmentalists, I know that a healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time. (L 36-38) 6. What we need is more effective laws to preserve the environment, which still allow the economy to grow. (L 47-48) 7. Asking around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly. (L51-52)


Step II. Language points:【合作交流、质疑解难】(A B级) 1. 【课文原句】These boats catch larges number of fish without giving them time to lay eggs. 查阅字典或阅读周报第四期第三版lay的用法,完成下列表格和短语 动词原形 意义 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 lay 产卵,放置 lie 位于,躺 lie 说谎 把放在一边_________________ 放下;规定,制定__________________ 解雇 ________________ 撒谎_________________ 【巩固运用】 ( )1) ---Look, there is something ________ on the ground ahead of us. ---Sure. Let’s go and see. A. laying B. lying C. lay D. laid ( )2) Many workers were ________ by the factory because of economic crisis. A. laid out B. laid down C. laid aside D. laid off ( )3) The manager had fallen asleep where he ___________, without undressing. A. was laying B. was lying C. had laid D. had lied (05 安徽) 4) 那儿躺着一个男孩撒谎说公鸡在他家下了一个蛋。 There ___________ a boy __________ that the cock ______ an egg in his home. 2. The figure is now approaching 6.5 billion people. ( L21) 【观察思考】朗读下列句子,体会approach的用法。 1) As you approach the town, the first building you see is the church. 词性_______ 词义_________ 2) Before trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the best way to approach it. 词性_______ 词义_________ 3) As summer approaches, the weather becomes hot. 词性_____ 词义_______ 4) Our approach scared the birds and they flew away. 词性_____ 词义_______ 5) There is no very easy approach to language learning / learning language. 词性_______ 词义_______ 6) All the approaches to the town were blocked. 词性_______ 词义________ 7) The town was approachable from only one direction. 词性________ 词义_______ 8) Our headteacher is strict but approachable. 词性________ 词义_______ 【巩固运用】 1) The population in our city _____________________________.(正接近一百万) 2) They are trying______________________________________(一种新的做实验的方法) ( )3) At the meeting they discussed three different _____ to the study of mathematics. A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways ( )4) If you look out of the window on the right of the train, you’ll see that we’re now _______ the mountain areas. A. arriving B. approaching C. conquering D. coming 3. The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800. (L 20-21) 【观察思考】 1) The coat is three times as expensive as that one. 2) The coat is twice more expensive than that one. 3) The coat is three times the prize of that times. 7

4) The price of the coat is three times that of the shirt. 5) The production of cars last year was three times what it was in 2008. 6) They paid four times what they were able to earn to the state. 7) To our surprise, we got twice as many people to attend the meeting as we expected. 8) This year, we have twice as much water as we did last year. 【归纳总结】英语中表达倍数的形式如下: 1. A + is +倍数+as +形容词/副词+as+ B. 如句1). 形容词many, much 后可带上所修饰的名词,如句7) 和句8).. 2. ____________________________________________________如句2) 3. ____________________________________________________如句3) 4.The +名词+ of + A + is + that + of + B. 如句4) 5. 倍数+ what 从句。 如句5)和如句6) 【巩固运用】 ( )1.What a table! I’ve never seen such a thing before. It is _______ it is long. A. half not as wide as B. wide not as half as (05湖北) C. not half as wide as D. as wide as not half ( )2. At a rough estimate, Nigeria is ________ Great Britain. (05上海) A. three times the size as B. the size three times of C. three times as the size of D. three times the size of ( )3. Americans eat ________ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. A. more than twice B. as twice as many C. two times as many D. more than twice many ( )4. The town is ________than it was in 1990. A. three times as large B. larger three times C. as large three times D. three times larger ( )5. The area of this town is ______________in 1990. A. four times what it was B. four times it was C. it was four times D. as four times as it was Step III Recite the following beautiful sentences.(背诵下列靓句) 1. It is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment. 2. Asking around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly. Step IV Consolidating Exercise Do the relevant exercises in 《学海导航》 教学后记 8

