2014英语国家概况复习资料 - 图文

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(第I卷 客观题 共45分) I. 选择题 (共30分; 每题1分) U.K.

1. The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on ____ . D A. passing the bills B. advising the government C. political parties D. public attitude

2. The policies of the Conservative Party in Great Britain are characterized by pragmatism and ____ . D A. government intervention B. nationalization of enterprises C. social reform D. a belief in individualism 3. ____ is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. A A. Oxford University B. Cambridge University C. Harvard University D. Yale University 4. Cabinet members are chosen by ____ in Britain. B A. the monarch B. the Prime Minister C. the Archbishop D. the Lord Chancellor

5. English belongs to the ____ group of Indo-European family of languages. B A. Celtic B. Germanic C. Indo-Iranian D. Roman 6. ____ is the longest river in Britain. B A. The River Thames B. The Severn River C. The Lough Neagh D. The Clyde River

7. The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except ____ . A A. Trooping the Color B. Queen’s Christmas message C. Boxing Day D. Christmas pantomime

8. Among Britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “Big Three” with the exception of

____ . C A. The Times B. The Guardian C. The Observer D. The Daily Telegraph 9. In 2012, Britain had a population of about ____ million. C A.163 B. 603 C. 63 D. 163 10. The two main islands of the British Isles are ____ . A A. Great Britain and Ireland B. Great Britain and Scotland C. Great Britain and Wales D. Great Britain and England

11. British Prime Minister ____ once said that, “Britain and the United States will stand side by side”. C A. Neville Chamberlain B. Winston Churchill C. Margaret Thatcher D. Tony Blair

12. The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it ____ . A A. set up the National Health Services B. improved public transportation C. abolished the old tax system D. enhanced the economic development

13. ____ government introduced the biggest changes in British economic policy since World War II. B A. Winston Churchill’s B. Margaret Thatcher’s C. John Major’s D. Tony Blair’s

14. ____ is a representative of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19th century. D A. Robert Louis Stevenson B. John Milton C. Joseph Conrad D. Charles Dickens

15. The three principle features of the climate of Britain are the following EXCEPT ____ . C


A. the frequent fog in winter B. the large number of rainy days C. extreme coldness even in summer D. changeability all the year round

16. Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of ____ in English. C A. grammar B. handwriting C. spelling D. pronunciation

17. The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of ____ words to English. D A. Danish and Finnish B. Dutch and German C. French and Italian D. Latin and Greek

18. ____ was not among the four self-governing dominions in the British Empire. C A. Australia B. Canada C. India D. the Union of South Africa

19. Of the following sectors in Britain, ____ has experienced spectacular growth since the end of World War II. C A. agriculture B. energy industry C. service industry D. manufacturing industry 20. ____ has more Nobel Prize winners than any other institution in Britain. B A. Oxford B. Cambridge C. The University of London D. King’s College London

21. Writers of ____ literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than with reason and intellect. C A. Renaissance B. Neo-Classical C. Romantic D. Victorian 22. The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of ____ . C A. the House of Valois B. the House of York C. the House of Tudor D. the House of Lancaster

23. Tourists from all over the world come to enjoy the beauty of Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see

Scotsmen wearing ____ . D A. bagpipes B. Welsh C. Gaelic D. kilts 24. The ____ marked the establishment of feudalism in England. C A. Viking invasion B. signing of the Magna Carta C. Norman Conquest D. adoption of common law 25. Commonwealth Day is an annual event celebrated on ____ each year. C A. the second Sunday in May B. the third Sunday in May C. the second Monday in March D. the third Monday in March

26. Such big cities as Glasgow, Manchester, Sheffield and Newcastle are famous for the ____ . D A. oil industry B. car industry C. shipping companies D. coalfields

27. During the 15th and 16th centuries an intellectual movement known as ____ swept Europe. ____ was the greatest

playwright of the world produced in this period in England. D A. Romance, Geoffrey Chaucer B. Christianity, George Bernard Shaw C. Italian literary influence, Sonnet D. Renaissance, Shakespeare

28. Aestheticism is the belief that artists have no obligation other than to strive for beauty---“art for art’s sake”. The

most important representative of Aestheticism is ____ . B A. Thomas Hardy B. Oscar Wilde C. Virginia Woolf D. William Butler Yeats

29. The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to ____ . A A. divorce his wife B. break with Rome

C. support the Protestants

D. declare his supreme power over the church

30. ____ is viewed as Romantic poetry’s “Declaration of Independence”. C


A. “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud” B. Don Juan C. “Preface to Lyrical Ballads” D. Prometheus Unbound U.S.

