外研版高中英语必修4 Module 1《Life in the Future》教案设计

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Module 1 Life in the Future 语言知识与运用教学设计

一、 设计理念:

根据新课标学习理念以及高考改革的新趋势,为建立和谐高效的课堂进行课程整合。本节课语言知识运用课节,我重点注重对学生的说、写能力的训练,使语言的输入和输出更加有机的结合起来,同时,将“以学生为本,以学生发展为本”的课程理念贯穿于整个教学过程中,将“自主学习,体验参与,合作探究”的学习方式渗透于学习过程中,运用多种教学活动和教学策略,体现了新课标要求,与高考接轨,采用任务型教学和探究性教学相结合的方式,着重提高学生的知识与语言的运用能力,由浅入深,由易到难,逐层拓展,循序渐进的实施课堂有效教学。此外,注意培养学生的情感目标和价值观的提升,使学生知识得以习得,情感得以升华。 二、 学情分析


力和创造力还有待鼓励。所有这些都是对老师备课的挑战,我会认真分析学生存在的各种问题和优缺点,认真备课,争取使每位学生在本堂课上都能有所收获。 三、教材分析

本节课是Book4 Module1的第二课时---语言知识与运用,即是词汇,语法和写作的课程整合。主题是“未来城市”,要求学生能通过想象力来描绘未来城市的发展前景并展开交流和讨论。本节课重点是对教材中所出现的重点词句进行讲解,语法项目是指导学生学会对将来时间的表达,并结合本模块所学进行一个微写作的练习。旨在从学生的兴趣,生活经验和认知水平出发,鼓励学生在老师的指导下,通过体验、参与、探索和合作等方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略和自主学习的能力。 四、教学目标 知识技能目标:

1. 复习课文主要内容并学习主要的语言点的运用; 2. 学会将来进行时的表达方法;

3. 灵活运用本节课所学内容进行微写作练习; 文化和情感目标:

4. 学以致用,提高学生保护自然资源和节约资源的意思;

5. 通过课堂活动,使学生认识到团队合作的重要性,并激发学生的想象力和创造力; 五、教法分析

任务型教学和探究性教学相结合 六、教具教学手段

多媒体,IP交互白板,幻灯片 七、教学时长:1课时 八、教学流程: Step 1: Warming-up

Show pictures about the imagination of the future city to lead in the lesson.

T: class, we have learned our text last period, and know some predictions about the future city. I am sure that each of you has a certain picture about it in your mind. Maybe after class you can draw it down and share your pictures with your classmates. Now I `d like to show several pictures to you. Some of them may become true, but some may be just the imagination. Anyway, we don`t know. Maybe our grandchildren, grand grandchildren will find the answers.

设计意图:新颖的图片引起学生的兴趣,诙谐的语言活跃课堂气氛,同时自然地引入本节课的学习任务。 Step 2: Learn the language points Activity1: Revise the text

T: These pictures are just our imagination. But class, from what we learned last period, we indeed learn something about the future city.

Some are certain, while others are just making predictions. Keys:

? The natural materials are running out. We should use lots of recycled materials such as plastic, steel paper and wood.

? Besides, we should rely more on alternative energy, such as solar and wind power.

? Load our spaceship with garbage

? Arrest criminals by firing nets instead of guns ? Online shopping

? All forms of recreations are free of charge ? High-tech cameras or travel into space ? Carry out operation at a long distance

设计意图:通过图表的形式回顾课文内容,练习了学习的语言表达能力,同时复现了重要的词汇知识,锻炼学生总结概括能力。 Activity 2: Drill work

No one knows for sure ______ the city of the future will look like and _______ (make) predictions is a ____(risk) business. In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earth`s natural __________ (resource) run out. We will use lots of ________ (recycle) materials and have to rely more ____ alternative energy.

Garbage ships will send them towards the sun, _________(prevent)

landfill and environmental problems. Police will arrest criminals by firing nets instead of guns. No smoking _________(allow) within a future city`s limits. All forms of recreation will be provided _____(freely) of charge. All cars will be powered by electricity, solar energy _____ wind.


Activity 3: Remember the important expressions ? for sure

? make predictions ? care for the environment ? natural resources ? run out ? get rid of ? rely on ? instead of ? free of charge