课 题 课 型 词汇策略 Word Power M5U2 The Environment 课 型 第__ 周 星期 ___ 第_____节 Sept ___,2014 本节(课)三维目标与教学重难点 知识与技能 过程与方法 To enlarge Ss’ vocabulary related to the environment. To help Ss use the words about the environment as possible. Reading, observing and interactive activities, summarizing and catergorizing 情感态度与价值观 To help students’ form the necessary vocabulary strategy 教学重点 教学难点 To make students know the words related to environment, enlarging their vocabulary To help the students form necessary vocabulary strategies Teaching Procedures: Step1 Lead-in 1. Tell Ss that they will go traveling in Shangri La. What would they like to do? 2. Let Ss make a discussion. 3. Ask several Ss to report their idea to the class. Questions: 1). What are we interested in? 2).What type of hotel will we stay in? 3). What kind of energy does the hotel Ecoville use? 4.) How does the hotel wash the sheets? 5). What other characteristics does the environmentally hotel have? Step2 Vocabulary Learning 1. Read this brochure about a new, environmentally friendly hotel which is opening. (help Ss to learn the new words.) 2. Doing exercise.(help Ss to consolidate them.) 3. Ask Ss to label the pictures in part B and try to describe them in a few simple words if possible. (Help Ss improve their speaking abilities) Step 3 Vocabulary Extension 1. Ask Ss to focus on Part C on page 27. (help Ss strengthen understand the new words. ) 2. Ask Ss several questions. (check Ss’ understanding of the passage. ) ?Who thought of the idea to build in environmentally friendly hotel? ? Where did he get his inspiration (idea) ? ? What are the differences between Ecoville and other hotels? 3. Ask Ss to work in groups & have a competition on words that include the prefix ‘eco-’. Use dictionary if necessary. 4. Ask Ss to first complete the note in Part A on page 104 in WB, and then to complete the article in Part C on the same age. Step 4 Homework 1. Try to write an article on some environmental pollution and how to solve the problems. 2. Write a guide on how to be an ecotourist. 教学后记 9

课 题 课 型 非谓语动词之Verb-ing形式 M5U2 The Environment 语法讲练 授课时间 第__ 周 星期 ___ 第_____节 Sept ___,2014 本节(课)三维目标与教学重难点 知识与技能 过程与方法 To help the students’ grasp the usages of the V–ing form and the V–ing phrase. To help the students’grasp the usages of the perfect and passive form. Reading, observing and interactive activities, summarizing 情感态度与价值观 To inspire students’ grammatical awareness while using launguage 教学重点 教学难点 To help the students grasp the usages of the V–ing form and the V–ing phrase. To guide the students to grasp the usages of the perfect and passive form. Step one: Revision 用动词正确形式填空 1. It happened hard when the accident happened. (rain) 2. The students were looking forward to ______ (have) a holiday again. 3. He was reported 30 miles on foot that day. (cover) 4. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only the film stars had left. (tell) 5. I felt it an honour to speak here. (ask) 6. The man will use what he has a camera for his wife. (get) 7. Which do you enjoy the weekend, fishing or swimming. (spend) 8. There will be a party this evening. (hold) 9. Who would you rather have the window. (clean) 10. She is so poor in English that she has great difficulty herself freely. (express) Step two: Presentation v-ing结构: 语 态 形 式 主动语态 被动语态 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done (一). 动名词 1. 动名词的句法功能 ★ (Ⅰ). 作主语,可以直接放在句首,也可以用先行代词________作为形式主语,而把动名词后置。(单个动名词短语作主语时,谓语动词用 ) 例如:Smoking is bad habit. 温馨提示:动名词作主语还有以下两个习惯表达法: ①. It is no use (good) + 动名词:做某事没用(不好) ②. There is no + 动名词 (= It is impossible to do sth.) Practice: (1). There is no knowing what may happen.翻译:__________________ (2). It’s no good spitting in public. 翻译:__________________ ★ (Ⅱ). 作表语:通常是说明主语的内容,注意它与谓语动词进行时的区别 例如: ① His hobby is collecting stamps. ( 主语是什么,是____________) ② He is collecting stamps. ( 主语在干什么,是___________ ) ★(Ⅲ). 作宾语 A. 作及物动词的宾语 (stand, admit, dislike, imagine, delay, consider, mind, understand, avoid, enjoy, practice , miss, finish, keep, suggest, advise, recommend, appreciate, escape…) 例:I can’t stand ___ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ___ talking while she works.