31. The U.S. lies in ____ North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic to its ____ and

the Pacific to its ____ . B A. northern, east, west B. central, east, west C. southern, west, east D. western, east, west

32. “No taxation without representation” was the rallying slogan before ____ . C A. World War I B. World War II C. the War of Independence D. the American Civil War 33. The Constitution of the United States ____ . D A. gives the most power to Congress B. gives the most power to the President

C. gives the most power to the Supreme Court

D. tries to give each branch enough power to balance the others

34. The following except the ____ are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. C A. freedom of religion

B. freedom of speech and of press

C. right to get into people’s house by police D. right to own one’s weapon if one wishes

35. Of the following persons, the ____ can NOT make legislative proposal in the U.S. A A. Secretary of State B. President C. Representative D. Senator

36. Of the following subjects, ____ are NOT offered to elementary school students in the U.S. D A. mathematics and languages B. music and physical education C. science and social studies D. politics and business education 37. Abraham Lincoln issued ____ to grant freedom to all the slaves in the U.S. D A. Bill of Rights B. Constitution C. Declaration of Independence D. Emancipation Proclamation

38. The terms for a Senator and a Representative in the U.S. are ____ and ____ years respectively. A A. six, two B. two, three C. two, six D. two, four 39. The National Day of the United States falls on ____ . B A. June 4th B. July 4th C. June 14th D. July 14th 40. ____ is regarded as “the father of American literature”. C A. George Washington B. Thomas Hardy C. Washington Irving D. Thomas Jefferson

41. Higher education in the United States began with the founding of ____ . B A. New York University B. Harvard University C. Princeton University D. Yale University

42. The first shots of the American War of Independence were fired in ____ . C A. Boston B. Concord C. Lexington D. Philadelphia

43. The symbol of the Democratic Party is a/an ____ , and a/an ____ represents the Republican Party. B A. elephant, donkey B. donkey, elephant C. mammal, reptile D. reptile, mammal

44. The eastern part of the United States consists of the highlands formed by the ____ and the western part consists of


high plateaus and the ____ . A A. Appalachian Range, Rocky Mountains B. Appalachian Range, Mississippi C. Rocky Mountains, Grand Canyon D. Mississippi, Grand Canyon

45. ____ is the largest state in the whole United States and ____ is the largest state in the part of the U.S. that is on the

mainland. B A. Alaska, California B. Alaska, Texas C. Rhode Island, New York D. Rhode Island, New Jersey 46. In the United States, the Bill of Rights ____ . B

A. defines the rights of Congress and the rights of the President

B. guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedoms C. has no relationship with the Constitution D. is part of the Declaration of Independence

47. The modern American economy progressed from ____ to ____ , and eventually, to ____ . B A. colonial economy, handcraft economy, industrial economy B. colonial economy, farming economy, industrial economy C. farming economy, handcraft economy, industrial economy D. handcraft economy, farming economy, industrial economy

48. The Supreme Court in the United States is composed of ____ justices. A A. nine B. ten C. eleven D. twelve 49. The characteristic of dominant American culture is ____ . B A. English-speaking, northern European, Protestant and upper-class B. English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-class

C. English-speaking, northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-class D. English-speaking, western European, Roman Catholic and upper-class

50. The following inventions took place during the “second industrial revolution” except ____ . B A. electric light B. refrigerator C. telephone D. typewriter 51. Of the following, ____ is NOT a characteristic of Mark Twain’s works. C A. a realistic view B. a sense of humor C. an idealistic view D. colloquial speech

52. The first successful English colony in North America was founded at ____ in ____ . C A. Jamestown, Louisiana B. Boston, Massachusetts C. Jamestown, Virginia D. Plymouth, Georgia

53. America produces a major portion of the world’s products in the following fields except ____ . D A. automobiles B. chemicals C. machinery D. oil 54. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s finest novel is ____ , and its theme is about ____ . D A. Tales of the Jazz Age, the loss of oneself B. Tender is the Night, love