A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping C. working; to stop D. To work; to stop B. 作介词的宾语 习惯于做 ; 盼望做 ; 致力于做 ; 花时间做 ;喜爱做 ; 擅长做 ; 为做…而自豪 ;对做…感到厌倦 ;想做 ; 温馨提示: 1)有些动词( continue, prefer, begin, hate, like, start, love)后面既可以接不定式作宾语,也可以接动名词作宾语 例:I like swimming but I don’t like to swim in winter. ◆ 学习小结:to do与doing区别: 2)有些动词,如forget, remember, regret等,后面接动名词表示 ,而不定式表示 。 3)动名词作真正宾语,而用it作形式宾语。 例:I found it no use / good quarrelling with him. ★(Ⅳ). 作定语 swimming pool, waiting room, walking stick a sleeping car 动名词可作前置定语,表示所修饰的词的用途或目的,可用for改写 a sleeping car = a car 2. 动名词的复合结构 例:①. He was awakened by his mother’s knocking at the door. ②. Mary’s laughing made Tom angry. (二). 现在分词 ★ (Ⅰ) V-ing used as attribute: 1. a running man 2. The man running in the picture is Liu Xiang. 3. The man running fastest got the first place. 4. The man who is running in the picture is Liu Xiang. ◆学习小结: (1) (2) Practice1. Fill in the blanks with the verb given in its proper form 1. Sixty million people__________(live) in rural areas are moving to the cities every year. 2. The bottle ___________( contain) the poison was sent to the laboratory. 3. The man ________(sit) on the platform is a professor from Wuhan University. 4. Who is the girl _________(walk) along the river? 5. The man with sun-glasses __________(stand) near a car is a detective. ★ (Ⅱ) V-ing used as Object Complement 1. We saw some students playing basketball on the playground. 2. I heard him singing in the next room. 3.They have the fire burning all night. ◆学习小结: (1). (2).V-ing形式作宾语补足语的常见动词: ①表示感觉和心理状态的动词,常见的有 ②表示指使意义的动词,常见的有 Practice1. Please complete the following sentences. ①.我发现地板上放着一个包。 I ___________________on the ground. (find; lie) ②. 那老板让工人整夜地工作。The boss ___________________________the whole night. (keep; work) ★(Ⅲ) V–ing used as predicative v-ing形式作表语时放在系动词之后,现在分词作表语,相当于形容词,表示主语的性质 例如:①. The film is interesting. ②. The result is _____________.(令人意外的) ◆ 学习小结:作表语的现在分词常常由下列动词转化而来: Practice. Fill in the blanks with the following in their proper form. shock astonish excite disappoint encourage invite 11

1. Our trip was ___________.We did not find any unusual plants. 2. The food at the dinner party did not seem very ____________. 3. The program for the weekend looks __________ . I am looking forward to it. 4. The news was __________ . All the three boats had sunk in the storm. 5. The report from Cook was _______ . The captain decided to attack the following night. 6. It was ________ to see the animals and plants that are found nowhere else in the world. ★(Ⅳ) V-ing used as an adverb: V-ing词组可以在句中充当时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、伴随 、让步等状语,相当状语从句,否定形式为not doing 1. v-ing短语作时间状语一般置于句首。如: Hearing the bad news, they couldn’t help crying. = , they couldn’t help crying. 当听到这个不幸的消息时,他们情不自禁地哭了起来。 __________________________, I decided to write back. 收到他的信后,我决定给他回信。 =___________________________ I decided to write back. ◆ 学习小结:doing与having done 的区别 Practice. Fill in the blanks with the verb given in its proper form 1. to the labs, we were taken to seen the library. (show) 2. the dog came over, our friend ran away. (see) 3. the work ,he went out. (finish) 2. v-ing短语作原因状语一般置于句首。如: ? Being so angry, he couldn’t go to sleep. =Because he was so angry, he couldn’t go to sleep. 因为太生气了,他不能入睡。 ? 因为他已经去过长城许多次,上周他就没去。 ____________________________________________, he didn’t go last week. _________________________________________________________, he didn’t go last week. 3. v-ing作条件状语置于句首或句末。如: Working hard, you will succeed. =If you work hard, you will succeed. 如果你勤奋一点,你就会成功 起早一点,否则你赶不上第一班公交车。 ____________, you won’t catch the first bus. =___________, you won’t catch the first bus. 4. v-ing短语作结果状语,常位于句末,用逗号与主句隔开,如 His parents died, . 他父亲死了,留下他一个孤儿(orphan)。 5.V-ing作伴随状语 They come into the classroom singing and laughing. =They sang and laughed; they came into the classroom. 他们又唱有笑地走进教室。 He sat at the table . (吃晚饭) 温馨提示:切记现在分词的逻辑主语通常为句子的主语,否则应用分词独立结构或状语从句。 Step three: Consolidation Exercise Do the relevant exercises in 《学海导航》 教学后记 12

课 题 课 型 语言综合技能 Task M5U2 The Environment 授课时间 第__ 周 星期 ___ 第_____节 Sept ___,2014 本节(课)三维目标与教学重难点 知识与技能 To help the students to listen and draw conclusions and help the students to read for information To help the students to read a scientific article Listening, speaking, brainstorming and interactive activities 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 To inspire students to actively apply language to practical use 教学重点 教学难点 To train students’ overall language skills by completing a series of activities To guide the students to apply their acquired knowledge to participate in the interactive activities of using language in a practical way 本节(课)教学目标 1 help the students to listen and draw conclusions and help the students to read for information 3 help the students to read a scientific article Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Skills building 1 : Explain to students that in order to draw conclusions, they need to think about the situation and the information they have and then try to decide what it means . 1 Ask the students to read the guidelines and the dialogues in skills building on Page 32, Ask them to draw conclusions from what is said in the dialogues and ask students to draw some conclusions. 2 Ask students to read the instructions in Part A . Then play the recording once and ask students to draw a conclusion about what kind of natural disaster occurred in each situation. 3 Tell the students to listen to the tape and complete Part B . Ask them to choose which of the conclusions are logical and to state their reasons . Step2 : Listening to a lecture 1. Ask students to listen to the tape and Encourage them to fully participate in to express their opinions freely . 3. Ask several students to read one answer each . 4. Ask students to finish Part B . Ask them to consider what conclusions can be drawn from the statements . Step3 : Skills building 2 :Reading for information 1 Ask students to read the guidelines on Page 34 .


2 Organize students into groups of six and tell them to discuss the reasons why they might want to read the materials mentioned in Part A . 3. Ask students to read the newspaper article in Part B and answer the four questions listed below it . Step 4: Reading a scientific article 1 Help students to review what they have learnt about desertification in Step 1 on Page 33 . Encourage them to list the things they know about desertification. 2 Ask students to read the scientific article about desertification . Make sure that they understand the article . 3 Organize students into groups of four and tell them to study the scientific article together. 4 Ask students to list their solutions on Page 35. Step 5: Skills building 3 : Presenting your point of view 1 Ask students to read the guidelines in this part . Make sure that they understand each point. 2 Ask students to read the instructions for Pat A on Page 36 and help them give explanation for their decisions. Ask several groups to explain their decisions to the class. Step 6 : Designing a poster 1 organize students into small groups , and ask them to read the viewpoints from some experts on desertification in Part A on Page 37 . They need to discuss which viewpoint they agree with and which one they will focus on. 2. Ask different groups to consider the questions in Part B and ask them to present their answers to the class. 3. Tell students that a good poster includes good content and a good layout . Ask students to read the instructions on Part C on Page 37 . 4. Ask each group to create their own poster . remind them to refer back to Step1 and 2 . Homework: Ask students to read the article in part A on Page 105 in Workbook. Then let them do Part B on the same page . 教学后记 14