C. The Beautiful and the Damned, the evil of human nature D. The Great Gatsby, the American Dream

55. Of the following books, ____ is NOT written by Ernest Hemingway. C A. A Farewell to Arms B. For Whom the Bell Tolls C. The Sound and the Fury D. The Sun Also Rises

56. The policy of the United States was ____ at the beginning of the two world wars. C A. appeasement B. full involvement C. neutrality D. partial involvement

57. The first people on the American continent came from ____ as early as ____ thousand years ago. C A. Asia, 2 B. Europe, 2 C. Asia, 20 D. Europe, 20 58. The first National Bank of the United States was established with the urge of ____ . A


A. Alexander Hamilton B. Andrew Jackson C. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson

59. Of the following universities, ____ has NOT cultivated any American Presidents yet. A A. Massachusetts Institute of Technology B. Harvard University C. Princeton University D. Yale University 60. Of the following writers, ____ is NOT a Nobel Prize winner. A A. Alice Walker B. Ernest Hemingway C. Eugene O’Neil D. William Faulkner 61. The following except ____ are all powers of the U.S. President. B A. appointing federal judges when vacancies occur B. making laws

C. issuing executive orders

D. vetoing any bills passed by Congress

62. Since 1959, the United States has been a country of ____ states. B A. 49 B. 50 C. 51 D. 52

63. ____ is the third largest city in the United States. It serves as the main connection between the eastern coast cities

and the West. A A. Chicago B. Denver C. Los Angeles D. San Francisco

64. The distribution of the population in the U.S. is rather uneven. The most densely populated region is the ____ part

of the country. A A. northeastern B. southeastern C. southwestern D. northwestern

65. President Roosevelt, in his attempt to tackle the economic depression in the 1930s, introduced his famous ____ .


A. neutrality policy B. new deal C. new monetarist policies D. “Great Society” policy Australia

66. As an ideal place for investments, Australia’s foreign capital mainly comes from ____ . A A. Japan and the United States B. Britain and France C. Japan and South Korea D. Germany and Switzerland 67. ____ is the date celebrated as Australia Day. C A. November 26th, 1388 B. December 26th, 1588 C. January 26th, 1788 D. February 26th, 1988 68. ____ is/are mainly responsible for education in Australia. B A. Federal government B. State governments C. Territory assemblies D. Municipal government

69. The first time that Australia developed a foreign policy independent of Britain was ____ . D A. after the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia B. after World War II

C. during the Great Depression of the 1930s D. during the Pacific War in World War II

70. Australia’s economy depends largely on ____ . C A. agriculture B. manufacturing C. foreign trade D. tourism

71. The Howard government’s foreign policy was based on relations with four key countries, namely ____ in

Australia. B


A. the U.S., Japan, Britain, China B. the U.S., Japan, China, Indonesia C. the U.S., Japan, Britain, Indonesia D. the U.S., Britain, China, Indonesia

72. Australian system of teaching and school discipline put emphasis on the following except ____ . C A. learning by discovery and questioning B. self-discipline C. outward discipline

D. encouraging student’s interest in learning 73. ____ is Australia’s capital. D A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Brisbane D. Canberra 74. In 2013, the population of Australia was about ____ million. A A. 22.9 B. 33.9 C. 40.9 D. 50

75. ____ is renowned for its unique plant and animal species. It is estimated that there are around 20,000 to 25,000

different plants native to the land. A A. Australia B. Canada C. The United Kingdom D. The United States

76. Most anthropologists believe that the Aborigines in Australia migrated from ____ at least 50,000 years ago. C A. east Asia B. south Asia C. southeast Asia D. North Asia 77. The Commonwealth of Australia was established in ____ . D A. 1847 B. 1885 C. 1900 D. 1901

78. Australia is a leading supplier of ____ to international markets. D A. agricultural products B. hi-tech products C. industrial products D. mineral resources Canada