课 题 课 型 综合技能 Project M5U2 The Environment ( 2 课时) 授课时间 第__ 周 星期 ___ 第_____节 Sept ___,2012 本节(课)三维目标与教学重难点 知识与技能 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 教学重点 教学难点 Learn to talk about some practical measures to protect the Yangtze River. Learn to write a report on the environment protection Listening, speaking, brainstorming and interactive activities To inspire students’ enviromental awareness and cherish the precious enviroment condition we are live in Learn to talk about the critical situation of some practical measures to protect the Yangtze River. Yangtze River and To guide the students to apply their acquired knowledge to participate in the interactive activities of using language in a practical way 本节(课)教学内容分析 Teaching Procedures: Step one: Lead-in and warm-up (5 mins) 1.Do a quiz about some basic knowledge of the Yangtze River. 2. Present some of the problems the Yangtze River is facing. (in the form of pictures) Step two: Guide the Ss to analyze the first report “Protecting the Yangtze River” (15 mins) 1. Listen to the radio of this report. 2. Guide the Ss to figure out the main idea of each paragraph. 3. Ask the Ss to divide these paragraphs into different parts and give their reasons. 4. Guide the Ss to work out the general structure of a report. 5. Ask the Ss to find out the facts and data that the author gave to make the report convincing and impressive. Step Three: Analyze the second report “Climate change and a low-carbon life” (10 mins) 1. Listen to the radio of this report. 2. Ask the Ss to analyze the structure of the report. 3. The Ss present their results to the whole class. (The Ss should work in pairs and follow the model of the previous report.) Step Four: A task “write a report”(13 mins) 1. We will talk about the steps of writing a report. Step 1: choose a good topic. Step 2: write an outline. ( the structure of a report) Step 3: search information. Step4: write your report. 2. The Ss discus in groups and decide how to write their report. 3. Each group presents the general description of their report. Step Five: Homework (2 mins) 1. Read the two reports carefully and find out important and difficult points. 2. Finish B1 & B2 and D1 & D2 in the workbook on P99 and P101. 3. Finish your report which should be due the day after tomorrow. I. Phrases translation 15

1. 把......归咎于...... 2. 排放进大气 3. 电厂 4. 长途旅行 5. 特别,尤其 6. 最后但同样重要 7. 一种满足感 8. 尽自己的职责 9. 解决这个问题 10. 引起国内外的关注 11. 依赖,依靠 12. 建立 13. 阻止非法捕猎 14. 水土保持项目 15. 退耕还林 16. 有一段很长的路要走 17. 关于,至于 II.Difficult sentences: 1. This project resulted in farmers ___________ their crops with trees or grass. 2. ________ something is burnt, carbon is put into atmosphere. 3. _______ ________ petrol and electricity we consume, _______ _______ carbon we are letting off. 4. If you _______ drive a car, it is never good to travel alone--- you should try to find other people to travel with you. 5. _______ a small tree is cheap and easy, and two decades from now, when you look at _______ will have become a large tree, you will find a sense of satisfaction ________ that you did your part to help solve the problem of climate change. III. Fill in the blanks Rivers are one of our most important natural r 1 . Many of the world’s great cities lie on rivers, and almost Since the beginning of history, people 3 (use) rivers for transportation. The longest one in the United every country has at least one river 2 (flow) through it, which plays an important part in the lives of people. States is the Mississippi, and the lifeline of Egypt is the Nile. 4 transportation, rivers give water to drink, water for crops, and chances for fun and recreation for the people 5 (live) along their banks. However, large cities and industries that 6 on rivers often make problems. As the cities grow 7 size and industries increase in number, the water in the rivers becomes 8 (pollute) with chemicals and other materials. People are learning the importance of doing more 9 (keep) their rivers clean 10 they want to enjoy the benefits of this natural resource. III.Language points 1.This is not good news for the people who rely on the Yangtze River for water. Nor is it good news for the wide range of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river. rely on 1)count or depend on sb./sth. 依赖 *rely on sb./sth. to do / (for) sth Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us. _______________________ 2) have trust or confidence in sb./sth信任 You can rely on me to keep your secret. _____________________________ 3)rely on it that…(it为形宾,真正的宾语that后的从句) You can rely on it that it will rain this weekend. _______________________________ range(n.)范围,变化,区域;(变化,差异的)幅度,差距 他兴趣广泛。 He has interests. the whole range of history ______________


outside the range of human knowledge __________________________ range的相关短语: range from …to … range between ... and... beyond the range of … 超过……的范围 within the range of … 在……范围之内 件事超出了我的能力范围。 ______________________________________ Those dresses range in price from twenty to fifty yuan. ______________________________________________ 2.Two special government projects are also under way be under way 已经开始并进行着 新的工程已在进行. The project _____ ______ _______.. When a discussion is under way, everybody is welcome to have the ____ in class. A. floor B. time C. chance D. right under+n 在辩论中 在讨论中 在建设中 在袭击中 被捕 在修理中 含way的几个特殊的短语 by way of _____________ 决不 _____________ find one's way______________ 妨碍某人 ___________ give way to _____________ 迷路 ______________ (辛苦地)前进 ____________ 让路,让位 _______________ 没门 _______________ 不管怎样,在某种程度上;有点,有几分 ____________ 一直,从头到尾;老远;完全,全部 __________________ 3.The efforts of the Chinese government and people to protect this much-loved river will be appreciated for years to come. make an effort to do sth _____________ spare no efforts _____________ appreciate 欣赏;体恤,体谅 You can't fully appreciate foreign literature in translation. I appreciate it + 从句 I'll appreciate it if you can help me. I would appreciate it___ you call back this afternoon for the doctor's appointment. A. until B. if C. when D. that appreciate +(one’s) doing We appreciate your helping us. I really appreciate ____to relax with you in this beautiful country. A. to have had time B. having time C. to have time D. to having time 4. However many other human activities also let off carbon gases. let off 排放;让…下车;允许…下船(或下岸);放(炮、烟火等):原谅,释放;饶恕;从轻发落:


The school bus stopped at the gate and let the pupils off. ____________ The teacher let that careless student off and didn't fail him. _________ The teacher forbade the pupils to let off fireworks in the school. _________ let sb ______ 使某人失望 let sth ______ 让进; 改窄,改瘦 let sb/ sth __________ 不打扰或不干涉某人 let sth ________ 放宽,放大(衣服等);发出叫喊;泄露(秘密等) let sb./ sth. go=let go of sb. / sth. ____________ 1).____________, I am very tired and I want a rest. 2).He failed again and again, which ______ his parents ______. 3).He's getting so fat that his trousers have to be ________ round the waist. 4). Don't _______ it ________ about me losing my job, will you? 5).This skirt is too big to fit me. It needs _________ at the waist. 6).Will the terrorists ___________ the hostages(人质)? 5. …, because trees can absorb the carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen. absorb 吸收(液体、气体等); 吸收(热、光、能等);承受;经受; Dry earth absorbs water quickly. _________________________ So many good ideas! It's too much for me to absorb all at once. ______________________________ She won't be able to absorb another heavy blow.______________________ be absorbed in 忙于做某事, 专心于 他如此专心致志地读书以致没听见铃响。 He ________ ________ _________ in a book that he did not hear the bell. V.单项填空。 1. Our shop is well ________ rare and good medicines and is ready to serve the patients. A. filled of A. admitted B. supplied to C. stocked with B. encouraged D. offered with D. allowed 2. Passengers are _______ from using such electronic devices as mobile phones during take-off and landing. C. prohibited 3. I think there is a train at 6:00, but you’d better ________. A. be sure B. be sure of C. make sure D. be sure about 4. Shortly after we were seated, a waiter ________ to our table with a smile. A. came about B. came over C. came out D. came across 5. For all these years I have been working for others. I’m hoping I’ll ________ my own business someday. A. turn up B. fix up C. set up D. make up Step Six: Consolidation Exercise Do the relevant exercises in 《学海导航》 教学后记 18