79. The ____ holds the highest position in the Canadian parliamentary system. B A. British Crown B. Governor General C. President D. Prime Minister 80. The ____ is the largest political party in Canada. A A. Liberal Party B. Conservative Party C. Canadian Labor Congress D. New Democratic Party 81. ____ is the second largest country in the world. B A. Australia B. Canada C. The United Kingdom D. The United States 82. ____ is the largest city in Canada and ____ is the capital city. C A. Vancouver, Toronto B. Montreal, Ontario C. Toronto, Ottawa D. Quebec, Dawson 83. ____ recognized Quebec as a “distinct society”. A A. The Meech Lake Accord B. The Quebec Act C. The Constitutional Act D. The British North America Act 84. The influence of ____ has declined gradually in Parliament in today’s Canada. D A. the Conservative Party B. the Canadian Labor Congress

C. the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation D. the New Democratic Party

85. ____ was Canada’s first woman Prime Minister. D A. Pierre Trudeau B. Brain Mulroney


C. Jean Chretien D. Kim Campbell 86. In Canada, the largest religious denomination is ____ . B A. the Protestant Church B. the Roman Catholic Church C. the Puritan Church D. the Anglican Church

87. If applicants meet the basic requirements for an immigrant to Canada, they need to do the following except ____ .


A. applying for citizenship B. taking a medical exam C. paying an application fee D. paying a landing fee

88. The ____ on the border between Canada and the U.S. are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world. A A. Great Lakes B. Niagara C. Lough Neagh D. Lake Eyre

89. The name “Canada” is said to have derived from the Huron word “Kanata”, meaning “____”. C A. ocean B. north C. village D. ice

90. In 1497, the voyage led by an Italian captain discovered the eastern shores of Canada, which was claimed as ____ .


A. New South Wales B. Newfoundland C. New England D. New Hampshire

91. In the early ____ , both Britain and France founded permanent settlements in Canada. C A. 1400s B. 1500s C. 1600s D. 1700s

92. After the famous Seven Years’ War, ____ lost all of its colonies, and the whole Canada came under ____ control.


A. Britain, French B. France, British C. Spain, Indian D. India, Spanish

93. With the passage of the ____ in 1931, Canada was recognized as an equal partner of Britain. D A. British North America Act B. Canada Act C. Declaration of Independence D. Statute of Westminster

II. 读图题 (共5分; 每题1分)

III. 判断题 (共10分; 每题1分) U.K.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The British history before 55 BC is basically undocumented. T

The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons. T London is one of the three principal financial centers of the world. T

People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. F The Celtic people are the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. T

In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation. T

7. The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. T 8. The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history. F 9. In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers. F

10. Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems that prevented rapid economic

development in Britain. F

11. Hamlet depicts the hero’s struggle with two opposing forces: moral integrity and the need to avenge his father’s

murder. T

12. The British economy experienced a relative decline during the postwar period. T 13. Alexander Pope was a great English poet who also translated Homer’s Iliad. T

14. Blair made the Bank of England independent in order to separate politics and economic policy. T

15. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge brought the Romantic Movement to its height in British

literature. F U.S.

16. Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Tuesday in November. F

17. San Francisco is the second largest city after New York and the world famous Hollywood and Disneyland are

located there. F

18. Walt Whitman introduced great innovations to American literature, and he devised a poetic style, free verse. T 19. The United States is the fifth most populous nation in the world, ranking behind China, India, Brazil and South

Africa. F

20. During Clinton’s term, the economy developed steadily, resulting in a lower rate of unemployment. T

21. According to the American administration, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were responsible for the

terrorist event on September 11, 2001. F

22. The world economy has little to do with the growth and decline of the American foreign trade. F 23. In the United States, certain presidential appointments must be approved by Congress. T

24. New York is the commercial and financial center of the United States, and it is also one of the three principal

economic centers in the world. T

25. The Civil War not only put an end to slavery, but also decided that America was a single, indivisible nation. T 26. The U.S. congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it consists of two houses: the House of

Commons and the House of Lords. F

27. The eastern highlands formed by the Appalachians hold one third of the U.S. continental territory. F 28. President Roosevelt’s New Deal had little effect in dealing with the economic crisis in the early 1930s. F 29. Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin are two sources of American literary spirit. T 30. The Democratic Party of the U.S. is conservative in terms of its ideology. F Australia

31. The Australian Constitution can be changed either by government’s will or by referendum. F 32. Australia Day is on January 26th. T

33. Since Australia has a vast cultivable area, it has become the world’s leading exporter of agricultural products. F 34. In World War I, all members of the Australian armed forces who served overseas were volunteers. T 35. For Australian citizens over the age of 16, it is compulsory to vote at election time. F Canada

36. Canada is the third largest country in the world in terms of territory. F


37. Multilingualism and multiculturalism are characteristics of Canadian culture. T

38. Laval University is the largest institution in Canada, while University of Toronto is the oldest one. F 39. Quebec separated from Canada and established a French-speaking nation in the 1960s. F 40. The Canadian government is responsible to the King or Queen of Britain. F

(第II卷 主观题 共55分) I. 排序题 (共6分; 每题1分) Group One: Australian History A. Captain Philip’s arrival B. A federal constitution being adopted C. James Cook’s arrival D. Great Depression E. White Australia Policy F. Sidney Olympic Games (1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. D 6. F)

Group Two: British History A. Queen Elizabeth I’ s reign B. William the Conqueror’s invasion C. Queen Victoria’s reign D. Claudius I’s invasion E. The Fall of the Empire F. Margaret Thatcher’s government (1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. E 6. F )

Group Three: British Literary Periods A. The Modern Period B. The Victorian Period C. The Renaissance D. The Middle English Period E. The Romantic Period F. The Neo-Classical Period (1. D 2. C 3. F 4. E 5. B 6. A )

Group Four: U.S. History A. The War of Independence B. The Civil War C. Christopher Columbus’ discovery D. Reestablishing the ties with China E. Great Depression F. Vietnam War (1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. F 6. D)

II. 配对题 (共20分; 每题2分)

试卷上会出2组,每组5题。类别如下: 类别1:作者与其作品配对。(中文翻译仅供复习时参考,考卷上没有中文!下同。) Names Books Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟 The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集 William Shakespeare莎士比亚 Hamlet哈姆雷特


Charles Dickens狄更斯 Thomas Hardy哈代 Jane Austen简·奥斯丁 George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 Benjamin Franklin富兰克林 Washington Irving华盛顿·欧文 Mark Twain马克·吐温 Ernest Hemingway海明威 F. Scott Fitzgerald菲兹杰拉德 Arthur Miller亚瑟·米勒 Nathaniel Hawthorne霍桑 类别2:战争与其起因配对。 Wars Oliver Twist雾都孤儿 Tess of the D’Urbervilles德伯家的苔丝 Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见 Pygmalion卖花女 Poor Richard’s Almanac穷理查年鉴 Rip Van Winkle瑞普·凡·温克 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝里·芬历险记 The Old Man and the Sea老人与海 The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比 Death of a Salesman推销员之死 The Scarlet Letter红字 Causes Territory; market for wool Taxation Slavery Power Balance; colonial rivalry A continuation of WWI The Hundred Years’ War英法百年大战 The War of Independence (in 1775)美国独立战争 The Civil War (in 1861)美国南北战争 World War I第一次世界大战 World War II第二次世界大战

类别3:历史人物与其职业配对。 Names Elizabeth Tudor伊丽莎白·都铎 Margaret Thatcher撒切尔夫人 Virginia Woolf沃尔夫 St. Augustine圣奥古斯丁 Charlotte Bronte夏洛特·勃朗特 Abraham Lincoln林肯 Emily Dickinson狄更生 Eugene O’Neil尤金·奥尼尔 Kim Campbell坎贝尔 Beowulf贝尔沃夫 Occupations Queen英国女王 British Prime Minister英国首相 Writer作家 Archbishop大主教 Novelist小说家 U.S. President美国总统 Poet诗人 Playwright剧作家 Canadian Prime Minister加拿大总理 Legendary Swedish warrior传说中的瑞典战士 类别4:著名政客与其所属政党配对。 Names Margaret Thatcher撒切尔夫人 Tony Blair布莱尔 John F. Kennedy肯尼迪 Richard Nixon尼克松 Bill Clinton克林顿 George W. Bush布什 Kevin Rudd陆克文 Political Parties Conservative Party保守党 Labor Party工党 Democratic Party民主党 Republican Party共和党 Democratic Party民主党 Republican Party共和党 Australian Labor Party澳洲工党

类别5:历史事件与其相关人物配对。 Historical Events Fighting against the Vikings对抗北欧海盗

Figures Related Alfred the Great阿尔弗雷德大帝 10

